Oakdale East Industrial Estate

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Oakdale East Industrial Estate Report on Geotechnical Desktop Study Oakdale East Industrial Estate 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park Prepared for Goodman Pty Ltd Project 86545.01 October 2018 Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Site Description .............................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Site Identification .................................................................................................................. 1 2.2 Site Description .................................................................................................................... 1 3. Regional Geology and Hydrogeology ............................................................................................ 5 3.1 Geology ................................................................................................................................ 5 3.2 Hydrogeology ....................................................................................................................... 6 4. Soil Landscapes ............................................................................................................................. 6 5. Hydrogeology ................................................................................................................................. 7 6. Proposed Development .................................................................................................................. 8 7. Geotechnical Advice ...................................................................................................................... 8 7.1 Interpreted Geological Model ............................................................................................... 8 7.2 Groundwater ........................................................................................................................ 9 7.3 Slope Stability ...................................................................................................................... 9 7.4 Salinity ................................................................................................................................. 9 7.5 Earthworks ........................................................................................................................... 9 7.6 Foundations .......................................................................................................................10 7.7 Erosion ...............................................................................................................................10 8. Conclusions .................................................................................................................................. 11 8.1 General ..............................................................................................................................11 8.2 Subdivisional Considerations .............................................................................................11 9. Further Investigations ................................................................................................................... 12 10. Limitations .................................................................................................................................... 12 Appendix A: About This Report Appendix B: Drawing Geotechnical Desktop Study, Oakdale East Industrial Estate 86545.01.R.001.Rev1 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park October 2018 Page 1 of 13 Report on Geotechnical Desktop Study Oakdale East Industrial Estate 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park 1. Introduction This report presents the results of a geotechnical desktop study undertaken by Douglas Partners Pty Ltd (DP) for the Oakdale East Industrial Estate site, located on the eastern side of Old Wallgrove Road, Horsley Park. The assessment was commissioned by Guy Smith of Goodman Pty Ltd (Goodman) and was undertaken in accordance with DP’s proposal SYD180799.P.001.Rev0 dated 4 September 2018. It is understood that the southern part of the greater Austral Bricks Plant 3 site is to be sectioned off for future redevelopment as an industrial estate involving a range of industrial land uses. The assessment is to inform the preparation of controls aimed at guiding future development within the DCP area. The DCP area is shown on Drawing 1, attached. The assessment included a visual inspection and walkover of the site and the surrounding area from public roads, and a review of available information from published maps and reports and other projects by Douglas Partners (DP) in the area. No intrusive investigations have been undertaken for this assessment. 2. Site Description 2.1 Site Identification The greater Austral Bricks site is identified as Lot No. 1 Burley Road (DP 843901) within Horsley Park and has a street address of 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park. The DCP area (Oakdale East) forms the southern part of Lot 1 and is located to the north of Burley Road, to the east of Old Wallgrove Road and is bounded to the east by Reedy Creek. The proposed northern limit will be along a line approximating the easterly extension of Millner Avenue. The site area is shown on Drawing No. 1, presented in Appendix B. 2.2 Site Description The site is an approximate rectangular shaped area of about 32.6 hectares. It has an approximate 900 m long frontage to Burley Road and a 315 m frontage to Old Wallgrove Road. The site is occupied by an extensive array of large stockpiles comprising materials of ‘stock-in-trade’ for the manufacture of bricks and pavers. The stockpiles cover more than half of the site and are Geotechnical Desktop Study, Oakdale East Industrial Estate 86545.01.R.001.Rev1 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park October 2018 Page 2 of 13 separated by unsealed access tracks. There are also areas of land that are grass covered and appear to represent the natural landform. These are scattered in the west and are more prevalent in the east. Internal natural drainage lines are recognisable and drain towards internal basins and on to Reedy Creek at the eastern side of the site. Scattered tree growth is present along the drainage lines, the southern site boundary and more extensively along the Reedy Creek riparian corridor. To the north of the site further large soil stockpiles are present. The Austral Bricks Plant 3 manufacturing warehouse and associated kilns/structures are located north of the western part of Oakdale East, with the warehouses extending about 40 m into the DCP footprint. These structures are generally steel-framed and clad in sheet metal, although other brick administration buildings and associated concrete hardstand areas are also present. A large and deep quarry exists to the north of the eastern part of Oakdale East with approximately 30% of the quarry area extending 130 m south into the DCP footprint. The quarry is estimated as being up to 35 m deep (possibly more) and includes a number of settling ponds and further stock-in-trade stockpiles. The side walls of the quarry are battered at approximately 45 degrees in shale and 30 degrees in soil overburden. The ground surface within the site is expected to have once exhibited gently undulating terrain that was probably covered with natural bushland, particularly along the creek alignment at the eastern site boundary. Since development into a brick manufacturing plant, substantial alterations, as outlined above, have been made to the natural terrain shape. Site levels across the Oakdale East precinct generally range between RL 60 m and RL 90 m, relative to Australian height datum. The following figures are photographs taken from within the Oakdale East site. Figure 1: View to East Overlooking the Central Part of Oakdale East Geotechnical Desktop Study, Oakdale East Industrial Estate 86545.01.R.001.Rev1 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park October 2018 Page 3 of 13 Figure 2: View to North Overlooking the Western Part of Oakdale East Figure 3: View to East Overlooking the Eastern Part of Oakdale East Geotechnical Desktop Study, Oakdale East Industrial Estate 86545.01.R.001.Rev1 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park October 2018 Page 4 of 13 AAAAAA Figure 4: View to West Along Southern Boundary of Oakdale East Figure 5: View to North Along Southern Part of Reedy Creek Geotechnical Desktop Study, Oakdale East Industrial Estate 86545.01.R.001.Rev1 224-398 Burley Road, Horsley Park October 2018 Page 5 of 13 Figure 6: View to South West Overlooking the Quarry Extension into Oakdale East 3. Regional Geology and Hydrogeology 3.1 Geology Reference to the Penrith 1:100,000 Geological Series Sheet indicates that the Oakdale East site is underlain by Bringelly Shale of the Wianamatta Group of Middle Triassic age, with some more recent fluvial sediments (Quaternary alluvium) present along Reedy Creek. An extract of the map is shown in Figure 7 along with an outline of the Oakdale East site boundary. Bringelly Shale typically comprises shales, siltstones and claystones, which weather to form clays of high plasticity (shaded green in Figure 7). The fluvial soils are likely to consist of a range of sands, silts and clays that have been deposited by natural overland and creek flows (shaded orange in Figure 7). Several diatremes are mapped about 600 m to 800 m to the south west of the site. Diatremes are volcanic necks typically comprising volcanic breccia with varying amounts of sedimentary breccia and basalt. Geotechnical
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