CINDERELLA BY JACK NORTHCOTT Extract A SMITH SCRIPT This script is protected by copyright laws. No performance of this script -IN ANY MEDIA – may be undertaken without payment of the appropriate fee and obtaining a licence. For further information, please contact SMITH SCRIPTS at
[email protected] Cinderella Pantomime Script Cinderella The magical family pantomime © Jack Northcott 2018 !1 Cinderella Pantomime Script CHARACTERS Cinderella Poor stepdaughter of Pri Madonna Buttons In love with Cinders Pri Madonna Married Cinders’ father Annabella Ugly and vile Belladona Ugly and vicious Prince Charming Handsome, principal boy Dandini Prince’s aid and confidant Fairy Godmother A magical fairy who looks after Cinderella SUPPORTING CAST Pinky A tiny mouse Perky A tiny mouse Porky tiny mouse Flutter sparrow Splutter sparrow with a speech impediment Hoppit rabbit Droppit rabbit Servant staff member in the household Chorus of villagers, ball goers and forest dwellers, As always in Pantomime, genders are ambiguous and this is no exception. Particularly Buttons, Pri Madonna, Dandini, Prince Charming and Fairy Godmother could be played by either a male or female but the gender of their character must remain the same. With the exception of the Fairy Godmother who could easily be ambiguous in gender. © Jack Northcott 2018 !2 Cinderella Pantomime Script SCENES ACT I Scene 1 Village Near the Palace Scene 2 Elsewhere in the Village Scene 3 Hardup Manner Scene 4 Elsewhere in the Village Scene 5 The Uglies’ Boudoir Scene 6 Cinderella’s Pumpkin Patch Scene 7 Hardup Manner ACT II Scene 8 The Palace Ballroom Scene 9 A Corridor in the Palace Scene 10 Into the Woods Scene 11 Path in the Woods Scene 12 Village Near the Palace Scene 13 Song Sheet Scene 14 The Royal Palace © Jack Northcott 2018 !3 Cinderella Pantomime Script MUSICAL NUMBERS (Feel free to add or remove musical numbers as you wish.