Tਈਅ B਒ਅਅਚਅ - 2 Opinion Make valuing life a priority, not an afterthought NICKIE COBY message board. Others said the Valuing life puts the be helping researchers working identify a color, I will most likely SENIOR EDITOR resources should go to someone emphasis on protection. We on cures for health problems be able to do this. I have heard who had more potential for have laws that protect people and care for people with severe reports of Terri’s abilities being Emotions ran high; people recovery. Others questioned if from being murdered. The disabilities instead? Why do greater than medical tests lead picketed, families divided and how she was living was any way problem with prioritizing life people prefer to end a woman’s us to believe. It concerns me to discussions of living wills fi lled to live at all. is that it does not value it. If life because they dislike the think that Terri could have had TV screens and newspapers. Truly, I do understand these someone says that women are quality instead of trying to more capacity than we thought Almost everyone had an concerns, but society is looking stupid, weak or worthless, we improve it? I do not believe that she did. opinion about Terri Schiavo, the at this issue the wrong way. call them sexist. If someone in 2005 we cannot do more to Whether Terri was brain- woman caught in a battle over Society tries to put a price says people with a diff erent skin help people rehabilitate. I do dead or just brain-damaged keeping in a feeding tube or tag on life. Society expects color cannot participate in an not believe that people with does not matter now; she is removing it. Some people felt everyone to contribute equally. activity or should not be hired disabilities cannot contribute. dead. What does matter is the judge was a murderer, some People need to look good, be for a certain job, we call them I do not believe that people how society views people said he was compassionate. able to do everything and help racist and threaten them with should be measured by their with disabilities. Will society Others said we should just support society as a whole. a lawsuit. To a point, we even appearance or contribution to start to value people with leave the poor family alone. Certainly, having expectations protect the rights of people with society. disabilities less? Will society As a person with a disability, I for others is not a bad thing. disabilities although this area of I do not know how much start encouraging people who had a diff erent opinion about If our teachers do not have civil rights has not developed brain capacity Terri Schiavo are severely disabled to kill the case. Of course, I did feel expectations for us, we do not as fully yet. But society starts had. I do not know if she could themselves? Or, will society try concern for Terri and her family, work to achieve the reward of a to draw the line when it comes have recovered. Even with the to fi nd ways of helping people but I was also concerned with better grade. Wanting people to to lives. Suddenly, a woman best technology, we can never with disabilities to live their lives? the attitude of people watching have abilities is also important; who is brain-dead or at least know what a person can do for The answers to these questions the case. if an employer hires someone brain-damaged should have the sure. I am a walking example of will determine the quality of Some people said she to sing in a coffee shop, that “right to die.” this. Doctors told my parents life for many Americans with should die. “Why should it person needs to be able to sing. I do not believe dying has I could not see colors; all of disabilities. If we do not draw even matter. She’s not even It is also important to value life. to be a right. Why do Americans their pictures of my eye and the line, people with disabilities contributing to society,” one But valuing life and prioritizing invest so much money in operations seemed to confi rm may fi nd ourselves with fewer person wrote on an online it are two diff erent things. lawsuits when the money could this. However, if you ask me to rights. America could become Blast from the past predicts present society IAN GILDERSLEEVE can drive on most highways is 50 fl owers” so to speak. They zip few typed words? Or not even anyone. A bigger population STAFF WRITER miles an hour. And we just keep through things and don’t pay words. A few letters that mean means more minorities. And not raising the speed limit. It has much attention. So they miss a whole diff erent thing: Lol, brb, just people of a diff erent color or The book Fahrenheit 451, now reached 75 miles an hour somethimes very important ttyl, j/w. I’m not saying that I religion. Pretty much anyone of by Ray Bradbury, was written in in some states. The government things, things that matter. If we don’t use these when typing on a specifi c group. No one wants 1953. It was a futuristic book for does this because people say, don’t pay attention then we an instant messenger. It’s easier. to step on anybody’s toes or its time. Yet now it seems more “Well, they are going that fast are going to miss things and But the level of communication offend anyone in anyway. In like a contemporary book. anyway.” But no matter how high other people are going to take decreases. a survey made by The Knight Many of the predictions that you raise it some people are just advantage of us. Also people can access Foundation’s High School Ray Bradbury made are coming, going to go faster. Everything is getting almost anything with just their Initiative and conducted by the or have come, true. In the story a That is what is happening shorter, for we are becoming cell phone. Cell phones used Department of Public Policy at girl’s uncle is arrested for going in our society. People are going lazier. Books are becoming to be just a portable phone, the University of Connecticut, 40 miles an hour. And in today’s faster and faster through life, shorter, and not many people something convenient so you over 100,000 students were world the minimum speed you not stopping to “smell the really want to read anymore. could contact people while questioned at 544 schools. They want it all to be quick, to on the move. But now on cell Thirty percent of students get to the snap ending. Students phones you can play games, go said that they believed that The Forest Breeze moan and groan about reading on the Internet, take pictures, people shouldn’t be able to The Breeze is published by the student body of Forest Lake books that are over a hundred make videos, and instant sing songs that could offend Senior High, 6101 Scandia Trail N., Forest Lake, Minnesota pages. It is so sad to see people message one another. There anyone. Well, we might as well 55025. Call (651) 982-8580 to reach the Breeze or for advertising complaining about reading might be one day where cell just get rid of music then. Our information. Writers of the Breeze express views not necessarily a book that is so short, when phones won’t be used to call society is so afraid of off ending of the school, students, staff or administration of School District they only have to read about anyone anymore, just be used someone that we have editors 831. 20 pages a night. And that is for all that other stuff . It reminds censor almost everything. In Type and headlines are set in the Breeze newsroom, 331. exactly what this book is talking me of gadget from the fi rst Spy Fahrenheit 451, society decided The paper is printed at ECM Publishers, Forest Lake, Minnesota. about. People “burning” books Kids movie. There was a watch that it would be best to rid itself The Breeze welcomes the opinions of anyone connected to the by not reading them. that could do pretty much of books and its problems at the Forest Lake High School community. Please send opinions to In the book, a character everything… except tell time. It same time the Forest Breeze, care of Mrs. Livermore. Unsigned letters will named Beatty says, “It didn’t was so full of all the other stuff So is that where we are not be printed; however, names can be withheld upon request. come from the government that there wasn’t anymore room headed? A world without books? Student editors: down. There was no dictum, for the clock. A world where people don’t pay Jessica Ruka no declaration, no censorship People bury themselves attention to the things around John Schwietz to start with, no! Technology, in their phones. You can’t walk them, to what really matters? A Nicole Coby mass exploitation, and minority down a school hallway or down world without opposing views? pressure carried the trick.” a public street without seeing If so, then we are heading Staff Writers: This is saying that the public someone staring at their phone, towards totalitarianism. You Joelle Anderson Thomas Kling “burned books” on their own pushing buttons. And if these may think what I have said Victoria Bizzotto Kelly Murphy by neglecting them and not people are so focused on their is wrong, but take a look at Joel Partyka Amanda Kissner reading them. It mentions phone then they are not paying the world around you and see Ian Gildersleeve Samantha Grimes technology, a big part of our attention to the things around what is happening. People are Ashley Scheiller Sabina Hasic society. Why read from a book them. rushing through life, not paying Alexandra Hedin Megan Slattery when you can read from the The quote made by Beatty attention. Everything is being Dan Hoff Naomi Wolff Internet? Why talk on the also stated that minority censored, which, with some phone when you can get the pressure really helped as well. things, threatens a citizen's Adviser: Laura Livermore same message across with a Nobody wanted to offend First Amendment rights. Read Fahrenheit 451 and you will be Opinion Tਈਅ B਒ਅਅਚਅ - 3 The key is creativity, not immodesty SABINA HASIC STAFF WRITER

“It’s hard to fi nd a fashionable shirt that is appropriate for school,” said the Assistant Principal Mrs.Ungerecht. The Forest Lake Area dress code defi nes clearly what is appropriate to wear to school and what is not. Since many teens follow the latest fashion and trends, they feel like it’s ok to wear clothes that don’t cover everything. “Part of the problem that schools face with dress codes is that youth fashions change frequently,” said Mrs. Ungerecht. But one can still be fashionable and not show too much skin or cleavage. Layering is extremely popular. It’s a trend straight from the runways, and it’s how you can wear your weekend clothes to school. An example of that is if you want to wear a tank top, wear it over a fi tted baby tee. Basketball jerseys worn alone are off -limits, and to keep the sporty look, guys should wear a bright color tee-shirt underneath the jersey to create contrast. Being creative is key to still being in style and not breaking the school dress code. It’s about creating personal style. Schools have banned clothes with logos for drugs or alcohol, and that’s not the look you should be going for anyway. Today’s teen wear is very small and shrunken looking. Clothes are made like everybody is a super model, that they can wear the tiniest shirt possible. The styles have gotten so extreme, with short shorts, spaghetti straps, the bare midriff s, it has gotten to the point where students pay no attention to the dress code, where they say, ‘This is the style and this is what’s selling in the stores.’ Under the dress code, lengths of skirts have to reach a student’s fi ngertips with the arms at her sides. But students are getting away with a lot shorter shorts or skirts, and not everybody likes it. “A girl was wearing a skirt where you almost saw her butt cheeks,” said Senior Krista Weiss. Current fashion made it diffi cult to enforce dress code. “The staff doesn’t pay much attention to students wear other than hats,” Krista added. People express a part of themselves through clothing. “Clothes can say a lot about a person,” said Senior Larissa Burlakova. Today’s clothing is designed for diff erent activities and occasions. It’s all designed to fi t a specifi c occasion. There has to be a diff erence to what you wear to school, and what you wear when you go out to a party or a place where dress code is not enforced. Be careful what you wear, and be respectful for what other people are wearing as long it’s modest. It’s a part of who they are, and everybody is unique in their own way. Uniforms are not the answer but are being discussed on staff meetings. Life would be boring if everybody dressed the same way and looked the same way. Be creative, but be modest.

Hazardous to your self-esteem: T.V. shows that focus on the rich JESSICA RUKA Beach: The Real Orange County. these shows do not completely in their situation, we think if I prance around, acting as if they EDITOR If for whatever reason you understand the message/point was going to prom and I had own the world—even though somehow haven’t seen these of these shows because (let me all that money, I wouldn’t wear the world to them is only the Pretty girls with a lot of shows, let me give you a short be the first to tell you) there that. size of Los Angeles or New York money and their own television synopsis of each program. Rich isn’t one. These shows have The young people on these City – and they are completely show. Girls watch and wish they Girls ran for one season and no moral values, no consistent shows represent the ideal disrespectful to those who any were those pretty girls with chronicled Ally Hilfi ger (Tommy plots and in the case of My person; when common youth “normal” person would regard a lot of money. Guys watch Hilifi ger’s daughter) and Jaime Super Sweet Sixteen, not even watch they see themselves in as a dignifi ed person, i.e. your and wish they were with the Gleicher’s (daughter of the man the same characters. So aside their position, the stars on these mother. pretty girls with a lot of money. who owned shoes embody the On one episode of My Adults watch and wish they Innovation identity idolized Super Sweet Sixteen, a not could knock some sense into Luggage) by common youth. even 16-year-old girl went pretty girls with a lot of money. last few Media teacher Ms. on vacation with her friends, These pretty girls are all over months as Eikren explained despite her mother saying she out television spending a lot high school why these reality couldn’t. Then, she charged of money, and viewers cannot seniors and programs are so the trip on her mother’s credit bear to turn their heads or the the summer appealing, “That card, and went on to call her channel. Television executives that followed is who [young mother several four-letter words are making a lot of money off of where they people] want to be, when her mother canceled the pretty girls with a lot of money. shopped and they think they can card, prompting the end of her The existence of “reality” vacationed. be rich someday.” vacation, keeping in mind the television is a reality we all have My Super The stars on these mother was also fi nancing her come to accept. Reluctantly or Sweet shows are all entire sixteenth birthday party. with pleasure, we have given Sixteen gorgeous, wealthy On Rich Girls and Laguna Beach up the primetime spots on local airs once a and popular, friends talk behind other friends channels that used to be home week (with which is exactly backs, or sometimes, do not to great dramas or sitcoms and different what most young even save their friends or their let them be replaced by shows people every people want to be. own dignity and blatantly talk entertaining America with week) and chronologically from drama, what keeps young “Everyone wants to be rich, bad about one another when people competing to work for shadows a wealthy child’s society watching shows that are loved, beautiful and a part of they are standing right next a man who has the ugliest hair sixteenth birthday party from morally bankrupt? the young society, especially to them. Because most these and prettiest wife. Now we are planning to blowing out the There is an obvious answer in this demographic.” When girls are completely immoral, giving up shows on MTV that candles. Laguna Beach: The regarding the appeal of these watching these programs you you feel good when you are actually focus on music to be Real Orange County follows the shows, and that is the idea of can easily put yourself in their watching and lately that is one replaced by shows with good “in” clique, comprised of rich, “coveting thy neighbor.” These shoes because they are doing of the main reasons people looking teenage girls spending beautiful guys and girls, as all programs showcase wealthy normal activities, but you are watch TV at all. a lot of money or living a life but one (one junior will be the young people doing normal still entertained and intrigued Feeling good and wishing that requires a lot of money. main character in next season’s things— graduating, going to by the money and beauty the you were someone else never Television producers at Laguna Beach) conclude their prom, shopping, planning a stars of these shows have. went together before until the MTV are getting rich off of their high school career and move party etc.— but it is entertaining Aside from watching airing of Laguna Beach, My Super ingenious idea to fuse together into other endeavors. These because when people have and wishing, there is another Sweet 16 and Rich Girls. Now it both society’s fascination with shows are defi nitely packed full money they do everything element that makes these shows seems as if sinning and gaining people who are better looking of drama, money and beauty, extravagantly. These shows addicting, and that is the fact self-esteem may become the and have more money than but when you watch, you play off of the idea of watching that somehow when watching, staple eff ect for all shows MTV them and . can’t help feel like you aren’t people who have what you you feel good about yourself. airs, especially considering MTV This idea is the core of almost watching anything. Why is this? only dream about having. Even if you only have 36 cents in all of MTV’s new hit TV shows, With these three programs, When we watch these people your checking account and they including Rich Girls, My Super what you see is what you get. do these normal things, we have $36 million, you can’t help Sweet Sixteen, and Laguna Even the most avid fans of immediately picture ourselves but feel better than them. They