October 2019 WINDSOR Seniors Computer Users’ Group Newsletter WSCUG Membership Drive Today’s Program: During the first hour Win! Win! Win! today, 1:00-2:00, Questions/Answers and They win, you win, we win. WSCUG Bd of Directors: Jim Tubb and Andrea Antonik will discuss We will be having a membership drive Donna Crawford- Founder “Video Calls”and “Password Managers”. September, October and November. Then during the 2:00-4:00 pm time slot,
[email protected] The member who brings the most Our topic will be "Streaming TV Options". guests during those months will win a Ross Guistino- Ross Guistino will demonstrate “Amazon 1 hour in home consulting session Consultant Fire Stick Streaming Options” and Andrea
[email protected] with either Andrea or Jim, so give Antonik will demonstrate “Roku those friends a call. Jim Tubb- Ret. Streaming Options”. Consultant, Drop-in Computer Help, Articles for October Moderator a) FAQ: How to manage Windows Windows Update?”.
[email protected] 10 updates by Ed Bott, 9.05.2019. https://www.zdnet.com/article/faq-how- "With Windows 10, Microsoft has to-manage-windows-10-updates Andrea Antonik- Ret. completely rewritten the Windows Consultant, Drop-in b) 5 clever Gmail tricks to minimize Computer Help, Editor Update rule book....Welcome to regret, frustration and spam by Dale
[email protected] Windows as a service." This new Smith, 09.01.2019. "By harnessing the approach to Windows Updates main power of Google software and Ines Williams- Welcome & services, Gmail packs some incredibly goal is "to have the majority of Refreshment Coordinator dynamic customization options just Windows users fully patched at all
[email protected] under the hood." If you use Gmail, times, with only a few versions to Computer Help – Drop-in.