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I I fll^^la1.." ‘ I ON itita Il-^ lei-% a • I CT LJ I pass betweenbetween DarakiDaraki & Nowsud, 2500-2600m. rf- IUI lltr IIll i II I .

Paul Furse had..1...a no problems::':,:::-s.1:.'-:.S:c driving to Marivan\Iariran onor thetne IraqiIraqi in charge of securitysecurity for the area, II readread hishis namename fromfrom somesome oc:-:er of :::---. Korcestan\:lla:::: in-a 1962.--:l ByB-' 1966,-::!. when wene wereii'ere papers on his deskciesk and told the other check-points that hehe had t-..: "\'lin --.:. r-:-, s 'r_ad:.: just blown:'.:1.-.i upul,' aa refineryi=i-i:er inL:l iilethe saidsaici that they hadhaci to let us tirough."through." -..-. ', : K_-.. . . - - e: jc. l- ,

We shall acceptaccept youryour perconalpersonal chequecheque in in US US $ $or or I sterlingsterling with do soso : :it it makes makes little little difference difference to thethe operationoperation ofd ouror one qualification :: chequescheques inin US $ must be on a USUS bankbank business. Apart from personal cheques, payments cancanbemade be made account :charges:charges onon negotiatingnegotiaring cheques on foreign accountsaccounls inifl US $, ,,DM Djvi or orFF FF bank bank notes notes (please (piease send send by by registered registered are very high in the USA (foreign(foreigu banksi:arfts cancan usuallyusualiy sellseii you a mail), a bank draft or International Money Order (in US $ or £f, US $ chequecheque drawndrawn onon onesne ofof theirtheir USUS branches).branches). PleasePleass do sterlingsterliag forthesefor these please). WeWe iiodo notnot operate a Giro account to not nowno-a. sendsend Eurocheques, whichrx'hich are no longer acceptableacceptabie to enable direct transierstransfers nor do werve accept credit card payments UKrJK banksbacks. TinsThisis is aa temporaryterrrpora-y problemproble*n whichvstdch willwill vanish-vrnish -withwith ataipressnt. pi esent. frer,.:ittingIfrenntaing byby sterlingsterling cltequejcheque, itis his a great hetphelp both thetle -fullfull1aunch launch cfthe€ of the € urin laauary,January, 2002-2002. Next year we shallshallbe be tota youycru andand to us,us, ifif you sendsend usl-rs anaa open cheque, limitedhn-,ited tcto the pricingpdcing'and and acceptiagaccepting pai'*nentpayment in in the the € € '.For For the rest of 2001, total valueval'+e of yourloour order.older. ObviouslyObv.iously it carmotcannot behe n:,ademade cpatout forfcr while we priceprice inin DMDMand -and 1FF,4P, we mustrnust'ask ask cu$torne{:scustomers ootnot to more thanthap- the limit h;tbut it can certainlycertainty be rnademade out forf,or less,less, send chequescheopes in thesetlese currenciescurrencies and especiallyespecially notnot loto useuse avoiding annoyinganneying credits or refunds - you will only pay for cheques on 'La Poste'. A bankbank draftdraft or aa Giro Giro paymentpayment inin what we have sent afterafterthe the order is despatched. IfIfyou you do not sterling isis used byby many customers :: you can price in DM or FF wish to dodo this,this, aa listlist ofof somesome possiblepossible substitutes will be very and have the currentcurrent equivalentequivaient sent to us inin £f, sterling.sterling. Cash helpfulheipfui : we shallshali not use them unless wewe have to and, if we do, sentsent by regisieredregistered letter is also no ptobiernproblem : roundround down ir:to the we always irytry to send uroremore than thetite valuevalue of thethe itemsiiems notrtot nearest equivalent.equivalent. WeV\ie cancan usuallyusual$ refund in cash if -wewe cannotcaniiot supplied.suppiied. WeT,'e shallsha1l not pay in youryour chequecheque untiluntil afterafter youryour order supplysuppiy an item. Ifif fluctuationsfluctuaiions in exchange rates mean that it is has been sent :: it is in ourour interest,interest, as -wei1well asas yours,yours, toto completecomplete advantageousadvantageousto-to selectselect aa currencyalrrenry otherotherthanyu-ur than your own,cNm, please youri.our orderorder asas quicklyquickr'y asasrre we can.can.


NewNew customerscustomers pleaPleasese understand

There may be a delay of some weeks before youyou receive youryour order.order. Most orders comecome inin during the first few weeks after we send out a list. We receive orders very much faster thanthan wewe can despatchdespatch them. Ifyou feelfeel your orderorder isis tootoo longlong inin arriving, check with your bankbark toto findfind out ififyour your cheque hash,as been cashed :: we dodo notnot paypay inin chequescheques untiluntii orders have been despatched. Ififit it hashas-been been cashed, ietlet us knowkrow immediately.immediateiy. Oneone or tworwo itemsiteus areare lostlost oror delayeddelayea eacheact, year.year-. InIn suchsuch anan unlikely unlikeiy event,evenb, youyou willwili findfifld us totallytoially sympathetic.s)rnpaiiretic' Wewe are;;;;;;;; glad to say such,,i"i, problemsp*-or"*r areard Veryvery rarerare butbut pleasjplease letlet usus knoir=know ifif you have anyairy difficultiesdidcuities aiat all in or,lentgordering seeds Iiomfrom us'us. Wewe shallshall do ourolur best toto putput themtirem rightright andand youyou cancan bebe assuredassured thatthat theythey willx,Ji be resolved at no disadvantageiiisadvantage to yourself.yourseil Postal servicesseryices are, on the whole,whu.le, veryvery reliable.reliable. WhileWtil**= we cancim ma-kemake mistakesnristakes ourselves, wetrytowe try to bebe just asas reliable.retiable'


OurOur populationpopulatlon referencereferenee numbersnumbers

The speciesspecies in our listslists areare divideddivided into five distinct geographical a 1.l. for North America, 2. for South America, 3'3. for Southern areas.ur*ur. WithinWithin these areasareas theythey runrun inin alphabetical alphabetical order.order' TheThe Africa (S(S of the Sahara),Sahara), 4. forfor Eastern Asia and 5. forfor numbers appearingappearing beforebefore the names nrnrun inin numericalnumericai orderorder Australasia.Austraiasia. Garden hybridshybriris and selectionsseiections (with which we are (which(which means,rt"atrt we*" dodo notnot much rnucir likelike genericgeneric 'splitting).'spiitting)' TheseThese nottot much concerned)cotrcented) start withwith 6. numbers referrefbr to particularparticalar populations,populations, mainlymarnly in the wi1d,wild, thoughthough Cultivated seed,seed, which has become increasinglyirrcreasmgly evident in our cultivatedcuitivaied material rn4thoutwithout data isis givengivsn aa numbernumber also.aiso' WildYdiid lists, as werl'e build up stocksstocks raisedraised from seedseed ofof wildx"iid origin, isis collectionscoilecfiorswhich which cannotcamrot bebeful$identified fully identified wiflwill beformdbe found underunder a markedrnar-ked with+rith anm asteriskesterisk (*). TheThefield-data field-data givenglveainthese in these cases five-digit fieldfialdr.ili#er. number. ThisTllrs n'.rmt'ernumber refersrefr,s to acollec*'-iona collection made by refers to thet}e parents_p,ararts- Almc#,Almost all c.rltivaiedcultivated seedseed was collected us onoa a particular date only.only. Both setssets of numbersn'un',bers arear€ perrnanent'permanent. in 2001.2001. MostMost isis hand-pollinated hand-pollinated but itit willwill notnot necessarily necessarily The use ofof,population population referencesreferences is to avoid seed fromfrorn the samesano-e produce similar-lookingshaihr-looking seedlings.seedlings. AsAs our parent-stockspareat-st-ocks populationpopulatror: of plants6u"tt beingbeing distributeddistributed under a proliferationproliferation of representieprasent samplessamples ofof wildwild populations,populations, seedlingsseedlings will show the field-numbers.field-numbe.s. InIn somesome instances,instances, the samesame population of variation,u.iutio, presentpresent inin thethe wild. We attempt to preservepreserve thethe can be foundfound inin ourour ownowl field-notesfield-notes underunder aa multitudemultitude ofof field-field- genetic diversity oftheof the wildwild plantsplants notnot toto impose ourour concepts numbers, when it hashas beenbeen visitedvisited byby us in different years'years. When on them.Nomenclaturethem.Nomenciature foiiowsfollows thethe basic floras,floras, 'Flora'Fiora jepson another collectorcollector isis involvedinvolved theirfheir namename oror fieldfield numbernumtrer is quoted Europaea', Flora'Flora of Turkey', ?1ora'Flora kanica'Iranica"The 'The Jepson inin the datadata following follorning thethe plant plant name. name' dentifieddentified speciesspecies fromfrom Manual',hlanual', 'Flora'Fiora ofof Japan'Jap a',r, and and soso onon withwrth aa little htile editingediting andand Europe, W Asia & N AfricaAfrica havehave six-digitsix-digit numbers herqhere, though updating,updaticg, if tiusthis is felt to be relevant && helpfulhelpful to gardeners.gardeners' Europe,-tra-re W Asia & N they have anarr 0.0. beforebefore themthem onoa our our records records andand youyou maymay Collectionsfromiollectiorcfronr the republics oftheoftlre formerforflrer USSRIJSSR arenre usually sometimessorfisttffies seesee this onon aa label.label- The seven-digitsevar-digit nurnb'ersnumbers startwith listedlisteel underu,nder the names supplied.supplied' 689.040 : MUSCARIMUSCARIMCBEATIIIANUM MCBEATHIANUM * *Turkey, Turkey, Adana, Adana, ENE ENE of ofTufanbeyli. Tufanbeyli. 1200m. 1200m. OpenOpen areasareas amongamongPinttsinmoist, Pinus in moist, fineflne sand.said.

(Racemes(Racemes pfpf open-mouthed, ice-blueice-biue toto whitewhite flowersliowers fromtiom porcelain-blue budsbuds on 10cm.I0cm. stems. A charmrng,charming, deltcatedelicate andand none-too-none-too- r easyeasy littleiittie we discovered in 19851985 andanci which was namedname