Coast Guard Festival
the QUARTERDECK LOG Membership publication of the Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association. Publishes quarterly— Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. Not sold on a subscription basis. The Coast Guard Combat Veterans Association is a Non-Profit Association of Active Duty, Retired, Reserve and Honorably Discharged Former Members of the United States Coast Guard who served in, or provided direct support to, combat situations recognized by an appropriate military award while serving as a member of the United States Coast Guard. Volume 33, Number 3 Fall 2018 USS SERPENS (AK 97) SUNK BY ENEMY ACTION OR THROUGH ACCIDENT THE SINGLE LARGEST LOSS OF COAST GUARD PERSONNEL OF ANY WAR In This Issue: On Monday, January 29, 1945, the USS SERPENS (AK 97), Cover Story Pages 1, 8-10 an EC-2 Liberty-type vessel, blew up at 2318 local time while From The President Page 2, 3 moored at Berth Number 24, Lunga Point, Guadalcanal, From the Vice President Page 4 British Solomon Islands. 197 Coast Guardsmen, six Army and From the Secretary/Treasurer Page 5 one Public Health Service personnel lost their lives as the Auxiliary News Page 6-7 result of the explosion, the single largest loss of Coast Guard Convention information Pages 12-17 personnel of any war. First believed that the sinking was from Notices & Association News Pages 18-24 Featured Articles Pages 25-28 enemy action, it was later concluded that the explosion was Sea Stories Page 29 possibly the result of the rough handling of high explosive Ship’s Store Page 30 cargo. There remains unanswered questions that have some CGCVA Membership Form Inside back-cover rethinking this decision.
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