The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus SEPTEMBER 1939 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Officers ^^ FRAXXIS L.LA^•DE.^•, '36. Honorary President WiLLiA-M E. COTTER, JR., '41 President JULES K. DE L,\ VERG.VE,'33 Club Vice-President RAY.MO.VD W. DURST,'26 Class Vice-President LEO J. VoGEL, '17. Fund Vice-President NOTRE JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 Secretary Directors to 1960 *J* LEO J. VocEL, '17 286 Magnolia Place, Pittsburfih 28, Pa. RAY-MOXD W. DURST, '26 DAME 840 Lathrop Ave, River Forest. III. JULES K. DE LA VERGNE, '33 413 Perc Marquette Bldg. New Orleans, Louisiana ALUMNUS WILLIAM E. COTTER, JR., '41 114 Laurie St., Duluth 3, Minnesota Volume 37 Number 3 September 1959 Directors to 1961 '^ JOSEPH R. STEWART, '22 Kansas City Life Insurance Co. Editor James E. Armstrong, '25 Box 139 Kansas City 41, Missouri Managing Editor John F. Laughlin, '48 C-HARLES E. ROHR, '30* Rohr's, nil Chester, Cleveland, Ohio JAMES H. SHEILS, '35 McManus and Walker Cover: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass remains the central and unifying event of 39 Broadway, New York, New York Commencement (top). Reunions (bottom) and every significant day in the JOHN C. O'CONNOR, '38 life of Notre Dome. 1000 Fidelity Trust Bldg. Indianapolis, Indiana Editorial: The Sublime Tradition—announcing an important new service for Notre Dome men, to be introduced in the next full issue. Page 3 Directors to 1963 Picture Story: Reunion Recap—a chronicle of the massive—and fre JAMES J.