Open Journal of Mathematics and Physics | Volume 2, Article 78, 2020 | ISSN: 2674-5747 | published: 7 Feb 2020 | DA [microresearch] Diamond Open Access A hole in the black hole Open Physics Collaboration∗† April 19, 2020 Abstract Supposedly, matter falls inside the black hole whenever it reaches its event horizon. The Planck scale, however, imposes a limit on how much matter can occupy the center of a black hole. It is shown here that the density of matter exceeds Planck density in the singularity, and as a result, spacetime tears apart. After the black hole is formed, matter flows from its center to its border due to a topological force, namely, the increase on the tear of spacetime due to its limit until it reaches back to the event horizon, generating the firewall phenomenon. We conclude that there is no spacetime inside black holes. We propose a solution to the black hole information paradox. keywords: black hole information paradox, singularity, firewall, entropy, topology, quantum gravity Introduction 1. Black holes are controversial astronomical objects [1] exhibiting such a strong gravitational field that nothing–not even light–can escape from inside it [2]. ∗All authors with their affiliations appear at the end of this paper. †Corresponding author:
[email protected] | Join the Open Physics Collaboration 1 2. A black hole is formed when the density of matter exceeds the amount supported by spacetime. 3. It is believed that at or near the event horizon, there are high-energy quanta, known as the black hole firewall [3].