Ayurveda Cooking Workshop with Talya Lutzker, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner
Ayurveda Cooking Workshop With Talya Lutzker, Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner www.TalyasKitchen.com The Basics of Ayurvedic Cooking and Nutrition Ayurveda = Science of Life. Based in five element theory – about creating balance • Vata = air and ether Qualities include cold, dry, light, rough, subtle, crunchy • Pitta = fire and water Qualities include oily, hot, spreading, slippery, spicy, warming • -Kapha = earth and water Qualities include wet, heavy, cool, dense, thick, creamy, oily Modern Nutritional Principles for Cooking Whole Foods Oils are best consumed when raw, fresh & cold pressed Healthiest cooking methods: water-sautee, steam, bake, poach, boil and grill Complete vegetarian proteins are made by combining together the following: -nuts and/or seeds with grains (ex: hempseed with brown rice) -dairy with nuts/seeds or dairy with grains (ex: kefir with quinoa) The Rasas = Six Tastes The concept of taste is what heals, shifts and balances a person’s present constitution (Vikruti) 1. Immediate taste on the tongue = RASA 2. Immediate effect on digestion = VIRYA - digests hot or cold 3. Long-term, post-digestive effect = VIPAK Six Tastes of Ayurveda: Sweet, Salty, Sour, Bitter, Pungent, Astringent ASTRINGENT pulls, removes and constricts (air/earth) Quality: Helps remove excess water from tissue, moves and reduces mucous, drying, pulling, constrictive, purifying Example: Garbanzo beans, Pomegranates, Raw Honey, Potatoes, Berries, Beans SOUR warms, tonifies and liquefies (fire/earth) Quality: Hot and Tonifying, best used in small amounts. Builds appetite, creates heat and liquefication without excess heat Example: Yogurt, Kefir, Fermented Foods, Ume Plum, Lemons, Limes BITTER cleanses, cools and excretes (air/ether) Quality: Cold and Active, absorptive, clearing, purifying, true detox Example: Dark Leafy greens: Kale, Collards, Beet Greens, Dandelion, Nettles, Aloe Vera PUNGENT heats, dries, expels (air/fire) Quality: Stimulates appetite, maintains agni and active metabolism.
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