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STIRLING COUNCIL MINUTES of SPECIAL MEETING of the CHILDREN’S COMMITTEE held in VIEWFORTH, STIRLING on FRIDAY 9 MAY 1997 at 2.30 pm Present:- Councillor Pat KELLY (in the Chair) Councillor Robert BALL Councillor Corrie McCHORD Mrs Heather BOVILL Mr Michael MAKOWER Mr Tom BOYLE Councillor Catherine ORGAN Councillor Thomas HAZEL (Substitute) Provost John PATERSON Councillor Helen HODGINS Councillor Helen SCOTT Councillor Arthur IRONSIDE Councillor Ann Marie STRANG Councillor Ian LAMBIE Also Present Councillors David Davidson, Ann Dickson, Keith Harding and John Wyles In Attendance:- Mr Gordon Jeyes, Director of Education Services Mr Don Monteith, Press and Public Relations Manager, Chief Executive’s Services Miss Ann Dromgoole, Committee Officer, Civic Services (Clerk) Apologies:- Apologies for absence had been received from Depute Provost Margaret Brisley, Miss Louise Massanopoli, Mrs Pam Vinney and Ms Pauline Proudfoot. Prior to commencement of the business the Chair welcomed Mrs Heather Bovill, the Third Church representative on the Children’s Committee, and expressed the wish that she would find the work of the Committee interesting and rewarding. The Chair apologised to Elected Members and to the limited number of public spectators permitted entry for the meeting venue. Councillor Helen Hodgins questioned the legality of excluding members of public from this public meeting on the grounds of room capacity; proposed that the meeting be reconvened to a later date to an adequate sized meeting chamber and recorded her dissent to the meeting proceeding. The Chair and Vice-Chair agreed that following the meeting to speak with those parents who had been unable to gain access to the meeting chamber. CH65 ESTABLISHMENT OF STIRLING COUNCIL PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES On 20 March 1997 the Children’s Committee had agreed to defer consideration of this matter to the next meeting. Psychological Services sits within Services to Schools in Stirling Council Education Services. The Service aimed to provide support for individual casework and whole School support in the form of advice, consultation and staff development and policy development. Stirling and Clackmannanshire Councils Education Services currently operated a joint Psychological Service with Clackmannanshire Council as lead Council. The Principal Psychologist was managed by the Head of Education Services in Clackmannanshire Council. A report by the Director of Education Services outlined a proposal to establish a Psychological Service for Stirling Council independent of Clackmannanshire Council as per the current joint working arrangement. The report also included proposals to continue to share with Clackmannanshire Council specialist areas of expertise. The Director of Education explained that part of a Psychologist’s time is committed to working with other Agencies, e.g. Social Work Services and the Reporter to the Children’s Panel. The model which Stirling Council currently operated involved immediate response to “emergency” situations. The proposed new model shifted the emphasis from predominately casework to a predominately issue- based system approach, which emphasised preventative intervention. The Authority’s Working Group on Positive Behaviour had also been considering approaches which emphasised preventative intervention. Within the context of the development of the draft policy Breaking Down the Barriers and the Behaviour Support Service, a more localised form of inter-agency work was emerging which targeted needs more effectively. The Director of Education Services also confirmed that the cost of setting up a Psychological Service for Stirling Council can be contained from within existing resources. Negotiations with Clackmannanshire Council for the continued sharing of expertise will be undertaken on the principle of no cost to either Authority. Decision The Committee agreed:- (1) that the current joint arrangements with Clackmannanshire Education Services cease as from 31 March 1997, and that new arrangements for exchange of expertise are negotiated with Clackmannanshire Education Services; (2) to redesignate of the present Assistant Principal Psychologist, Principal Psychologist for Stirling Council, and that the Service be managed overall by the Principal Officer Access; (3) to request the Principal Officer Access, in conjunction with the Working Group of Psychologist to develop the model for Psychological Services for Stirling Council as outlined in the submitted report by the Director of Education Services. (Reference - Paragraph CH60 of 20 March 1997; Report by Director of Education Services of May 1997 submitted.) r/minutes/children/chc9597.doc CH66 REVIEW OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PROVISION On 6 March 1997 Stirling Council had requested the Director of Education Services to bring forward proposals for a Primary School rationalisation programme as part of Education Services budget reduction measures for 1997/98. As a consequence of this decision, a comprehensive study of all Primary Schools had been undertaken and evaluated against the following criteria:- • curriculum balance and peer group support • current and projected pupil roles • school capacities • condition of buildings • alternative schools - distance and capacity Arising from the review, 5 Primary Schools had been identified for further detailed studies to establish their on-going viability. Inversnaid Primary School Kinlochard Primary School Kincardine-in-Menteith Primary School Kinbuck Primary School Holy Trinity Primary School Stirling A report by Director of Education Services provided details of this comprehensive review of Primary Schools within Stirling Council area together with proposals for rationalisation in West Stirlingshire and Dunblane. All options identified would impact on teaching and support staff. The Director of Education Services confirmed that the studies had concluded that there were sound educational and financial grounds for a review of Primary School provision in West Stirlingshire and Dunblane resulting in the closure of Kinlochard and/or Inversnaid and Kinbuck Primary Schools. Depending on the options agreed net revenue savings ranging form £31,123 and £44,366 could be achieved in the financial year 1997/98 with savings ranging from £57,562 - £82,562 per year thereafter. It was incumbent on Local Authorities to manage budgets effectively. Funding of £305,000 was available to Stirling Council to provide for Schools in rural areas based on populations of less than a thousand and where the School roll fell below 70 children. Eighteen Schools within the Stirling Council area accommodated pupil populations of less than 70. Stirling Council’s average spend, per pupil, totalled £1,837 per head compared to a national average £1,767. The Director of Education Services confirmed that whilst it would not be possible to achieve the closure of Holy Trinity Primary School Stirling in the near future, due to potential capacity problems at Allan’s Primary School, further consideration would require to be given to the long term future of zoning arrangement for this part of the Town. Although Kincardine-in-Menteith Primary School was not ideally situated it continued to be viable. The nearest alternative Primary School in Doune was running at a very high occupancy level and was therefore unable to accommodate the transfer of any pupils from Kincardine-in-Menteith Primary School. Motion (1) To agree the Children’s Committee adopt the proposal Option 3 contained in Appendix I to the submitted report by the Director of Education Services - Consultative Document - School Rationalisation in West Stirlingshire that Inversnaid Primary School be closed with effect from 27 June 1997 and that the pupils transfer to Kinlochard Primary School from Session 1997/1998. (2) To withdraw the proposal to close Kinbuck Primary School as detailed in Appendix II to the submitted report by the Director of Education Services - Consultation Document - School Rationalisation in the Dunblane area. (3) That consultation on Primary School rationalisation in West Stirlingshire be restricted to consultation on Inversnaid Primary School. r/minutes/children/chc9597.doc (4) That a review be undertaken of primary provision in West Dunblane once the position with regard to St Mary’s Episcopal Primary School, Dunblane, had been clarified. The Review to be completed by June 1998. (5) To issue the Consultative Document - (Appendix I) - School Rationalisation in the West Stirlingshire Area only as a consultation document in respect of the proposals for Inversnaid Primary School and to make it available to all interested parties. (6) To request the Director of Education Services to arrange a public meeting in the School to explain the reasons for the proposals and to hear the views of the Communities. (7) To agree all interested parties, including relevant School Boards be invited to make written comments on the proposals to Gordon Jeyes, Director of Education, Stirling Council, Viewforth, Stirling, FK8 2ET, no later than 12 June 1997. (8) To request the Director of Education Services to prepare a report on the result of the consultation process for consideration at a future meeting of the Stirling Council. Moved by Councillor C K McChord, seconded by Councillor P Kelly. Amendment To withdraw the proposals on the review of Primary School provision and await the outcome of the Queen’s Speech, where the new Government has promised to make Education its top priority. Moved by Councillor Helen Hodgins, seconded by Councillor Helen Scott.