11 rr .-, r i v i Ft inn mil %Jinni %A %/%011111111y LA A /AifAAA Jlm l[ Jennyi- i1''( YYl 111 1111rlll A S 4it lnI J..r I -I IIIIIIIi I ; ArchibaldFLI fg I tl [,CI I ll I tI 'BRYN'BR-YI{ COLLEN',COLLEI{U. FFOSTRASOL, IT 17 LLAINTA'SUL,LLANDYSUL, SA44SA44 5SB,5SB, WALES,W ALES, ii.K.• Ile NEWSLETTER & SEED LIST AUGUST,AUGUST,2OOl 2001 I I fll^^la1.." ‘ I ON itita Il-^ lei-% a • I CT LJ I pass betweenbetween DarakiDaraki & Nowsud, 2500-2600m. rf- IUI lltr IIll i II I . Paul Furse had..1...a no problems::':,:::-s.1:.'-:.S:c driving to Marivan\Iariran onor thetne IraqiIraqi in charge of securitysecurity for the area, II readread hishis namename fromfrom somesome oc:-:er of :::---. Korcestan\:lla:::: in-a 1962.--:l ByB-' 1966,-::!. when wene wereii'ere papers on his deskciesk and told the other check-points that hehe had t-..: "\'lin --.:. r-:-, s 'r_ad:.: just blown:'.:1.-.i upul,' aa refineryi=i-i:er inL:l iilethe saidsaici that they hadhaci to let us tirough."through." -..-. ', : K_-.. - - e: jc. l- , <lr:te:ti AfterAfier thetire littleiittie villageviiiagc oftii DarakiDarairi theiiie looseloose dirt-road dirte'oaci climbssiirnbs _ border.--. Iraqi"-_ government=,- aaor:_a:.es batrhg KlirthskiN,r*d;sh rillage+aa.es, E-6ewere noinot beingbeiag too steeplys,=ipi'r toiu aa pass.;;ss. BeyondBc;,un.l weiia couldcoi;l.j seeste it;tdescend descend toio thethe valleyiallcy particularpffti{:dar as tsto v.*,ffi tke were onotr Iraqikaqi or kaaiaaIranian tecitcry-terrltory. ofolthe the SirvanSin'an river & ';inCwind Ccrr,'ndown that all the l'a}'way tcto Nowsud.Nc';sud "Thic ic tlre Erll in at " ....e We rriedtried tcto getgd outcst ofof SanandajSenand{ oncn thet}e Marivan}dari'ra:r rcadroad br*but ererewere "This is the place.P,"--,.119.vy,nlare Pull in at the top,"fon we shouted.ShCUted. OurOur- 1962lObl escortedesc.srt-ed back to thethe basementbasmeui- headquartersheadguarters of SAVAK,SAVAK, the&e BritishBntish War OfficeOfflce map (useless ftrrfor roads and place-namesplace-nanies br-rtbut above Shah's secretsecret police,police, toto bebe questionedquestioned byby urbaneurbane young-voung men in stillsti11 invaluableinvaluable forfor contours) showed we were wellwell above suits who spokespoke perfectperfect English.English. We diddid not findfindthe the Fritillaria 7000ft. (2134m.)(2134m ) with a spot height near thethe toptop oftheof the pass of straussii we had hoped for. 8654ft. (2638m.).(2638m.). ItIt hadhad toto bebe thethe place.place. Well,Well, ifif itit is,is, wewe failedfailed By 2000, there were non.) problemsprobiemswith with SAVAK norindeednor indeed their to findiind Fe.F.c subsp:subsl.l. polwinr"'poluniritt We traversedtraverseci thetne north-facingnorth-iacing successorssurcessors andand wewe drovedrove fromfom SanandajSanandaj to Marivan and back in slopes :: plentypienty Puschkinial-u,schkiniabut but no frits. WeWe+smbeci 4-embed th,tht .-5;:'" -W-iriie a dayday onoa anaa excellentexceiient surfacedsurfaceci road.roa<i. While wewe mademade severalseverai tops.tops. WeWe descendedciescencieci onon thethe south-facingsouth-facing slopes.siopes. ThereTirere were FritillariaFritiiieria collections,coiiections, theretJrere waswas stillsiiii tano F. slnzassii.straussii. Noriiorir:deed indeed plentypieriit, bulbsbuibs :. Colchicum,Coiciticunt, irisIris reticulatareiicttiuia andand a Fritillaria,Friiiiiariu, a wasiras theretiere anyaal certaintycertaiftry- wew-e had collectedcoilected -liF. crassifoliacrassifulia subsp.sibsp. 20cm.20cm highlirgh plant withriith severalseveral capsules on a stem,ste m, whichral:ich we-we felt L^,-l r^ k- .- .1^ irL L ,'t, n,!ca;; k," nlr^11nia phmi*iipot iii noraor the imp'"obable'probable F.F chloranthacklor*ttha which*"hich Paul Furse hadliLi\j toiU bet L something"^'r.^+Li-^rur/,L!,riii5 to!U doUU with',rira!, Ei . straussiiJ,/Ltttr.rtt butt)uL hadlrdsh^.1 alternateoI(L,trdtw claimedelahred *+ewe:4- there. there- The The factS€t thattlL"{ about about halfhalf aa dozen dczefl differentdi$erent lerfes.1ea...es. We r.rie should shculd haveha..'e beenbeen elatedelated atat findingfinding anan unidentifiableunidentifiable FritillariaFittllsia speciesryeers aPptearappear toto occuroccr:r within*ittrin &ethe area made itit FritillariaFritillariabvt but we w.-erefn-rstratedwere frustrated at not findiogwhatfinding what wewe sorlght.sought. essential totqlave have a:-mother Dther looklook dat it in 2001. BelowBelolv us we could see another check-point and beyond to the This year *ewe Ka:.stayed e in Marivan_Marirzn I1It *aswas aa nostalgicnostalgic visit forfor our west aa tracktrack hairpinnedhairpinned up anan allall but vertical cliffcliffface. face. Every so Tehrani drit-sr,drive:. Babmm, *ao,who, in hisyouth,his youth, had spent a week in often a pick-uppick-up would climb or descend it. We returned to jailjail there, *tilewhile smuggling a a carcar iutointo kanIran from-Ilaq-from Iraq. ItIt is a Bahram and drove down to the check-point. We could not take vibrantvrbraila towntolrn wherewirere shaggy-turbaned*trr"gy-turtaned KurdsKurds cladcEFfijbaggy in baggy black our vehicle up the track but the soldierssoldiers were helpful.heipful. WeWe leftIeft it ("We're("We're reallyreaiiy into boiler-suitboiier-zuit cowtrylp#countryooli" saidsaid Norman) Norman) withlvitir them and startedstarteci walking.wailing. "There's"There's a teairouseteahouse wherew-here you jostiejostle withwiiii slick yotmgyoung sreet-touisstreet-touts ffiaineffirrainers selling seiiing whiskywiiisky can geaget a beerjustbeer just over tiiethe top." they shouted. iVeWe tirougirtthought theyiirey -----^:^l :^^ rr'^'vie - l:O:.- !!-^!---^!- ^f - - '-'1':^l- miniatures (youfu'oi: canca,r buybuy aa litretit-e ofofthe the realr-eal stuffstiif forfor- half the price wereWei-cJuhiit$. joking . We soonSOOiI gottsOI aa liftIiai inil-l thetiie backUduN ofUl ad pick-upplul\-up-:^l which,lvlltLll? *,,^l^ +a nnr! tho onriqq h:,11^.1 ;- r1.^..o c^fl. itrt is in Britarn).Britain). A*erAfter a memorablymemcrabli'uacomfcrtable uncomfortable night in what afterUilgi^A^. muchiiiijvii pausingijiiijSili,iS^^,,"i.^ toiU coolLUUi thetils engine,cii6iii!. pulledl,uIrLu rrrin auvabove l.uLrL some daralict nn,,ld couldc.ould be calledcalled 'less thanthan basic' accommodation',aeeam$cdation', 'sswe set off derelictULI i;:LL hr,ildi,.ocbuildingsUU::uiirSi fiiatat theil:Lthe tnn.LPtop. FrnmFrom there.-r,pthere we could looklnnk downdo,,r'n southsoutjr toto attemptattempt to to reach reach Per Per Wendelbo's Wendelbo's Iranian ka-man localitylocal$ for thousandsthor-rsands ofoffeet feet to the sun-scorcheds,-tn-scorched cultivationcr-rlttvation ofof aa vast plain.plain, F. c. subsp.subsp. pohminii.Ppoluninii . Per er visitedvtsited this area during a more peaceful It was onlyonlv then it dawned onon usus that we were inin Iraq and wew-e period when he waswas botanicalbotanical adviseradviser to thethe newnew Ariamehr Ariamehr had beentreen givengiven a lift1ift by a smuggler. "What are theythev running in Botanical Garden between 19741974 & 1976.1976. and out?" II askedasked Bahram..Bahram.. "Alcohol"Alcohol and electronic parts for Shortly after we leftleft the mainmain road, we hit the first check-point. satellite receivers into Iran and food and medicines intointo lraq,"Iraq," he Our passports were collectedcollected and after a longiong delay we were said. "So muchmuch forfbr thethe 'ethical 'ethicai foreignfbreign policy' of ourour summoned to thethe officerofficer inin charge.charge. "Tell"Teii him r,vewe oniyonly want to government," Ii thought. We foundfounci no FritiiiaridFritillaria on the top of look forior aa littlelittle flower,"fiower," Ii said.said. "No,"i{o, no,no, no,"no," saidsaid Bahram,Bahram, thetire mountainnrouniain :: onlyoruy bigbig fennelsfennels and masses ofoi an Ornithogalumi)rnitho2;ttitun "..:,L -r-^ ^rr n..-,- . r'. r-:- t ....- j-...- "Don't"Doii'i mention flowers.flow*ers. IIl'rro-w know thesetlrese people. I'llI'11 telliell himhinr whaiwhat withWiin theIiig oddOA'O l)luu(t,Draba, frtArabis utttJ anddttt.r^-r _MiniumL(tttttttltt )in theilie rockrock crevices.creiices. he wantswaats to hear."hear." AfterA,fter muchmuch discussiondiscussion our passports were WeY,/e lurched back downdo'"vn at highltgh speed,speed, slewing through the last returned.returaed. "He says r,vewe can go but don't walkvralk too far fromfrom the snow-patches,sssr,,,-patches, inin the back of another smugg!er'ssmuggler's pick-up.pick-up "Did road,"roael," WeWe passedpasserl throughthrough subsequent subsequent check-pointscheck-points withoutwitlout youyor: like Iraq ?" called one ofofthe the soldiers. We smiled and waved trouble. "What"What diddid youyou saysay to thethe officerofficerback-back there?" I asked. and drove back towards Marivan. ItIt waswas now-now dusk andand the "I"I saidsaid you wanted toto gogo forfor aa picnic,"picnic." saidsaid Bahram.. "As he was check-points were unmanned.utrmanned. 7---= -] OrderingOrdering from this list couldeould not be easier do soso : :it it makes makes little little difference difference to thethe operationoperation ofd ouror We shall acceptaccept youryour perconalpersonal chequecheque in in US US $ $or or I sterlingsterling with business. Apart from personal cheques, payments cancanbemade be made one qualification :: chequescheques inin US $ must be on a USUS bankbank business. Djvi or FF bank notes (piease send by registered on negotiaring cheques on foreign accounls inifl US $, ,,DM or FF bank notes (please send by registered account :charges:charges on negotiating cheques on foreign
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