ITEM 6(a) Application Number: 20/00133/OUTEIS Description Outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for the demolition of the existing farm buildings on site and the development of up to 930 dwellings (including affordable dwellings), primary school, local centre, open space, sports pitches, play areas, pavilion/wellbeing centre and other associated works. At Tickford Fields Farm, North Crawley Road, Newport Pagnell, MK16 9HG For Milton Keynes Council Statutory Target: 20.04.2020 Extension of Time: Yes - 15.10.2020 Ward: Newport Pagnell South Parish: Newport Pagnell Report Author/Case Officer: David Buckley Senior Planning Officer Contact Details: 07775 110877
[email protected] Team Manager: Jon Palmer Head of Planning
[email protected] 1.0 RECOMMENDATION 1.1 It is recommended that permission is granted subject to conditions set out in this report and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding. 2.0 INTRODUCTION The Site 2.1 The application site is a plot of land 45.17 hectares in area, which lies approximately 1km to the east of the centre of Newport Pagnell. The site is allocated for development in the adopted Newport Pagnell Neighbourhood Plan (NPNP) under policy NP2 and comprises most of the site allocation. 2.2 The remainder of this site allocation, formerly part of the North Crawley Industrial Estate to the south-west of the application site, is now the Tickford Mews residential estate, a Bellway homes development of 73 dwellings approved under planning reference 14/02799/FUL. Adjacent to this, to the southwest of the site lies a Council owned, public waste recycling facility.