NORTH WOODS A SPECIAL SECTION OF THE VILAS COUNTY NEWS-REVIEW POSTAL PATRON AND THE THREE LAKES NEWS PRSRT STD ECRWSS U.S. Postage PAID Wednesday, Permit No. 13 Sept. 5, 2018 Eagle River (715) 479-4421 © Eagle River Publications, Inc. 1972 THE PAUL BUNYAN OF NORTH WOODS ADVERTISING Century 21 Burkett & Associates Wins Coveted Per Agent Productivity Award There are over 8,000 Century 21 offices worldwide. Only 200 Per Agent Productivity Awards are given each year to 200 offices. This is the second year in a row that Century 21 Burkett & Associates has won this award. “When you hire Century 21, you hire a team of agents to work for you, not one agent. These are the people you want to represent you!” —Jerry Burkett Our Team — front row: Mary Radtke, Joyce Nykolayko, Charity Boldebuck and Erica Hultsch; middle row: Jerry Burkett, Sue Carr, Amanda Rainer, Gary VanWormer, Rick Maney, Shelly Ramesh, Diana Chopin and Jim Nykolayko; back row: Chuck McDonald, Cliff Kolinsky, Tom Kolinsky, Dave Meyer, Bud Pride, Tara Stephens and Rick Brashler. “THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME!” 223 W. Pine St. Kiosk Downtown 4153 Hwy. B Eagle River Eagle River Three Lakes Land O’ Lakes 715-479-3090 715-477-1800 715-546-3900 715-547-3400 Burkett & Associates NORTH WOODS TRADER Wed., Sept. 5, 2018 Page 2
[email protected] Jeremy Michael Mike Dara Marc David Rachel Diane & John Ryan Queoff Swisher Maillette White Eliason Dreger Misina Richelle & Tim Peggy Bernie Rick Ray Tom Ed John Bill Kruse Ausloos Kazda Lovdal Weber Martens Foxe Kazda Wendorf “Wednesday Walkthrus” Visit to check out our weekly YEAR-ROUND CABIN - 247' front- CISCO CHAIN - 2 BR, 1 BA, Mamie age.