Councilmanic Fight in Tuesday's Election

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Councilmanic Fight in Tuesday's Election Complete Local News Top Advertising Results K,.,,p Astride AH The Activities ,,[ The Town With Your Our Family Of Over 9,000 Readers Home-Town Paper It A Valuable Market For All Our Advertisen XXXVI—NO. 29 CARTERET, N.J.. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1957 PRICE EIGHT CENTS Set 4 Entries Li j | ek one Net Loot Councilmanic Fight I \) Observe Of $2,200 Stirs Interest In Vote f|i;1i.k'iiiving Mass I "Soine Clues"1 Kountl ;in,re Opening of In Search for Mouse; 11,1s lamily Fete Burglars in Borough In Tuesday's Election , •,i;|.;T—The Holy Family CARTERET — Police Chief hieh will celebrate the George Sheridan revealed today .nsary of Its foundation that detectives have obtained For Council Nemish, Brown on 10 has had-a profound 1 "some clues" that may lead to the ,in the spiritual and , apprehension of the burglars who ll,ire of Carteret. broke into four Carteret homes County Tickets; inmu'rants of other na- during the past two weeks. , who settled In this bor- The four burglaries netted the See Meyner Lead .:., early days, those from intruders approximately $2,200 in ! me to stay, to build and jewelry, furs and cash. CARTERKT A total nf 8.75S • •:<, life. BurRlarized were the homes of in'els will be eltRlble to K" to the .ime with their own cus- Mrs. Joseph Toth. 231 Carteret p;iils next Tuesday. Polls in nil the I observations, their own Avenue; Mrs. Mary Kleban. 301 districts will be open from 7 AM. .nid traditions. These Washington Avenue; William tn a p. M nil to keep, and did. Babies, 219 Carteret Avenue and The cnuncilmatilr contest IS ihem only so much as Robert Chodosh, ill Lincoln Ave- hi)liiiii« the vpotliKht In Cnrteret :, nine with the spirit of nue. Councilmeii Richard Donovan and land. The biRKcst cash haul wa.s made Edmund E. Urbanskl, both Repub- licans are In tlie race fur reelec- , a small Rroup obtained at the Toth home where $540 in currency were stolen. tion They arc beniK opposed by •:. to have a Polish priest STRIKING l-;i)lH( K: Here's the Holy lamily Church dedicated five years iiR<>. The parish will cele- John E. D'Ziiiillii and School Com- Jewelry, watches, linns and mi Sundays only. The brate tlie .illtli anniversary nf Its foundation November 10. Thr structure is a fine architectural ex- missioner Adam S/.ymborski. camera were were taken from the .-.: assigned to this task ample of utility combined with beauty to the best possible advantage, lloth Photo) Thft, Republicans m their cam- Kleban home. Anthony Klejanowiez.: paiMi stressed the need nf minority In addition'to a quantity of . i!ate at St. Stephen's, representation. They also chareed '!; \:llhny. Meyner* s Victory is jewelry, the thieves obtained $190 the Democnjtlc administration Little L.earners Jackson to Head in cash at the Babies home. v,i vRars, the Charter for Predicted b\ lenobio with waste mid extmvnuunce. ' <, A fur piece valued at more than Democrats, who have gained . ; :\ Family Parish was KK IIVRI) DONOVAN KDMONI) K I KHANSKI Douulas 7,eno- $300 was taken in the Chodosh control of borough nffuirs Inst. No« .. M..v 21, 1907 A new Lauded at Fete Chest Campaign robbery. .as built and the cornor- bia co-chairman of the. Meyner vember discount the GOP claims. ' i For (iovernor Clubs of New The Carteret entries follow a lor Council They point to many achievements ... laid In October and the CARTERET Declarins that. CARTERET — Roy A. Jackson, .Jersey today predicted that the. pattern which has hit most of within n brief space of time. PaiV • as in use by Christmas civic leader here, was today improved fanlitIO-i next year will governor will be swept into northern New Jersey during the tlcular stress is beiiiH made on the named. Chairman of the Carteret make Carleret the No 1 Little office by a "terrific" popular past few months. The entries in development of Cineret's recrea- j Area Division of the Ral'itan Bay mil building was not U-ainiers m tin- U S , Mayor vote. mast cases take place in the eve- tion program. Community Chest 1958 Campaign. • It housed the church, Ed Dulan predicted that there will "Not all the king's horses that ining when families so out for Also of interest loi'lilly Is the Mr, Jackson was named to the rv and the parish school be at least two more ball parks have been sent from Washing- the evenina. ra.e fur freeholder and Riirronalo. post by Everett W. Simmons,! • time was limited to available in town next summer, ton to New Jersey could chuner Chief Sheridan said that the Funnel Councilman John Neinisll ,:i:: of Catheclsm General Campaign Chairman, fol- detectives have obtained some anain is runnlnu for the post, of to take care of the ever mcrca-slnu thr popular trend fvaoring Gov- ernor Meyner," he said. lowing a meeting of the Cam- clues on which they are working. fieeliolder mid SurioRiite Elmi'r E. - parish (?rew. church or- Recreation program, in a speech i:i> began to form. In 1307 paign Executive Committee. He said detectives have been Brown is srekinii re-elect ion to the at the first annual banquet, of the office lie is now holding. ,:v Society was organized Active in community, social and roaming about the new develop- ':'.,'.crine BalewlM a.s Little I.eaauers held m the Co- ! charitable work for many years. ments and elsewhere during the From ii State-wide point uf vui'v. tlirre is also interest in the ifuher* lumbian Hall on Sunday after- Borough to Mark Mr. Jackson is Chairman of the evening hours in thp hone of ap- niltoiliil race. Govenmr Robcit R. noon YMCA Committee, a member of prehending of the burglars, . 'i ; Wicrzynskl remained at Meyner i.s ex|)ected to roll up a 1 the Cub Scouts Committee and K.imily Parish as paMor He said ihat b>'tt(T i)oy> tii'ki Education Week substantial majority over hi.s GOP advisor to the Live Yers, teen • \.' when he was assigned better men and the vast Recrea- npponont. Mulcolm U. Forbes. agers, for Carteret High School. ••: parish In Cnmden tion program in town lias more CARTERET — American Edu- is Realized Rirhard Donovan He is a Master Mason and a mem- . mi the good work, the to do wilh holdms down delin- cation Week, the annual observ- I Councilman Donovan wns born ber of Damascus Lodge No. 234. ,>;>ointed Rev. Dr Joseph quency than any other single ance in which the public turns its in Ciirterel Auu' ill. 1911. He :d- 1 The'new Chairman is employed as i.. pastor, a post he held factor. special attention to the schools For Hospital Guild k'lideij local srummar schools and an ironworker foreman of Local •V. a;., until 1M3, Joe Collins, first baseman and and their programs, will be marked ! • cnidualed fj-om s: Mary's Ilirh ill Cuti'iet November ID to 16. No. 11. Newark. CARTERET — At the monthly :nst year ot his sdmlnis- star of the New York Yankees for ! School, Prrlh Aniboy I!" lia.s ivvn Parents and otlier citizens will Mr Simmons, General Chair- meeting of the Carteret Branch 'connected with f'.irterrfs Volini- l.i'.her Dzladosz moved the past 15 years, honored Kuest at the first annual banquet be invited to visit the public man, said that this year's Cam- of the Perth Amboy Hospital uwr Fire Department N- many :. school Into the rectory of the Little Leacuers Joe, who schools diniiiR open house celebra- Women's Guild, it was announced ADAM SZVMBORSKr years and has been recently elect- The parochial school was JOHN K. IVZURILLA \a a modest fellow at heart, said tions that, week. They will be en- by the treasurer, Mrs, Joseph ed chief, \K2 at a coat of $60,000 he'd rather participate in a ques- couraged to confer with their chil- Sahulchik, that the total pro- j He is president of Local 144, in year, the pastor ac- tion-answer program than uive dren's teachers. ceeds of last week's tag day j International Chemical Workers j servlca* of the Bene- a lonK speech that no one cared Exhibits of classroom work ire amounted to $200.35. A vote of Republicans Hit Record Tells AH, Union. A. F. of I, ,it Wrslv.ico .-.-ters to teach in the to listen to. He was deluded with being arranged. Store windows will thanks was given to all who plant. He has been endorsed by Uit> 1 • iinol which now numbers questions from the little leaguers •jontaln special displays. helped make tag day such a sue-* 'Land Give-Away' Dolan Declarer Curteret pabor Council ..••.!- Father Diladosz died on the floor, and even though The theme for the week will be cess here in Carteret. Mrs. Edwin He Is a member of Division 2, 11. 1^44. 'somr of them were rather em- "An Educated People Moves Free- S. Quin, president, stated that -•— Ancicht Order of Hibernians, 3t, CARTERET — Councllmen :• ;::iary 1944. Rev. M A. barrasinK. he handled them with dom Forward." Specific topics ai\' the entire amount collected will CARTEKFT - Mayor Edward j iIoS(>ph.s Hnly N|im(, >s )rl(,Iy c.|r()y Richard Donovan and Edmond E. i J-.i.s assigned to take the -race and like a bin leaguer. He,, proposed for each day of the week. remain in the Carteret Branch J.
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