218 OOMBBl ~T. NIOBOLAS. . Post Office, Wadeford.-Alfred James Pavey, sub-post­ Public Elementary Sch{)ols. master. Letters through Chard; no delivery on St. Nicholas (mixed), with a house for the ·sundavs.• Combe St. Nicholas is the nearest monev• master, for r5o children; Frederick Wheaton, master order & telegraph office, I mile distant Infants', a sepA.rate building, for 6o children ; Miss Wall ~tter· Boxes.-Clayhanger & Sticklepath Sabina Gladwyn, mistress COMBE ST. NICHOLAS. · Elliott Edward; farmer, Ham Toucher Samuel, blacksmith PRIVATE ~ESIDENTS. Genge Thomas W. butcher 1'ratt Georg'e, butcher Aldridge Geoffrey de Ybarrondo B.A. Gill William, farmer, Clayhanger Venn Charles Samuel, George inn (vicar), Vicarage Reeks Sidney John, farmer, Weston Willmott Abrabam, frmr. Whiteway Allen-Jefferys Jefferys Charles B.A., Hedditch Hy. dairyman, Clayhanger J.P. Crickleaze Hopkins Annie (Mrs.), frmr.Alterway WADEFORD. Baker Mrs. Clayhanger Hopkins Fred, dairyman, Combe hill PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Blake Daniel, Willhayne Hurford William, farmer, Beetham James Mrs Buston Roger M.A. Combe Head ho Jeffery John, haulier Newland Miss, Manor house Chamberlain Mrs ..Combedale Lane William, farmer, Combe head Worner George Edward Chapman Ralph, Oak lodge . Lawrence Reuben, farmr. Sticklepath Zealley Andrew Fuller Douglas, Belcombe Lumbard William, farmer, Ham COMMERCIAL. Lazenby Lieut. Chas. M. Barley hill Marshall Fred, farmer, Ham Bragg George, farmer Watson William, Clayhanger Miles Henry, coffee tavern Chard Industrial & Provident Society Wilce Thomas, The Croft . . Pavey Percy, farmer,. Willhayn.e.. , · Limited(branch) . (WalterHutchings, COMMERCIAL. Pope Henry, farmer, Ham , manager), grocers &c . , Bailey Fredk.Chas. frmr.Combe wood Reader .Tames, Gree11. Dragon P.H . Dening John C. Rising Sun P,H Bailey William Arthur, • farmer, Scriven .Albert Jn. farmer, Woolh~yes Lee .Amy (Miss), nurse Combe hill Shier William, f!lrmer, Beetham , Long Sidney, shopkeeper Coate Helena Kate (Miss), grocer, Showers Obadiah, farmer,Eleigh water Owsley A. W. & Son, bakers Post office Slade Edwin, farmer, Ham . : Pavey Alfd'. Jas. stationer, & post o:fl Coleman John H. farmer, Whitehall Stickland Henry, builder . . Pavey Henry, farmer .. Coles -, farmer,, Beetham Stone William, engineer., millwright Shier Siqney George, miller (water) · Dampier Kelita Henry:, shopkeeper & builder, New town · , Zealley & Son, millers (water), Dymond Arthur, farmer, Strait Ash Summers Robt. tJaddler & harness ma . Qourt mills is a parish, 2 miles west-north- South Marsh Water Works, the property· of we8t from Axbridge . station on the Cheddar Valley Rural District Council, has a pumping station here, branch of the Great Western ·Tailway, in the Weston- erected in r8g8; the water is pumped from a spring super~Mare parliamentary division, hundred of Winter- into a reservoir on the side of the hill, and from this stoke, Axbridge petty sessional division, union· and the parishes of Weare, , .Biddisham, Lymp­ county court district, Axbridge rural deanery, Wells sham, , , and archdeaoonry and diocese of Bath and Wells. The Mark are supplied. The manor derived its distinctive village is pleasantly ·situated ·in a fiollow at the name from the Bishops of Bath and Wells, by whom southern foot of the , and open to those it was possessed at the time of, or soon after, the Con­ extensive moors which reach far ·away to Wells and quest: it was sequestered during the reign of Edward Glastonbury: it extends eastward· to Axbr:idge, part VI. but subsequently obtained by the family of Prowse. of West street in that town being within its limits, The trustees· of the late Sir Osbert L'Estrange Mor­ and" on the south it is bounded by the river Axe. daunt bart. who are lords· of the manor, and H. A. The church of St. Andrew is a building of stone, in Tiarks esq. are chief landowners.· The old rectory farm the Early Pointed style, consisting of chancel, nave house has been taken over by the London County of four bays, aisles, south porch and a western tower Council, and under the control of the Education De­ with open battlements containing 6 bells, 5 cast in partment, has been adapted to the purposes• of an 1775 and one in r883: in the chancel windows are some open air school for children in the earliest stages fragments of ancient stained glass: the south doorway of tuberculosis. The soil is various; on the hill is a fine example of Early English work: in the nave rock, but on the low moors• it is light and very is a monument to John Prowse esq. ob. r688: the pulpit fertile, producing early strawberries, potatoes and other is a magnificent specimen of rsth century carving: the vegetables. The area is 2,5rr acres of land and II of font, presumed to be of Saxon date, has a carved oak water ; assessable value, £2,892; the population in 19II cover, with the date r6r7: on the south side of the was 371 in the civil and 598 in the ecclesiastical parish church stands an ancient cross: the church was re- (whieh includes part of Axbridge ). In­ stored in r852 and again in r883, when £388 was ex- eluded in the population was 209 persons in Axbridge pended in thoroughly restoring the tower, including new workhouse. parapets and pinnacles, and in rehanging the bells (one being recast): the church affords sittings for 300 per- C~OSS, a to this paris~ and formerly a noted sons. The register dates from the year IPfL The st~twn for the st~ge co_aches, 1s on the Bn~tol and living is a vicarage, net yearly value £rJo, including Bndg:water road, _nnmed1ately bene3:th the heights of 6 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop j Mendip, .half a mile west _from 4x.bndg~. of Bath and Wells, and held since ·IgiJ by the Rev. A port~on of Compton Bishop CIVIl pansh was ttnnexed C. ·Parkhurst Baxter M.A. of Philadelphia and Lichfield to Axbridge by Local Gov:e~nment Board Or.der, No. Theological Colleges. In r66g, Thomas Morse gave £r 36,707, Sept .. 3?• 1897• for c1V1l purposes. yearly, charged on his lands in this parish for ever, Sexton, Wllham Stark. to be given one-half at Christ;nas, ~he other at Easter, Post Office.-Mrs. Emily Hardwidge, sub-postmistress. to four or five people of th1s par1sh of the greatest Letters through .Axbridge which is the nearest money ag~ and poverty,. n~t re?eivin~ weekly pay. A~bri~ge order & Weare the neare~t telegraph office un10n workhouse 1s· m this pansh, bl!t for. eccle~mstJCal Post Office, Cross.-Miss Eliza·beth Jane Keen, sub-post- purposes only, a part of the pansh, mcludmg the mistress. Letters throuo-h Axbrido-e which . is the workhousp, having been transferred to the civil parish nearest monev order & t~legraph offi~e o~ Axhridge in August, r8g7. On a high ridge of the Wall Letter Bo~es.-Lower Cross & Webbington hills to the south-west, well known as " Crook's Peak," . . . is a large natural ~ave called "Denny's Hole," the i Public ~lementaTY: ~chool (mlx.ed), restored m r844, for entrance to which 1s nearly perpendicular, the roof . 76 chlldr.en; WillJll;m Cray, m IJ28, gave seven acres expanding into a rough archway, and forming a 1, of l~nd lil' the pa~Ish of Bad~worth, the _rents .to ~e kinrl of ante-chamber to one of infinitely greate·r j appl:ed to "~eachmg: poor children of this pansh m extent, which, when first explored, was splendidly J ~·eadmg. Enghsh until they shall be perfected there- ornamented on the roof and sides with stalactites· some m;" this endowment now produces £r8 yearly; Mrs. of the incrustations form the most fantastic shapes; Mainhood, mistress but it has unfortunately been rifled of its ornaments, Carrier to Weston-super-Mare.-Robert Keen, every tues. and will now scarcely repay the trouble of the descent. tnurs. & sat

:PRIVATE nESIDENTS. Tilley Thomas, The Cedars 1 Bawden Thomas, fanne1· Baxter Rev. C. ParkhUTst- M.A. Vowles Mrs. Dunyeat cottage Butt John, farmer Vicarage Waiters William, Frampton house Butt William, farmer, Manor house Burdg-e Francis R Carpent-er Henry James, engineer Grose Henry, Riverton house COMMERCIAL. 1 Child.ren's Home & Open Air School Leche Arthur V. Elmcroft A11hby Howa.rd, fruit grower, Cross 1 (Mis~ Barker, matron) 'l'eek John Baber Herbert, farmer, Town send 1Collings J. J. & W. E. brewers,Uross Tiarks Herman .Alex. Webbingtcm ho Bailey· CharleB, farmer , Hardwidg6' Samuel, market gardener