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St Helena Manual of Inspection Procedures ANNEX 7. Sample licences and forms A. Import License B. Phytosanitary certificate C. Export Inspection Certificate D. Fumigation certificate E. Notification of Interception of Quarantine Pests F. Inspection Report Sheet G. Certificate of Confiscation and Destruction 20 • St Helena Government Licence to Import Fresh Agriculture and Natural Resources Division Produce into St Helena BIOSECURITY Licence issued pursuant to Regulation 3 (First Schedule) of the St Helena Customs (Export and Import Control) Regulations, 1988. Name and Address of Importer(s) Import Voyage No. and Voyage Date (depart) Import Licence No. and Year Licence Fee Receipt No. Port of Origin [ - ---- -- Under the Customs (Export and Import Control) Regulations 1988, the importer named above is permitted to import into the Island of St Helena the following fresh produce: PRODUCE QUANTITY Species related import health conditions - produce must be free from the following specified pests and diseases POME FRUIT Ceratitis spp. Fruit flies Apple Cydia pomonella Codling moth Pear Grapholita mo/esta Oriental fruit moth STONE FRUIT Ceratitis spp. Fruit flies Peach Cydia pomonella Codling moth Any quantities of imported Nectarine Grapho/ita mo/esta Oriental fruit moth peaches. nectarines and Plum Xanthomonas arborico/a pv .pruni Bacterial mangoes exceeding ten cartons Apricot canker must be treated to destroy Prune Tephritid larvae (eg by TROPICAL FRUIT Mango: fumigation) prior to export and Mango Ceratitis spp. Fruit flies certified as such. This certificate Pineapple Se/enothrips rubrocinctus Red-banded thrips to be produced to the relevant Avocado In addition, grown in areas free from: authorities upon landing of the Kiwi Sternochetus mangiferae Mango seed produce. Any items not covered Lychee weevil by the above certificate will be Coconut confiscated and destroyed. Pineapple: Dysmicoccus brevipes Pineapple mealybug CITRUS FRUIT Ceratitis spp. Fruit flies All varieties Cydia pomonella. Codling moth A/eurocanthus wog/umi Citrus blackfly TABLE GRAPES Ceratitis spp. Fruit flies All varieties OTHER FRUIT (please specify) Agriculture and Natural Resources Division ANR••D Scotland, St Paul's, St Helena Island. Telephone: 002904724, Facsimile: 002904603, Email: [email protected] ----_. St Helena Government Licence to Import Fresh Agriculture and Natural Resources Division Produce into St Helena BIOSECURITY Licence issued pursuant to Regulation 3 (First Schedule) of the St Helena Customs (Export and Import Control) Regulations, 1988. PRODUCE QUANTITY Species related import health conditions - produce must be free from the following specified pests and diseases VEGETABLES Sweet melon BagrADA spp. Painted bug Water melon BemisiA tabACI Sweet-potato or Tobacco whitefly Butternut FranklInIE/la oCCIDEntalis Thrips Pumpkin SpodoptEra exemptA True armyworm Squash Spodoptera Exigua Lesser armyworm Cucumber Tomato Pepper Brinjal Celery Leek Carrot Sweet Potato Parsnip Beetroot POTATOES GlobodEra spp. Cyst nematodes Ware potatoes In addition, grown in areas free from: SynchytrIum endobIoticum Wart disease RalstonIA solanACEArum race 3. Brown rot ONIONS No specified quarantine pests. Garlic OTHER VEGETABLES(please specify) 1 General Conditions of Import licence: / (1) This import licence is granted in reliance on the information declared on the importer's application. Provision of false information or making false declaration shall render the licence null and void. (2) The fresh produce listed above must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the recognised Agricultural Authority and an Export Inspection Certificate for Class lor 2 produce. Imports not in compliance with the above specified import health conditions will be liable to treatment, confiscation or destruction by the ANRD Agricultural Authority/Customs, if appropriate. This will be undertaken at the cost of the importer. (3) This licence does not allow part shipments. In case of part shipment occurring for fresh produce orders, an importer must apply for a new import licence giving new shipment details for the balance of the consignment. (4) The licence is issued to the importer for his/her use to import fresh plant produce covered by the licence and is not transferable. Signed as the Agricultural Authority on behalf of the Government of the Island of St Helena: Dr Jill Key, Pest Control and Biosecurity Officer Date ,----- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Agriculture and Natural Resources Division ANRD•• Scotland, St Paul's, St Helena Island. Telephone: 002904724, Facsimile: 002904603, Email: [email protected] • agriculture for stry & fisheries Oepartmsnt. ARG131Q07 Agncultote. Forestry and Fishenes REPUBUC OF SOUTH AFRICA PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE PLANT PROTECTION OFtGANISATJON OF THE" REPUBLIC OF SOUTtl AFRICA St. HeIena Island To Plant protecllOO ofgenisalien(s) of -... .. .............• ;..................... _ - •........•....•.................... - ..••...•....... -- ..........•..•.......... , I. DI:SCRjPTION O'P CONSIGNMENT Noris Fresh Produce (Pty) Ltd TIA Golden Harvest Name and-addrflS5 cf exporter ...........•..... _ •• _................... ._ ..•, _.. - ~~ •................... - ...•..... - ,..•..........•. , ....•.... - - _. 94 Gunners Circle, Epping industria 1 ....•••.. __ ._ ..•.•..••...••••.....•..........•. I-. •••.........•..•• _ ..... "'-'" •.....••... _ .. _ •....•••••••••. , ••••... - "-"'''''' .... -_ •...••.... _ •...••••..•..• Oeclared name and address of GOnsigne _ ..............•. _ ....••..•... umber and description 01 packages .......•..•....... : --- . , ~ •• _.. •••• • ••••.•••• _ ••• _...... • •••• P••••••• O. •••••••• •••••••••• --.-.~ •••••••.•.•• "t, _._.._ _~.•....._ _ , h ••• _ ••••••••• _,., •••••••••••.••••••••••••••• - •••••••••••••• o ng\IIS~1l1gmerks .; ••••• • . QN.E..._ _ ..•................__ _ _ _ .._ _ ~ - ..- - _ - ..- . .............. - .~..-.. ~.~ - -.~.-.,.....•............ -.---..........•......~ _ -..........................•. - ..-.-; -.•..--.--.-..- ..~- - '.- lace Or Of1gin R~P..y.bJic.9f.S9.JJth.Afri(;.~ _.....•.." _ ~ - ,..- ~ . Oactared !Ilean!> 01 convey-ance .. RMS_ St H_ elen_..a........ OeclaTe<! polnl of entry ._.... .......•Jamestown..... _ _ .._ _ .............•............. See attachment for Human Consumption arna Qf produce, qoa/lllly deola'lKJ and purpose..... _ _ ..•..•.....,.............•................. _ ,........•..... _.. ~ ..- •........ - . _"._ _.__ __ , .__._ _ _ .u _.,.._ _ : ··..__.·.•_.· .._ ·.··_.··· ..1.... __ _;_: - _.._ ..-. anleel name or planls.. .. See Attachment - ....•....... _. .... _.. _. ._._ .......•...•..• . .0-..... _ ••...••..•...........•.... ,._ ... ~ .. _ .• -.-...~ ............•....••.... ,., •.... ,.~ •• _ ... _... _._ ...•... , ,.. __ •• _, .•.• _.•... ,. This Is to certify that the plants planl products or other regulated artlcles, desctibhd heretn haYe been lnspacted andlor tested ilccordlng to.approprlate offICial procedures and are oonsldered b) be free from Ihe quarantine pests specified by the-!mpo~lIng contracting pllfiy and 10eontorm to. the cUr&ent phytosanitary requir rnents or the Importlrg contracting party; InCluding those for (Bllulated nOJ)quaranlTne pests, "l=hey are deem9d1OoDe pr!ld\i'caUy-frge from other pests. II. ADDITIONAL DECl.AAATlON Import Permit: ..... _ - . ............. - -.-----.- --.~.----..- ,- ..- ~ .:.-.- -..---- . :::a:e _ ... _01._ ••• _ Chemr 81(active lngred ent) , _.._~ _ ,•.•_ ~ •..•.........•..••;,_, _ ; CA~E TOWN Place of Issue _ ...• _.•...•.... ~ .._ . Dat92. ..2.....fu..,...:...._..2,..J3 ... o financial liability WIth respeetto 'nlS certiflcale shall attach to th3 Oep&rlmentof AgriCulture. Forestry and·Flsherles or to any of lts OIficers or repr96entatives . • Annexure to PhytGsanitary Certificate: PGTl051978 18.5 KILOGRAMS -'\P-P-LESTOPRED Malus domestica 20 CARTONS X X 18.5 KILOGRAMS APPLES STARKING Malus domestica 20 CARTONS 12.5 KILOGRAMS PEARS PACKHAM TRIUMPH Pyrus communis 20 CARTONS X KILOGRAMS SWEET POTATO Ipomoea Batatas 10 CARTONS X 10 KILOGRAMS PUMPKIN CucurBita maximA 30 BAGS X 30 5 KILOGRAMS PEPPERS RED Capsicum Annuum 5 CARTONS X KILOGRAMS PEPPERS YELLOW Capsicum annuum 5 CARTONS X 5 6 KILOGRAMS TOMATOES - Lycopersicon lycopersieum 30 GARTON-S X • PP907435 ORIGI~AL REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT STANDARDS ACT OFFICIAL EXPORT CERTIFICATE Trader/ Exporter's name: I Serial Number: Golden Harvest, 94 Gunners Circle, Epping Industria 1, Cape Town, South Africa I 2. Packer/production unit code Identified on packaging (If 3. Official authority/Competent authority: I other than trader) I National Department of Agriculture C1l36. V0239. K0025, P1289, D1824, D0398 Inspection body: Perishable Products Export Control Board I (PPECB), deslqnated by the Minister of Agriculture as Assignee I 4. Country of origin I~Countr; y of destination Republic of South Africa St Helena Island Means of Transport: '0. AIR ISEA ROAD 7. National regulations: i 'I/essel: RMS St Helena Issued in terms of the regulations regarding control lIf the export of certain products, published under section 15 of the Agricultural Products Standards Act, 1990 (Act No. Container Numbers: Voyage 193 119 of 1990) B. Packages (Number and 9. Type of product (variety If the standard 10. Quality class 11. Total welphtrn kg gross/net Type) speclfles) 20 CARTONS APPLES TOPRED CLASSl 370 KILOGRAMS 20 CARTONS APPLES STARKING CLASSl 370 KILOGRAMS 20 CARTONS PEARS PACKHAM TRIUMPH