Week ofOctober 18, 2020 TOUCH pointsermons, prayers & more from Knox Presbyterian Church

Has COVID got you feeling like you've been sent to detention? knockin' around knox Letter from the Editor

Welcome to this week’s TOUCHpoint! Stay up-to-date with Knox news. Visit us online at knox.org, or subscribe to our weekly enounce- ments by contacting GlennWilliams, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KNOX’S Hello, Friends! Director of Communications at [email protected] HOLTKAMP ORGAN Did you ever get detention when you were in school? Not me! (Well, maybe once or twice…) This Sunday marks the 50th anniversary of the organ’s debut at Knox, and Comedian Jerry Seinfeld says that COVID makes him the Traditional Worship service will include special music that takes full feel like “the whole world is in detention.” We’re all advantage of the organ’s range and power. locked down and not allowed to go anywhere! Adam Fronczek starts his sermon this week with Seinfeld’s observation…and then applies it to the time said “give to what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” Yes, that’s an interesting train TOUCHpoint! of thought—from Seinfeld to Jesus--but it makes Week of October 18, 2020 perfect sense. You’ll just have to read Adam’s sermon on the next few pages to find out why (hint: you belong to God, not to Caesar, and God doesn’t SCRIPTURE have us in detention). 5 :15-22 Give to God what belongs to God. This means New Standard Revised Version you; this means everything. SERMON Glenn Williams, Editor 6 The Question of Paying Taxes by Rev. Adam Fronczek 14 PRAYER LIST

Editor: Glenn Williams; Art Direction & Photo Editing: Christina Miller

2 knox Presbyterian Church knox Presbyterian Church 3 PRAYERS FOR EVERYONE This Week's Scripture First of all, I ask you to pray for everyone. Ask God to help and bless Matthew 22:15-22 them all and tell God how thankfulyou are for each of them. (1 Timothy 2:1, Contemporary English Version) these families these individuals The Fronczek Family: George, Marty Adam, Anna, harlie, Mac, Teddy, Sam Gilman, Barbara The Getgeys.Family: Ginocchio, James John, Amy, John, Andrew, Lauren, Mollie 15 Then the went Goering, John and plotted to entrap him The Gibbs/Mulder Family: Grapes, Christine Becky and Anne in what he said. 16 So they The Gieseke Family: sent their disciples to him, Karl, Maggie, James, Henry, Anna, Mary, along with the Herodians, Lilly, Rosie saying, “Teacher, we know The Gilhart Family: that you are sincere, and Jenny and Bob teach the way of God in accordance with truth, The Gilman Family: Romans 15:7 reads, “Welcome Tom, Nancy, Nathaniel, Elizabeth and show deference to The Gimberts Family: one another, therefore, just as no one; for you do not re- Wes, Ann, Edmund, Leslie Christ has welcomed you, gard people with partiality. The Gimpels Family: for the glory of God.” 17 Tell us, then, what you Paige, John, Ben, Elizabeth think. Is it lawful to pay tax- As we pray this month, es to the emperor, or not?” The Ginsburg Family: we pray in a spirit of welcome; Pam and David 18 But Jesus, aware of their The Gonzales Family: we make space in our hearts for malice, said, “Why are Marc, Jane, Alexandra these friends in Christ and we you putting me to the test, The Adams/Good Family: pray that each one knows God’s you hypocrites? 19 Show me the coin used for the David, Martha, Elizabeth deep welcome. The Graham Family: tax.” And they brought him Todd, Carolyn, Jack, Madeline, a . 20 Then he said Will, Ann to them, “Whose head is this, and with love remembering Rob and whose title?” 21 They The Graham Family answered, “The emperor’s.” Brent, Evelyn, David, Will, Caroline Then he said to them, “Give The Zests Family therefore to the emper- Graham and Tiffany or the things that are the The Grgas-Kersey Family emperor’s, and to God the John, Jessica, Kirk, Bodie, Makenna things that are God’s.” 22 The Grout Family When they heard this, they Tim, Karen, Sarah were amazed; and they left him and went away.

knox Presbyterian Church 5 Message by Pastor Adam Fronczek of Knox Presbyterian Church. is Caesar's, and u The full video message delivered on Sunday, October 18, 2020 hat nto can be found at knox.org/sundayoctober18. r w G sa od ae w C ha o t t i n s u G r o e d d 's n . e " the question of R " PAYING TAXES

serious things, so that we can laugh our way Of course, I don’t know the answer to these through the frustrations and fears and hard- questions any more than you do. But, I will say ships. I’ve always thought that the best jokes tap this: I cannot believe that COVID is a punish- into something deep inside of us; good jokes ment from God. I don’t believe God would allow can surface things that we didn’t know we were the people who are already the most vulnerable to thinking about. suffer the most. Inequality is a human problem. For me, the image of detention opens us to But it’s hard for me not to wonder about some some big questions that I suspect many of us of the other big questions, even if I don’t have are wondering about these days. “Why are we answers. And I believe it is the nagging of these in detention?” “Who put us there?” “How long unanswerable questions that makes us feel disillu- is it going to be until we can get out?” These are sioned, discouraged, depressed, frustrated and not Jerry Seinfeld appeared not long theological questions—God questions—be- sure what to do or say or think. Comedian ago on Stephen Colbert’s The cause they involve the deeper meaning of what These are tough questions, and they don’t have Late Show. They were talking about the pandemic and Seinfeld is going on in the world right now. Is this pan- clear answers. But I do think there is wisdom in commented “It’s like the whole world has been put in detention.” demic some kind of punishment? Is God playing Scripture and in our faith tradition to help us deal (I asked the small groups gathered here to spend a few minutes some role in this? Why does it victimize people in with the hard feelings they bring so that we can talking about that joke, I asked if it was a good comparison and ways that are so unbalanced and unfair? Are we live and thrive even in these hard days. This Sun- what it made them think about. Is detention a good metaphor for supposed to be learning or changing something? day and next the sermons will be about wisdom this pandemic?) If we do, will that make it go away? When it is from the Bible for navigating difficult days, diffi- Obviously this pandemic is no joke; it is deadly serious and over—whatever that means—are things going to cult feelings, and big questions. has devastated lives and livelihoods. At the same time, some- look better, or worse, or about the same as they Today’s scripture lesson reminded me once times along the way we can benefit from a good joke about did before? again that God has a good sense of humor. It

6 knox Presbyterian Church knox Presbyterian Church 7 was two or three weeks ago that The New York That statement might make it sound like ser- swer. What do you do when a question has no So, the people who are running for election Times ran that big article about the President’s mons and worship are bound to be irrelevant good answer? Jesus changes the question. Look- in our own time, and the malice and fear and di- tax history, and of course he replied that the and out of touch—that we can only talk about ing at the emperor’s likeness on the coin, he asks, visiveness that they bring to so much of life now, whole thing was false. The story was all over the “religious things.” But that too could not be fur- “Whose head is this, and whose title?” And to hear me when I say that they have no author- news. That day, with my laptop on the desk and ther from the truth. Jesus, the Prophets, and that question he has a good answer: “Give to the ity here, where we come to worship. And they the newsfeed rolling in, I was planning sermons. many personalities of the Bible were deeply po- emperor the things that are the emperor’s and to should not have ultimate authority in your life. As I looked to see what Scriptures were being litical. They had much to say to the governors God the things that are God’s.” This is the place where we come to be reminded suggested for the coming weeks, I saw that for and kings of their day. But how do you have it Here’s the distinction he is making: Jesus does that we belong to God. You do not belong to the my very next sermon, October 18, the Gospel both ways? How do you keep God at the cen- not set the emperor and God on equal footing. politicians. I know that these days we turn on lesson was Jesus words in Matthew 22 about ter of your life and our worship, and also pay The emperor can have the coin, he says. That be- the tv, or look at our devices or open the news- paying your taxes. attention to the public longs to him. But you do not belong to him. You paper and it seems like you cannot get away witness of the Bible? do not belong to the emperor, your life belongs from the malice. But you can. Like Mister Rog- “Render unto Caesar How do you render to God. So there are limits to the authority that ers used to tell little children about shows on tv what is Caesar’s, and unto Caesar what is the emperor may have in your life, but you be- that are hurtful and make us feel bad, “You can to God what is God’s.” Ceasar’s and to God long to God—and there are no limits to God’s turn it off!” And that’s a reminder we often need what is God’s? authority. You belong to God everywhere you go. when we are at worship. This is not the emper- All I could think was, "Lord, God and the emperor are not to be thought of or’s place. This is where we render unto God. you’ve got to be kidding me!"’ as equals. Let me say before I go one word fur- ther, that this sermon is not going to be about Donald Trump, and it’s not even going to be about the election—for a really good reason. It is so tempting for a preacher of any political Jesus makes leaning to take the latest news and this passage an important distinction that helps us navigate of Scripture and run with it. But I believe that this question. Let’s look at the story. A group "YOU DO NOT BELONG TO THE EMPEROR, would be in direct opposition to what this pas- of religious and civic officials—Pharisees and YOUR LIFE BELONGS TO GOD." sage means. The message of this passage is that Herodians—come to see Jesus; the story says what we are doing right now, this time for wor- they were, “hoping to entrap him” with a ques- ship, this sermon, this gathering of believers— tion. “Is it lawful to pay taxes to the emperor, or this space and time does not belong to Donald not?” This is a trick question. If Jesus says ‘yes, Trump, or to any other president or politician. pay taxes to the emperor,” he’ll be accused of be- This is not space where we render unto Caesar. ing treasonous to the Jewish people in the face This is space where we render unto God. The of their Roman oppressors. If he says no, the church must remember that God’s wisdom is Romans will throw him in jail for inciting re- strong enough not to be overshadowed by the bellion. Like so many decisions in our own lives news of the day. right now, this question has no really good an-

8 knox Presbyterian Church knox Presbyterian Church 9 Paying Taxes (cont'd) And, when you leave here and go back out So, those are some practical reflections on into the world, you will still belong to God. And this passage. But I’m also interested in reflecting that carries with it responsibilities—ways that we on the spiritual nature of this story. What does FLU VACCINE CLINIC must engage Caesar. Here, where we belong to this story mean, in the midst of all the struggle God, we talk about life-shaping values that we we’re facing? What does it mean to be comforted learn from our faith tradition. We talk about by the knowledge that you belong to God? What November 1st justice for long-oppressed people. We talk about does it mean to ask some of those big questions I 1-4pm seeking the welfare of people who are struggling. mentioned at the start, and to know that God is We talk about being in the midst there, in the midst of them? of a violent world. We talk about love for our Let’s go back for a moment to that metaphor Hyde Park Kroger's parking lot neighbors, even when our neighbors are people that started the sermon, the idea that COVID is we are not inclined to like. This is the witness of like detention. Why did this happen? What does people who belong to God. And we are to take it mean? How long will it be until it is over? An- that witness everywhere with us—to our schools, other good metaphor for these questions is dark- our jobs, our neighborhood councils, and yes, to ness. The inability to know where you are or see the polls. You belong to God. Render unto God what’s ahead or to know where you are going. what is God’s. And go into the world ready to en- Not long ago, my family spent a Saturday at gage with Caesar. a State Park where the kids explored steep hills

". . . there was a point at which I knew it was a long way back to turn around and still didn’t quite know how much longer it would be ahead. . ."

Knox member and Kroger pharmacist Rick Phillips will be administering vaccines to anyone over 18. Cost is $20. Doc-

being the church umentation for insurance reimbursement will be available with assistance to complete if needed. Go online here to reserve your time! https://www.signupge- nius.com/go/10c0d48adac23aafe3-flushots

10 knox Presbyterian Church knox Presbyterian Church 11 and cliffs, and the caves and tunnels under- neath. There was one especially long tunnel we walked through together. It was an abandoned train tunnel that was dug back in 1852 and nev- er completed. The tunnel was long enough that you couldn’t see the end, and had to rely heavily upon your flashlight, and it was low enough that I stooped and bent over most of the way through. Our older boys clambered around through the mud and the rocks while I stepped carefully with "We often forget that our one-year old boy strapped to my chest. Not God is also quite comfortable knowing exactly how long the tunnel was, there in the darkness, and that was a point at which I knew it was a long way amazing things can happen back to turn around and still didn’t quite know there." how much longer it would be ahead, and it was very dark. Except for the voices of my children Night of Power and received the wisdom of the enjoying the adventure, it was quiet and felt to- Quran. In the Bible, Elijah experienced God’s still, tally removed from the noise of the world. Per- small voice at the mouth of a cave. God wrestled haps it should have been scary, but I felt a sur- with Jacob in the nighttime and appeared to prising sense of peace while picking my way Mary and Joseph at night in their dreams. Jesus over those rocks in the dark tunnel watching my was born in the night; if you’ve been to the Holy children explore and holding my warm babbling Land you know that it probably happened not in Whether the subject is the upcoming election And when the darkness seems too dark, remem- baby close to my heart. Something there gave me a stable but in the darkness of a cave. A cave was or the future of COVID, I know the politicians ber that the Caesars of the world may seem to a surprising sense of comfort. also where Jesus was resurrected. Barbara Brown and pundits do not have answers to the ques- surround us, but their influence is limited. Your We tend to talk a lot about light when we’re Taylor points out that no one ever talks about that tions that haunt us in the darkness. If we want to life does not belong to them. You belong to God. talking about God. “Let there be light;” “the light on Easter. “Resurrection is always announced find our way through the darkness, we’ll need to And God is at home even in the darkness. Amen. of the world;” “the light shines in the darkness…” with Easter lilies, the sound of trumpets, bright remember that darkness is God’s territory. We often forget that God is also quite comfort- streaming light. But [resurrection] didn’t happen So, render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and able in the darkness, and that amazing things that way. If it happened in a cave, it happened in to God what is God’s. Pay your taxes, and out in can happen there. Preacher Barbara Brown Tay- complete silence, in absolute darkness, with the the world, witness in public to the goodness of AFTER SERMON lor once wrote a great essay about caving. She re- smell of damp stone and dug earth in the air… God by demanding justice for vulnerable people DISCUSSION QUESTION called the role of caves and darkness in religious [N]ew life starts in the dark. Whether it is a seed and acting as a peacemaker. Vote in favor of the in the ground, a baby in the womb, or Jesus in literature: Buddhists tell stories about meditation principles of the Gospel, principles that all flow What does it mean to you in these days, to caves in India, China, and Bhutan. There is a cave the tomb, it starts in the dark.” (Brown Taylor, Learning from the idea that every human person is a child hear that god is comfortable in the dark- near Mecca where Mohammed experienced his to Walk in the Dark, 129) of God. Give generously out of what you have. ness and that new life might be found Help those who are suffering. Love your enemies. there?

12 knox Presbyterian Church knox Presbyterian Church 13 Kersey, Lynne, sister-in-law of Jeff Kersey Stith, Bette prayer list Koenig, Joe, friend of Heidi Perry Stith, Jack Kuhlman, Art, father-in-law of Elisabeth Kuhlman Tripp, Kila Week of October 18, 2020 Lance, Beth, friend of Karen Wirthlin Trunick, Jim, brother of Mary Lou Krohn Invitation to Pray Landen, Barbara Turner, Lorie, friend of Maria Anderson Lyon, Mary Vickie, friend of Karen Grout Hall, Regina Martin, Gina, friend of Sheree Allgood Volz, Sue Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful High, Rachel McCullough, Nancy Waugh, Carol and thankful. ~ Colossians 4:2 High-Reilly, Brian and Robin, son-in-law McDonald, Mary Anna, sister of Ev Landen Wiesjahn, Mitch, great nephew of Karl Power and and daughter of Rachel High McDonough, Marj, aunt to Mary Nurre Gana Taggart New Prayer Requests IHN and the homeless families they serve McGill, EJ, grandson of Susan and Terry Wilson, Andrew, son of Anne Wilson Lachniet, Grace Johnson, Kathleen Melson, Leslie and Jim, niece and nephew of Ritchie, Frank and Carole Kautz, Walter Barry Cors Our Global Outreach Partners Scott, Mary, daughter-in-law of Jim and Recie Scott Kersey, Katlyn, and family, niece of Jeff and Meyer, Esther, mother of Roger Meyer Boyd, Jeff and Christi and family, PC(USA) Mission Pam Kersey Knox Members and Friends Morgan Family Co-workers in Congo Allgood, Sheree Morgan, Michael Seitz, Jonathan and Emily and family, PC(USA) Ashton, Jim and Micaela, son and daughter-in-law Mooney, Cece Mission Co-workers in Taiwan of Cathie and Bill Ashton Morgan, Greg Bob and his sister Mary, friends of Sarah Aldrich Nielsen, Sue Men and Women in Military Active Duty Bruno, Adele, friend of Deland Basora Nurre, Bob and Doris, brother and sister-in-law of Matt Anderson, Matt Buchert, Joseph Elkin, Will Bunge, Janet Jim Nurre Farrar, Cody Ison, Martin Davis (nephew of Craig Bunn, Nancy, friend of Foster and Kathleen Winter Ooten, Janice, mother of Julie Morgan and Susan Davis), Jack Graham, Blake Lyon, Nick Carli, Patricia, mother/mother-in-law of Pack, Amelia, daughter of Woody Pack Robinson, Adam Smith, Timothy Sowder, Joe Lou and Christi Carli Pfeiffer, Lisa Sheedy (great nephew of Jim Nurre) Cole Pierce, Lynda and Ron Copella, John, friend of Karl Power and Perkins, Talon, nephew of Jim Elkin Jr. and With Thanksgiving For Prayers Offered, Gana Taggart Brooke Elkin Removed From the List Crossen, Ann, friend of Jan and Blair Battistini Peters, Marilyn Wahl, Phyllis Dartnall, Lillian Devote yourselves to Pursen, Dick Davis, Susan and Craig and Family prayer, being watchful Qualley, Steve, cousin of Karen Grout Deaths DeJah and Karen, cousin and aunt of Julie Morgan and thankful. Preston, Dennis husband of Fay Preston Elleman, Larry, husband of Barbara Elleman, Raju, Sue, Family of, friend of Cathy Rector 10/2/20 Dorosch, Brian, relative of Sarah Aldrich ~ Colossians 4:2 Downing Family (The) Rutherford, Marvin, friend of Knox Schroer, Anna, 10/8/20 Drummond, Tara Singer, Andrea, friend of Karen Wirthlin Wagner, Ila, aunt of Mary Nurre Dryer, Seth Smith, Myrna Ehrsam, Beth Stallsworth, Abby, daughter of Becky Stallsworth Something to think and pray about this week Eiler, Artie Stearns, Sally Look to God and be radiant, so your face will never Fiorelli, Linda, sister-in-law of Liz Haradon Stefanik, Mim be ashamed. Fleish, Kara Kruger, friend of Beverly Maisenhalter Steiner, Ace, friend of Kathy Wall ~ Psalm 34:5 Griffey, Keishna, friend of Mary Lou Krohn Stewart, Mary Griffin, Nancy

knox Presbyterian Church 15 Adam Fronczek Jana Reister David Annett Tina Hubert Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Dir. of Youth Ministries Dir. of Faith Formation

Pete Tuff Glenn Williams Rènché leRoux Pam Ward Dir. of Operations Dir. of Communications Finance Manager Faith Community Nurse

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