1 HOW DOES MOBILE APP FAILURE AFFECT PURCHASES IN ONLINE AND OFFLINE CHANNELS? Unnati Narang Venkatesh Shankar Sridhar Narayanan December 2020 * Unnati Narang (
[email protected]) is Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, Venkatesh Shankar (
[email protected]) is Professor of Marketing and Coleman Chair in Marketing and Director of Research, Center for Retailing Studies at the Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, and Sridhar Narayanan (
[email protected]) is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University. We thank the participants at the ISMS Marketing Science conference, the UTDFORMS conference, and research seminar participants at the University of California, Davis, the University of Toronto, the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, and the University of Texas at Austin for valuable comments. 2 Abstract Mobile devices account for a majority of transactions between shoppers and marketers. Branded retailer mobile apps have been shown to significantly increase purchases across channels. However, app service failures can lead to decreases in app usage, making app failure prevention and recovery critical for retailers. Does an app failure influence purchases in general and within the online channel in particular? Does it have any spillover effects across other channels? What potential mechanisms explain and what factors moderate these effects? We examine these questions empirically, employing a unique dataset from an omnichannel retailer. We leverage a natural experiment of exogenous systemwide failure shocks in this retailer’s mobile app and related data to examine the causal impact of app failures on purchases in all channels using a difference-in-differences approach.