M 5*1 69*1 = 37 Off the Coast, Circling Wide to Avoid Residents Were Only Disarmed
PAPE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Wed.. Jan. 14.1976 The weather ^ y , breezy, cold, highs in mid SOs. Fair tonight, lows IS to 20. Increasing cloudiness Friday, chance of snow late lIlattrlfMtfr fEwnttm in day, highs in 30s. National weather forecast map on page 2S. 15 OUNCE CAN - FRANCO AMERICAN CUy o f ViUmgo Ckorm BU SIN ESS 16 OUNCE CAN - FOOD CLUB 10% OUNCE CAN - CAMPBELL'S MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1976 - VOL. XCV, No. 89 SPAGHETTI'Os Cut Green Beans,! TOMATO SOUP TWENTY-EIGHT PACES - TWO SECTIONS PRICEi FIFTEEN CENTS I WITH PRIOR PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE AND THIS WITH PRIOR PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE AND THIS WITH PRIOR PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE AND THIS Getting COUPON AT FOOD MART. GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. 17. LIMIT COUPON AT FOOD MART. GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. 17. LIMIT COUPON AT FOOD MART. GOOD THRU SAT., JAN. 17. LIMIT involved ONE CAN ■ ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. ONE CAN - ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. ONE CAN . ONE COUPON PER FAMILY. News Beirut battle is legal sum m ary Suppose, during a traffic Food Mart is worth going out of your way for! toll mounts tie-up, Motorist A drags Compiled from Motorist B out of his car United Press International BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) - reach the sea and cut off (Christians and begins beating him up. Moslem leftists and Palestinian in the uptown hotel district from guerrillas fighting under a joint com- their downtown supply depots, Does Spectator C have a WALDBAUM'S Del M onte legal right to go to B's rI fti* cc I I joPCO cc ■ I Waldorf__ m'and attacked Christian positions in witnesses said.
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