Of the Codex Manesse
The crests and coats-of-arms in the Grosse Heidelberger (Manesse) and Weingartener Liederhandschriften M A N Cod.Palat.Germ.848 Heidelberg, Universitätsbibliothek W L H HB XIII 1 = Poet.Germ. 1 Stuttgart, Württembergische Landesbibliothek Edited by Steen Clemmensen CONTENTS: Introduction 2 Manuscripts and editorial approach 2 Date, content and relations 3 References 6 Grosse Heidelberger (Manesse) Liederhandschrift 8 Weingartener Liederhandschrift 26 Ordinary of arms 28 Name index 30 © Steen Clemmensen, Farum, Danmark, 2008, www.armorial.dk Introduction: The miniatures with scenes of chivalry and coats-of-arms from the Codex Manesse or Grosse Heidelberger Liederhandschrift are probably the most used illustrations for both fiction and non- fiction books and articles on the Middle Ages. As such many of these are well-known to both armorists and interested members of the general public. The Manesse and the related Weingartner manuscript are collections of german medieval romantic poetry (Minnesang) with illustrations of the authors of the poems selected. All miniatures from both manuscripts are published in full colour and with extensive comments, and the Manesse is also available at the website of the Heidelberg University. This short editions of the coats of arms is merely intended as a key to the arms in the two manuscripts with short descriptions of the minstrels and notes on their relations to other armorials. The manuscripts and editorial approach The Grosse Heidelberger Liederhandschrift or Codex Manesse, MAN, BGH #3, Heidelberg Universitätsbibliothek, Cod.Palat.Germ.848, is written on parchment, 250 x 355 mm, presently of 426 folios, with ancient pagination in arabic numerals and some legends (omitted) in thin black ink, and contain 6000 verses by 140 poets living c.1150-c.1230, and 137 miniatures, numbered in roman numerals in heavy red ink, with 117 coats-of – arms by 4 illuminators.
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