Nuclear Weapons: News and Opinion Clips (September – December 2009)

The end of nuclear sharing? US Nuclear Weapons in Europe , Hugh Beach, RUSI Journal , December 2009 Vol.154 No.6, pp. 48–53 Nearing Arms Pact, U.S. and Russia Look Ahead , New York Times , 17 December Reducing and Regulating Tactical (Nonstrategic) Nuclear Weapons in Europe, Miles A. Pomper, Nikolai Sokov, and William C. Potter, The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute, December 2009 Breaking the U.S.-Russian deadlock on nonstrategic nuclear weapons , Miles A. Pomper, Nikolai Sokov, and William C. Potter, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , 4 December German Nuclear Stance Stirs Debate , Oliver Meier, Arms Control Today , December 2009 What to Do About Europe's Secret Nukes , Eben Harrell, Time , 2 December Toward A Nuclear Weapon Free World , , Max van der Stoel, and Frits Korthals Altes, Translation of an article first published in NRC Handelsblad on 23 November. Time to reconsider U.S. nuclear weapons in Europe , Bob van der Zwaan and Tom Sauer, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists , 23 November The status of U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey , Alexandra Bell and Benjamin Loehrke, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 23 November Allied and Russian experts discuss nuclear doctrine and strategy at a seminar in Oslo, Norway on 9 and 10 November, NATO News Nuclear Capabilities in a Changing Security Environment – a Norwegian Perspective , State Secretary of the Royal Norwegian Ministry of Defence, Espen Barth Eide, NATO-Russia Council Seminar – Nuclear Doctrine and Strategy - Oslo, 9 November Germans press for removal of US nuclear weapons in Europe , Julian Borger, The Guardian , 6 November Multilateral Input Needed on German Plan for U.S. Nukes, NATO Head Says , GSN , 4 November NATO should listen to on removing US nuclear weapons from Europe , BASIC Press Release, 2 November Benelux Countries to Discuss Nuclear Withdrawal , The NATO Monitor , 31 October Ridding Germany of U.S. Nuclear Weapons , Judy Dempsey, New York Times , 28 October Turkish PM exposes nuclear rift in Nato , The Guardian , 26 October Editorial: Nuclear Weapons Free Germany? Global Perspectives, 26 October Germany Will Press for Nuclear Withdrawal - Will Not Act Unilaterally , The NATO Monitor , 26 October New German government to seek removal of US nuclear weapons , Deutsche Welle , 25 October Germany to U.S.: Take Away Your Nukes! Peter Gumbel, TIME , 24 October Report on UK Parliamentary Visit to Washington, DC to discuss prospects for multilateral nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation , BASIC October 2009. Summary also available - posted 22 October. See video of associated event held with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 9 September 2009. Getting to Zero Starts Here: Tactical Nuclear Weapons , Catherine M. Kelleher and Scott L. Warren, Arms Control Today, October 2009 ------Strategic Insights: Special Issue on NATO and Deterrence , Volume VIII, Issue 4 (September 2009) . This edition of the quarterly e-journal produced by the Center for Contemporary Conflict at the US Naval Postgraduate School is a Special Issue on NATO and Deterrence. In addition to an introduction, it presents nine new feature articles, a report on the May 2009 Vilnius workshop, and a report on three workshops on NATO and “tailored deterrence” in 2007-08. Introduction to the Special Issue on NATO and Deterrence David Yost

(photo credit: a stolen nuclear weapon by mrlerone /flickr)

Requirements for Deterrence: Two Challenging Scenarios Elbridge Colby NATO’s Deterrence Requirements: A Lithuanian Perspective Kestutis Paulauskas Reflections on Requirements and Contingencies for a NATO Deterrence or Reassurance Role in the Middle East Ariel E. Levite NATO’s Deterrence Requirements and the Next Strategic Concept: A German Perspective Klaus Wittmann Alliance Requirements for Deterrence: Capabilities and Options for the Next Decade Paul Schulte , Burden-Sharing and NATO Deterrence Policy David Garcia Cantalapiedra Prospects for U.S.-Russian Arms Control and Disarmament: A Russian Perspective Sergey Oznobishchev Nonproliferation, Arms Control and Disarmament, and Extended Deterrence in the New Security Environment Joseph F. Pilat NATO’s Future Nuclear Dimension: Managing Expectations for the Strategic Concept Debate Michael Rühle NATO’s Deterrence Challenges: Report on a Workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania, 10-12 May 2009 David S. Yost NATO and Tailored Deterrence: Key Workshop Findings in 2007-2008 David S. Yost ------The Path to Deep Nuclear Reductions: Dealing with American Conventional Superiority , Dennis M. Gormley, Proliferation Papers No.29, Ifri Security Studies Center, Fall 2009. This paper asks why Russia – whose cooperation is absolutely essential for nuclear weapons’ abolition to happen – might ever wish to proceed toward such a post- nuclear world that would be dominated militarily by American conventional military capabilities and what might be needed to allay legitimate concerns in this regard. U.S. nuclear terrorism , Daniel Ellsberg, The Bloomington Alternative , 11 September