Article Bioreactivity, Guttation and Agents Influencing Surface Tension of Water Emitted by Actively Growing Indoor Mould Isolates

Maria A. Andersson 1,*, Johanna Salo 1, Orsolya Kedves 2,László Kredics 2 , Irina Druzhinina 3,4,5, Jarek Kurnitski 1,6 and Heidi Salonen 1 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Aalto University, Box 12100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland; [email protected] (J.S.); (J.K.); (H.S.) 2 Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Science and Informatics, University of Szeged, Közép Fasor 52, 6726 Szeged, Hungary; [email protected] (O.K.); [email protected] (L.K.) 3 The Key Laboratory of Plant Immunity, Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Solid Organic Waste Utilization, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China; [email protected] 4 Fungal Laboratory (FungiG), Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China 5 Microbiology Group, Research Area Biochemical Technology, Institute of Chemical, Environmental and Bioscience Engineering (ICEBE), TU Wien, A1060 Vienna, Austria 6 Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate Tee 5, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia * Correspondence:; Tel.: +358-405-508-934

 Received: 16 November 2020; Accepted: 4 December 2020; Published: 7 December 2020 

Abstract: The secretion of metabolites in guttation droplets by indoor moulds is not well documented. This study demonstrates the guttation of metabolites by actively growing common indoor moulds. Old and fresh biomasses of indoor isolates of Aspergillus versicolor, Chaetomium globosum, Penicillium expansum, Trichoderma atroviride, T. trixiae, Rhizopus sp. and Stachybotrys sp. were compared. Metabolic activity indicated by viability staining and guttation of liquid droplets detected in young (<3 weeks old) biomass were absent in old (>6 months old) cultures consisting of dehydrated hyphae and dormant conidia. Fresh (<3 weeks old) biomasses were toxic more than 10 times towards mammalian cell lines (PK-15 and MNA) compared to the old dormant, dry biomasses, when calculated per biomass wet weight and per conidial particle. Surfactant activity was emitted in exudates from fresh biomass of T. atroviride, Rhizopus sp. and Stachybotrys sp. Surfactant activity was also provoked by fresh conidia from T. atroviride and Stachybotrys sp. strains. Water repealing substances were emitted by cultures of P. expansum, T. atroviride and C. globosum strains. The metabolic state of the indoor fungal growth may influence emission of liquid soluble bioreactive metabolites into the indoor air.

Keywords: bioreactivity; fungi; guttation; indoor mould

1. Introduction Fungal hyphae sense mechanical and optical stimuli and digest before they ingest. Metabolically active growing fungal hyphae are constantly secreting degrading enzymes and absorbing nutrients. Fungal hyphae also communicate with other microorganisms in their surrounding by secreting secondary metabolites as signaling molecules [1,2]. These small effector molecules, including mycotoxins, antimicrobials, surfactants and small secreted cysteine-rich proteins such as hydrophobins or cerato-platanins, may regulate fungal development as hyphal growth, sporulation, germination of conidia, biofilm formation, and virulence, including parasitism on other fungi [3–12]. Respiratory illness can be associated with exposure to moulds that develop in dampness [13–16]. Fungal proteins and enzymes may induce IgE-mediated asthma, but fungi may also act as potent immune

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940; doi:10.3390/microorganisms8121940 Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 19

hydrophobins or cerato-platanins, may regulate fungal development as hyphal growth, sporulation, germination of conidia, biofilm formation, and virulence, including parasitism on other fungi [3–12]. Respiratory illness can be associated with exposure to moulds that develop in dampness [13– Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 2 of 20 16]. Fungal proteins and enzymes may induce IgE-mediated asthma, but fungi may also act as potent immune modulators promoting asthma independent of antigenic activity [17]. Fungal secondary modulatorsmetabolites promotingand β-glucans asthma may independent alter the innate of antigenic immunity activity of humans [17]. Fungal regulating secondary inflammasome metabolites andformationβ-glucans and maycytokine alter release the innate [18–23]. immunity Surfactants of humans in indoor regulating air and inflammasomedust may cause formation irritation and cytokineinstability release of mucous [18–23 membranes,]. Surfactants and in may indoor strengthen air and the dust effects may of cause bioreactive irritation compounds, and instability which of mucousmay result membranes, in IgE-mediated and may allergy strengthen or asthma the effects [24–26]. of bioreactiveHowever, a compounds, consensus concerning which may the result exact in IgE-mediatedcausative mechanism allergy or or asthma agents [24 behind–26]. However, the respirat a consensusory diseases concerning recorded the in exact moist causative buildings mechanism has not oryet agents been achieved behind the [27–31]. respiratory No guidelines diseases recorded for unheal in moistthy levels buildings of indoor has not mould yet been exposure achieved have [27 been–31]. Nodefined guidelines [32–34]. for unhealthy levels of indoor mould exposure have been defined [32–34]. The specificspecific “mould odour” associated with the excretion of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by indoor fungi [[34,35]34,35] has beenbeen connectedconnected to unhealthyunhealthy indoor air and considered as a possiblepossible indicator of activeactive fungalfungal growthgrowth [[16].16]. Fungal hyphaehyphae may also guttate liquid dropletsdroplets exudatingexudating secondary metabolites or waste productsproducts [[8,9,36–8,9,36–3838].]. Compared to conidia, hyphal fragments and fungal DNA, liquid guttation droplets andand their connectionconnection to metabolic activity of indoor fungi have gained little attention during the monitoring of indoor air quality. No information is available about surfactants in guttation droplets ofof indoor fungi, theirtheir eeffectsffects on the dispersal of other airborne indoor contaminants, andand their their eff ecteffect on theon waterthe water availability availability for fungi for growingfungi growing on indoor on building indoor materials.building Metabolicmaterials. activityMetabolic in fungalactivity biomass in fungal in liquid biomass cultures in liquid of food cultures spoiling of fungifood hasspoiling been fungi monitored has been by a voltametricmonitored by electronic a voltametric tongue electronic (smart tongue) tongue [(smart39] but tongue) the impact [39] of but metabolic the impact activity of metabolic of indoor activity fungi onof indoor indoor fungi air quality on indoor is not ai yetr quality understood. is not yet understood. The aim of our study was (a) to develop develop and eval evaluateuate fast fast microscopic microscopic and toxicological methods for monitoringmonitoring metabolic metabolic activity activity in fungalin fungal colonies, colonies, and (b)and to (b) reveal to reveal the metabolic the metabolic difference difference between fresh,between actively fresh, growingactively growing and old, and desiccated, old, desiccated, dormant dormant colonies colonies growing growing on building on building materials materials and cultureand culture media. media.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Experimental Design Strains representingrepresenting common common indoor indoor mould mould species species and genera and weregenera selected were for selected the development for the anddevelopment evaluation and of methodsevaluation for of monitoring methods for metabolic monitoring activity. metabolic A scheme activity. illustrating A scheme the illustrating experimental the designexperimental is shown design in Figure is shown1. in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Experimental procedure for comparison of metabolicmetabolic activity in fresh, actively growing and old, dormant, dry fungalfungal biomass.biomass. The investigated biomass was produced by cultivation on malt extract agar, on gypsumgypsum liner, oror onon aa piecepiece ofof exhaustexhaust filter.filter. Fresh, actively growing, and dormant, dry biomasses were incubated forfor 11 toto 33 weeks,weeks, andand 55 toto 66 months,months, respectively.respectively.

2.2. Identification Identification of the Fungal Strains Settled dust, indoor building materials and inlet air filters were collected from urban buildings connected to indoor air complaints. Characterization of the indoor microbial isolates proceeded as follows: biomass lysates of fungal colonies were initially categorized based on toxic responses in two Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 3 of 20 toxicity assays: BSMI (boar sperm motility inhibition assay) and ICP (inhibition of cell proliferation assay) and autofluorescence as described earlier [38,40]. The obtained categories were further identified as morphotypes down to the genus level based on colony morphology on MEA, ability to grow at 37 ◦C, conidiophore morphology and conidial size as seen under light microscope (Olympus CKX41, Tokyo, Japan; magnification 400 , image recording software Cellsense® standard version 11.0.06) [40–42]. Selected × representatives of the morphotypes were identified during previous studies by ITS and tef1αsequencing with the primer pairs ITS1 (50-TCCGTAGGTGAACCTGCGG-30)/ITS4 (50-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-30) and EF595F (50-CGTGACTTCATCAAGAAGATG-30)/EF1160R (50-CCGATCTTGTAGACGTCCTG-30), respectively (see Table 1 for GenBank accession numbers of the resulted sequences), followed by sequence analysis performed with Nucleotide BLAST (, and/or identified by DSMZ (Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen, Braunschweig, Germany) or WI (Westerdijk Institute, Wageningen, The Netherlands).

2.3. Cultivation of Mould Colonies The methods used for cultivating the mould colonies on 35 mL MEA (15 g malt extract from Sharlab, Spain, and 12 g of agar from Amresco, Solon, OH, USA, in 500 mL of H2O) per plate were described previously. Actively growing and dehydrated, dormant biomass was prepared as follows: the strains were cultivated on MEA for 1–3 weeks and for 6 months, respectively. The plates were sealed with gas-permeable adhesive tape to slow moisture loss during the culturing at a relative humidity (RH) of 30–40% and a temperature of 22–24 ◦C and stored with the lid upwards.

2.4. Viability Staining with Hoechst 33342 + Propidium Iodide Old, dormant and actively growing aerial fungal hyphae were stained with the viability stain Hoechst 33342 + PI. Hoechst 33342 crosses intact and damaged plasma membranes, staining the DNA in nuclei and mitochondria blue in live and dead cells. PI crosses only plasma membranes with disturbed or exceptional permeability, staining DNA and RNA in affected cells red [37,43,44]. The staining protocol was as follows: fungal biomass, old and new, cc. 20 mg was mixed with 200 µL 1 water containing 10 µg µL− PI and Hoechst 33342, respectively, and incubated in the dark for 10–15 min at 37 ◦C. The stained aerial hyphae were inspected with a fluorescence microscope (Nikon Eclipse E600; Nikon Corporation, Tokyo, Japan) at 400 magnification, with filters of BP 330 nm to 380 nm × (excitation) and LP 480 nm (emission). Confirmation of the blue staining by Hoechst 33342 and red staining by PI was performed as follows: fungal biomass stained with Hoechst 33342 emitted only blue fluorescence ex BP330-380 nm/LP em 480 nm. Red fluorescence thus was provided by intracellular PI. The exhaust filter was stained dry and after having been covered by agar for 24–48 h. A piece of the dry filter and of the filter which had been moisturized by embedding in agar was soaked in 500 µL staining solution and treated as described above.

2.5. Toxicity Test Using Biomass Lysates The toxicity tests measured: (a) the toxins affecting the cellular energy metabolism, the mitochondria and ion homeostasis based on the inhibition of the motility of boar spermatozoa (BSMI) [40,41,45–47]; and (b) the toxins affecting macromolecular synthesis and cytostatic activity based on the inhibition of the proliferation of the somatic cell line PK-15 (ICP) [40,45,46]. Briefly, the BSMI assay used commercial boar semen extended to 14% in the extender MR-A (Kubus S.A. Madrid, Spain), obtained from Figen Ltd. Tuomikylä, Finland, containing 27 106 sperm cells mL 1. The sperm cells were exposed at room × − temperature 30–60 min, before motility was induced by incubation at 37 ◦C for 5 min. For the ICP assay, the cells were grown in RPMI 1640 (complete medium), exposing for 2–3 days, 2–4 104 cells in 200 µL × medium per the wells in a 96-microtiter plate. In this study, the ICP test was also used for comparing toxicity in old, dormant, and new, actively growing fungal biomasses. The procedure of the ICP test using the primary cell line of PK-15 cells and the malignant cell line of MNA cells, was briefly as follows: 60 mg of plate grown biomass was Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 4 of 20

suspended in 600 µL of ethanol, heated in a water bath to 55–60 ◦C for 10 min and stored at room temperature for 5 h. The lysates were diluted by two-fold, exposing the target cells growing in 96-well microtiter plates. The toxicity endpoints for the old and new fungal biomass were measured by fluorimetric readouts of resazurin reduction combined with microscopic inspection of cell viability and intactness of the cell monolayer as described earlier [46]. Fluoroskan Ascent, Thermo Scientific, Vantaa, Finland, ex544 nm/em 590 nm was used for fluorometry. An Olympus CKX41 microscope (Tokyo, Japan; magnification 400 –100 , image recording software: Cellsense® standard version × × 11.0.06) was used for inspection of the cell monolayer. The toxicity endpoint EC50 was expressed as the lowest concentrations where the ratio of the living cells was less than 50%. All of the mammalian somatic cell toxicity assays were repeated three times. The EC50 obtained by the resazurin reduction and the microscopic examination fitted between EC90 and EC10. The maximal difference between the two methods was one dilution step. The half maximal effective concentrations (EC50) for the biomass lysates were calculated as µg wet weight of fungal biomass per mL of test cell suspension. The difference between three repeated tests was within one dilution step.

2.6. Toxic Responses in Old Biomass of Stachybotrys sp. Grown for >20 Years on Paper Board Toxic responses of old, dormant, and young, fresh fungal biomasses were compared by the procedure described below. A piece of paperboard (10 cm 10 cm) sampled 1996 was stored in a × sealed glass jar at room temperature until 2017. The old dry biomass scraped from the paperboard 1 from 3 different locations were (a) cultivated on 10 MEA plates, (b) dissolved in ethanol (60 mg mL− ). One colony was pure-cultured and named strain HJ5.

2.7. Monitoring Guttation Guttation was monitored and compared in actively growing and old, dormant fungal biomasses as follows: cultures grown for 1 to 3 weeks or 6 months grown on MEA and gypsum liner in sealed Petri-plates were stored with the lid upwards. The plates with actively growing fungi were inspected for guttation in stereomicroscope every second day during 3 weeks of growth. To facilitate visualization of guttation, the plates were also inspected under UV light when the guttation droplets often emitted autofluorescence. Cultures grown for 6 months were inspected for guttation every second day after 5.5 months of incubation.

2.8. Monitoring Emission of Surface-Active Compounds Fungal cultures grown for 1–3 weeks on MEA and gypsum board were stored with the lid upwards. Droplets condensed on the inner surface of the Petri-plate lids were inspected regularly with stereomicroscope in visible and UV light. The size of the droplets and the water free zone around condensed droplets were measured by Dino-lite portable microscope with Dinocapture imaging software (Dino-Lite Europe/IDCP B.V. Almere, The Netherlands). Hydrophobic water-repelling activity was recorded as visible, water-free zone around substances emitted by the fungal culture. Surfactant activity was recorded as increased surface of droplets exposed to fungal substances. Measurement of reduction of surface tension, i.e., the increase of the surface of a drop of pure water of 20–500 µL after addition of 5–50 µL of exudates or conidial dispersals was described previously [48].

3. Results

3.1. Comparison of Methods Monitoring Metabolic Activity in Fungal Biomass Methods for estimating differences in metabolic activity between fresh, actively growing, and old, dehydrated fungal biomasses were compared. The metabolic activity was monitored by (1) viability staining with fluorescent dyes, (2) guttation, (3) toxic response in an in vitro bioassay, and (4) secretion of surface-active substances. Isolates representing four common toxigenic indoor genera, Trichoderma, Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 5 of 20

Stachybotrys, Aspergillus and Chaetomium were investigated. The strains, their origin and identification are presented in Table1.

Table 1. Identification and origin of the indoor fungal strains used in this study. The biomass lysate was considered toxic when 2.5 vol % decreased boar sperm motility in the BSMI assay or 5 vol % decreased proliferation of PK-15 cells in the ICP assay by >50% compared to the sham-exposed control.

Strain Code Origin Sample Site Identified * Biomass Lysates Reference Toxicity Fluorescence BSMI ICP

Aspergillus section Versicolores unable to grow at 37 ◦C Asp2/TH Settled dust School, Vantaa Morphotype + Orange This study − GAS226 Settled dust Office, Helsinki DSMZ + Orange [38,41,45] − MH25 Settled dust University, Espoo Morphotype + Orange [41] − MH35 Settled dust University, Espoo Morphotype + Orange [41] − SL/3 Fall out plate Apartment, Helsinki DSMZ + Orange [37,38,41,45] − Chaetomium globosum unable to grow at 37 ◦C MH5 Settled dust University, Espoo tef1α (MT498108) + + Blue-green [45] MO9 Settled dust Piggery, Orimattila tef1α (MT498106) + + Blue-green [45] 2b/26 Settled dust Apartment, Vantaa tef1α (MT498110) + + Blue-green [45] 2c/26 Settle d dust Apartment, Vantaa tef1α (MW310244) + + Blue-green [45] Trichoderma atroviride unable to grow at 37 ◦C tef1α (MH176994) H1/226 Fallout plate Office, Helsinki + (+) Blue [37] ITS (KM853017) Exhaust T1/SKK School, Vantaa ITS (MW306736) + (+) Blue [42,49] filter Exhaust T7/SKK School, Vantaa ITS (MW306737) + (+) Blue [42,49] filter Exhaust tef1α (MH176996) 8/AM University, Espoo + (+) Blue [37] filter ITS (MH158553) Exhaust tef1α (MH176997) 14/AM University, Espoo + (+) Blue [37] filter ITS (MH158554) Tri/335 Settled dust University, Espoo tef1α (MH176998) + (+) Blue [37] Andersen KIV10 School, Lahti tef1α (MH176999) + (+) Blue [37] impactor Trichoderma trixiae unable to grow at 37 ◦C tef1α (MH177001) LB1 Settled dust Apartment, Helsinki + (+) Blue [37] ITS (MH158556) tef1α (MH177002) NJ14 Settled dust Ice Rink, Nivala + (+) Blue [37] ITS (MH158557) tef1α (MH177003) NJ22 Settled dust Ice Rink, Nivala + (+) Blue [37] ITS (MH158558) Penicillium expansum unable to grow at 37 ◦C Rcp61 Cork liner University, Espoo ITS (MK201596), WI (+) + Blue [38] Rhizopus sp. grew at 37 ◦C Exhaust MKA1 School, Vantaa Morphotype Blue This study filter − − Stachybotrys sp. unable to grow at 37 ◦C HJ5 Paperboard Apartment, Mäntsälä Morphotype (+) + Blue This study

* numbers in parentheses are GenBank accession numbers of sequences, + test with most toxic response, EC50 for + < (+) < , WI: Westerdijk Institute. −

3.1.1. Fluorescence Intensity in Actively Growing and Dormant Fungal Biomass Stained with the Viability Staining by Hoechst 33342 Combined with Propidium Iodide Young and old fungal biomasses were stained with the live-dead stain Hoechst 33342 + propidium iodide (PI). Fungal biomass stained with Hoechst 33342 only emitted exclusively blue fluorescence. Red fluorescence thus was provided by intracellular PI. Young, actively growing hyphae and conidia of A. versicolor are compared with old ones in Figure2. The Figure shows that the young hyphae have active organelles containing fluorescent nucleic acids and performing metabolic processes. The old fungal structures show dehydrated, degraded hyphal structures impermeable to both of the stains, therefore emitting no visible fluorescence. Phase contrast micrographs of young mycelia guttating liquid droplets and old, dehydrated biomass of Stachybotrys sp. are shown in Figure3A,D. The images made by epifluorescence microscopy of the young mycelia (Figure3B,C) show that growing and Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 19

3.1.1. Fluorescence Intensity in Actively Growing and Dormant Fungal Biomass Stained with the Viability Staining by Hoechst 33342 Combined with Propidium Iodide Young and old fungal biomasses were stained with the live-dead stain Hoechst 33342 + propidium iodide (PI). Fungal biomass stained with Hoechst 33342 only emitted exclusively blue fluorescence. Red fluorescence thus was provided by intracellular PI. Young, actively growing hyphae and conidia of A. versicolor are compared with old ones in Figure 2. The Figure shows that Microorganismsthe 2020young, 8, 1940hyphae have active organelles containing fluorescent nucleic acids and performing 6 of 20 metabolic processes. The old fungal structures show dehydrated, degraded hyphal structures impermeable to both of the stains, therefore emitting no visible fluorescence. Phase contrast sporulatingmicrographs mycelial of cells young of myceliaStachybotrys guttatingsp. liquid have droplets incorporated and old, dehydrated the fluorescent biomass DNAof Stachybotrys probes and emit strong bluesp. or are red shown fluorescence. in Figure 3 A,D. The The micrographs images made by of epifluorescence old mycelia (Figure microscopy3E,F) of the show young that mycelia the fluorescent dyes were(Figure not incorporated 3B,C) show that in growing old, dehydrated and sporulating mycelia mycelial or cells mature of Stachybotrys conidia. sp. These have structuresincorporatedemitted no the fluorescent DNA probes and emit strong blue or red fluorescence. The micrographs of old mycelia strong fluorescence(Figure 3E,F) orshow liquid that droplets.the fluorescent Figures dyes were2 and not3 illustrateincorporated that in old, the dehydrated nucleic acid mycelia stains or Hoechst 3342 and propidiummature conidia. iodide These penetrated structures emitted into fresh,no strong actively fluorescence growing or liquid aerial droplets. hyphae Figures and conidiophores2 and 3 of the commonillustrate indoor that mouldsthe nucleic A. acid versicolor stains Hoechst and Stachybotrys 3342 and propidiumsp. The iodide nuclei penetrated and cytoplasm into fresh, in certain actively growing aerial hyphae and conidiophores of the common indoor moulds A. versicolor and hyphae emitted strong blue and red fluorescence. Old, dehydrated biomasses exhibited mostly conidia Stachybotrys sp. The nuclei and cytoplasm in certain hyphae emitted strong blue and red fluorescence. and myceliaOld, unstained dehydrated bybiomasses the fluorescent exhibited mostly stains. conidia Figure and4 mycelia shows unstained a vital-stained by the fluorescent inlet air stains. filter pictured as dry (A,Figure B) and 4 shows after a moisturizing vital-stained inlet (C, air D, filter F). pictured The dry as filterdry (A, showed B) and after no moisturizing fungal structures, (C, D, F). but in the moist filterThe the dry actively filter showed growing no fungal fungal structures, structure but emitted in the moist bright filter blue the andactively red growing fluorescence. fungal structure emitted bright blue and red fluorescence.

Figure 2. FigureMicrographs 2. Micrographs showing showing young young and old old conidiophores conidiophores and hyphae and of hyphae Aspergillus of versicolorAspergillus SL/3 versicolor grown on malt extract agar and stained with the nucleic acid stain Hoechst 33342 + propidium iodide. SL/3 grownHoechst on malt 33342 extract crosses agarintact and and staineddamaged withplasma the membranes, nucleic acid staining stain the Hoechst DNA in 33342nuclei and+ propidium iodide. Hoechstmitochondria 33342 in both crosses live and intact dead andcells blue. damaged Propidium plasma iodide membranes, crosses only plasma staining membranes the DNA with in nuclei and mitochondrialost or exceptional in both integrity, live and and dead stains cells intracellular blue. Propidium DNA and RNA iodide red. crosses The upper only row plasma (A–C) is membranes withlost or exceptional integrity, and stains intracellular DNA and RNA red. The upper row (A–C) is pictured from a young (1 week), actively growing culture, whereas the lower row (D–F) shows an old (8 weeks), dehydrated, inactive culture. (A) conidiophore emitting bright red-yellow fluorescence in the phialides and metulae, the stipe emitting violet fluorescence; (B) hyphae containing blue and red fluorescing nuclei (orange and white arrows) and a septum (yellow arrow); (C) hyphae containing irregular dividing nuclei (green arrow) and a hyphae with red fluorescence emitting cytoplasm (blue arrow); (D) conidiophore emitting uniform weak fluorescence in the phialides, metulae and stipe; (E) non-fluorescent hyphae (white arrow) and a weakly red-fluorescing conidiophore (red arrow); (F) nonfluorescent stipe (white arrow) and a violet fluorescing conidiophore (red arrow). Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 19

pictured from a young (1 week), actively growing culture, whereas the lower row (D–F) shows an old (8 weeks), dehydrated, inactive culture. (A) conidiophore emitting bright red-yellow fluorescence in the phialides and metulae, the stipe emitting violet fluorescence; (B) hyphae containing blue and red fluorescing nuclei (orange and white arrows) and a septum (yellow arrow); (C) hyphae containing irregular dividing nuclei (green arrow) and a hyphae with red fluorescence emitting cytoplasm (blue arrow); (D) conidiophore emitting uniform weak fluorescence in the phialides, metulae and stipe; (E) Microorganismsnon-fluorescent2020, 8, 1940 hyphae (white arrow) and a weakly red-fluorescing conidiophore (red arrow); (F)7 of 20 nonfluorescent stipe (white arrow) and a violet fluorescing conidiophore (red arrow).

Figure 3.3.Micrographs Micrographs made made by phaseby phase contrast contrast (A,D) and(A,D epifluorescence) and epifluorescence microscopy microscopy (B,C,E,F, stained (B,C with,E,F, Hoechststained with 33342 Hoechst and propidium 33342 and iodide). propidium Micrographs iodide). Micrographs show young freshshow (upperyoung row)fresh and(upper old row) dormant and (oldlower dormant row) hyphae (lower androw) conidia hyphae of andStachybotrys conidia sp.of Stachybotrys strain HJ5 grownsp. strain on maltHJ5 grown extract agar.on malt The extract fresh myceliumagar. The infresh the uppermycelium row hasin the grown upper for row 10 days, has whilegrown the for dry 10 mycelium days, while in the the lower dry rowmycelium for 6 months. in the Blacklower androw red forarrows 6 months. show Black conidiophores and red arrows (A) and show conidia conidiophores (B), respectively. (A) and In Panelsconidia ( B(B,C),) respectively. and (E,F) the myceliaIn Panels are B (,A C) possibleand E, F emission the mycelia of liquid are ( dropletsA) possible (white emission arrow); of (B )liquid conidiophore droplets and (white phialide arrow); stained (B) redconidiophore (black arrow) and and phialide an emitted stained particle red slightly (black stained arrow) blue and (white an emitted arrow); (particleC) blue stainedslightly phialide stained (black blue arrow);(white arrow); (E,F) no ( fluorescentC) blue stained mycelium, phialide conidiophores (black arrow); or ( conidia,E,F) no thefluorescent dark dormant mycelium, conidia conidiophores (red arrows) andor conidia, the dehydrated the dark myceliadormant are conidia impermeable (red arrows) to the and fluorescent the dehydrated dyes, except mycelia for one are conidiumimpermeable with to a blue-stainedthe fluorescent nucleus dyes, (( exceptF), yellow for arrow).one conidium with a blue-stained nucleus ((F), yellow arrow).

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 8 of 20 Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19

FigureFigure 4.4. Micrographs of an inlet air filterfilter stainedstained withwith thethe viabilityviability stainstain HoechstHoechst 3334233342 ++ propidium iodide.iodide. The upper row shows the dry filterfilter exhibitingexhibiting glass fibrefibre and pollen grains (A,,B).). TheThe lowerlower rowrow showsshows thethe filterfilter afterafter moisturizingmoisturizing forfor 4848 h.h. The pictures show actively growing fungal structures ((CC––EE)) andand dormantdormant conidiaconidia ((DD).). Formation of Guttation Droplets in Fresh andand OldOld Plate-GrownPlate-Grown FungalFungal CulturesCultures ToTo facilitatefacilitate monitoring monitoring the the formation formation of guttation of gutta dropletstion droplets emitted emitted by fungal by coloniesfungal colonies of different of agedifferent and di agefferent and metabolicdifferent metabolic state, colonies state, werecoloni illuminatedes were illuminated by UV-light. by UV-light. Autofluorescent Autofluorescent droplets pictureddroplets inpictured visible in and visible UV-light and areUV-light shown are in Figuresshown 5in and Figures6. Figure 5 and5 shows 6. Figure that 5 blue-fluorescing shows that blue- exudatesfluorescing visible exudates in UV-light visible in of UV-light young culturesof young of culturesT. trixiae of T.LB1 trixiae (Figure LB15 (FigureD,E) were 5D,E) absent werein absent old culturesin old cultures (Figure 5(FigureA,B) and 5A,B) that theand exudates that the and exud biomassates and dispersal biomass emitted dispersal similar emitted blue fluorescencesimilar blue (Figurefluorescence5C,F). Similar(Figure results5C,F). Similar were obtained results forwere strains obtainedT. trixiae for strainsNJ14 and T. trixiae NJ22 and NJ14T. atrovirideand NJ22H1 and/226, T. 8atroviride/AM, 14 /H1/226,AM, Tri /8/AM,335, T1 14/AM,/SKK, T7Tri/335,/SKK andT1/SKK, KIV10. T7/SKK Figure and6 shows KIV10. that Figure the 6 young shows cultures that the ofyoung the A.cultures versicolor of -likethe A. strain versicolor- Asp2like/TT5 strain that areAsp2/TT5 yellow-green that are in yellow-green visible light (Figurein visible6A) light emitted (Figure bright 6A) orangeemitted fluorescence bright orange (Figure fluorescence6B) and blue-fluorescing(Figure 6B) and blue-fluorescing exudates (Figure exudates6C). The old(Figure culture 6C). covered The old withculture dormant covered conidiophores with dormant (Figure conidiophores6D) emitted (Figur no fluorescencee 6D) emitted and no no fluorescence exudates visible and no in UV-light.exudates Thevisible biomass in UV-light. dispersals The from biomass old and dispersals young biomass from old emitted and similaryoung orangebiomass fluorescence emitted similar (Figure orange6B,F), butfluorescence the collected (Figure guttation 6B,F), dropletsbut the emittedcollected strong guttation blue droplets fluorescence emitted (Figure strong6C,D). blue The fluorescence age of the culture(Figure seemed6C,D). The to a ffageect fluorescenceof the culture emitted seemed by to the affect plate-grown fluorescence biomass emitted but notby the fluorescenceplate-grown emittedbiomass by but the not biomass the fluorescence dispersed inemitted ethanol. by Thethe biom sameass results dispersed were obtained in ethanol. for The the A. same versicolor resultsstrains were GAS226,obtained SL3for the and A. the versicolorA. versicolor strains-like GAS226, strains MH25SL3 and and the MH35. A. versicolor In contrast-like strains to the MH25T. atroviride and MH35.strain, theIn contrast substances to the secreted T. atroviride as exudates strain, the by substances the A. versicolor secretedstrain as exudates SL3 differed by the in fluorescenceA. versicolor strain emission SL3 fromdiffered the in substances fluorescence in the emission biomass from dispersals the substa (Figuresnces5 in and the6). biomass Excitation dispersals with UV (Figures light facilitated 5 and 6). recognitionExcitation with and UV collection light facilitated of guttation recognition droplets. and collection of guttation droplets. TheThe exudatesexudates and and biomass biomass dispersals dispersals of of the the 10 10T. trixiaeT. trixiaeand andT. atroviride T. atroviridestrains strains were were similarly similarly toxic totoxic porcine to porcine kidney kidney (PK-15) (PK-15) cells and cells boar and spermatozoa boar spermatozoa and contained and contained the same the peptaibol, same peptaibol, as already as shownalready [ 16shown]. The [16]. orange-fluorescing The orange-fluorescing biomass dispersalsbiomass dispersals from A. versicolor from A.were versicolor very toxicwereto very PK-15 toxic cells to butPK-15 non-toxic cells but to spermnon-toxic cells, to whereas sperm cells, it was whereas also shown it was that also the shown blue guttation that the droplets blue guttation were not droplets toxic in eitherwere not assay toxic [38 ,in41 ].either This assay indicates [38,41]. that This the exudate indicates and that the the biomass exudate of theand five theA. biomass versicolor of-like the strainsfive A. containedversicolor-like diff erentstrains substances. contained Thesedifferent results substances. indicate thatThes younge results cultures indicate emit that more young autofluorescence cultures emit more autofluorescence and produce more liquid exudates or guttation droplets than old cultures covered by conidiophores containing dormant conidia.

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 9 of 20

Microorganismsand produce 2020 more, 8, x liquid FOR PEER exudates REVIEW or guttation droplets than old cultures covered by conidiophores 9 of 19 Microorganismscontaining dormant 2020, 8, x FOR conidia. PEER REVIEW 9 of 19

Figure 5. Plate-grown biomass, biomass dispersals and exudates from Trichoderma trixiae strain LB1 grownFigure on 5. Plate-grownmalt extract biomass, biomass,agar. The biomass biomass panels dispersals were dispersals pictured and and exudates in exudates visible from ( AfromTrichoderma,D) andTrichoderma UV trixiae (B,C trixiae,strainE,F) light. strain LB1 grown(A LB1,B) biomassgrownon malt on extractof malt a culture agar.extract in The agar.the panels late The stationary were panels pictured were phase inpictured (>4 visible weeks); in (A visible,D ()C and) biomass ( UVA,D ()B and ,lysateC,E UV,F) of light. (B a, Cculture, (EA,F,B) )light. biomassin the (A late,B of) stationarybiomassa culture of in phasea the culture late (>4 stationaryin weeks); the late ( phaseDstationary,E) biomass (>4 weeks);phase in (>4the (C )weeks); early biomass stationary (C lysate) biomass of phase a lysate culture (1 ofweek); in a theculture late(F) in stationaryguttation the late dropletsstationaryphase (> 4collected weeks);phase ((>4inD , anEweeks);) biomassampule (D infrom,E the) biomass the early plate-gr stationary in theown early phase biomass stationary (1 week); in Panel ( Fphase) guttationB. The (1 biomassweek); droplets ( Fconsisted) collected guttation of in hyphae,dropletsan ampule greencollected from conidia the in plate-grown an and ampule blue-fluo biomassfromrescing the in plate-gr Panel guttation B.own The dropletsbiomass contai consistedin Panelning B. of liquidThe hyphae, biomass exudates. green consisted conidia The bars and of arehyphae,blue-fluorescing 10 mm. green conidia guttation and droplets blue-fluo containingrescing guttation liquid exudates. droplets The contai barsning are 10liquid mm. exudates. The bars are 10 mm.

FigureFigure 6. 6. ColoniesColonies and and biomass biomass dispersals dispersals of Aspergillus of Aspergillus versicolor versicolor strain Asp2/TT5astrain Asp2 cultivated/TT5a cultivated on malt extractFigureon malt agar,6. Colonies extract pictured agar, and in biomass picturedvisible (dispersalsA in) and visible UV of light (AspergillusA) and(B–D UV,F versicolor). The light colony ( Bstrain–D ,cultivatedF Asp2/TT5a). The colony for cultivated 7 days cultivated is yellow-on malt for greenextract7 days in agar, is visible yellow-green pictured light in(A invisible) and visible orange (A) light and in UV ( AUV) light and light orange(B (–CD).,F Biomass). in The UV colony light scraped (cultivatedC). from Biomass the for scrapedplate7 days (( Ais from ),yellow- white the arrow),greenplate (in( suspendedA visible), white light arrow in 200(A),) µL suspendedand ethanol orange emi inin tted 200UV orangeµlightL ethanol (C fluorescence). Biomass emitted scraped in orange UV light from fluorescence (( Bthe), white plate inarrow).((A UV), white lightThe blue-fluorescingarrow),((B), white suspended arrow liquid). Thein 200 blue-fluorescingdroplets µL ethanol ((C), emi red liquidtted arrow) orange droplets from fluorescence ((theC), colony red arrow)in UVpictured light from (( theinB ),UV-light colonywhite arrow). pictured (C) were The in collectedblue-fluorescingUV-light into (C) werean liquidampule collected droplets ((D into), red an(( Carrow). ampule), red arrow)Non-fluorescing ((D), redfrom arrow). the biomasscolony Non-fluorescing picturedof the same in biomass UV-light strain ofcovered ( theC) samewere by dormantcollectedstrain covered conidiainto an by afterampule dormant 3 months ((D conidia), red of incubationarrow). after 3 monthsNon-fluorescing ((E), white of incubation arrow) biomass emitted ((E), of white the orange same arrow) fluorescence strain emitted covered orange when by disperseddormantfluorescence conidia in ethanol when after dispersed (( F3), months white in arrow). ethanolof incubation ((F), white ((E), arrow). white arrow) emitted orange fluorescence when dispersed in ethanol ((F), white arrow). 3.1.3. Toxic Response in Bioassays Against Somatic Mammalian Cell Lines (PK-15 and MNA) 3.1.3. Toxic Response in Bioassays Against Somatic Mammalian Cell Lines (PK-15 and MNA) 3.1.3. Toxic Response in Bioassays Against Somatic Mammalian Cell Lines (PK-15 and MNA) OldOld Biomasses Biomasses of Stachybotrys sp. Grown on Paperboard and FreshFresh BiomassBiomass GrownGrown onon MaltMalt ExtractExtract AgarOldAgar Biomasses (MEA) (MEA) of Stachybotrys sp. Grown on Paperboard and Fresh Biomass Grown on Malt Extract Agar (MEA) TheThe paperboard paperboard and and the the MEA MEA supported supported the the growth growth of Stachybotrys sp.-likesp.-like colonies colonies when when inspectedinspectedThe paperboardby by microscopy microscopy and (Figure (Figurethe MEA 77A–F).A–F). supported TheThe tenten the MEAMEA growth platesplates of inoculatedinoculatedStachybotrys withwith sp.-like scrapingsscrapings colonies fromfrom when thethe Penicillium Stachybotrys paperboardinspectedpaperboard by were were microscopy covered (Figureby Penicillium 7A–F). sp.The but butten all allMEA ten ten plates plates inoculatedalso also contained with 1–3 scrapings Stachybotrys from-like-like the Stachybotrys coloniespaperboardcolonies (Figure (Figure were 77D).D). covered Three coloniesby Penicillium were puresp. but cultured all ten and plates identifiedidentified also contained by microscopy 1–3 Stachybotrys as Stachybotrys-like sp.coloniessp. One One strain strain(Figure was was 7D). stored stored Three in in coloniesour our culture culture were collection collection pure cultured as as HJ5 HJ5 andand and identifiedwill will be be identified identified by microscopy by by molecular molecular as Stachybotrys methods methods (Figuresp.(Figure One 7 7E,F).strainE,F). BiomassesBiomasseswas stored fromfrom in our thethe culture paperpaper collection board and as the HJ5 pure and cultureswill be identified incubated by at molecular room temperature methods 1 for(Figurefor 3 3 weeks weeks 7E,F). were were Biomasses dispersed from in ethanolthe paper (60 board mgmg mLmL and−−1).). the Dispersals Dispersals pure cultures from from the theincubated paperboard paperboard at room ( (n = temperature 3)3) and and pure pure cultures (n = 3) were tested for toxicity with PK-15 and murine neuroblastoma (MNA) cells. The EC culturesfor 3 weeks (n = were 3) were dispersed tested for in ethanoltoxicity (60with mg PK-15 mL−1 and). Dispersals murine neuroblastoma from the paperboard (MNA) (n cells. = 3) andThe pureEC50 1 concentrations for the old dry biomasses in exposed PK-15 and MNA cells were >5000 µg mL−−1 and concentrationscultures (n = 3) forwere the tested old dry for biomassestoxicity with in PK-15exposed and PK-15 murine and neuroblastoma MNA cells were (MNA) >5000 cells. µg mLThe ECand50 1200 µg mL 1, respectively. The EC concentrations for the fresh biomasses from the three pure 1200concentrations µg mL−1, respectively.for the old dry The biomasses EC5050 concentrations in exposed PK-15 for the and fresh MNA biomasses cells were from >5000 the µg three mL −1pure and 1 cultures were−1 16 µg mL−1 . Difference between the triplicates measurements were within one dilution cultures1200 µg weremL ,16 respectively. µg mL . Difference The EC 50between concentrations the triplicates for the me freshasurements biomasses were from within the one three dilution pure stepculturesstep of of two-fold two-fold were 16 dilutions. dilutions.µg mL−1. Difference between the triplicates measurements were within one dilution step Oldof two-fold and fresh dilutions. fungal biomasses growing on the old paperboard and grown for 21 days on MEA, respectively,Old and werefresh fungalinspected biomasses by stereomicroscopy. growing on the Figure old paperboard 7A–F shows and the grown difference for 21 days between on MEA, old, dryrespectively, biomass wereof Stachybotrys inspected bysp. stereomicroscopy. on paperboard and Figure actively 7A–F growing,shows the fresh difference biomass between on MEA, old, respectively.dry biomass Theof Stachybotryspicture shows sp. that on the paperboard old, dry biomass and actively exhibited growing, no gutta freshtion droplets.biomass Theon MEA, fresh biomassrespectively. contained The picture hyphae, shows conidiophores, that the old, dryconi biomassdia and exhibitedlarge film no surroundedguttation droplets. liquid Thedroplets. fresh Microscopicbiomass contained evaluation hyphae, of biomasses conidiophores, from the coni fresh,dia actively and large growing film Stachybotryssurrounded spliquid. revealed droplets. that Microscopic evaluation of biomasses from the fresh, actively growing Stachybotrys sp. revealed that

Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 19

Microorganismsthe volumes2020 of, 8guttation, 1940 droplets filled with liquid exudates exceeded the volumes of the10 solid of 20 particles (Figure 7F).

FigureFigure 7.7. StachybotrysStachybotrys sp.sp. biomass on water-damagedwater-damaged paperboardpaperboard (upper(upper row)row) andand onon maltmalt extractextract agaragar (lower(lower row). row). The The paper paper board wasboard stored was for stored<20 years for in<20 a sealed years glass in jara (sealedA). Stereomicrographs glass jar (A). ofStereomicrographs the paperboard showed of the black paperboard microbial showed growth (Bblack) and conidiophoresmicrobial growth characteristic (B) and forconidiophoresStachybotrys (characteristicC), with no exudates for Stachybotrys or vesicles (C visible.), with no Panel exudates (D) shows or vesicles a malt visible. extract Panel plate inoculated(D) shows witha malt biomass extract scrapingsplate inoculated from the with paper biomass board. scrapings After 3 weekfrom the platepaper was board. covered After by3 week green thePenicillium plate was-like covered growth by (whitegreen Penicillium and black-like arrows), growth and (white a black and antagonistic black arrows),Stachybotrys and a -likeblack colonyantagonistic (red arrow) Stachybotrys appeared.-like Panelscolony (E(red,F) showarrow) stereomicrographs appeared. Panels of (E the) andStachybotrys (F) show-like stereomicrographs colony, pure cultured, of the namedStachybotrys HJ5-like and picturedcolony, pure after cultured, 1 and 3 named weeks HJ5 of incubation, and pictured respectively. after 1 and 3 Panel weeks (F of) shows incubation, large respectively. liquid-containing Panel film-surrounded(F) shows large liquid-containing droplets covered film-surrounded by black conidiophores. droplets covered by black conidiophores.

ToxicityOld of and Old fresh Biomasses fungal biomasses of Stachybotrys growing sp. Grown on the oldon Paperboard paperboard and Fresh grown Biomass for 21 days Grown on MEA, on respectively,Malt Extract Agar were (MEA) inspected by stereomicroscopy. Figure7A–F shows the di fference between old, dry biomass of Stachybotrys sp. on paperboard and actively growing, fresh biomass on MEA, respectively. Ethanol cell washes of old and fresh fungal biomass collected from MEA were tested in vitro for The picture shows that the old, dry biomass exhibited no guttation droplets. The fresh biomass contained toxicity as inhibition of proliferation with the PK-15 and MNA cell lines. The biomass dispersals hyphae, conidiophores, conidia and large film surrounded liquid droplets. Microscopic evaluation of contained 60 mg of fungal biomass per mL. Reduced toxicities, i.e., higher EC50 values in the old biomasses from the fresh, actively growing Stachybotrys sp. revealed that the volumes of guttation biomasses compared to fresh ones representing three genera of common indoor moulds: Trichoderma, droplets filled with liquid exudates exceeded the volumes of the solid particles (Figure7F). Chaetomium and Aspergillus were recorded (Table 2). The toxicity endpoints of old biomass dispersals Toxicitywere >3 of to Old 10 Biomassestimes higher of Stachybotrys than for thesp. fresh Grown biomass on Paperboard dispersals and (Table Fresh 2). Biomass When Growncalculating on Malt the Extractdensity Agarof conidia (MEA) per microscopic fields in dispersals of 60 mg (wet weight) mL−1, the old, less toxic dispersals were found to contain 6 to 10 times more conidia than the more toxic, fresh dispersals. Ethanol cell washes of old and fresh fungal biomass collected from MEA were tested in vitro Thus, 100 times more toxicity was associated with the fresh conidia than with the old ones (Figure 8). for toxicity as inhibition of proliferation with the PK-15 and MNA cell lines. The biomass dispersals Fresh fungal biomasses were more toxic in vitro than old dry biomasses when calculated per µg contained 60 mg of fungal biomass per mL. Reduced toxicities, i.e., higher EC values in the old biomass (wet weight) and per conidial particle. 50 biomasses compared to fresh ones representing three genera of common indoor moulds: Trichoderma, Chaetomium and Aspergillus were recorded (Table2). The toxicity endpoints of old biomass dispersals were >3 to 10 times higher than for the fresh biomass dispersals (Table2). When calculating the 1 density of conidia per microscopic fields in dispersals of 60 mg (wet weight) mL− , the old, less toxic dispersals were found to contain 6 to 10 times more conidia than the more toxic, fresh dispersals. Thus, 100 times more toxicity was associated with the fresh conidia than with the old ones (Figure8). Fresh fungal biomasses were more toxic in vitro than old dry biomasses when calculated per µg biomass (wet weight) and per conidial particle.

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 11 of 20 Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19

TableTable 2. ToxicToxic responses responses in in inin vitro assays with somatic mammalian cell cell lines lines PK-15 PK-15 and and MNA MNA of of activelyactively growing, growing, fresh fresh biomass biomass and and dry, dry, old fungal biomass grown on malt extract agar.

1 −1 ECEC50 50µ gµg Fungal Fungal Biomass Biomass (Wet (Wet Weight) Weight) mL− mL Age of BiomassAge of Biomass 2 Weeks 2 Weeks 1 Year 1 Year PK-15PK-15 MNAMNA PK-15PK-15 MNA MNA Trichoderma atrovirideTrichoderma atroviride T1/SKK T1/SKK100 100 100100 25002500 2500 2500 T7/SKK T7/SKK130 130 130130 15001500 1500 1500 H1/226 H1/226100 100 100100 50005000 5000 5000 Aspergillus versicolorAspergillus versicolor SL/3 SL/3100 100 >320 >320 Chaetomium globosumChaetomium globosum 9/MO 9/MO30 30 600 600 2b/26 2b/2640 40 2500 2500 2c/26 60 400 2c/26 60 400 MH5 50 600 MH5 50 600

FigureFigure 8. 8. PhasePhase contrast contrast micrographs micrographs showing showing density density of of conidia conidia in in microscopic microscopic fields fields in in dispersals dispersals ofof plate-grown plate-grown biomasses biomasses (60 (60 mg mg wet wet weight weight per per mL) mL) ofof AspergillusAspergillus versicolor versicolor SL/3.SL/ 3.The The dispersal dispersal of >1-year-oldof >1-year-old biomass biomass in Panel in Panel (A) visualizes (A) visualizes 120 conidia. 120 conidia. Panel (B Panel) shows (B )the shows dispersal the dispersalfrom a 2-weeks- from a old2-weeks-old biomass containing biomass containing 20 conidia. 20 The conidia. panels The(A) and panels (B) are (A, Brepresentatives) are representatives for 6 microscopic for 6 microscopic fields, respectively.fields, respectively. Substances Substances Influencing Influencing Surface Surface Tension Tension of Water Actively Actively Growing Growing Fungal Fungal Cultures Cultures Secrete Secrete Substances Substances Decreasing Decreasing Surface Tension of Water TheThe investigations investigations of of fungal fungal metabolites metabolites affecting affecting the the surface surface tension tension of of liquid liquid droplets droplets are are illustratedillustrated inin FiguresFigures9 and9 and 10 .10. Strains Strains toxic toxic in the in bioassays, the bioassays,T. atroviride T. atroviride, Stachybotrys, Stachybotryssp. and sp a nontoxic. and a nontoxicRhizopus Rhizopussp. were sp. tested. were The tested. surfactant The surfactant activities activities and the decrease and the ofdecrease surface of tension surface caused tension by caused fungal bymetabolites fungal metabolites are demonstrated are demonstrated in Figure in9. Figure Small, 9. regular Small, globousregular globous liquid droplets liquid droplets condensed condensed on the oninner the surfaceinner surface of the plasticof the plastic lid above lid anabove uninoculated an uninoculated MEA plateMEA are plate shown are shown in Figure in 9FigureA,C. Liquid 9A,C. Liquiddroplets droplets above aabove fungal a culturefungal activelyculture actively growing growing on MEA on plate MEA (<2 plate week (<2 old) week were old) exposed were toexposed fungal tometabolites fungal metabolites (Figure9B,D) (Figure and 9B,D) became and flat became and irregular flat and in irregular shape. in shape. These exposed droplets also had enlarged surface areas compared to the small globous control droplets (Figure 9A,C). Droplets containing conidia of T. atroviride and Stachybotrys sp. also exhibited decreased surface tension, as indicated by the enlarged surface area (Figure 9E,F) and irregular shape of the droplet. Figure 9G,H demonstrates the surface tension decrease of a tap water droplet after addition of exudate collected from an actively growing Rhizopus sp. culture. These results demonstrated in Figure 8 indicated that liquid exudates and conidia emitted by actively growing fungal cultures, toxigenic as well as non-toxigenic, decreased the surface tension of condensed liquid droplets and tap water droplets.

Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 12 of 20 Microorganisms 2020, 8, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 19

Figure 9. Surfactant activity of fungal exudates and conidia viewed by naked eye (A,B,G,H) and stereomicroscope (C–F). The figure shows liquid droplets condensed on the inner surface of the plastic Petri plate lid above fungal cultures incubated for 2 weeks on malt extract agar (A–F). Panels (G,H) show tap water droplets of 500 µL on a ventilation cam of a two-compartment Petri dish. The controls exhibit the liquid droplets with an undisturbed surface tension above a non-inoculated agar plate (A,C) and on the ventilation cam (G). Flat, enlarged, irregular droplets exposed for 2 weeks to fungal metabolites above a plate with a T. atroviride culture (strain T1/SKK) are shown in Panels (B,D). Flat, enlarged droplets containing conidia emitted by T1/SKK (white arrow) and of Stachybotrys sp. strain HJ5 (black arrow) are shown in Panels (E,F). Panel (H) shows the surface enlargement (black arrow) of the control droplet in Panel (G) (white arrow) after addition of 50 µL exudate from Rhizopus sp. Figure 9. Surfactant activity of fungal exudates and conidia viewed by naked eye (A,B,G,H) and Figurestrain MKA1. 9. Surfactant activity of fungal exudates and conidia viewed by naked eye (A,B,G,H) and stereomicroscope (C–F). The figure shows liquid droplets condensed on the inner surface of the plastic stereomicroscope (C–F). The figure shows liquid droplets condensed on the inner surface of the plastic Petri plate lid above fungal cultures incubated for 2 weeks on malt extract agar (A–F). Panels (G,H) PetriProduction plate lid ofabove guttation fungal culturesdroplets incu andbated dissem for 2 inationweeks on of malt conidia extract are agar shown (A–F). Panelsin Figure (G,H 10.) T. show tap water droplets of 500 µL on a ventilation cam of a two-compartment Petri dish. The controls atrovirideshow tapcolonies water dropletsgrowing of 500on µLgypsum on a ventilation liner in cam a se ofaled a two-compartment Petri plate emitted Petri dish. guttation The controls droplets exhibit the liquid droplets with an undisturbed surface tension above a non-inoculated agar plate containingexhibit conidiathe liquid (Figure droplets 10A–D). with an The undisturbed droplets sucarfaceptured tension on the above inner a non-inoculated surface of the agarlid are plate shown (A,C) and on the ventilation cam (G). Flat, enlarged, irregular droplets exposed for 2 weeks to fungal in Figure(A,C) 10E–G.and on theThe ventilation growing camhyphae (G). extrudingFlat, enlarged, from irregular the fungal drople dropletts exposed reduced for 2 weeks the surface to fungal tension metabolites above a plate with a T. atroviride culture (strain T1/SKK) are shown in Panels (B,D). Flat, metabolites above a plate with a T. atroviride culture (strain T1/SKK) are shown in Panels (B,D). Flat, of theenlarged liquid dropletsdroplets containing condensed conidia on the emitted lid (F byigure T1/SKK 10F,G). (white The arrow) conidia and ofgerminatedStachybotrys andsp. strainproduced enlarged droplets containing conidia emitted by T1/SKK (white arrow) and of Stachybotrys sp. strain new HJ5guttation (black arrow)droplets are shownproducing in Panels colonies (E,F). Panel(Figur (He) shows10H). theThese surface results enlargement indicated (black that arrow) guttation HJ5 (black arrow) are shown in Panels (E,F). Panel (H) shows the surface enlargement (black arrow) dropletsof the may control serve droplet as dissemination in Panel (G) (white vehicles arrow) for after conidia. addition The of results 50 µL exudate also indicate from Rhizopus that guttationsp. of the control droplet in Panel (G) (white arrow) after addition of 50 µL exudate from Rhizopus sp. dropletsstrain contained MKA1. surfactants enhancing availability of water for the germinating conidia. strain MKA1.

Production of guttation droplets and dissemination of conidia are shown in Figure 10. T. atroviride colonies growing on gypsum liner in a sealed Petri plate emitted guttation droplets containing conidia (Figure 10A–D). The droplets captured on the inner surface of the lid are shown in Figure 10E–G. The growing hyphae extruding from the fungal droplet reduced the surface tension of the liquid droplets condensed on the lid (Figure 10F,G). The conidia germinated and produced new guttation droplets producing colonies (Figure 10H). These results indicated that guttation droplets may serve as dissemination vehicles for conidia. The results also indicate that guttation droplets contained surfactants enhancing availability of water for the germinating conidia.

FigureFigure 10.10.Stereomicrographs Stereomicrographs of ofTrichoderma Trichoderma atroviride atroviride14/AM 14/AM colonies colonies grown grown for 3 weeks for 3 onweeks a gypsum on a linergypsum in a liner sealed in Petria sealed plate Petri with plate the lidwith upwards. the lid upwards. The upper The row upper shows row colonies shows with colonies large with guttation large dropletsguttation ( Adroplets,B) and dry(A,B empty) and dry membrane empty membrane structures (structuresC,D) growing (C,D on) growing the gypsum on the liner. gypsum The lower liner. rowThe showslower guttationrow shows droplets guttation containing droplets conidia containing on the conidia inner surfaceon the ofinner the surface lid. Panel of (theE) showslid. Panel a fresh (E) droplet, Panels (F,G) show droplets where conidia germinated, and hyphae extrude from the droplet.

Panel (H) shows a new colony producing guttation droplets on the inner surface of the lid.

These exposed droplets also had enlarged surface areas compared to the small globous control droplets (Figure9A,C). Droplets containing conidia of T. atroviride and Stachybotrys sp. also exhibited decreased surface tension, as indicated by the enlarged surface area (Figure9E,F) and irregular shape of theFigure droplet. 10. Stereomicrographs Figure9G,H demonstrates of Trichoderma the surfaceatroviride tension 14/AM decrease colonies ofgrown a tap for water 3 weeks droplet on a after additiongypsum of exudate liner in collecteda sealed Petri from plate an actively with the growing lid upwards.Rhizopus The uppersp. culture. row shows These colonies results with demonstrated large guttation droplets (A,B) and dry empty membrane structures (C,D) growing on the gypsum liner. The lower row shows guttation droplets containing conidia on the inner surface of the lid. Panel (E)

Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 13 of 20 in Figure8 indicated that liquid exudates and conidia emitted by actively growing fungal cultures, toxigenic as well as non-toxigenic, decreased the surface tension of condensed liquid droplets and tap water droplets. Production of guttation droplets and dissemination of conidia are shown in Figure 10. T. atroviride colonies growing on gypsum liner in a sealed Petri plate emitted guttation droplets containing conidia (Figure 10A–D). The droplets captured on the inner surface of the lid are shown in Figure 10E–G. TheMicroorganisms growing 2020 hyphae, 8, x FOR extruding PEER REVIEW from the fungal droplet reduced the surface tension of the 13 liquid of 19 droplets condensed on the lid (Figure 10F,G). The conidia germinated and produced new guttation dropletsshows producing a fresh droplet, colonies Panels (Figure (F,G )10 showH). Thesedroplets results where indicated conidia germinated, that guttation and dropletshyphae extrude may serve as disseminationfrom the droplet. vehicles Panel (H for) shows conidia. a new The colony results producing also indicate guttation that droplets guttation on the dropletsinner surface contained of surfactantsthe lid. enhancing availability of water for the germinating conidia.

3.2.2. Fungal Cultures Secrete HydrophobicHydrophobic Water-Repelling SubstancesSubstances Droplets surroundedsurrounded by by hydrophobic hydrophobic water-repelling water-repelling substances substances emitted emitted by cultures by cultures of P.expansum, of P. T.expansum, atroviride T.and atrovirideC. globosum and C.are globosum illustrated are illustrated in Figure 11 in. Figure The panels 11. The in thepanels upper in the row upper (Figures row 11 (FigureA and 1011AB) showand Figure that the 10B) exudate show droplet that the of P.exudate expansum droplet, colourless of P. expansum in visible, light,colourless contained in visible fluorescent light, componentscontained fluorescent when excited components by UV-light. when After excited evaporation by UV-light. of the After droplet, evaporation dry substances of the were droplet, captured dry onsubstances the inner were surface captured of the plasticon the lid.inner Panels surface in theof th uppere plastic row lid. (Figure Panels 10 inD–F) theshow upper that row liquid (Figure droplets 10D– containingF) show that hydrophobic liquid droplets substances containing may be hydrop secretedhobic by cultures substances of Trichoderma may be secretedand Chaetomium by cultures. A dust of miteTrichoderma seemed and to feed Chaetomium on the Chaetomium. A dust miteexudate. seemed to feed on the Chaetomium exudate.

Figure 11. Stereomicroscopic views of water-repelling liquid droplets captured on the inner surface of plastic Petri-plate lids. The The lids lids were were covering covering fu fungalngal cultures cultures incubated incubated on on malt malt extract extract agar agar for for 4 4weeks. weeks. The The upper upper row row show showss droplets droplets emitted emitted by Penicillium by Penicillium expansum expansum strainstrain Rcp61. Rcp61. (A) and (A ,(B)) show colourless and green fluorescence-emittingfluorescence-emitting exudate droplets when pictured in in visible and and UV-light, UV-light, respectively; ((CC)) drydry substances substances of of a a liquid liquid droplet droplet evaporated evaporated on on the the inner inner surface surface of theof the lid; lid; (D, E(D) show) and water-repelling(E) show water-repelling nature of the nature hydrophobic of the hydrophobic droplets emitted droplets by cultures emitted of Trichodermaby cultures atroviride of Trichoderma14/AM afteratroviride 2 and 14/AM 6 weeks after of 2 incubation, and 6 weeks respectively; of incubation, (F) respectively; hydrophobic ( dropletF) hydrophobic emitted droplet by a 3-months-old emitted by Chaetomiuma 3-months-old globosum ChaetomiumMH5 culture globosum containing MH5 culture a dust containing mite. a dust mite.

4. Discussion Fungal pollution of indoor environment has been monitored by measuring fungal propagules in air, dust and building materials [50–53]. Monitored indicators have been the cultivable fungal conidia, evaluation of particles (conidia and hyphal fragments), presence of fungal DNA, or biomarkers as ergosterol, β-glucan, and specific mycotoxins [50,51,53–57]. Cell toxicity assays were used to measure intrinsic toxicity in air and dust [50,57,58]. These methods used for monitoring microbial contamination of the indoor environment have drawbacks: Measuring cultivable conidia underestimates the fungal load, while DNA-based and microscopic methods as well as the measurement of fungal biomarkers do not distinguish the live from the dead [50,52–55]. Chemical toxin analyses discriminate between anthropogenic and microbially produced toxins, but do not detect unknown toxins and do not measure bioreactivity [59,60]. Cell toxicity assays based on

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4. Discussion Fungal pollution of indoor environment has been monitored by measuring fungal propagules in air, dust and building materials [50–53]. Monitored indicators have been the cultivable fungal conidia, evaluation of particles (conidia and hyphal fragments), presence of fungal DNA, or biomarkers as ergosterol, β-glucan, and specific mycotoxins [50,51,53–57]. Cell toxicity assays were used to measure intrinsic toxicity in air and dust [50,57,58]. These methods used for monitoring microbial contamination of the indoor environment have drawbacks: Measuring cultivable conidia underestimates the fungal load, while DNA-based and microscopic methods as well as the measurement of fungal biomarkers do not distinguish the live from the dead [50,52–55]. Chemical toxin analyses discriminate between anthropogenic and microbially produced toxins, but do not detect unknown toxins and do not measure bioreactivity [59,60]. Cell toxicity assays based on mammalian cells, human cells or multicellular organisms may recognize the cellular target and measure the bio reactivity of toxic substances, but do not distinguish microbial toxins from anthropogenic toxic chemicals as cleaning chemical and biocides [58,61–65]. None of these methods consider the metabolic activity of the indoor moulds and may also not measure relevant indicators specific for hazardous mould exposures. No guidelines for unhealthy levels of microbial contaminants in indoor air have been defined [32–34]. This study aimed to evaluate methods for monitoring metabolic activity in common indoor moulds (Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Stachybotrys, and Trichoderma) grown on culture media and materials used in buildings. Novel findings revealed that old, dry dormant fungal biomass emitted less fluorescence by viability staining and after UV-excitation (Figures1–3), exhibited less guttation droplets (Figures4–6) and promoted a weaker response in bioassays than actively growing fungal biomass (Table2, Figure8). Our results also demonstrated that surface-active agents, released from fresh biomass, migrated through the air (Figures9–11). Our results, even though based on a low number of experiments, but supported by previous studies [36–38], tempted us to hypothesize that actively growing fungi may have a greater influence on indoor air quality than old, dry fungal growth, irrespective of the amount of liberated conidia (Figure8). Monitoring metabolic activity of indoor fungi may render useful information for renovation strategies of mould-infested buildings. In bioassays using mammalian test cells, microbial secondary metabolites produced by the genera Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, and Stachybotrys provoked dose-dependent responses measurable as decreased sperm motility, depleted energy production, and disturbed cell proliferation [45,46,61]. Each bio reactive metabolite exhibits an in vitro toxicity profile based on difference in sensitivity, i.e., a pattern of characteristic EC50 concentrations obtained by the different in vitro toxicity assays. The characteristic toxicity profile indicated the biological target of the toxin as: intactness of the plasma membrane, ion fluxes and ion homeostasis [40,41,46], mitochondrial functions [40,61,66,67], transcription and translation [38,57]. The sperm motility inhibiting assay is sensitive to toxins affecting mitochondria and plasma membrane integrity, whereas the cell proliferation inhibition assays are sensitive to toxins affecting transcription and translation [40,41]. The toxins produced by the four indoor genera above provoked all toxic responses in the bioassay measuring inhibition of cell proliferation in PK-15 cells. The low toxicity recorded for the old dry Stachybotrys sp. biomass scraped from the old paperboard and for the old plate-grown cultures of the indoor moulds, T. atroviride, A. versicolor and C. globosum (Figure7, Table2) may have three di fferent explanations: (1) low solubility of the toxins from dry biomass in ethanol, (2) decreased bioreactivity caused by the degradation of the toxins, (3) decreased toxin contents due to emission and migration. The first conclusion has to be tested by moisturizing the old, dehydrated biomass before dispersal in ethanol. The last two explanations may indicate that finding of dormant old, dehydrated toxigenic indoor mould in a building is not necessarily connected to extreme toxicity. This information may be important for renovation work. However, it is to be kept in mind that only in vivo experiments exposing experimental animals, to known respired doses, may reveal the health effects following inhalation exposure to substances emitted by mouldy materials [68]. In vitro assays may not be acceptable as regulatory models. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 15 of 20

Autofluorescence after UV excitation was more strongly emitted by young, fresh, actively growing fungal hyphae and could possibly be used for estimating metabolic activity on fungal hyphae growing inside buildings. UV excitation may also facilitate visualization of guttation (Figures4 and5). Fungal species of the genera Stachybotrys, Trichoderma, Penicillium, and Chaetomium emitted the same mycotoxins in biomass dispersals and liquid droplets. In the genus Aspergillus, guttation droplets differed from biomass dispersals in fluorescence emission and were non-toxic in bioassays where the biomass dispersals gave toxic response (Figures5 and6)[ 37,38,41]. Recent studies suggest that some mycotoxins may be synthesized from precursors in extracellular trafficking droplets, that house secondary metabolite synthesis [69,70]. This explains why substances exhibiting different toxicity and auto fluorescence may be found in liquid droplets and in conidia and hyphae. These results also indicate that auto fluorescence may facilitate visualization of aerial fungal hyphae actively growing on indoor building materials, but not that of old, dehydrated ones. The results shown in Figures9 and 10 indicate that fungal cultures may release surfactants as well as hydrophobic water-repelling substances. Figure 11 indicates that fungal cultures emit hydrophobic substances surrounding liquid droplets as water-repelling film. These substances, surfactants and hydrophobins, may contribute to microbial indoor air pollution and influence water availability and growth conditions and germination of fungi growing on building materials [9]. Reduction of the surface tension of water may be caused by anthropogenic chemicals and/or be microbially produced, but surface-active substances exist in much higher airborne concentrations in indoor environments compared to outdoor air [24,25]. Tensiometric measurements and assays measuring plasma membrane damage [48,71] could be used for monitoring surfactant activity in indoor samples, but only chemical analyses could reveal their microbiological or anthropogenic origin [59]. Aerial hyphae of fresh, actively growing biomass stained with the viability stain in the upper rows of Figures2–4 emitted strong blue (live) and red (dead) fluorescence. However, the strong blue and red fluorescence emitted by the conidiophores, stripes and phialides in Figures2 and3 may be caused by something else than intracellular nucleic acids. The red and blue fluorescence may not even separate dead and live fungal structures. Dehydrated, inactive fungal structures containing dormant conidia emitting week or no fluorescence were apparently impermeable both to the live and to the dead stain (Figures2–4, lower rows) and were probably unable to emit liquid metabolites. Fungal hyphae actively growing on inlet air filters, as those shown in Figure4D,E may be able to promote emissions of secreted liquid microbial pollutants into indoor air. Interestingly the cytoplasm and some nuclei in fresh hyphae in Figures2–4 stained red, indicating possible permeability to PI. The lipophilic DNA stain Hoechst 33342 is known to emit blue fluorescence in live and dead cells. PI is believed to cross only plasma membranes with disturbed permeability, staining DNA and RNA in affected cells red. Since fungal hyphae stained with Hoechst 33342 only emitted exclusively blue fluorescence, the red emission was concluded to be caused by intracellular PI (Figures2–4). Permeability to PI of fungal membranes may be a ffected by the electrical membrane potential (∆Ψ). A boosted ∆Ψ might facilitate a breakthrough of propidium molecules [43]). The plasma membrane of fungal hyphae may respond to optical stimulation by raising its ∆Ψ and keeping it raised till the light is switched off [1]. Apparently, the viability stain Hoechst 33342 plus PI, known to discriminate between live and dead mammalian cells [40,41,44] stained fungal hyphae according to different criteria.

5. Conclusions In conclusion, our results suggest that the metabolic state and guttation influence the content of secondary metabolites (toxins, proteins and surfactants) in indoor fungal biomass and may influence their emission into indoor air. Surface-active substances, both anthropogenic and microbially produced, may influence the migration of microbial, airborne pollutants in indoor environments and enhance their toxic and allergic effects. Measuring surfactant activity in air and dust combined with toxicity Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1940 16 of 20 assays and chemical identification of the detected surfactants and toxins may provide information useful when indoor air quality is monitored.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.S., M.A.A. and I.D.; data duration, J.S., O.K., L.K. and M.A.A.; formal analysis, J.S., O.K. and M.A.A.; funding acquisition, J.K. and H.S.; investigation, J.S., O.K. and M.A.A.; methodology, J.S. and M.A.A.; project administration, J.K. and H.S.; resources, M.A.A.; supervision, J.K., L.K. and H.S.; validation, O.K., L.K. and M.A.A.; visualization, J.S. and M.A.A.; writing original draft, J.S., O.K., L.K., I.D. and M.A.A.; and writing review and editing, J.S., M.A.A., I.D., O.K., L.K. and H.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research was funded by the Academy of Finland (CleanSchool grant number 330150 and TOXICPM grant number 289161) as well as the Finnish Work Environmental Fund (grant number 117101). Acknowledgments: The authors warmly thank Maria Hautaniemi of the Finnish Food Safety Authority (EVIRA) for providing us the porcine kidney cell line PK-15. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the result.


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