302 Thorax 1998;53:302–307

Lung c 4 Series editor: S L Hill Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.4.302 on 1 April 1998. Downloaded from

Pathogenesis of lower infections due to Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Legionella and

Paul Andersen

Acute of the lower respiratory tract terminal organelle.18 Metabolic and ultrastruc- comprises , , and pneu- tural alterations in the aVected cell are seen and monia. From a clinical point of view it may be these result in epithelial cell damage and cilio- diYcult to distinguish these disease entities stasis. Some epithelial cell lines produce and one infection may progress into another. when stimulated with other bacteria The most common pathogens causing these such as Escherichia coli,21 and epithelial cells infections are the primary respiratory viruses might therefore play a more active role in the (respiratory syncytial (RSV), influenza mucosal immune response after extracellular virus, adenoviruses, parainfluenza virus, and bacterial infection. In acute respiratory viral rhinovirus12), Mycoplasma pneumoniae,3 and diseases a number of diVerent inflammatory Chlamydia species.4–6 Legionella may cause mediators such as kinins and cytokines have and non-pneumonic upper respira- also been demonstrated. In some infections tory tract infection and approximately 85% of c such as influenza extensive infiltrations with ases are caused by L pneumophila. Long lasting polymorphonuclear leucocytes (PMN), sequelae such as , lung fibrosis, oedema, and degeneration of epithelial cells are and decreased lung function are seen after seen,22 whereas in others such as 7–10 lower respiratory tract infections and it has infection the cytopathic eVects are either http://thorax.bmj.com/ been debated whether respiratory tract infec- absent or minor in degree.23 tion can cause chronic bronchial .6 11–13 BRONCHITIS AND BRONCHIAL HYPERREACTIVITY and bronchiolitis The cardinal symptom of acute bronchitis is Acute bronchitis is an inflammatory condition , while wheezing occurs in 10–90% of of the bronchi often caused by infectious cases.614152425 Transient bronchial hyperreac- agents, although in many cases no aetiology tivity has been found several weeks after influ- can be established.14 15 It shares many patho- enza A infection in subjects with no previous logical and clinical features with bronchiolitis, history of bronchospasm,25 and in 40 patients on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. and the same agents may induce both condi- with acute bronchitis and without pre-existing tions. Most cases of acute bronchitis of known pulmonary disease wheezing was reported in aetiology are due to respiratory viruses such as 62%.14 A reduction in forced expiratory volume

influenza virus, adenovirus, RSV, rhinovirus, in one second (FEV1) and peak expiratory flow and ,1216 and a few are caused by (PEF) was found during the acute illness, and M pneumoniae, Bordetella pertussis and C 37% had bronchial hyperreactivity measured pneumoniae.451517 Legionella infections limited by histamine challenge testing six weeks later.14 to the bronchial tree are not described. In patients with bronchial asthma26 27 it has been shown that acute exacerbations of wheez- ADHERENCE OF PATHOGENS ing and decreased PEF were associated with The pathogenesis has not been studied for all respiratory tract infections caused by rhinovi- agents, but the transmission of disease is ruses, , influenza virus, RSV, thought to occur through droplet spread from parainfluenza virus, and Chlamydia in 80–85% an infected person. After the infec- of cases. Thus, in both asthmatic and non- tious agent may adhere to diVerent receptors asthmatic patients pulmonary symptoms and such as acid containing glycoproteins or the changes in airway function occur during and adhesion molecule ICAM-1 on respiratory after viral respiratory illness.14 25 This may be epithelial cells.18 19 The infectious chlamydial due to cholinergic hyperresponsiveness or particle is the elementary body that attaches immunological reactions.14 28–30 itself to and enters a susceptible cell where it Chlamydia pneumoniae can cause prolonged Department of changes to the larger metabolically active acute bronchitis with wheezing6153132 and Infectious Diseases, reticulate body.20 Viable may be Hahn and coworkers6 found that nine (47%) of Marselisborg Hospital, DK-8000 Århus C, present at the site of infection and induce an 19 patients with acute C pneumoniae infection 20 Denmark inflammatory response. M pneumoniae at- had bronchospasm during their respiratory ill- P Andersen taches to ciliated epithelial cells by a specialised ness. They also found that 29% of 71 adults Pathogenesis of lower respiratory tract infections 303

with C pneumoniae antibody titres above 32 had patients43 and it has been suggested that they or developed asthmatic bronchitis after a respi- have a possible role in the pathogenesis. How- ratory illness compared with only 7% of a ever, it should be borne in mind that antibod- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.4.302 on 1 April 1998. Downloaded from matched control group. In another study33 C ies could result from stimulation with cross pneumoniae could be isolated from the naso- reacting antigens and that a number of of 11% of asthmatic children with an diVerent antibodies are found in patients with acute episode of wheezing but in only 4.9% of M pneumoniae infection.44 a control group. Thus, infection with C pneumoniae can trigger acute episodes of BRONCHIOLITIS wheezing in asthmatic children and Allegra and Bronchiolitis is an acute infection of the small coworkers34 found a similar association in bronchi and bronchioles in children below the adults. C pneumoniae infection may predispose age of 2–3 years. Some authors may include to bronchospasm during subsequent infections older children and use the term “wheezing with other respiratory pathogens, or a pro- associated respiratory infection”.1 RSV is the longed infection and exposure to C pneumoniae major cause of bronchiolitis, accounting for may explain a protracted illness.32 Similar to 45–75% of the cases, while parainfluenza virus findings in some viral respiratory tract infec- is responsible for 15–30%. Rhinovirus, adeno- tions with wheezing,29 30 specific IgE antibodies virus, and influenza virus have each been could be demonstrated in C pneumoniae isolated in 3–10% and M pneumoniae has been infection.35 IgE antibodies were detected by an found in a small percentage.1230 Serological immunoblotting technique in 85% of 14 asth- evidence of C trachomatis and C pneumoniae matic children aged 5–15 years with culture infection in bronchiolitis has been described in proven C pneumoniae respiratory infection and a few cases.38 Legionella species may cause also in 18–22% of culture negative asthmatics inflammation in bronchioles in connection and asymptomatic children.35 Antibodies to a with pneumonia,45 but a clinical syndrome of 98 kD protein that seem to be C pneumoniae bronchiolitis due to these bacteria has not been specific were most commonly recognised.36 reported. Some serum samples also reacted with epitopes RSV may initially replicate in the epithelium present in C trachomatis, but the pattern of of the upper respiratory airways and it then reactivity was diVerent with the two species.35 subsequently spreads downwards along the These findings suggest that type 1 allergy may epithelium of the respiratory tract, mostly by be implicated in the pathogenesis of C pneumo- cell to cell transfer. The bronchiolar epithelium niae infection. The role of C trachomatis as a is colonised by virus and necrosis may occur. respiratory pathogen after the neonatal period Peribronchial inflammation with predomi- is controversial. C trachomatis was isolated from nantly mononuclear cells and oedema is seen.

pharyngeal swabs in seven of 20 children with Thick plugs composed of cell debris and fibrin http://thorax.bmj.com/ wheezing37 and serological evidence of acute are found, and they may lead to partial infection with C trachomatis was found in obstruction of the bronchioles, resulting in air 19.2% of Argentinian children aged 1–18 trapping.46 This obstruction is probably the months with acute lower respiratory tract most important feature of acute bronchiolitis. infection.38 On the other hand, C trachomatis The pathological process may progress and could not be isolated from 48 children newly involve the alveolar walls leading to interstitial admitted to an asthma clinic in the UK,39 and pneumonia. During recovery the bronchiolar Hahn and coworkers6 did not find any correla- epithelium regenerates within a few days. The

tion between C trachomatis antibody titres and elastic and muscular tissues are not damaged on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. wheezing in children and adults with lower res- and the bronchial tree should recover piratory tract infection. Thus, the role of Ctra- completely.46 chomatis and C psittaci in bronchitis and In RSV bronchiolitis the pathogenesis of the wheezing is still undetermined and further inflammatory process may involve an abnormal studies are needed. immunological response. Children vaccinated Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection may result against RSV with a formalin inactivated in bronchitis about 30 times more often than it vaccine developed an antibody response with- causes pneumonia17 and it may be accompa- out acquiring protective immunity, and when nied by paroxysmal cough, probably related to natural RSV infection occurred the vaccinated the cilial dysfunction, and by wheezing.11115In subjects developed a disease of increased children with “wheezing associated respiratory severity.47 The vaccine not only failed to oVer illness” M pneumoniae was isolated in 3% of protection but also induced an exaggerated infants aged 0–2 years and in 52% of response to naturally occurring infection. RSV schoolchildren aged 9–15 years.1 In another contains two surface glycoproteins—an attach- study M pneumoniae was cultured from 25% of ment protein (G), and a fusion protein asthmatics aged 0–31 years during a period (F)—against which neutralising antibodies are with wheezing and in only 5% of subjects with- usually directed.47 48 Infants immunised with out asthma,40 but no association between the formalin inactivated RSV vaccine devel- wheezing and isolation of M pneumoniae could oped a high titre of antibodies to the F be found in a Japanese study.41 Based on sero- glycoprotein and a poor response to the G pro- logical tests, Seggev and coworkers42 concluded tein, whereas older children developed high that M pneumoniae infection could cause exac- levels of antibodies to both proteins. However, erbation of asthma but this finding could not be in both groups the level of neutralising confirmed by other workers.40 IgE antibodies to antibodies was lower than that obtained after M pneumoniae have been detected in a few natural RSV infection.48 Thus formalin 304 Andersen

treatment appeared to alter the epitopes of the children.13 It is therefore possible that respira- glycoproteins in a way that resulted in produc- tory infection might stimulate Th2 cells and tion of non-neutralising antibodies. After natu- elicit IgE mediated bronchial asthma.27 49 50 Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.4.302 on 1 April 1998. Downloaded from ral RSV infection of vaccinated subjects the non-neutralising antibodies might have reacted CONCLUSION with the virus antigens and elicited a local Acute bronchitis may result in decreased lung Arthus reaction in the bronchioles or alveoli, function in both asthmatic and non-asthmatic resulting in enhancement of pulmonary patients.14 25 27 The abnormalities usually re- pathology.48 Studies of mice primed with single solve after several weeks or months but some RSV proteins have shown that the G protein cases only resolved after eradication of a induces a strong specific antibody response but chlamydial infection.35 37 There have been no a weak specific IL-2 release from T lym- long term follow up studies to show that acute phocytes. The F protein, on the other hand, is bronchitis may elicit chronic bronchial asthma. a potent stimulator of T helper cells.49 50 Mouse RSV bronchiolitis in infants has been associ- T cell lines primed with various RSV proteins, ated with development of asthma and sensitisa- cultured in vivo and injected into RSV infected tion to common allergens during the subse- mice, revealed that the most severe illness was quent two years. However, these infants also seen in mice receiving G specific cells whereas had a heredity for atopy and asthma.13 This was F specific cells caused only minimal enhance- not found in other studies12 and it cannot be ment of the disease. It has also been found that ruled out that the infants who develop severe mice sensitised with G protein developed eosi- RSV infection are those with a predisposition nophilic eZux into the bronchi, whereas mice for atopy and asthma. It is also possible that sensitised with F protein developed PMN pulmonary infection early in life may have a eZux.49 50 DiVerent RSV proteins may there- deleterious eVect on the developing respiratory fore stimulate diVerent subsets of T helper system, although the bronchioles seem to .49 51 The G protein may stimulate recover completely.46 Thus, it is not possible to Th2 cells which produce IL-4 and IL-5 and determine whether respiratory tract infections may lead to IgE production and eosinophilic can lead to chronic bronchial asthma, but it has chemotaxis. Although these findings should be been shown that they may increase the rate of interpreted cautiously, they might explain other chronic respiratory diseases later in some of the pathological findings in patients life.957 Early treatment might ameliorate the with bronchiolitis in whom IgE, histamine, and acute symptoms and may reduce the persistent eosinophilic cationic protein can be found in wheezing. Patients with acute bronchitis may 29 52 14 respiratory secretions. Leukotriene C4 benefit from inhaled â2 agonists. Nebulised

(LTC4) was detected in nasopharyngeal secre- budesonide decreases the severity of laryn-

tions in the acute phase of RSV bronchiolitis gotracheobronchitis caused by parainfluenza http://thorax.bmj.com/ and it may be released from mast cells by an virus58 and may also have an eVect in other res- IgE mediated mechanism.53 The amount of piratory tract infections. histamine and IgE antibodies to RSV and parainfluenza virus in nasopharyngeal secre- Pneumonia tions correlated with the severity of the disease The aetiology of community acquired pneu- and with recurrent wheezing.29 30 54 It is there- monia has usually been studied in hospital fore possible that local stimulation of Th2 inpatients and pneumococci have been the helper lymphocytes (rather than Th1 lym- predominant micro-organisms with viruses,

phocytes) by RSV or other infectious agents Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, and Legionella causing on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. may lead to or augment the risk of developing less than 25% of cases.59 60 However, in less bronchiolitis with wheezing. severe cases seen in outpatient clinics viruses, M pneumoniae, and C pneumoniae may 61 62 BRONCHIAL ASTHMA AND INFECTION dominate. After acute bronchitis increased airway reactiv- ity to inhaled histamine which could be VIRAL PNEUMONIA blocked by atropine was demonstrated.14 25 28 Infection with the usual respiratory viruses This cholinergic hyperresponsiveness may be a seems to spread downwards from the larger consequence of epithelial damage by respira- bronchi to the bronchioles and alveoli and this tory pathogens with exposure and sensitisation may explain why these infections often start of sensory fibres.55 However, the finding of spe- with symptoms of bronchitis. All primary cific IgE antibodies to RSV, parainfluenza respiratory viruses cause similar pathological virus, mycoplasma, and C pneumoniae29 30 35 43 changes in the lower airways and lungs.46 might suggest that type 1 allergy plays a role in Inflammation of bronchioles and alveolar bronchospasm and wheezing, although specific parenchyma with foci of necrosis is seen and IgE antibodies have also been found in many alveoli are lined with thick hyaline mem- non-respiratory viral infections.56 In infants branes which may compromise air diVusion.46 with RSV bronchiolitis during the first year of As in bronchitis and bronchiolitis, changes in life one study13 showed that 23% had devel- airway reactivity may persist for weeks or oped asthma—defined as three episodes of months after viral pneumonia. bronchial obstruction—at the age of three years compared with 9% in a control group. It CHLAMYDIAL PNEUMONIA was also found that the children recovering Chlamydial pneumonia may be caused by all from bronchiolitis developed IgE antibodies to three human pathogenic species. Newborn other antigens more often than control infants may be infected with C trachomatis Pathogenesis of lower respiratory tract infections 305

during delivery and develop pneumonia with fore support the assumption that immunologi- dry cough and wheezing 4–6 weeks later.17 C cal mechanisms play a pathogenic role. Several trachomatis may also cause lower respiratory extrapulmonary complications occur in myco- Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thx.53.4.302 on 1 April 1998. Downloaded from tract infection after the neonatal period since plasmal infection11 and there is evidence to serological evidence of recent or acute C suggest that immune mechanisms, rather than trachomatis infection was found in 20% of 89 direct infection, may also be responsible for children aged 1–18 months with pneumonia.38 these manifestations. Thus, M pneumoniae is It is uncertain how the infection is acquired by seldom isolated from clinical specimens, apart these children, but persistent unrecognised from nasopharyngeal secretions. M pneumoniae infection might be a possibility.20 C trachomatis may act as a polyclonal activator of infection has also been reported in adults with lymphocytes73 and autoantibodies to various pneumonia.63 However, previous serological tissues and immune complexes have been tests have been less specific and it is possible demonstrated in a high proportion of that some of these cases were due to other spe- patients.44 74 This might contribute to injury to cies. extrapulmonary organs, although antibodies Ornithosis is a systemic infection often are also found in patients without extrapulmo- accompanied by pneumonia.17 It is caused by C nary manifestations.44 Altered immune func- psittaci which is common in birds and some tion induced by M pneumoniae may facilitate domestic animals. Infection is spread to man infection with other micro-organisms and from infected birds by the respiratory route, explain why co-infection with other bacteria or either by direct contact or by aerosolisation of viruses may result in severe disease.75 infectious discharge or dust. The agent is spread haematogenously from the respiratory LEGIONELLA PNEUMONIA tract to other sites, including the lungs. The Legionella pneumonia is most often caused by and bronchi become inflamed and the L pneumophila and the prevailing mode of inflammation spreads to the bronchioles and transmission is probably by direct inhalation of alveolar walls. Unlike most viral , aerosols containing micro-organisms.76 Aspira- chlamydial pneumonia results mainly in an tion of oropharyngeal content contaminated intra-alveolar inflammatory response and, to a with legionellae77 seems unlikely since oropha- lesser extent, in interstitial inflammation. ryngeal colonisation is rare.78 Primary infection with C pneumoniae in The histopathological lesions of Legion- young people usually causes mild pneumonia naires’ disease are predominantly located in accompanied by upper respiratory tract alveolar ducts and alveoli which contain a mix- infection.462 Adults are more severely ture of PMNs and macrophages with fibrin and aVected31 64 and an immunological pathogen- cell debris. Leucocytes predominate in the

esis due to repeated infections has been early phase of infection followed by macro- http://thorax.bmj.com/ suggested. C pneumoniae and C psittaci infec- phages in the later phase.45 Abscess formation, tions have been associated with extrapulmo- indicating that the bacterium may produce nary manifestations31 65–67 that may be caused irreversible damage, has been reported.45 79 by haematogenous spread or immunological Once the bacteria have entered the respiratory mechanisms. C psittaci has been cultured from tract they will normally be cleared by the blood in patients with endocarditis66 whereas mucociliary system.79 80 However, the Legionella other complications such as bacterium has several cell associated and extra- glomerulonephritis,67 reactive arthritis, or ery- cellular factors that may help to establish

thema nodosum31 65 may be immunologically infection.81 They possess flagella and fimbria on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. mediated, though no study has so far reported that may mediate adherence to lung cell deposition of chlamydial antigen in the lesions. surfaces82 but this process may be inhibited by In immune guinea pigs a genus specific 57 kD Legionella antibodies in bronchial secretions. chlamydial protein can elicit a delayed hyper- The micro-organisms can evade this neutrali- sensitivity reaction,68 supporting the assump- sation by antibodies by producing proteases tion that immune reactions play a role in the that may degrade both IgG and secretory IgA pathogenesis of chlamydial infections. in the secretions83 and another legionella protease may inhibit the neutrophil chemotaxis 84 MYCOPLASMAL PNEUMONIA and thus facilitate infection. Cell mediated After inhalation of infected material, M pneu- immunity also plays an important role in the moniae binds to respiratory epithelial cells and defence against legionella infection85 and, in induces inflammation.11 18 Locally produced accordance with this, legionella pneumonia secretory IgA may inhibit the binding to respi- occurs more commonly in immunocompro- ratory epithelium, and these antibodies seem to mised patients. Several bacterial virulence fac- play a greater role than serum antibodies in the tors may help to invade cells, multiply intracel- protection against repeated mycoplasmal lularly, and cause cell damage.81 The mode of infections.69 In fatal cases of mycoplasmal action of many of these factors is not known pneumonia micro-organisms are rarely demon- and they may vary in diVerent strains. The strated in lung tissue and corticosteroids have macrophage infectivity potentiator (Mip) is a had some beneficial eVects in severe cases.70 71 basic protein with a molecular weight of 24 kD In immunocompromised patients with severe and it has been shown that L pneumophila mycoplasmal infection the chest radiographic strains defective in this factor exhibit reduced changes were minimal or absent.72 This could infectivity in cell cultures and that reintroduc- be explained by decreased immunological tion of the Mip gene restores virulence.81 86 reactivity in these patients, and it would there- Some component of L pneumophila such as 306 Andersen

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