RUSSIAN FEDERATION GOVERNMENT OF TYUMEN REGION DEPARTMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND THE STATE SUPPORT OF BUSINESS OF TYUMEN REGION COMMODITY ASSORTMENT OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES, TIMBER PROCESSING COMPLEX, THE LIGHT INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES AND BUILDING SECTOR ENTREPRISES OF TYUMEN REGION Tyumen COMMODITY ASSORTMENT OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES OF TYUMEN REGION TYUMEN REGION IS YOUR RELIABLE PARTNER! Company name Products 1. “Tyumen Accumulator Starter lead-acid battery Industrial Enterprise” Joint- Traction cast-in battery with multilayer Stock electrodes (includes spare parts) Traction battery with multilayer electrodes 103, Yamskaya, st., Tyumen, (includes electrolyte and spare parts) 625000 Diesel locomotive battery (includes spare tel./fax: (3452) 43-41-73 parts but does not include electrolyte) (3452) 43-46-13 Stationary battery (includes spare parts but
[email protected], does not include electrolyte) Polyethylene film Europallet CEO – Alexander Vasilevich Battery body and parts Korelyakov Packing boxes Laundry hamper and piece-products basket 2. “GROM” Joint-Stock Oil and gas production equipment: 130, Druzhbi st., post office box Preventers (rod BOP and small-sized) 1590, Tyumen, 625031 Stabbing valves for prompt shutdown and hermetization of drilling tool tubing line tel.: (3452) 47-28-98 Throttle locking device fax: (3452) 47-29-22 Vertical sludge pump e-mail:
[email protected] Well drilling rig complex with circulating system Shale shaker CEO – Alexander Pavlovich