Types of Martian Fan-Shaped Sedimentary Deposits
40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2009) 1901.pdf TYPES OF MARTIAN FAN-SHAPED SEDIMENTARY DEPOSITS. G. de Villiers1, M. Kleinhans1, G. Postma1, E. Hauber2, S. de Jong1 and P.L. de Boer1. 1Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands. g.devilliers(at)geo.uu.nl, 2Institute of Planetary Exploration, German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Berlin, Germany. Introduction: Deltas, fans and channels on Mars Elevation Maps (DEMs). Quantification of shapes, clearly indicate surface water in the past. These dimensions, volumes and DEM derivatives focuses on landforms contain valuable information about the the feeder valleys, the fan terraces and the fan lobes. duration and magnitude of surface-water flow, with We ascertain the lengths and gradients of channels (if obvious implications for potential life on Mars. present), bars, terraces, and lobes. In addition, we Martian fan-shaped deposits such as deltas and alluvial determine the diameter, depth, volume, and maximum fans show architectural elements similar to those of water levels of the crater basins within which most of terrestrial analogs, e.g. lobes, terraces, and incised these deposits are located. Preliminary analyses affirm delta fronts. Pilot experiments demonstrate that delta that the gradients or slopes decrease with increase in morphology is related to flow discharge and duration, fan size (both area and length, see Figure 1). However, sediment properties, and crater size [1]. However, the there is apparently very little relationship between fan important relationships between surface morphology gradient and basin size. Based on the geomorphic and climate remain unquantified and it is difficult to shapes alone, different types of fan-shaped deposits unambiguously relate the architecture of sediment can be distinguished and combined with differences in bodies to certain boundary conditions.
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