City Planning Institute

Hamilton Memorial Plaza , NJ Summer 2019 Overview of Paterson


Population 147,011 8,915,456

Median Age 33 39

Speak English 38% 69%

Speak Spanish 54% 16%

Crime rate 29.8 per 1,000 residents 17 per 1,000 residents

Paterson New Jersey

Attending College 20.9% 40%

High School Graduates 72.6% 90.5%

College Graduates 10.3% 45% City Assets

● The Great Falls formed the start of the industrial era in ● America's first Treasury Secretary – laid out a plan the United States for Paterson as America’s first industrial city known as silk city

● His plan led to the formation of the Society of ● Was called Totowa Falls when three of the most famous Useful Manufactures which in turn led to visitors, Alexander Hamilton, George Washington and creation of silk mills, handgun manufacturing the Marquis de Lafayette stopped there following the and other business located near the Great Falls Battle of Monmouth for a picnic on July 10, 1778. That picnic proved pivotal in the history of Paterson and the nation Tragic Events Fred Wesley Wentworth ● The Great Paterson Fire of 1902

● Passaic Falls Great Flood of 1904

● Was a very important role in Paterson history since Wentworth build many important buildings in Paterson Central Business Community District Overview

Downtown Paterson Paterson

Median Household $25,898 $36,146 Income Median Rent $831 $984

Population 9,054 147,011

Poverty Rate 25.8% 29%

Attending College 10% 20.9% Community Assets

Historical Physical Social

- The Hamilton Club 32 Church St - NJ Transfer - Community Charter School 137 - First Nation Bank 125 Ellison St - Shopping District Ellison St - City Hall 150 Market St - Restaurants - CUMAC 223 Ellison St - PCCC 1 College Blvd Cultural -

- Peru Square (Market St) Community S.W.O.T. Analysis

Strengths Opportunities ● Historic architecture. ● Jobs. ● Patersons industrial history lives in this neighborhood ● Affordable housing ● Great Falls National Park ● Available space. ● Government building ● Concerned residents ● Transportation ● College partnership ● Stores Weaknesses Threats ● Public safety issue. ● Market condition. ● Lack of night time activities. ● Perception of safety issue ● Poor streetscape conditions. ● Crime ● Lack of space for people to come together Proposal: Hamilton Memorial Plaza Property Overview

● A full block Church Street between Ellison Street and Market Street. ● Currently consists of two large historic buildings (Fabian Theater and hamilton Hotel), and three, 3-story structures. ● All first floor storefronts are empty except for a billiards room, a hidden fitness studio, and PCCC space. ● One block from PCCC, One block from paterson Downtown parking garage, and two block from City Hall and the new Hamilton Square. ● The Hamilton House and First National Bank on the corner ● Severely underutilized and dilapidated. Proposal - A block long pedestrian open plaza - Ample green space - Centered fountain - Historic walking tour stop - Innovative seating areas - Diverse Nature - trees/flower beds/fish - First floor retail and services: - Hamilton Jr. Social Club - Hamilton Plaza gift shop - Barnes and Noble/Starbucks - Community space - Police substation

Hamilton Memorial Plaza

- Block long pedestrian plaza - Sustainable designs - Solar, wind, permeable surfacing - Innovative seating - Pop up spaces - Stationary musical instruments - Archways honoring Hamilton - Center fountain that collects rainwater

Innovative and Sustainable Designs Barnes and Noble/Starbucks

● Outside dining ● Remove the gates ● Chair and tables ● Trash Cans ● New doorway ● Staffed by PCCC students ● Book shares

Barnes and Noble/Starbucks

Starbucks Hamilton Jr. Social Club/Hamilton Gift Shop

Old Fabian theater ● 9 stories ● Irregular shape

Hamilton Jr. Social Club is ● based on the Hamilton Club where Hamilton and his friends used to hang out. ● Games and activities in the first floor ● Clubs and fun classes ● Chill Spot for teenagers to meet up ● Community service The Hamilton Gift Shop is the building next to our Hamilton Jr. Social Club

Hamilton Jr. Social Club/Gift Shop Before and After Hamilton Community Space ● Space to be open to the community for community events ● Will serve as a senior center ● Multiple rooms and studios for different events ● Will serve all residents living in the apartment buildings Redesign

The idea is to redesign the side entrance to the billiard hall to make it more aesthetically pleasing and to fit the design of the plaza.

● Windows upstairs ● Window Door ● Signs to show they’re open or close Before and After Project Go Paterson

- Self guided walking tour of all the historic and cultural sites in . - Students from STEAM based academies in Paterson will partner to design the app and identify the sites that people should visit. - There will be three sites to virtually visit on our proposed site. - Hamilton Hotel - Old Fabian Theater - Hamilton House Rationale

● A need for outdoor seating ● Downtown Paterson ● Bring money into that areas ● Municipal government buildings neighborhood ● Natural open green ● Passaic Community College. ● Repurposing buildings. ● Incorporate sustainable designs ● Historic and culturally significant ● Create jobs for Paterson residents ● Renewable energy system. properties and young people. Methodology

Key stakeholders and resources

● City of Paterson ● CDBG (community development block grants) ● Small business Development Grants ● Historical Societies ● Planning Departments ● Passaic Community College ● Police Department ● CBO( Community Based Organization) ● Taxes incentives (abatements)


● New stores there will be more ● Community come together ● Resources for high school jobs for highschool students or ● Chill spot for families and college students college students. ● Community space ● Our community space will ● Benefit Paterson Resident welcome everyone any race or background. Challenges

● Construction will affect the residents that live in the area. ● People who refuse to accept change, that will benefit the community. ● Traffic. The time spent on construction will affect traffic, as transportation is always active in the area. ● Although, there is no parking that is going to be constructed, sidewalk parking close to the area will be available, as well as the parking garage across the street. ● Crime rates in Paterson are high but the area seems to be safe since there are police nearby, Passaic County College , and it’s active with people. Conclusion