H - 1911 Census, Co

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H - 1911 Census, Co H - 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Hackett James Galbally Galbally Galbally Hackett John Ballyvareen Kildimo Kildimo Hackett Martin Abbeyfeale Town Abbeyfeale Abbeyfeale Hackett Patrick Ballybrown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Hackett Patrick Cragmore Askeaton Askeaton Hackett Samuel John Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton Hackett Thomas Spittle Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Hackett William Griston East Ballingarry Ballingarry Hadigan Patrick Ballybricken East Inch St. Laurence Caherconlish Hadigan Thomas Ballybricken East Inch St. Laurence Caherconlish Haigney Denis Oldtown (Ryan) Hospital Hospital Haigney John Carnane Fedamore Fedamore Haigney John Carnane Fedamore Fedamore Haigney William Enaghroe Fedamore Fedamore Haigney William Oldtown (Ryan) Hospital Hospital Haines Edward Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hall John Lisnagry Stradbally Castleconnell Hall Patrick Corcamore Kilkeedy Patrickswell Hall Thomas Castlegarde Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Hall Thomas Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Hallett James Foynes Town Robertstown Shanagolden Hallett Susan Mounttrenchard Loghill Loughill & Ballyhahill Hallinan Denis, Rev. Rathnaneane Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Hallinan Edward Rylanes Rathkeale Rathkeale Hallinan Ellen Glenquin Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Hallinan James Dromdeeveen Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Hallinan Johanna Bridge Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Hallinan John Feohanagh Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Hallinan John Loughanleagh Mungret Mungret and Crecora Hallinan John Main Street, Croom Croom Croom 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 1 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Hallinan John, Rev. Ardagh Town Ardagh Ardagh Hallinan Martha Graigoor Kilbradran Coolcappa Hallinan Matthew M. Graigoor Kilbradran Coolcappa Hallinan Michael Ballinagoul Hackmys Charleville Hallinan Michael Glenquin Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Hallinan Nathaniel Castlemungret Mungret Mungret and Crecora Hallinan Patrick Coolnanoglagh Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Hallinan Patrick Mill Street, Glin Kilfergus Glin Hallinan Robert Ballynakill Beg Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Hallinan Thomas Islandduane Mungret Mungret and Crecora Halloran Bridget Ballyduff Ballylanders Ballylanders Halloran James Lissard Galbally Galbally Halloran John Knockballyfookeen Oola Oola and Solohead Halloran Joseph Attyflin Killonahan Patrick's Well Halloran Martin Knockacraig Dromcolliher Drumcolliher, Broadford Halloran Mary Loughgur Knockainy Knockainy Halloran Michael Ballybronoge South Killonahan Patrick's Well Halloran Michael Court Kilfergus Glin Halloran Michael Cromwell Ballinlough Hospital Halloran Michael Glenbaun Kilmoylan Shanagolden Halloran Patrick Athea Upper Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Halloran Patrick Cromwell Ballinlough Hospital Halloran Patrick Kilballyowen Knockainy Knockainy Halloran Patrick Tooraree Upper Kilfergus Glin Halloran Thomas Kildimo Town (a) Kildimo Kildimo Halloran William Adare Adare Adare Hally Mary Orr Street, Kilmallock St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Halpin Alice Baggotstown East Knockainy Knockainy Halpin Asnatatia Tankardstown Uregare Dromin, Bruff Halpin Bridget Garryellen Fedamore Fedamore Halpin Catherine Baggotstown East Knockainy Knockainy Halpin David Ballinscaula Athneasy Bulgaden Halpin Ellen Lodge Hospital Hospital 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 2 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Halpin Ellen Shannongrove Ardcanny Kildimo Halpin James Baggotstown East Knockainy Knockainy Halpin James Bosnetstown Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Halpin James Newtown Kilkeedy Patrickswell Halpin Jeremiah Drombanny Cahervally Donaghmore Halpin Johanna Reerasta South Ardagh Ardagh Halpin John Ballybricken North Caherelly Ballybricken Halpin John Coolroe St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Halpin Josephine Lord Edward Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Halpin Margaret Routagh Donaghmore Donaghmore, Knockea Halpin Maurice Raheenagh Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Halpin Michael Ballymacreese Ludden Ballybricken and Bohermore Halpin Michael Camas Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Halpin Michael Darranstown Emlygrennan Ballinvana Halpin Michael Emmet Street, St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Kilmallock Halpin Michael Kilballyowen Knockainy Knockainy Halpin Michael Tankardstown Uregare Dromin, Bruff Halpin Michael Tonteere Ballybrood Caherconlish Halpin Patrick Bosnetstown Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Halpin Patrick Church Street, Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton Halpin Thomas Main Street, Croom Croom Croom Halpin Timothy Anhid West Anhid Croom Halpin Timothy Knockaunavlyman Ballingarry Ballingarry Halvey Daniel Argwee Fedamore Fedamore Halvey Daniel Routagh Donaghmore Donaghmore, Knockea Halvey Mary Camas North Monasteranenagh Manister Halvey Patrick Croom Croom Croom Halvey Patrick Routagh Donaghmore Donaghmore, Knockea Hamilton Mary Cappanhane Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Hamilton Mary Moneymohill Dunmoylan Coolcappa Hamilton Norah Adare Adare Adare Hammersley George Kilmoylan Upper Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Hammersley Joseph Coolnapisha Oola Oola and Solohead 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 3 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Hammersley Thomas Kilmoylan Lower Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Hammond Margaret Foyle Killeenagarriff Castleconnell Hammond Mary Doonvullen Lower Ballybrood Caherconlish Hammond Richard Boherbee, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Hanafin John Castletown Corcomohide Ballyagran, Colmanswell Handley Thomas Grange Knocklong Knocklong and Glenbrohane Hanifin Thomas Glensharrold Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe Hanley Anne Doon Town Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Hanley Catherine Durraclogh Ballingarry Ballingarry Hanley Cornelius Bosnetstown Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hanley Daniel The Quay, Askeaton Askeaton Askeaton Hanley David Ballymartin Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Hanley Edmond, Rev. Lombardstown Cahirconlish Cahirconlish Hanley Edward Pallasgrean Town Grean Pallasgreen Hanley Ellen Rooskagh West Ardagh Ardagh Hanley John Ballinvira Croagh Croagh and Kilfinny Hanley John Ballyfeerode Darragh Glenroe and Ballyorgan Hanley John Castlemungret Mungret Mungret and Crecora Hanley John Craggs North Robertstown Shanagolden Hanley John Galbally Galbally Galbally Hanley John Knockanea Caherconlish Caherconlish Hanley John Knockaunroe Grean Pallasgreen Hanley John Knocknabooly East Loghill Loughill & Ballyhahill Hanley John Oola Hills West, Oola Oola Oola and Solohead Town Hanley John Orr Street, Kilmallock St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Hanley John Prospect Stradbally Castleconnell Hanley John Rooskagh West Ardagh Ardagh Hanley John J. Rooskagh West Ardagh Ardagh Hanley Joseph Maiden Street, Newcastle Newcastle Newcastle West Hanley Laurence Sandylane Caherconlish Caherconlish Hanley Margaret Coolnahila (Powell) Abington Murroe and Boher Hanley Margaret Thomas Street, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Hanley Martin Cullane South Ballylanders Ballylanders 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 4 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Hanley Matthew Cunnahee Carrigparson Caherconlish, Ballybricken Hanley Michael Cullane South Ballylanders Ballylanders Hanley Michael Gortboy (Pt. of) Grange Bruff and Knockaderry Hanley Michael Main Street, Rathkeale Rathkeale Rathkeale Hanley Michael Mulderricksfield Kilmoylan Shanagolden Hanley Michael Rathmale Mungret Mungret and Crecora Hanley Michael Rathurd Donaghmore Donaghmore, Knockea Hanley Patrick Ballinanima (Massy) Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hanley Patrick Cooga Lower Doon Doon, Cappamore, Murroe, Boher Hanley Patrick Elton Knockainy Knockainy Hanley Patrick KIlbradran Kilbradran Coolcappa Hanley Patrick Mellon Ardcanny Kildimo Hanley Patrick Oldabbey Robertstown Shanagolden Hanley Patrick Rathmale Mungret Mungret and Crecora Hanley Thomas Bosnetstown Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hanley Thomas Breesheen South St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Hanley Thomas Cullane South Ballylanders Ballylanders Hanley Thomas Finnoo Kilmoylan Shanagolden Hanley Thomas Loghill Loghill Loughill & Ballyhahill Hanley Thomas Treanlewis St. Peter & Paul's Kilmallock Hanley Timothy Glendarragh Monagay Newcastle, Templeglantine Hanley Timothy Rathjordan Rathjordan Hospital Hanley William Ballygeana Galbally Galbally Hanley William Carrickittle Kilteely Kilteely Hanley William Feohanagh Mahoonagh Mahoonagh Hanley William Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hanley William Moanaviddoge Oola Oola and Solohead Hanlon Edmond Cloonoughter Kilfergus Glin Hanlon Edmond Killeany More Kilfergus Glin Hanlon Patrick Ballylanders Ballylanders Ballylanders Hanly Annie Srahane Carrigparson Caherconlish, Ballybricken Hanly Bridget Moig South Askeaton Askeaton Hanly Catherine Glensharrold Rathronan Ardagh, Athea, Cratloe 1911 Census, Co. Limerick householder index 5 Surname Forename Townland Civil Parish Corresponding RC Parish Hanly Daniel Oorla Robertstown Shanagolden Hanly Daniel Strokesfield Robertstown Shanagolden Hanly Denis Ballymartin Kilcornan Kilcornan, Stonehall, Cappagh Hanly Edmond Ballynagreanagh Kilteely Kilteely Hanly Edmond Main Street, Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Kilfinnane Hanly Elizabeth Shanagolden Town Shanagolden Shanagolden & Foynes (Pt. of) Hanly Ellen Ballinvreena Ballingarry Ballingarry Hanly James Balline Athneasy Bulgaden Hanly Johanna Knockroe Kilteely Kilteely Hanly John Ballyvorheen Abington Murroe and Boher Hanly John Clooncon Killeedy Newcastle, Tournafull Hanly John Dromalta
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