Books, Plays, Musicals, One-Acts, and One-Woman Shows By Carolyn Gage i How to Order the Books and Plays: All plays and books may be ordered from: as either hard copy or downloads.s For customers outside the US, contact the author at
[email protected]. Catalog is also online at ii What Others Are Saying: “… Carolyn Gage is one of the best lesbian playwrights in America…” —Lambda Book Report, Los Angeles. “Gage is regularly hailed as one of the best lesbian playwrights in America, but I want to say—if she will allow this and I understand and accept if she won’t—simply one of our best playwrights.”—Sharon Doubiago, My Father’s Love, Portrait of the Poet as a Young Girl; Love on the Streets, Selected and New Poems. “… a whole women’s theatre tradition in one volume… wonderful to read—rich, original, deeply affirming—and must be phenomenal to see on stage. The culture of women we have never had is invented in Carolyn Gage’s brilliant and beautiful plays.” —Andrea Dworkin, feminist philosopher activist, and author. “The work of an experienced and esteemed playwright like Carolyn Gage is the air that modern theatre needs.” — Jewelle Gomez, author of The Gilda Stories, San Francisco Arts Commissioner. “Carolyn Gage is a fabulous feminist playwright, and a major one too. This is great theatre. Gage’s dramatic and lesbian imagination is utterly original… daring, heartbreaking, principled, bitter, and often very funny… There is no rhetoric here: only one swift and pleasurable intake of breath after another… Women’s mental health would improve, instantly, were they able to read and see these plays performed.”—Phyllis Chesler, author of Women and Madness.