Road Administration

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Road Administration Yearbook 2018 history of the first one hundred winter. This marked the end of the years of the Road Administration. most difficult stage of the three-year construction period, as such large- The centenary year brought along scale construction works on peat PRIIT SAUK, various success stories at the lands were a first for us as well as Director General of the Road Administration. the contractors. Despite such large Estonian Road Administration volumes, the works are actually We can consider 2018 a successful ahead of schedule because the construction year. We exceeded works carried out in 2018 exceeded 018 represented our initial plans in practically all the amount initially planned by work areas in terms of volumes, nearly eight million euros. a celebratory the only exception was centenary feel reconstruction. We managed to The increase of wintertime road 2 implement the financial volume of condition levels posed a serious for the Republic of investments allocated from state challenge for the Area of Road Estonia as well as for revenue to the extent of 98% Maintenance last year. Every compared to our initial plans. beginning is hard, but all partners the Road Adminis- Moreover, funding in the extent of joined in and made the necessary tration. 15 million euros was brought changes in order for us to be able to forward from 2019 at the request of provide better maintained and safer One hundred years have helped the the Government of the Republic, roads for road users. Road Administration become the which resulted in a significant state authority that it is today, increase in the volume of We have also implemented a huge managing the road network and construction. improvement for road users on the various modes of transport and Tallinn–Pärnu–Ikla road, where shaping mobility. A unique The biggest works were carried out variable message signs have been publication “One hundred years on in regard to transforming the adopted and now manage traffic. Estonian roads” was completed in Kose–Ardu and Ardu–Võõbu road This is the kind of efficiency that we order to celebrate this remarkable sections into four lane roads. The need in terms of informing road milestone. It was compiled by Mairo main part of the embankment of users: we can reduce the permitted Sääsk, historian and former Head of Kose–Ardu section was completed speed in the case of bad weather the Road Administration. This book in the end of September and was conditions or increase the permitted will serve as a reminder of the left to sink in its entirety over the speed limit to 110 km/h during Sentiment of the Director General ESTONIAN ROAD ADMINISTRATION / YEARBOOK 2018 1 winter, provided that weather IT Department service-based, tasks, which in other words analyses conditions are good. The plan is to which means that the department the movement of people, goods and also instal variable message signs will transition from a responsive information, and seeks the most on Tallinn ring road and the new style of action to a preventive efficient solutions for directing the section on the Tallinn–Tartu road in support unit that focuses primarily aforementioned flows. The chain of the upcoming years. on the quality of service provision. liability within and between units will be clarified, which shall ensure We knew that 2018 would be a Development of e-services will better cooperation opportunities, serious challenge for us in the area certainly continue as well and and prioritise the role of process, of public transportation. As of hopefully we can conduct the road and service owners: the owner 1 January, the Road Administration majority of operations for clients in shall plan the process as well as took over the role of organising a preventive manner without them service-based resources and county and inter-county public bus, ever even having to visit a bureau necessary activities, while also ship and plane lines from county or the e-service environment. taking responsibility for fulfilling the governments. The Supervisory objectives set. Division of Public Transport The Road Administration considers Department along with 14 official itself a spokesperson for mobility New structural units of the Road posts was established at that time, in Estonia and our vision is to Administration consist of divisions the function of which is to analyse become a highly valued compe- that cover fulfilment of primary the line network, monitor fulfilment tence centre for road users as well functions appointed to the Road of contracts and carry out ticket as our partners. In 2018, we Administration by legislation. The inspections. Implementation of new mapped our strategic competen- statute enables to flexibly form tasks was certainly an incredibly ces and carried out a pilot survey various structural units within the challenging and complicated task, across four competences among divisions. but the Public Transport Department our partners. We wanted to figure handled it excellently. out what our partners expect of us It is a difficult challenge to face and as a competence centre and which it requires experts in relevant areas. The Road Administration has always areas need further contributions in No road builds itself, it requires disapproved of corruption and we order to ensure as efficient people and engineers, all with their have also now taken a step towards cooperation as possible. We own stories. The engineering making the inspection process more received substantial feedback from profession is relatively unpopular, transparent. Cameras were installed our key partners and we have but it is our task to make sure that at technical inspection points in July plenty of room for improvement. young people are aware of the 2018 at the instigation of the We also plan to carry out a survey excitement and permanence of this Technical Department. This helps to on the rest of our competences in profession. We must actively talk decrease the risk of corruption 2019. about our actions, skills and during inspections since transpa- thoughts on society in general. We rency is the worst enemy of corrup- It is important for us that the live at a time when attention tion and the camera system makes public services provided by the economy is an independent industry it more difficult for technically Road Administration are functional and we cannot ignore it. unsound vehicles to pass and also available as modern roadworthiness tests. Therefore, we e-services, if possible. We have During the centenary year of Estonia, can ensure that the vehicles that decided to use the service design we launched the Aadu Lassi Lifetime engage in traffic are safe for the methodology in the development Achievement and Engineering driver as well as fellow road users. of new services and in reshaping Awards in the road construction area existing services. in cooperation with the Asphalt I am glad to see that our e-service is Pavement Association to recognise taken up by increasingly more new In addition to the aforementioned engineers who are remarkable in users each year. Estonian citizens significant changes, we also began their field. The first recipients of this have the right to choose to either to prepare our transition to the great recognition were AADU Engi- come to our service bureaus for our new process-based structure. The neering Award Laureate Marek Koit services or to use e-channels. The new version of the statute of the and AADU Lifetime Achievement proportion of transactions made Road Administration shall Award Laureate Aleksander Kaldas. online was 65% in 2018. I am establish a prerequisite for convinced that the service is like a economical, functional and safe The centenary year of the Road new wave of literacy, which the planning and implementation of Administration represented a people are still learning, and it is the traffic and taking on the role of a dignified and proud step towards our responsibility of the IT Department to spokesperson for the creation of a two hundredth anniversary. develop convenient, secure and supporting management structure. functional IT solutions in coopera- tion with owners of public services. We shall hereafter put more emphasis on the traffic planning In order to better fulfil this role, we stage and address traffic modelling have decided to make the 2 ESTONIAN ROAD ADMINISTRATION / YEARBOOK 2018 Sentiment of the Director General 1 36 Road studies About Road Administration 4 38 Area of Traffic Safety and Public Transport Existing roads 6 40 Public transportation Area of Road Maintenance 8 42 Collective raids Maintenance of national roads 10 43 Making sites that pose a traffic hazard safe State supervision of roads 13 44 Database of traffic accidents Traffic management surveys 14 45 Road Safety Programme 2016–2025 Traffic Management Centre 16 46 Expert committee in determining the causes Variable message signs 17 behind serious traffic accidents Road toll 18 48 Studies on attitudes and behaviour of road users Road weather stations. Speed cameras 19 50 Customer service Area of Construction 20 52 Exams A selection of key objects for the Road Administration in 2018 24 53 Activity licence for driver training Best in construction 27 54 Market surveillance of motor vehicles 2+1 roads 29 56 Vehicles Implementation of InfraBIM in road construction 30 58 Traffic safety awards Non-destructive testing of surface courses 31 59 Traffic safety campaigns Environmental measures 32 60 Estonian Road Museum Elimination of barrages that hinder fish migration 33 62 Engineer Aadu Lass Award in the Area of Roads Public services 34 63 Road Administration's deeds and persons of 2018 Photos: page 36 from Heidi and Tanel Neuhaus' hunting camera, page 4, 10 by Taivo Möll. Contents ESTONIAN ROAD ADMINISTRATION / YEARBOOK 2018 3 he Estonian Road Administration (ERA) terminology connected with ERA's is a government agency who operates area of activity.
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