St. Stephen & Martyr Church 17500 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, Illinois 60487 708-342-2400

St. Stephen Deacon and Martyr 17500 South 84th Avenue, Tinley Park, IL 60487

Parish Office Phone: 708-342-2400 | Office Fax: 708-342-1545 Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1–8:00pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm and 1-6pm Saturday Noon—5pm | Sunday 9:30am—1:00pm

Religious Education Phone: 708-342-1544 RE Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 8:30am—12:30pm and 1pm-4:30pm | Friday 8:30am—12:30pm Evenings and weekends by appointment. Please call to schedule.

Cardinal Parish School (CJB) 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487 Phone: 708-403-6525 | Fax: 708-403-8621 | web: | email: [email protected]

Pastor Anointing of the Sick—Please contact the parish office if you or a loved one Rev. Thomas A. Bernas need this sacrament. Associate Pastor Rev. Mirek Kulesa must be prescheduled and are celebrated every Sunday at 3pm in Pastor Emeritus English and 1pm in Polish. Baptisms can also be celebrated with the Parish Rev. James Finno Family at one of our weekend Masses. Please contact Fr. Tom in the parish

Deacons office for the necessary preparations. A preparation class is required to Robert Conlin have your child baptized at St. Stephen’s. New parishioners are required to William Engler register. Chuck McFarland William Schultz Communion for the sick, elderly, handicapped, or homebound parishioners Pete Van Merkestyn can be arranged by calling Barbara Black at 708-466-9962.

Administrative Asst. to Pastor Funerals can be arranged through the parish office. Laura Uher Marriages - St. Stephen’s Parish welcomes the celebration of the weddings of Business Manager both registered parishioners and the children of registered parishioners. For Kim Osowiec more information, please contact the parish office.

Adult Formation Barbara Black New parishioners are invited to register:

Maintenance Director • After the 10am Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. Dean Thompson • At the parish office.

Director of Music and Liturgy For those in need: David Boyle • Counseling services are available through the Holbrook Counseling Center Morning Receptionist of . To get help, call 312-655-7725 or visit the website at Noreen Galvin • For Grief and Crisis Counseling, please contact Deacon Pete Van Director of Religious Education Merkestyn. Appointments will be taken on Wednesdays at 10am, 11am, and Sandi Morgan 12pm. Please call the parish office or email Deacon Pete at [email protected] to arrange for an appointment. Religious Ed. Admin. Assistant • For parishioners struggling and in need of assistance, please contact Dee Zvejnieks the St. Vincent de Paul Ministry through the parish office.

• For those seeking help through a twelve-step program, St. Stephen’s offers CJB Interim Principal James Antos English and Polish support groups. Please contact the parish office for more CJB Admissions Director information. Cynthia Labriola Devlin • For information about Domestic Violence awareness, services, and prevention, please contact Deacon Bill Schultz at the parish office. FATHER TOM’S TIDBITS Dear Friends, This weekend we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. The baptism of Jesus is attested to in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The account that appears in Matthew is the only one to include the dialogue between Jesus and John, however. Another difference in Matthew’s presentation of this event is the announcement made by the voice from heaven, which says, “This is my beloved son . . .” In Mark and Luke, this voice addresses itself to Jesus: “You are my beloved son . . .” The baptisms that John performs prefigure Christian Baptism. John baptizes for repentance from sin. In accepting this baptism, Jesus unites himself with all sinners even though he is sinless. In Matthew’s Gospel, John the Baptist distinguishes his practice of baptism from the Baptism that the Messiah brings: “I am baptizing you with water . . . He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.” The baptism of Jesus is another manifestation of Christ, another epiphany. Christ’s baptism inaugurates his mission. In the same way, our Baptism inaugurates our mission as Christians. This weekend marks a transition from the Christmas season to Ordinary Time. In a way, today’s feast is the high point of the Christmas season. Before Jesus’ birth, angels announced to Mary and to Joseph who Jesus would be. At his birth, the shepherds and the Magi recognize Jesus as the Messiah. At his baptism, Jesus accepts that he is God’s son and inaugurates that mission. Christmas Time and Easter Time highlight the central mysteries of the Paschal Mystery, namely, the incarnation, death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, and the descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Sundays and weeks of Ordinary Time, on the other hand, take us through the life of Christ. This is the time of conversion. This is living the life of Christ. Ordinary Time is a time for growth and maturation, a time in which the mystery of Christ is called to penetrate ever more deeply into history until all things are finally caught up in Christ. The goal, toward which all of history is directed, is represented by the final Sunday in Ordinary Time, the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. Ordinary Time will continue through the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 26th. This weekend we are celebrating our Commitment Sunday for the young people of our parish who are preparing to receive their First Communion this May. They will be joining us for the 5PM Saturday evening Mass and at the 10AM Mass on Sunday. At these Masses they will publically state their willingness to prepare themselves, spiritually and intellectually, for receiving the Body and Blood of our Lord at their First Communion. I ask that you keep them in your prayers at this most special time in their lives. Prayer partner cards, with the names of the students, are available on the tables in the back of our church. If you would like to be a prayer partner with one of these students, I ask that you take a card with you and keep that child in your prayers. If you have been attending Mass each weekend you may have noticed that many of the same people are serving in the various liturgical ministries, week after week, or there are Masses when we are short of liturgical ministers. Unfortunately, because of a shortage of volunteers willing to assist at our weekend Masses, these volunteers are making personal sacrifices and performing their ministries quite frequently. I hope we can change this and increase the level of participation by more of our parishioners who are attending our weekend liturgies. Serving as a liturgical minister is one of the easiest ways you can serve our parish. The time commitment is minimal; you will serve at the Mass you normally attend, and training will be provided. Liturgical ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies should utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to actively participate in liturgy through presence, ritual action, prayer, silence and song. Some are called to participate also as liturgical ministries – to serve as ministers of hospitality, servers at the table of the Lord, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion and as music ministers. Training sessions have been scheduled for new Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors, beginning this Monday, January 13th, from 7-9pm, at Michael’s Parish, 14327 Highland Avenue, in Orland Park. If you are willing to help us in serving as a Eucharistic Minister or Lector, I ask that you see me after Mass today or call Laura at the parish office or email her at [email protected] so that she can get you registered for the classes. After much preparation and effort the day for our first bingo has finally arrived. This afternoon/Sunday we will be hosting our first bingo. I hope you will join us for a fun-filled afternoon. Who knows you may go home as one of our lucky winners. Please invite you family, friends and neighbors to join you as well. The doors of the Parish Life Center will open at 12:30PM and the games will begin at 1:30PM. All funds raised by the bingos will be used to help pay down the outstanding balance of the mortgage for the Parish Life Center. Hope to see you at the bingo! Have A Great Week! From Our Associate Pastor CHRZEST PAŃSKI „Wtedy przyszedł Jezus z Galilei nad Jordana do Jana, żeby przyjąć chrzest od niego” Chrzest Jana dla przyjmującego go Izraelity był znakiem i świadectwem zmiany sposobu życia, czyli nawrócenia i pokuty. Sam Jan oświadczył, że Jezuus tego nie potrzebował. Jezus nie przyszedł nad Jordan żeby się nawrócić i pokutować za swoje grzechy świata. „To jest mój syn umiłowany, w którym mam upodobanie”. Dla Jezusa rozpoczyna się nowy etap życia. Ukryte, życie w Nazarecie zmienia teraz na życie wędrownego nauczyciela. Przemierzy całą ziemię izraelską wzdłuż i wszerz przepowiadając Radosną Nowinę, która zostanie przypieczętowana przelaniem Krwi na Kalwarii. Do wypełnienia tego ważdnego zadania Jezus otrzymał pełnomocnictwo od Boga w włowach: „To jest mój Syn umiłowany”. Chrzest Jezusa jes obrazem naszego chrztu, który ma być punktem zwrotnym w naszym życiu. Święty Paweł napisał: „Wszyscy dzięki tej wierze jesteście synami Bożymi w Chrystusie Jezusie. Bo wszyscy, którzy zostaliście ochrzczeni w Chrystusie, przyoblekliście się w Chrystusa”. W Chrystusa przyoblekamy swoją ludzką nędzę, dzielimy z Nim Jego naturę, godność, świętość, życie wieczne – stajemy się dziećmi Bożymi. Chrześcijanin rodzi się dwa razy, raz jako dziecko, drugi raz jako dziecko Boże. Stając się chrześcijaninem, staję się „nowym stworzeniem” , istotą wyzwoloną z brudów grzechów, naznaczoną niezatartym znakiem Jezusa Chrystusa. Chociażby został później Judaszem, nigdy już nie będzie niechrześcijaninem, ale zawsze będzie nosił na sobie znak Bożego pocałunku? Chrzest uwalnia nas od grzechu i zobowiązuje nas jednocześnie do unikania go i starania się, by żyć życiem godnym naszego brata Jezusa Chrystusa. Czy staramy się o to? Chrześcijański pisarz, Julien Green napisał: widziałem często, że w naszym współczesnym życiu jest wiele rzeczy niechrześcijańskich… Ludzie dzisiejszych czasów przykroili Ewangelię do swoich upodobań. Każda jednak stronica Nowego Testamentu potępia nasze życie i postępowanie...które jest takie jakbyśmy w ogóle nie byli ochrzczeni. Chrześcijanie swoim niechrześcijańskim życiem nikogo nawrócą na chrześcijaństwo, przeciwnie, odciągają od Boga, każdego kto się z nimi spotka”. Nawet jeśli trochę przesadził to w gruncie rzeczy ma rację. Kiedyś rozmawiałem jednym z uczniów ze szkoły średniej w której uczyłem o różnych sprawach ale najwięcej o Bogu, o wierze, o chrześcijaństwie. Ten młody człowiek miał bardzo niepochlebne zdanie o swoich katolickich rówieśnikach. Powiedział: -Nie jestem chrześcijaninem ani wierzącym. Nie otrzymałem chrześcijańskiego wychowania ani wykształcenia i dlatego wybrałem niechrześcijańską drogę życia. Nie mogę powiedzieć, że dobrze znam chrześcijaństwo, ale dobrze znam chrześcijan. Wasi młodzi chrześcijanie, których uczycie religii, nie są ani chrześcijanami, ani niechrześcijanami. W życiu są mniej więcej tacy jak ja. Ja przeklinam i oni również, wyrażam się niekulturalnie i bezwstydnie, a oni jeszcze bardziej niż ja. W towarzystwie niekatolickich kolegów zachowują się jakby się wstydzili swojej wiary, ale często dają się widzieć w kościele albo raczej przed kościołem i na katechezie. Dlaczego mają dwie dusze, albo swa oblicza? Katolikami są tylko przez jedną godzinę w tygodniu… Czy wszyscy młodzi katolicy są tacy, czy tylko oni tacy są? A starsi? W niedzielę Chrztu Pańskiego, która przypomina nam nasz własny chrzest, warto sobie przypomnieć, uświadomić i zapamiętać, że chrzest to nie tylko krótki obrzęd a później przyjęcie w domu czy w sali bankietowej i na tym koniec. Chrzest jest zobowiązaniem do przeżywania swego chrześcijaństwa w sercu i w życiu tak, aby zawsze było widać, iż „przyoblekliśmy się w Chrystusa” i że „jesteśmy przez wiarę dziećmi Bożymi w Jezusie Chrystusie”. Jesteśmy zobowiązani do godnego przeżywania łaski wiary ale również do przekazywania jej dalej. Chrześcijaństwo ze swej natury jest misyjne, nie można zamykać tylko dla siebie. Nie można go chować pod kloszem albo zakopywać w ziemi, ale poprzez swoje życie i postępowanie, trzeba przekazywać je innym ludziom, tak aby widząc nasze dobre życie, sami chcieli przyjść do Boga. Wiedzieli o tym chrześcijanie pierwszych wieków, mimo że nie mieli łatwego życia ponieważ wyznawanie i praktykowanie wiary chrześcijańskiej, było zabronione i ścigana przez prawo. Już za samo bycie chrześcijaninem można było być skazanam na konfiskatę majątku a często na śmierć. Pierwsi chrześcijanie musieli spotykać się potajemnie, w prywatnych domach, w ogrodach pod osłoną nocy, czasem na cmentarzach aby tam sprawować Eucharystię. Obowiązywało ich też wiele wewnętrznych obostrzeń. Nie mogli na przykład chodzić do teatru lub do cyrku, ponieważ obecność w tych miejscach wiązała się z obowiązkiem oddania czci bogom pogańskim poprzez palenie kadzidła przed ich wizerunkami a dla chrześcijanina było to jak zaparcie się wiary. Powodowało to towarzyski ostracyzm. Oni jednak się nie poddawali tworzyli więc swoje wspólnoty. Dzieli się tym co mieli, okazywali życzliwość innym nawet tym wrogo nastawionym. A schwytani i poddawani torturom, wydawani na śmierć, nadal trwali w wierze i wybaczali swoim prześladowcom. I to było coś co najbardziej dziwiło pogan a za razem przyciągało ich do chrześcijan. Pytali: - Co to za Bóg, jaki to Bóg, i co to za wiara, że oni gotowi są za nią oddać życie? Przecież wystarczyłby rzucić garść kadzidła na węgle przed posągiem jednego z rzymskich bogów i mogliby żyć… A oni wolą zginąć niż wyprzeć się wiary. Co to jest za wiara? I tak ciekawość spowodowana przez przykład chrześcijan doprowadziła wielu spośród tych pogan do zbawienia, bo sami zaczęli przystępować do Kościoła. Radując się uroczystością Chrztu Pańskiego i wspominając swój własny chrzest, pamiętajmy, że jest on darem ale również zadaniem. Prośmy Boga abyśmy temu zadaniu, taj misji podołali. YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TRAINING FOR NEW TO OUR PARISH EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS In this season of gift We are in need of giving, we ask that you please additional Eucharistic Ministers for remember your Christmas Gift to our weekend liturgies. our parish. Training for new Eucharistic If you have not as of yet Ministers will take place on Mondays - January 13th & given your Christmas Gift to our 20th, from 7-9pm, at Saint Michael’s Parish, 14327 parish, we ask that you please do so as soon as Highland Avenue, in Orland Park. possible. Your support is necessary in supporting our In order to be mandated as a Eucharistic many ministries and activities. Minister for the Archdiocese of , affirmation by Thank you for all you do for St. Stephen’s one’s pastor along with attendance at both training Parish! sessions is required. A follow-up session is offered at St. Stephen’s to familiarize you with our procedures. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION CLASS This third session is intended to provide practical Our Baptismal Preparation Class details specific to our parish. for the month of January will take place Please email Laura at on Thursday, January 23rd at 7PM. [email protected] or call her at 708-342- We remind all parents planning 2400 if you are interested in helping with this ministry. on having their child/children baptized There is no cost for these classes. that they must attend a Baptismal Preparation Class to their child’s baptism. All TRAINING FOR NEW LECTORS parents and Godparents who plan on attending this In the Body of Christ there class must be pre-registered. exists a wonderful variety of Just a reminder to parents that the ministries, which are especially Season of Lent starts on Ash Wednesday, evident when we gather around the February 26th. We will not be celebrating any altar to worship God. By virtue of baptisms during Lent. So the last weekend for our baptism in Christ some of us baptisms before Lent is February 22nd - 23rd. are called to serve as Lectors. To register for the baptismal class, please go to The Lector proclaims the Good News of Jesus our parish website, For more Christ during the Liturgy of the Word, making God information please contact the parish office, 708-342- present to the gathered worshiping community. The 2400. Word offers those who listen challenges, comfort and encourages us in our faith journey. Within our liturgy, Bingo is coming to the gathered assembly depends on the Lector to St. Stephen’s! make the Word come alive for them. We are in need of additional Lectors for our We invite you to join us liturgies. Training of new lectors will take place on for our first bingo TODAY, Mondays - January 13th & 20th, from 7-9pm, at Saint Sunday, January 12th. Michael’s Parish, 14327 Highland Avenue, in Orland Park. Doors will open at 12:30PM, Please email Laura at and the games will begin at 1:30PM. [email protected] or call her at 708-342- Bingo - Pulltabs - Refreshments 2400 if you are interested in helping with this ministry. There is no cost for these classes. Admission is $20 and includes your cards for the regular games and the coverall. CONGRATULATIONS We hope you will join us. TO OUR Invite your family, friends FOOTBALLMANIA and neighbors to join you! WINNER All proceeds will benefit Week 17 - Mike Rourke $25 our new parish center. The Men’s Club thanks everyone who supported their Footballmania Fundraiser this year.

Christmas 2019 SCRIPTURE STUDY YEAREND CONTRIBUTION Scripture Study will soon STATEMENTS begin the Book of the Prophet This year, in consultation Hosea. Hosea was a prophet to with the Finance Committee, we the Northern Kingdom of Israel. will be sending every parishioner a We will learn that Hosea was a statement of your contributions to very sensitive, emotional man who could pass quickly our parish for the past calendar from violent anger to the deepest tenderness. year. You will not need to request You may have heard of his unfortunate one this year for your tax purposes. These statements marriage to Gomer, a personal tragedy which should be arriving at your house by the end of the month. profoundly influenced his teaching. Included in that mailing will be a recap of our Please join us as we study and explore parish financial for the last fiscal year as well as some Scripture. We meet on Friday mornings in Room 126 additional information about the present status of our parish and additional information about future needs and from 8:45 AM until 10 AM. You can join Scripture plans for our parish. Study any time. We are a very welcoming group; we learn from each other and from our facilitator, and DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR have meaningful, interesting and at times fun Everyone is invited to St. discussions. George Church, 6707 175th Street, This class is for you whether you are new to Tinley Park, for Solemn Exposition of Scripture or not. If you would like more information the Eucharist during a Holy Hour please contact, Tom Mitus, O.F.S., at 708-479-6980, celebrating Divine Mercy, this Friday, or e-mail: [email protected] January 17th, at 7:00 PM. The

celebration will include a scripture reading, a homily, THANK YOU! time for meditation, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, We would like to thank benediction and divine praises. all those who remembered the Come spend time with our Lord at this powerful priests and staff members this Exposition of the Eucharist to thank Him for His great Christmas. Your cards, cookies, Mercy and ask for His Mercy for you, your family, candies, and generous gifts are friends and the world. greatly appreciated. We thank you for all the many kindnesses shared this Christmas. Cardinal Joseph Bernardin OPEN HOUSE FOR NEW FAMILIES AND NEW STUDENTS 3- and 4-year old Pre-K through 8th Grade Sunday, January 26, 2020 - 1:00pm -- 3:00pm 9250 West 167th Street, Orland Hills, IL 60487

Kindergarten (full day) Presentation at 1:15pm 3 and 4-year old Pre-K (full day and half day) Presentation at 2:00pm All Grade Levels (PK-8th Grade) – Tours and Opportunities to Speak with Teachers QUEEN OF HEARTS EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT WEEKLY WINNER Nick Cunico, a member of Maureen O’Keefe #31 Scout Troop 380, and a member of our parish, is planning and hosting a Mardi Jack of Hearts - Pot Rolls Over Gras Party for the residents of Saint Next drawing will take place Coletta’s, which provides services to this Wednesday, January 15th. developmentally challenged adult in Did you get your tickets yet? our community.

In addition to planning and organizing the THE ILLINOIS TAX CREDIT Mardi Gras Party, Nick is also coordinating a drive to SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM collect needed supplies for the residents of Saint The Illinois Tax Credit Coletta’s. Scholarship Program, “Invest in They are looking for: canned goods, boxed Kids,” provides a 75 percent Illinois state income tax cereal, gluten-free products, juices, hygiene products, credit to individuals and corporations that contribute such as soap, shampoo, shower gel, shaving cream money to a non-profit Scholarship Granting and deodorant, laundry detergent, Clorox wipes, Organization (SGO). The SGOs award scholarships to socks, adult diapers, sweat pants, plain white t-shirts, eligible students from low-income families. Donors will blankets and pillows, and twin sheets. Monetary use money already owed to the state (taxes) and donations will also be accepted. donate it to a needs-based scholarship instead, all Nick and the scouts will be collecting donations while receiving a 75 percent state tax credit. next weekend, January 18th and 19th, in the narthex Through this program: An individual or before and after all the Masses. Any help you could corporation will receive a 75 percent credit on give them would be greatly appreciated. donations to an SGO. For example, if a person donates $100,000, they will receive a state tax credit of $75,000. Individual donors can designate their donations to Archdiocese of Chicago Catholic Schools. The credit can be rolled over for five years. Donors are prohibited from receiving a federal tax deduction for these donations. The program is capped at $100 million in donations, resulting in $75 million in total tax credits issued. Triple Your Impact Opportunity - To help donations have even more impact in 2020/21, several Lt. Michael Balcerzak donors have agreed to pool their resources and offer a L/Cpl Benjamin Brasher 2-for-1 matching gift program to the more than 160 Capt. Anthony J. Cesaro schools run by the Archdiocese of Chicago. The Major Vincent Cesaro matching pool fund is at $3.36 million with funds still Capt. Michael Chimienti being raised. This means for every dollar designated PV2 Joseph Clavio to a qualifying school through the Empower Illinois Lt. Dylan Conover scholarship granting organization between Dec. 1, Jacob Elliott USN 2019 and Feb. 29, 2020, the school will receive two LCMR Amanda Griffith dollars in matching funds. The donations are capped Sgt. Evan Grober at $50,000 per school. Major Michael Gryczk The program will end when all matching funds Lt. Dan Kniaz have been depleted or on Feb. 29, 2020, whichever Msgt. Laura Langley comes first. After April 1, 2020 any matching gift Sgt. Joseph Malone program funds that are not awarded at a designated Capt. Christopher Mazurek school will be reallocated to eligible students at Daniel C. McDonald, USN schools with unmet demand. Sgt. Matthew O'Boyle For more information, please contact our Lt. Elizabeth Ernst-Signore Business Manager, Kim, at our parish office, 708- Jack Ryan, USN 342-2400. LCDR Marilyn Walsh Major Thomas Walsh THE SACRAMENT Baptism has been the ordinary means of becoming a

OF BAPTISM member of the Church. Think of the long line of people

We become members before you—parents, grandparents, and spiritual

of Christ and the Church ancestors—who were welcomed into the Church at

through the Sacraments of Baptism.

Initiation: Baptism, Theological Confirmation, and the Eucharist. Baptism is a sacrament of initiation, cleansing, The Old Testament has many images of water strengthening, and welcoming. Baptism welcomes us that help us understand Baptism. Each year during the into the community of Christian believers. It offers us a Easter Vigil, the water that will be used in baptism is new life in which we become the adopted children of blessed. The prayers of blessing call these images to God, followers of Christ, and temples in which the Holy mind. At the time of Creation, the Spirit breathed upon Spirit dwells. Baptism leaves a permanent spiritual the waters. During the great Exodus the waters of the mark on our soul that makes us holy and opens us to Red Sea parted, allowing the people of Israel to cross and eternal life with God. from slavery to freedom. Later, in the New Testament, Physical John the Baptist administered a baptism of repentance Like any sacrament, Baptism makes visible an to Jesus in the waters of the River Jordan. invisible reality. In other words, we use physical signs Knowing that Baptism is necessary for and rituals to express our experience of God and his salvation, parents have their babies baptized not long grace in our lives. The symbols you see at a Baptism after they are born. Baptism signifies the baby’s ceremony include the following: entrance into the Church. The community of believers The Sign of the Cross is traced on the forehead and the parents make a commitment to care for and of the one being baptized. This ritual action expresses teach this child as he or she is raised in the Catholic that the mystery of the cross is at the heart of our faith. faith. In the early Church infant baptism was not the The pouring of water on the one being baptized usual way that people became members of God’s reminds us that we die with Jesus to conquer sin and family. Initiation into the Church was primarily done for rise with him so we might enter into new life. In this adults. They had to enter into a long period of learning action we are reminded of how Moses led the Hebrews and praying with the Christian community. Adults on their escape from Egypt and how he parted the seeking to enter the Church today normally enter into waters of the Red Sea as the gateway to liberation, the process of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults away from slavery and into the Promised Land. We as catechumens. During this process they learn what also recall Jesus’ death and Resurrection, which free us God has done through Jesus, the teachings of the from sin and brings us into a new way of living. Many Church, and how they may respond in faith to God’s new or remodeled churches have the baptismal font call. near the main entrance to symbolize that we all enter In the celebration of Baptism, water is poured the church through the waters of Baptism. over a person’s head. The celebrant proclaims; “I The words of Baptism, “I baptize you in the baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy and of the Holy Spirit.” Spirit,” are spoken while the water is poured on the The person being baptized is anointed with two one to be baptized These words reveal that God in the oils; the oil of catechumens is put on the chest, and is both the source of life and our life’s goal. chrism is put on the top of the head. Oil is a symbol of The newly baptized is anointed with sacred oil strength and healing. to signify that the Holy Spirit dwells within the heart of A candle is lit during the celebration. This this new Christian. It’s also a sign of being anointed to shows that the person baptized is asked to keep the a mission to live and love as Jesus lived. flame of faith alive in his or her heart. A white garment reflects that in Baptism we Through Baptism a person receives forgiveness “put on Christ,” taking our new and truest identity as a of as well as personal sins. The newly son or daughter of God. baptized person receives sanctifying grace and is A baptismal candle, lit from the Easter candle, sealed with a permanent spiritual mark. This is why represents the one true light of Christ, a light to guide Baptism can be celebrated only once. the new believer throughout his or her life. Baptism has meaning on many levels. At a Baptism the Church rejoices because we Historical have welcomed a new member and because we have Within weeks of Jesus’ Resurrection, the once again celebrated the mysteries of God's love for apostles were preaching the Gospel to people by the us and of our salvation. thousands, baptizing them in Jesus’ name. Since then, ARE YOU A REGISTERED PARISHIONER? Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of the CONSIDER MAKING A YEAR END GIFT Catholic faith, or are interested in finding out more TO ST. STEPHEN’S about the Catholic Church, we hope that you will find a As the end of the year approaches, we home here at St. Stephen’s Church. begin to reflect upon the many blessings bestowed Have you been attending Saint Stephen’s for a upon us. The end of the year also provides a great while but haven’t yet registered in your own name? opportunity to thank God for these blessings by Have you been looking for a parish to call your own but gifting to Saint Stephen’s Church. The benefits of haven’t made the commitment yet? income tax deductions, capital gains savings and Those who worship at St. Stephen’s are other financial benefits are significant advantages encouraged to become part of our parish family by that provide an incentive to make a gift at the year- registering as members of the parish. Your registration end. A gift can also help support our parish for affects our parish in many ways. Census numbers years to come. determine how many priests are assigned to a church, There are many different ways of what benefits and obligations the parish has to the contributing a gift. However, two of the easiest and Archdiocese, and how Masses, confessions, and most direct methods to gift are donations of cash devotions are planned and scheduled. Registration is and appreciated stock or other investments. You also necessary for certain matters, like scheduling can also make other financially advantageous gifts Sacraments, obtaining sponsor certificates, getting such as real estate, life insurance, charitable donation statements for taxes, and the receiving of remainder trusts, gift annuities, will/trust bequests parish information. Registering at St. Stephen is a and IRA/retirement accounts. statement of faith in the Lord and confidence in the life For more information on how you can help and ministry of our parish. make a difference by contributing a year-end gift to To begin the registration process, please contact our parish, please contact our parish office. the parish office at 708-342-2400. We hope that, once you have registered, you will consider the many ARE YOU REQUIRED opportunities to get involved in the parish. TO MAKE WITHDRAWALS FROM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS YOUR IRA OR ARE YOU FREE THROW CONSIDERING A GIFT TO CHAMPIONSHIP SAINT STEPHEN’S? The Knights of Columbus, When planning your IRA Father C.C. Boyle Council #4698, withdrawal strategy, you may want to consider invites all boys and girls ages 9 to making a charitable donation to our parish through 14 to participate in their Council a Qualified Charity Distribution or (QCD). level competition of the 2019 You can contribute to a 501(c)3 charitable Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship on organization (like our Church) with a direct Sunday, January 19th. The Free Throw Contest will be contribution from an IRA. held at the St. Elizabeth Seton Gymnasium, 9300 West The value of the contribution (up to 167th Street, in Orland Hills. Registration begins at 5PM $100,000) can be income tax free to you, the donor and the competition will begin at 5:30PM. There is no (the one giving the gift). cost to participate in the Free Throw Championship. All The gift must be made from an IRA (or participants will have a chance to win raffle prizes. rollover IRA). The boy and girl winner of each respective age The gift must be paid directly to the charity group will progress on to District, Regional and State (the money cannot go to the donor first). level competitions. Participants must furnish proof of The gift must be transferred by 12/31/19 for age and written parental consent. a 2019 benefit. Registrations are being accepted online at This gift may be completely income tax free. Please consult your tax advisor who can For more information please email Jeff Johnson help you determine if both your IRA and charity at [email protected] qualify for QCD's.

January 12, 2020 - Baptism of the Lord

And a voice came from the heavens, saying, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

Two thoughts come to mind when reading this. First, God, Our Father, is so generous, that he gave his only son, whom he really loves, to us so that we can have eternal life with him in heaven. God, Our Creator, really loves us, too! Second, Jesus was obedient to his Father’s will, even to the point of death. This is a reminder that our own lives are pure gifts from God and meant to serve God and others.

Collection 01/05/2020 GIVING GREENER Regular Sunday $19,241.10 Are you trying to cut down on the paper you use? Is the check you Solemnity of Mary $358.00 write to our parish one of the few Christmas $1,225.00 checks that you write anymore? You can give greener by using our Online $3.00 Giving Program. Simply contact our parish office and we can set you up to have direct withdrawls from your Sharing $126.00 checking or savings accounts made to the parish. You Total $20,953.10 can set up the amount that you would like to give on a schedule that meets your needs and you never have to worry about writing another check, forgetting your envelope, or having cash in your wallet. There is no Christmas Collection to date $79,555.75 charge to you or to the parish for this service. Mary, Mother of God, January 1st $6,457.00 Our parish greatly appreciates all those who choose to give in this manner as it helps us maintain a consistent cash flow and pay all of our bills in a timely manner.

Greeters Schedule January 18h - January 19th

5PM - Julie Lacerna, Mary Tafoya, Joan Beck 8:30AM - Tom Mitus, Jim O’Donnell 10AM - Pauline Cotrano, Linda Giroux, Chris Losey 11:30AM - Natalie Sims, Jackie Szymanski, B.J. Witry Meetings/Events Thursday, January 16th Sunday, January 12th - Baptism of the Lord 8:30 AM - 6:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Chapel with Rosary @ 8:30am 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Parish 10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word Office 10:00 AM - Growing with God Preschool Program 5:00 PM Children's Choir Rehearsal - Church 10:00 AM -Rite of Welcoming First Communicants Mass 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM Benediction Daily Chapel followed 12:30PM - Doors open for Bingo - PLC by Divine Mercy Prayers 1:30PM - Bingo Games Begin - PLC 7:30 PM Religious Ed Board Meeting #153 3:00 PM - Baptism - Church Friday, January 17th Monday, January 13th 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM Adoration of Blessed Sac Daily Religious Education Classes 4 & 6 pm Chapel 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales Parish Office Tuesday, January 14th 8:45 AM - 10:00 AM Scripture Study #126 Religious Education Classes 4 & 6 pm 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Al-Anon Polish #153 8:30 AM - 8:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office 8:00 PM AA Pol #161 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM CJB Basketball Practice - PLC 6:00 PM Rosary Daily Chapel (English) Saturday, January 18th 7:00 PM Rosary Daily Chapel (Polish) Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM AA #158/159 Wednesday, January 15th 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office Religious Education Classes 4 & 6 pm 8:30 AM - 7:00 PM Queen of Hearts Sales Parish Office Sunday, January 19th 4:00 PM - 8:30 PM CJB Basketball Practice - PLC Meet & Greet - (immediately after 10 am Mass) 7:00 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal - Church Narthex...Queen of Hearts Ticket Sales 8:00 PM AA Pol #161 10:00 AM - Children's Liturgy of the Word 10:00 AM - Growing with God Preschool Program 10:00 AM - Sixth Grade Family Mass 3:00 PM - Baptism - Church

LEAVING A LEGACY A young man was surprised to find his sick and elderly grandfather planting a small peach tree in his backyard. When the young man asked his grandfather why he was planting the tree, the old man replied, “Son, all my life I have eaten the fruit from trees that other people have planted. I figure I have an obligation to make sure there is some fruit around for others to enjoy.”

FOUR WAYS TO LEAVE A LEGACY Did you know there are four easy ways for you to remember your parish in your will? 1. A Specific Bequest – You can designate a certain amount of cash or specific assets to the parish. 2. A Residual Bequest – You can plan for the parish to receive all or a portion of your estate after other specific bequests have been distributed. 3. A Percentage Bequest – You can designate a certain percentage of the estate to go to the parish. 4. A Contingent Bequest – You can make the parish the recipient of a bequest if others named in your will are not living at the time of your death.

No matter how you decide to remember your parish, a gift from your will accomplishes several key benefits. • It sends a strong message to your heirs that the Church played an important role in your life. • It guarantees that your generosity to the Church will be continued even after you are gone. • It provides important assistance to our parish. • It may even provide tax benefits for your heirs.

Talk to your attoreny or financial counselor today about the best way for you to remember our parish in your will or trust. Please pray for those who are sick and in need of healing from our Sunday, January 12th 7:00 am Mark Drozd Barb & Ed Bara Divine Healer: Parishioners of Saint Stephen 8:30 am Robert Hannon Karen Opyd Rose Marie Pagliero Dcn. Chuck & Terese McFarland Delphine Zielinski 10:00 am Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Brenski Elaine Lindenmeyer Joseph Piccolo Sandy & Michelle 11:30 am Kevin Reynolds, Jr. Laurie & Dan Durkin Joan Marker Pat & Emie Madden PRAYER REQUESTS 1:00 pm Danuia Kucharczyk Friend Parishioners’ names and Halina Tylka those of their immediate family 6:15 pm Krystyna Crajhowsha Friend members will be read at Mass for Monday, January 13th two weeks and listed in the bulletin 8:00 am Angelo Pete Riccelli Peter Riccelli for another two weeks. Names of non-parishioners Margaret Sterbenc Eirmann Family who are immediate family members of our parishioners will be read at Mass for two weeks and Tuesday, January 14th listed in the bulletin for two weeks. 8:00 am Maxima Deanching Deanching Family Simmi George Family After the second two weeks, all names will then be added to the Parish Petition Book, which is Wednesday, January 15th presented at each Mass. 8:00 am Hugh Finnegan Mike & Mary Moran To be added to our prayer list, please Nora McDonagh Mike & Mary Moran contact Deacon Pete in the Parish Office.

Thursday, January 16th

8:00 am Jeffrey Patrick Fox Family CALLING ALL MEN! Sharon Grill Grober Family That Man Is You! Friday, January 17th Returns 8:00 am Rose Perfetti Family On Saturday, Peg Ryan Jean Coughlin January 25th

Saturday, January 18th It’s a New Year! 8:00 am Betty Pitt Jack & Elaine Fenlon Maybe it’s also time for a 5:00 pm Richard Lindenmeyer Family NEW YOU! Why not consider making a New Year’s Melodee Terrile Family Resolution to “nourish” your spiritual life at our weekly Blessings for Joe & Teri Schulte Emily Johnson breakfast meetings? Pacanowski/Manny Families Janet Kaminski The St. George That Man Is You! program has become a popular way for Catholic men to share their Sunday, January 19th faith. More than 100 men representing at least seven 7:00 am Henry Michalski Dolores Michalski different parishes in our local area have joined the group Parishioners of Saint Stephen since we began this program in September of 2015. 8:30 am Luke & Mary Marren Family Each week, we share a hearty “MAN-SIZED” James Savarino Bob & Beth Stepps breakfast, followed by a thought-provoking and often 10:00 am Gibbons & McLean Families Family Sharon Grill Noreen Galvin emotional video presentation. We then break into smaller Richard Lindenmeyer Family groups of 6 to 10 men to discuss our reactions to that 11:30 am Bill Rafferty Family week’s message. We always end our meetings promptly MaryAnn Hughes Family at 8:00 because we realize that most of our men have a 1:00 pm Halina Tylka busy weekend agenda. 6:15 pm John & Kazmiera Jagiello Family If you weren’t available before, please don’t let that discourage you from joining us now. You don’t need to commit to attending every week; just come whenever you can. If you did attend any of our previous sessions, please consider inviting a friend to join you for breakfast this Winter/Spring and help them discover a great way to start their weekend! That Man Is You! meets on Saturday mornings in O’Connell Hall at St. George School. Breakfast is available beginning at 6:30 and our program starts at 7:00. ALL men, 18 and over, are invited and encouraged to attend. To learn more about TMIY, please contact Gary at (708) 614-1734; [email protected] . Weekend Masses: Saturday, 5PM and Sunday, 7AM, 8:30AM, 10AM, 11:30AM, & 6:15PM. 1PM in Polish Daily Mass 8AM - Monday through Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation - Saturdays starting at 8:30AM and by appointment Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Thursdays 8:30AM - 6:30PM and Fridays 8:30AM - 3:30PM Benediction & Divine Mercy Prayers - Thursdays at 6:30PM Rosary 6PM - 2nd and last Tuesday of the month in English - 7PM every Tuesday in Polish

W ciągu całego roku Msza Św. w niedziele w języku polskim jest o godz. 1pm Pierwszy piątek miesiąca: Spowiedź od 6:30PM-7:30PM - Msza o 7:30pm Pierwsza sobota miesiąca: od godz. 7:00-9:30pm

Ways to Support the Ministry of St. Stephen Parish • GiveCentral—Through parishioners can make automatic donations at the time and frequency they choose. Donating through GiveCentral is a way to simplify your giving and is environmentally friendly. Signing up takes ONLY a few minutes. Go to our parish website and click on the Donate Now button at the bottom of the page. • Donations through GiveCentral are processed via your credit card at the frequency you choose. • Electronic Donations—St. Stephen’s accepts electronic donations through Byline Bank. To begin this method of donating, you will need to complete and sign the authorization form and attach a voided check and bring the items to the Parish Office. The authorization form is located on our website under Support/Sunday Giving. • Envelopes—Registered parishioners can also choose to receive weekly envelopes. Envelope packets are mailed.

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