fOR REVIEW Date of publication 14 ,11, 2'1, Price 3s 6d net, The Pub/ will be glad to receive a I i copy o/ the wut in which the Book is noticed With the Comphments of \v. HEFFER ~ CAMBRIDGE & SONS LTD. ~ ENGLAND THE EARLY MONASTIC SCHOOLS OF IRELAND The Early Monastic Schools of Ireland Their Missionaries, Saints and Scholars FOUR LECTURES BY W. G. HANSON With a Fortword !Jy Canon G. A. Hollis, M.A., Principal of Wdls Thtological Colltgt " I have given up my whole soul to Greek learning, and as soon as~I get any money I shall buy Greek books." LeJt81's of Erasmus. 1927 W. HEFFER & SONS LIMITED CAMBiiDGF:,. IN.GLAND TO THE DEAR MEMORY OF ELEANOR ("Nellie") FOR NINE HAPPY YEARS MY COMPANION IN LIFE AND STUDY Consummatus in brevi, e:xplevit tempora multa. WISDOM iv, 13. AMA VIM US: AMAMUS: AMABIMUS. Contents PAGE FoREWORD by Canon G. A. HoLLIS, M.A. ix AUTHOR'S PREFACE xi I. THE ScHOOLS 3 II. Sr. CoLUMBAN AND His CoNtEMPORARIES 39 III. IRISH SCHOLARS OF THE EIGHTH AND NINTH CENTURIES IV. jOHN Scorus ERIGENA III APPENDIX: NotE oN THE ALLEGED Auro- GRAPHA OF ERIGENA 127 INDEX 129 vii Foreword THE lives of the Irish Saints and the contribution of the Irish Monastic Schools to the life of the Church in the Seventh, Eighth and Ninth centuries, deserve to be better known. Mr. W. G. Hanson has made himself familiar with their story and passed on his knowledge in four lectures. Three points stand out clearly-their devotion, their missionary zeal, and their learning.
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