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LIBERTO's SEEDS and BULBS LIBERTO’s SEEDS AND BULBS BULB LIST SUMMER 2021 (Summer dormant bulbs) Welcome to my general bulb list with summer dormant bulbs, corms, tubers and rhizomes available this summer and early fall. You’ll find quite an extensive variety here with geophytes coming from the various summer dry areas of the world like South Africa, Western USA, the Mediterranean, even Chile and Australia. Bulbs from this list can be ordered until the beginning of September, depending on availability. For autumn flowering bulbs and Oxalis, please order as early as possible. Many of the bulbs are available in small quantites (especially those in yellow cells) and orders will be treated first come, first served. The first and second columns indicate prices per 1 and 3 flowering sized bulbs. Some bulbs are available in younger age or other quantities and these can be found on the third column. Please note that the bulbs are available only in the category they are listed. All prices are in Euros. Please scroll to the end of the catalog for some planting and ordering instructions. Geissorhiza tulbaghensis, with its contrasting dark eyes. SPECIES OTHER SET FL.SZ.BULB PRICE PER 1 1 PER PRICE 3 PER PRICE FL.SZ.BULBS Acis autumnalis 4 € Acis autumnalis ´September Snow´ 4 € Albuca aurea 8 € 10 € for 3 young bulbs (2 years to flower) Albuca cooperi 15 € Albuca maxima 15 € Albuca tortuosa 8 € 10 € for 3 young bulbs (2 years to flower) Allium amplectens ´Graceful Beauty´ 3 € Allium haematochiton 5 € Allium meteoricum 10 € Allium macedonicum 8 € Allium rubrovittatum 10 € Allium unifolium 'Eros' 2 € Amaryllis belladonna 6 € for 3 young bulbs (2-4 years to flower) Amaryllis belladonna 'Alba' 10 € Arisarum vulgare 9 € Babiana angustifolia 10 € Babiana inclinata 8 € for 3 two year old bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Babiana nana 10 € Babiana purpurea pink form 8 € for 3 two year old bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Babiana pygmaea 14 € Babiana rubrocyanea 8 € for 3 two year old bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Babiana stricta purple form 3 € Babiana tubaeformis 8 € for 3 two year old bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Bellevalia cyanopoda 8 € Bellevalia dubia 7 € Bellevalia hyacinthoides 10 € Bellevalia hyacinthoides 'Alba' 10 € Bellevalia nivalis 7 € Bellevalia pycnantha 3 € Bellevalia romana 4 € Bellevalia trifoliata 8 € Brodiaea californica 5 € Brodiaea californica giant pink form 7 € Brodiaea coronaria 7 € Brodiaea insignis 7 € Brodiaea kinkiensis 8 € Brodiaea purdyi 8 € Bulbinella latifolia subsp.doleritica 10 € 15 € for 3 young rhizomes (1 year to flower) Bulbinella nutans 10 € 15 € for 3 young rhizomes (1 year to flower) Chasmanthe aethiopica 9 € Chasmanthe bicolor 9 € Chasmanthe floribunda ‘Saturnus’ 10 € Chasmanthe floribunda var. duckitii 9 € Colchicum cupanii 6 € Colchicum cretense 7 € Crocus cartwrtightianus 18 € Crocus corsicus 5 € Crocus flavus subsp.flavus 3 € Crocus goylimyi 15 € Crocus laevigatus 18 € Crocus sativus Kozani form 8 € Crocus x leonidii 'Early Gold' 5 € Cyanella hyacinthoides 12 € Cyanella orchidiformis 12 € Cyclamen africanum 7 € for 3 two year old tubers (1-2 years to flower) Cyclamen graecum 6 € for 3 two year old tubers (1-2 years to flower) Cyclamen persicum 6 € for 3 two year old tubers (1-2 years to flower) Cyclamen rohlfsianum 7 € for 3 two year old tubers (1-2 years to flower) Cyrtanthus falcatus x elatus x montanus 14 € Daubenya aurea red form 9 € 24 € Daubenya aurea yellow form 9 € 24 € Daubenya marginata (Neobakeria angustifolia) 9 € 24 € Daubenya zeyheri Jacob's Bay 25 € Dichelostemma capitatum giant form 8 € 3 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma capitatum white form 7 € 3 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma congestum 3 € 2 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma ida-maia 3 € 2 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma ida-maia ‘Pink Diamond’ 3 € 2 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma multiflorum 6 € 3 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dichelostemma volubile 8 € 3 € for 5 small bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Dipcadi serotiinum 7 € 6 € for 3 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Ferraria crispa with dark edges 10 € Ferraria crispa with dark yellow frills 10 € Ferraria crispa vanilla scented form 7 € Ferraria cripsa var. nortieri 17 € Ferraria divaricata var. arenosa 17 € Ferraria dicaricata brown edges 7 € Ferraria divaricata soft brown 10 € Ferraria schaeferi 9 € Freesia corymbosa 15 € Freesia fergusoniae 10 € Freesia fucata 6 € Freesia laxa subsp.azurea 12 € Freesia leichtlinii 4 € Freesia refracta 7 € Freesia verrucosa 15 € Freesia viridis 5 € Fritillaria obliqua 20 € 14 € for 3 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Geissorhiza corrugata 20 € Geissorhiza inflexa var. erosa 10 € Geissorhiza radians 10 € Geissorhiza splendidissima 10 € Geissorhiza tulbaghensis 10 € Geranium macrostylum 5 € Geranium transversale 5 € Geranium tuberosum 2 € Gethyum atropurpureum 10 € Gladiolus alatus 16 € Gladiolus italicus 'Albus' 6 € Gladiolus carinatus purple form 15 € Gladiolus carneus 8 € Gladiolus equitans 16 € Gladiolus italicus 6 € Gladiolus splendens 4 € for 5 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Gladiolus tristis 10 € Gladiolus tristis Purple Stripe 12 € Gladiolus tristis Red Stripe 12 € Gladiolus tristis Purple and Red 12 € Gladiolus undulatus 8 € Gladiolus watermeyeri 16 € Hesperantha bachmanii 7 € Hesperantha cucullata 7 € Hesperantha pilosa 16 € Hesperantha vaginata 12 € Hippeastrum papilio 12 € Hyacinthoides algeriense 5 € Hyacinthoides italica 4 € Hyacinthoides lingulata var.ciliolata 8 € Hyacinthoides mauritanica 9 € Hyacinthoides reverchonii 12 € Hyacinthoides vicentina 3 € for 5 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Ipheion (Nothoscordum) dialystemon 8 € Ipheion (Tristagma) sellowianum 10 € Ipheion sessile 6 € Ipheion uniflorum ‘Alberto Castillo’ 1 € Ipheion uniflorum ‘Jessie’ 1 € Iris aucheri 6 € Iris bucharica 5 € Iris 'Dushanbe' 10 € Iris hoogiana ‘Hippolyta’ 7 € Iris suaveolens yellow form 5 € Iris attica mixed colors 5 € Iris reichenbachii mixed colors 5 € Iris tuberosa ‘Smokey’ 8 € 20 € Ixia gloriosa 16 € Ixia dubia orange form 8 € Ixia paniculata 3 € Ixia pumilio 6 € Ixia ramulosa 15 € Ixia rouxii 18 € Ixia viridiflora 13 € Lachenalia aloides var. bicolor 8 € Lachenalia aloides var. quadricolor 8 € Lachenalia arbuthnotiae 10 € Lachenalia bachmanii 12 € Lachenalia bulbifera 12 € Lachenalia bulbifera 'Rust en Vrede' 15 € Lachenalia matthewsii 12 € Lachenalia mutabilis 14 € Lachenalia orthopetala 9 € Lachenalia pallida 12 € Lachenalia pusilla 14 € Polyxena (Lachenalia) pygmaea 16 € for 3 two year old bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Lachenalia rubida 6 € Lachenalia unicolor 8 € Lachenalia unifolia 9 € Lapeirousia (Codonorhiza) corymbosa 15 € Lapeirousia divaricata 5 € Lapeirousia jacquinii 14 € Lapeirousia (Codonorhiza) micrantha 15 € Lapeirousia oreogena 7 € 18 € Lapeirousia pyramidalis 15 € Leucocoryne ‘Andes’ 4 € Leucocoryne ‘Spotlight’ 4 € Massonia depressa Nieuwoundtville 18 € for 1 young bulb (1-2 years to flower) Massonia echinata 8 € 12 € for 3 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Massonia pustulata 8 € 12 € for 3 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Miersia chilensis 10 € Moraea bellendenii 10 € Moraea bipartita 8 € Moraea ciliata 8 € 4 € for 5 young bulbs (1-2 years to flower) Moraea comptonii 15 € Moraea elegans yellow/green form 10 € Moraea flaccida 5 € Moraea gigandra 15 € Moraea lewisiae 10 € Moraea lurida 8 € Moraea macrocarpa 10 € Moraea miniata 12 € Moraea ochroleuca 5 € Moraea pendula 10 € Moraea polystachya 6 € Moraea setifolia 8 € Moraea simulans 10 € Moraea sisyrincium 2 € Moraea tricuspidata 15 € Moraea vegeta 6 € Muscari armeniacum 2 € for 5 fl.size bulbs Muscari coeleste 5 € Muscari comosum 2 € Muscari leucostomum (Turkmenistan) 10 € Muscari macrocarpum 5 € Muscari muscarimi 5 € Muscari neglectum 2 € for 5 fl.size bulbs Muscari pulchellum 8 € Narcissus 'Arctic Bells' 3 € Narcissus cavanillesii 12 € Narcissus 'Oxford Gold' 3 € Narcissus bulbocodium 4 € Narcissus papyraceus wild form 5 € Narcissus romieuxii ‘Julia Jane’ 3 € Narcissus wilkommii 4 € Narcissus tazetta Cretan form 5 € Notholirion thompsonianum 6 € 15 € 5 € for 5 young bulbils (1-3 years to flower) Odontostoma hartwegii 7 € Ornithogalum conicum 10 € Ornithogalum gifbergense 8 € for a small clump of bulbs Ornithogalum juncifolium 6 € for a bunch of bulbs (5+) Ornithogalum magnum 3 € Ornithogalum nutans 3 € 3 € for 10 two year old bulbs (1 year to flower) Ornithogalum reverchonii 3 € Ornithogalum suaveolens 15 € Oxalis adenodes 5 € Oxalis ambigua 5 € Oxalis annae 10 € Oxalis ‘Apricot Pie’ 10 € Oxalis arenaria 6 € Oxalis attaquana 10 € Oxalis ‘Beery’ 10 € Oxalis bifurca 10 € Oxalis ‘Boaz’ 5 € Oxalis 'Blood' 10 € Oxalis hirta 'Blood Moon' 5 € Oxalis bowiei 3 € Oxalis brasiliensis 3 € Oxalis brasiliensis ‘Pinky White’ 7 € Oxalis bullulata 8 € Oxalis burkei 12 € Oxalis callosa 4 € Oxalis 'Candy Box Cherry' 10 € Oxalis caprina 3 € Oxalis cathara 5 € Oxalis cathara 'Lemon Light' 9 € Oxalis cathara 'Yellow' 9 € Oxalis 'Cinderella' 10 € Oxalis clavifolia 5 € Oxalis commutata 4 € Oxalis comosa 16 € Oxalis compressa double form 4 € Oxalis compressa single form 4 € Oxalis convexula 6 € Oxalis 'Cream Pie' 4 € Oxalis cripiflora 4 € Oxalis ‘Dado’ 5 € Oxalis dentata 6 € Oxalis dichotoma 10 € Oxalis ‘Dikush’ 12 € Oxalis eckloniana 10 € Oxalis 'Edelweiss' 10 € Oxalis engleriana 6 € Oxalis fabaefolia 3 € Oxalis fergusoniae 5 € 4 € for 10 small stem born bulbils Oxalis ‘Firebird’ 10 € Oxalis flabellifolia 8 € Oxalis flaculata 7 € Oxalis flava 3 € Oxalis flava large form 7 € Oxalis flava lavender form (var.
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