Joints, ears, and navels! Sarah M. Depenbrock, DVM, MS, DACVIM (LAIM) Assistant Professor or Livestock Medicine, UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine

Abstract ing lymph node, heat or pain on palpation, and changes in range of motion. History or evidence of infections such as Infectious diseases of the joints, ears, and umbilicus are pneumonia, enteritis, or omphalophlebitis should raise the common diseases of the calf. Many different infectious agents concern for possible secondary to a bactere- can play a role in disease at these different anatomic sites. mia or septic event. Combinations of these diseases often present in the same Septic arthritis in calves typically results from hema- population of calves, and the problem can often be traced togenous spread of infectious agents.13 Although external to inappropriate colostrum management practices. This trauma or extension from digital infections can certainly re- review provides an overview of septic arthritis, otitis, and sult in septic arthritis in calves, these are less common routes navel ill in calves as well as a brief discussion on colostrum compared to adult cattle who typically acquire septic arthritis management practices. as an extension from disease in the digit. Bacteria commonly isolated from cases of septic arthritis in calves include: Strep- Key words: septic arthritis, otitis, omphalitis, omphalophle- tococcus (coag negative), Trueperella pyogenes, Pasteurella- bitis, omphaloarteritis, urachitis ceae, Enterobacteriaceae, and Mycoplasma bovis.4,5,8 A presumptive diagnosis of septic arthritis can be made Résumé - matory testing usually includes arthrocentesis and diagnostic Les maladies infectieuses des articulations, des oreilles imaging.on the basis Arthrocentesis of physical exam is an findings extremely in someuseful cases; tool forconfir the et de l’ombilic sont communes chez le veau. Plusieurs agents diagnosis of septic arthritis in calves. In suspected cases, infectieux peuvent jouer un rôle dans la maladie à ces dif- joint effusion usually allows for relatively easy access for joint férents sites anatomiques. Différentes combinaisons de ces - maladies se présentent souvent dans la même population de propriate restraint of the animal, a sample is obtained with veaux. Des pratiques de gestion inappropriées du colostrum afluid needle aspiration. and syringe After and aseptic is examined preparation grossly of the for siteevidence and ap of sont souvent à l’origine de ces problèmes. Cet article donne decreased viscosity, cloudiness or foul odor, any of which are un aperçu de l’arthrite septique, de l’otite et des affections suggestive of septic arthritis. The diagnosis can be further de l’ombilic chez les veaux de même qu’une brève discussion supported by laboratory evaluation including cytology and des pratiques de gestion du colostrum. biochemical analysis. Cytology predominated by neutrophils or presence of bacteria in neutrophils, or increased protein Introduction concentration are all consistent with septic arthritis. Ranges

Why talk about joints, ears and navels all together? They have been published.14 Culture and sensitivity can be useful all represent very common sites for infection in calves, share for prognosticatingcytologic and chemical and planning evaluation treatment. of bovine Mycoplasma synovial mustfluid several underlying infectious etiologies, and may result from be cultured using different techniques than standard culture similar management problems. and sensitivity, so the clinician usually must request Myco- plasma testing in addition to standard culture and sensitivity. Septic arthritis Mycoplasma bovis PCR is available at some laboratories and Septic arthritis is a common cause for lameness in may be a more rapid way to investigate cases of Mycoplasma calves. Often, septic arthritis is accompanied by severe bovis. If joint infection is suspected, empiric treatment should lameness, however, this is not always the case. Cases can be begin without delay, before results of culture/ sensitivity are missed, or only found when chronic, if careful examination complete. Treatment recommendations can change after re- is not performed. Reasons that lameness may be masked ceiving results if indicated. Unfortunately, culture and sensitiv- include systemic illness such that the calf is depressed, slow ity testing do not always yield positive results despite clinical moving, weak or unwilling to rise, or multiple-limb lameness evidence of sepsis in a synovial structure. The absence of bacteria on culture should not be taken as a sign that the joint is not septic. The clinical picture, gross and microscopic ap- inthat young obscures calves, the and severity thus theof lameness expected in severe each specificlameness limb. as- sociatedIt can occasionally with septic be arthritis difficult may to detectbe less pain obvious or lameness in some can all be used to determine if the joint is likely septic or not. cases. Other clinical signs that alert the clinician to possible pearanceRadiographs of joint fluid, can and also biochemical be helpful in analysis cases of of suspected joint fluid septic arthritis are joint effusion, enlargement of the drain- septic arthritis, particularly when differentiating between

80 AABP PROCEEDINGS — VOL. 53 — NO. 1 — FEBRUARY 2020 other causes of severe lameness such as a fracture. Radio- to the joint may have progressed beyond the acute phase or graphic changes associated with joint sepsis may include may have resolved by the time of diagnosis of the septic joint. increases or decreases in joint space, lytic lesions of the Additionally, if there is 1 septic joint that appears to have subchondral bone, articular destruction, osteomyelitis, or resulted from the hematogenous route, the clinician should boney/periosteal proliferation. Boney changes and joint carefully examine all palpable joints to ensure no other joints space reduction are more supportive of chronic severe infec- are affected. The prognosis for return to soundness decreases tion, while soft tissue swelling and increased joint space may as the number of affected joints increases. The location, se- be less chronic. In cases where joint effusion or increase in joint space are the sole radiographic abnormality, it is wise for return to function. to keep septic arthritis on the differential list and strongly verity, and extent of infection can all influence the prognosis Otitis changes. Radiographic changes lag behind the pathology occurringconsider arthrocentesis in these cases. to confirm, despite lack of boney occur via the Eustachian tube as may occur with an exten- Ultrasound is another useful imaging technique for sion ofOtitis respiratory in calves disease, can result via fromhematogenous multiple routes; spread it from can investigation of joint disease. This tool may be more practi- another infected site, or more rarely from the external ear cal for the ambulatory food animal practitioner who may inward as occurs in combination with ear parasites. Otitis not carry a portable radiograph machine. The linear rectal occurring from extension of respiratory disease is common in calves, and the same pathogens have been found in both an effusive joint. The best image is obtained after clipping, cases of otitis and respiratory disease including: Mycoplasma cleaning,probe can and be applicationa useful tool of examinea coupling the agent fluid such character as ultra of- bovis, Mannheimia haemolytica, Pasteurella multocida, His- sound gel or isopropyl alcohol (or obstetric lube in a pinch). tophilus somni.3,15 Joint effusion with echogenic strands or mixed echogenicity Clinical signs of otitis include ear droop, head tilt, aural discharge and may also include signs of facial nerve increase the clinician’s suspicion of joint sepsis. Ultrasound dysfunction (such as facial paralysis or signs of a corneal canmay also indicate be helpful fibrin in or locating cellular thedebris most in effusive the joint or and abnormal should ulcer from lack of blink or decreased tear production), ad- joint pouches for arthrocentesis. ditional vestibular signs, head shaking, or signs of systemic There are many options for the treatment of joint infec- illness such as fever and lack of appetite. When disease is tions in cattle. A detailed discussion on this topic is beyond bilateral, head tilt or ear droop may not be obvious because - both sides are affected. viously been published.5,13 The basic principles of treatment Diagnosis of otitis can be challenging if clinical signs are includethe scope managing of this proceedings; infection and an excellent provision reference of pain hascontrol. pre vague or discharge is not apparent. An otoscopic exam can be Treatment with systemic and local antibiotics is usually nec- performed in calves and may reveal an opaque or ruptured essary. The proceedings for regional limb perfusion from this conference discuss the provision of local antibiotics in cattle the ability to visualize the canal to the tympanic membrane. in more detail. Removal of infected debris from the joint is Thetympanic author membrane; prefers to appropriate restrain calves restraint in lateral greatly recumbency improves also imperative. In acute cases, through and through lavage of the joint using needles and sterile isotonic crystalloids may Otoscopic exam is not always practical in larger or older calves,to perform and an the otoscopic sensitivity exam; of this this techniqueusually requires for diagnosing sedation. otitis media/interna is not known. Ultrasound for diagnosis depositionbe effective. in However, the joint. cattle This featureare excellent makes makers simple ofthrough fibrin of otitis in calves has recently been described.2 This technique and throughjoint sepsis lavage is often less thanaccompanied rewarding by in significant many cases, fibrin es- pecially chronic cases. More aggressive debridement of the 10 joint can be accomplished via arthrotomy or arthroscopy. Radiographscan be useful may to confirm also be helpful cases ofin diagnosingotitis media/interna and evaluating and Further surgical debridement or other intervention may be thecan extentbe performed of boney in involvement the field using of otitis a linear in calves. rectal However, probe. necessary depending on the location, extent, and severity of obtaining diagnostic skull radiographs can be challenging the infection. The reader is referred to previously published - review articles for an excellent discussion of the surgical options for joint sepsis treatment in cattle.13 Forin the animals field, andwhose overlapping individual structures value warrants can make investment interpre in diagnostics,tation of plain advanced films for imaging the evaluation such as CTof otitiscan provide challenging. more investigation into the systemic health of the animal and con- information on extent of disease associated with otitis6 and currentlyAny addressingconfirmed anycase ongoing of joint sites sepsis of bacterialin a calf sheddingwarrants may be useful for surgical planning if surgery is indicated. such as pneumonia, navel ill or enteritis. Concurrent pneu- Treatment of otitis in calves primarily relies on adminis- monia or otitis in this animal or its cohorts warrants serious tration of appropriate antibiotics. Early cases are more likely consideration of Mycoplasma bovis as a possible causative to respond to medical management alone. Myringotomy may agent. The original illness that resulted in bacterial spread be necessary to establish drainage and has been described

FEBRUARY 2020 — VOL. 53 — NO. 1 — AABP PROCEEDINGS 81 in calves.12 Due to the predilection for Mycoplasma bovis to Determination of internal structure involvement is im- cause otitis in calves, the antibiotics selected should have portant for planning treatment and prognosis. Involvement Mycoplasma. No drugs are labeled of internal umbilical structures typically requires surgical resection of abscessed structures, whereas external infection off-labelempiric efficacyindication against must be considered. When copious de- alone is commonly treated medically or by lancing external brisspecifically or exudate for otitis is present, in cattle, lavage so off-label may be helpfuldrug use to due improve to an abscesses if present. drainage. Gentle lavage with sterile solution, such as sterile Treatment of umbilical remnant infection relies on saline, can be used. Comorbidities should be investigated drainage and removal of any infected structures that extend internal to the body wall. External navel ill is typically treated otitis in calves. medically and involves maintaining a clean dry umbilicus and and treated; respiratory disease is commonly present with administration of antibiotics in moderate to severe cases. Dry- Navel ill ing agents such as iodine or isopropyl alcohol are sometimes Omphalitis/omphalophlebitis/omphaloarteritis/ura- used for this purpose. When an abscess is present, lancing chitis result when the umbilical remnant structures become the abscess and allowing external drainage allows for healing. infected. These infections can present with a variety of clini- Systemic antibiotic therapy is warranted in moderate to se- cal signs depending on which structures are infected and the vere cases to prevent spread of infection and treat of extent of infection. Most umbilical infections result in some the base of the umbilicus. When internal umbilical structure degree of external swelling and pain on palpation of the base involvement is present, resection of the umbilicus and the of the umbilicus (omphalitis). Other disease processes or her- infected structure(s) via ventral midline laparotomy is ideal. This technique allows the surgeon to remove the umbilicus general are discussed in another session of these proceedings. en bloc with the infected internal structures. When umbilical niationThe can umbilical result in umbilicalremnant structuresswellings; umbilicalinclude the swellings umbilical in vein infections extends to the liver, the surgeon may elect to arteries, umbilical vein, and urachus. The internal portion marsupialize the umbilical vein to allow it to drain externally. of the umbilical arteries coarse caudally, around the urinary A more complete discussion of surgical procedures of the bladder, and become the lateral ligaments of the bladder. umbilicus in the calf has been published.1 Infection of the umbilical arteries is called omphaloarteritis. Prevention of navel ill requires proper hygiene in the The urachus likewise runs caudally and attaches to the apex of calving area, dipping of navels, and maximizing immunity the urinary bladder. Infection of the urachus is called urachi- through proper colostrum management. A variety of navel tis. The umbilical vein runs cranially, passes through the liver, dipping solutions have been used in calves, with no strong and travels to the ductus venosus. Infection of the umbilical 7,16 vein is omphalophlebitis. Infection can extend from external to the internal umbilical remnants and any associated tissue. evidenceUnifying features to favor and1 specific disease treatment. prevention Any combination of the umbilical structures can be affected. Probably the biggest unifying feature of septic arthritis, Diagnosis of external infection, or navel ill, is usually otitis, and navel ill in calves is a lack of effective immunity. not challenging and is typically based on clinical appearance A cornerstone of maximizing immunity of the calf crop is and palpation of the navel. Swelling, pain on palpation of the ensuring adequate, timely intake of high quality colos- base of the umbilicus, or wetness of umbilical tissue lasting trum. When investigating herd problems with the diseases discussed in this session, a break in colostrum management - should be considered. A full discussion of colostrum man- playbeyond prolonged the first posturing day of life toare urinate, suggestive or frequent of infection. incomplete Calves agement practices is beyond the scope of these proceed- urinations.may be dysuric This with is presumably urachal remnant due to the infection; abnormal they persistent may dis attachment of an abnormal urachus between the apex of the practices in dairy calves has been published recently.9 Some bladder and the body wall. Additionally, infection may extend basicings; however,control points a nice in summary colostrum of management colostrum management to consider into the urinary bladder and cause cystitis. A patent urachus is include donor cows (appropriate immunity, disease status relatively rare in cattle. The more common abnormality of the such as Mycoplasma shedding, etc.), colostrum milking equipment, colostrum quality testing (IgG concentration, to ropey attachments to the bladder, but it is usually not pat- bacterial contamination testing), storage methods, heat ent.urachus Internal is infection infections or abscessation; of the umbilical often arteries there are or veryvein firmmay treatment or other method of colostrum treatment, volume not be as obvious. Signs may be vague and include fever, ADR fed to calves, timing of colostrum feeding to calves, hygiene or failure to grow as expected, or simply the external signs of of bottles/nipples/tubes, and calf factors that may decrease navel ill. Internal umbilical structure involvement can occa- absorption (hypothermia, previous ingestion of other things, sionally be determined with abdominal palpation, although hypoglycemia, etc.). this can be more carefully assessed by ultrasound when avail- able. Descriptions of umbilical remnant ultrasound in calves arthritis, is common underlying infectious etiology. Both have been published and provide useful references.1,11 diseasesAnother are common unifying manifestations feature, specifically of Mycoplasma of otitis bovis and

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