Elizabeth Ann Nick, PhD Postdoctoral Trainee University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ! Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
[email protected] EDUCATION University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC August 2020 – present Postdoctoral Trainee Principal Investigator: Mitch Prinstein, PhD, ABPP Virginia Treatment Center for Children, Richmond, VA July 2019 – June 2020 Psychology Intern Internship program director: Julie Linker, PhD, LCP Preceptor: Leslie Kimball, PhD, LCP Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN August 7, 2020 Doctorate in Clinical Psychological Science Dissertation: Prospective relations among supportive and victimizing social interactions, cognitive reactivity, and depressive symptoms Dissertation chair: David A. Cole, PhD Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN August 12, 2016 Master of Science in Clinical Psychological Science Master’s Thesis: The Online Social Support Scale: Exploratory factor analysis, validation, and effects on psychosocial outcomes Thesis advisor: David A. Cole, PhD Northwestern University, Evanston, IL June 15, 2012 Bachelor of Science, Human Development and Psychological Services, summa cum laude Honors Thesis: Adolescent coping: Associations with age, family functioning and depressive symptoms Thesis advisors: Alissa Chung, PhD, and Emma Adam, PhD Major advisor: Susan Olson, MA AWARDS, FELLOWSHIPS, AND GRANTS Principal Investigator, American Psychological Association Dissertation Research Award 2018-2019 American Psychological Association Awarded 11/9/2018, $1000 Research