Personal View

Global guideline for the diagnosis and management of rare mould infections: an initiative of the European Confederation of Medical in cooperation with the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology and the American Society for Microbiology

Martin Hoenigl, Jon Salmanton-García, Thomas J Walsh, Marcio Nucci, Chin Fen Neoh, Jeffrey D Jenks, Michaela Lackner, Rosanne Sprute, Abdullah M S Al-Hatmi, Matteo Bassetti, Fabianne Carlesse, Tomas Freiberger, Philipp Koehler, Thomas Lehrnbecher, Anil Kumar, Juergen Prattes, Malcolm Richardson, Sanjay Revankar, Monica A Slavin, Jannik Stemler, Birgit Spiess, Saad J Taj-Aldeen, Adilia Warris, Patrick C Y Woo, Jo-Anne H Young, Kerstin Albus, Dorothee Arenz, Valentina Arsic-Arsenijevic, Jean-Philippe Bouchara, Terrence Rohan Chinniah, Anuradha Chowdhary, G Sybren de Hoog, George Dimopoulos, Rafael F Duarte, Petr Hamal, Jacques F Meis, Sayoki Mfinanga, Flavio Queiroz-Telles, Thomas F Patterson, Galia Rahav, Thomas R Rogers, Coleman Rotstein, Retno Wahyuningsih, Danila Seidel, Oliver A Cornely

With increasing numbers of patients needing intensive care or who are immunosuppressed, infections caused by Lancet Infect Dis 2021 moulds other than Aspergillus spp or Mucorales are increasing. Although antifungal prophylaxis has shown Published Online effectiveness in preventing many invasive fungal infections, selective pressure has caused an increase of breakthrough February 16, 2021 infections caused by Fusarium, Lomentospora, and Scedosporium species, as well as by dematiaceous moulds, S1473-3099(20)30784-2 Rasamsonia, Schizophyllum, Scopulariopsis, Paecilomyces, Penicillium, Talaromyces and Purpureocillium species. Section of Infectious Diseases Guidance on the complex multidisciplinary management of infections caused by these pathogens has the potential to and Tropical Medicine, Medical improve prognosis. Management routes depend on the availability of diagnostic and therapeutic options. The present University of Graz, Graz, recommendations are part of the One World—One Guideline initiative to incorporate regional differences in the Austria (M Hoenigl MD, epidemiology and management of rare mould infections. Experts from 24 countries contributed their knowledge and J Prattes MD); Division of Infectious Diseases and Global analysed published evidence on the diagnosis and treatment of rare mould infections. This consensus document Public Health, Department of intends to provide practical guidance in clinical decision making by engaging physicians and scientists involved in Medicine (M Hoenigl, various aspects of clinical management. Moreover, we identify areas of uncertainty and constraints in optimising this J D Jenks MD), Clinical and management. Translational Fungal Research Working Group (M Hoenigl, J D Jenks), and Division of Background of the management of rare mould infections. In addition, General Internal Medicine, Although invasive aspergillosis and mucormycosis the guideline group includes experts from all UN Department of Medicine have been the most commonly documented invasive regions, and provides management approaches for (J D Jenks), University of California San Diego, 1 mould infections, mycoses caused by rare moulds are settings with different availability of diagnostic and San Diego, CA, USA; increasing.2 These pathogens include dematiaceous therapeutic options. Faculty of Medicine moulds that cause phaeohyphomycosis, Fusarium, In January, 2018, experts were identified based on their (J Salmanton-García PhD, R Sprute MD, P Koehler MD, Lomentospora, Scedosporium, Rasamsonia, Scopulariopsis, publication activity in the field of rare mould infections J Stemler MD, K Albus MSc, Penicillium, Talaromyces species other than T marneffei, in the previous 5 years, their involvement in patient D Arenz PhD, D Seidel PhD, Paecilomyces, Purpureocillium and Schizophyllum species, management, and their distribution across the world Prof O A Cornely MD), Cologne and other basidiomycetes.3–6 Maximising survival to these regions as defined by the UN. Experts were invited in Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in infections requires readily available guidance to allow February, 2018, to develop this guideline, and video­ Aging-Associated Diseases 7 rapid diagnostic and therapeutic intervention. Current conferences to discuss the methods and a mandatory video (J Salmanton-García, P Koehler, guidelines are limited to individual rare mould pathogens tutorial on guideline methodology were held between K Albus, D Arenz, D Seidel, or specific patient groups,8–10 or do not exist for many rare February and March, 2018. Supervision of the group Prof O A Cornely), and Clinical Trials Center Cologne mould infections. was provided by the coordinators (MH, DS, and OAC). (Prof O A Cornely), University of The European Confederation of Medical Mycology Documents were shared among the authors on a password- Cologne, Cologne, Germany; (also known as ECMM),11 together with the International protected OneDrive repository, and were centrally managed German Centre for Infection Society for Human and Animal Mycology (also known as and kept up to date with any new developments. Once all Research, partner site Bonn-Cologne, Cologne, ISHAM) and the American Society for Microbiology tables were finalised, a writing group contributed the first Germany (R Sprute, (also known as ASM), issue this comprehensive guidance draft, which was circulated to all participants for approval P Koehler, J Stemler, D Seidel, document as part of their One World—One Guideline in Jan 3, 2020. Recommendations were consensus-based; if Prof O A Cornely); Department initiative,7,12 to facilitate clinical decision making and no consensus was achieved, a majority vote of over 50% of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, and Department of simultaneously provide an overview of the areas of was used. Microbiology and uncertainty in invasive mould infections. We aimed to In April, 2020, a 4 week public consultation phase took Immunology, Weill Cornell address limitations of previous recommendations by place. Received comments were evaluated and used to Medicine, New York, NY, USA engaging physicians and scientists involved in all aspects modify the manuscript as appropriate, resulting in a (Prof T J Walsh MD); New York Published online February 16, 2021 1 Personal View

Presbyterian Hospital, Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY, USA (Prof T J Walsh); Department of Internal Medicine, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (M Nucci MD); Faculty of Pharmacy, and Collaborative Drug Discovery Research Group, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, Community of Research, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Selangor, Malaysia (C F Neoh PhD); Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Department of Hygiene, Medical Microbiology and Publics Health, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria (M Lackner PhD); Department of Microbiology, Natural & Medical Sciences Research Center, University of Figure 1: Countries whose national mycology societies endorse this Rare Mould Guideline Nizwa, Nizwa, Oman Purple indicates endorsement. (A M S Al-Hatmi PhD); Division of Infections Diseases, Department of Health Sciences, final author review in July 2, 2020. Detailed methods on erythematous papular or nodular skin lesions are often IRCCS San Martino Polyclinic how the guideline group worked and the worldwide evident in immunocompromised patients with systemic Hospital, University distribution of experts involved in the process is displayed fusariosis, and are a distinctive characteristic of these of Genoa, Genoa, Italy in the appendix pp 5–8, and closely follows the recent infections.17 (Prof M Bassetti MD); 7 Department of Pediatrics, and guideline on mucormycosis. The incidence and prevalence of Fusarium spp Pediatric Oncology Institute A total of 55 scientific societies focusing on medical infections vary depending on the underlying disease and IOP-GRAACC-UNIFESP, Federal mycology, microbiology, and infectious diseases reviewed geo­graphical region, reaching 20 per 1000 recipients of Univeristy of São Paulo, and endorsed the guidance document (figure 1). allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation São Paulo, Brazil (F Carlesse MD); Centre for with HLA-mismatched related donors in Brazil and the Cardiovascular Surgery and Fusariosis USA.18,19 Transplantation, and Faculty of Epidemiology of fusariosis Medicine, Masaryk University, Fusarium spp are the most clinically prevalent rare Diagnosis of fusariosis Brno, Czech Republic 20 (T Freiberger MD); Center for moulds causing superficial­ infections, such as keratitis, Blood cultures are positive in 40% of invasive cases, Integrated Oncology Aachen in immuno­competent hosts, and severe disseminated with faster detection of growth in fungal blood culture Bonn Cologne Duesseldorf, infections (frequently presenting as fungaemia) in bottles compared with standard aerobic bottles.21 Direct Cologne, Germany (P Koehler); immuno­compromised individuals. These fungi are examination of tissue, especially skin biopsy, allows for a Division of Pediatric 13 Hematology and Oncology, ubiquitous in nature and are found in soil and air. rapid evaluation before culture results are available, if the Hospital for Children and Of particular importance are the species complexes tissue sample can be examined in a timely way.20 To Adolescents, University Fusarium solani (causing more than 50% of severe cases) diagnose fungal keratitis, histopathological examination Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany 13,14 17 (T Lehrnbecher MD); and Fusarium oxysporum (causing 20% of severe cases). and culture of corneal scrapings are used. In fresh Department of Microbiology, The main routes of infection are inhalation of airborne tissue, the hyphae are morphologically similar to those of Amrita Institute of Medical microconidia or direct inoculation through traumatic Aspergillus spp—that is, appearing as hyaline septate Sciences and Research Centre, injury, including burns. In immunocompromised­ hosts, filaments that typically dichotomise in acute angles, or Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi, India (Prof A Kumar MD); especially patients with an haematological malignancy sometimes reaching 90°. Adventitious sporulation can be Division of Infection, Immunity and neutropenia, or undergoing haematopoietic stem present, and the presence of reniform adventitious and Respiratory Medicine, cell transplantation or solid organ transplantation, conidia is highly suggestive of fusariosis (figure 2, University of Manchester, fusariosis manifests as an invasive infection mainly appendix pp 11–19).22 Manchester, UK (Prof M Richardson PhD); affecting the skin, deep soft tissue, the lungs, and 14,15 Mycology Reference Centre sinuses. Fusarium spp frequently disseminate in the First-line treatment of fusariosis in adults Manchester, Manchester host, with positive blood cultures in as much as 70% of Evidence University NHS Foundation cases in immuno­compromised patients.15 This ease in To our knowledge, there are no randomised trials Trust, Manchester, UK (Prof M Richardson); Division of propagation might be related to the ability of some evaluating the efficacy of antifungal drugs for the Infectious Diseases, Wayne Fusarium spp to form in-vivo adventitious conidia treatment of invasive fusariosis. The largest study State University, Detroit, (aleurioconidia), which can then break away from published to date is a multicentre retrospective study of MI, USA (S Revankar MD); invading hyphae and enter the blood stream.16 Necrotic 236 patients with invasive fusa­riosis, diagnosed between

2 Published online February 16, 2021 Personal View

University of Melbourne, A B C Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Prof M A Slavin MD); National Centre for Infections in Cancer, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Prof M A Slavin); Department of Hematology and Oncology, University Hospital Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany (B Spiess PhD); Department of Laboratory Medicne and Pathology, Hamad Medical Corporation, Doha, Qatar (S J Taj-Aldeen PhD); Medical Research Council Centre for D E F Medical Mycology, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK (A Warris MD); Department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China (P C Y Woo MD); University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA (Prof J-A H Young MD); Medical Center Hamburg- Eppendorf, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany (D Arenz); National Reference Laboratory for Medical Mycology, Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Figure 2: Microscopic morphology of Fusarium spp23 (V Arsic-Arsenijevic MD); Scale bar=10 µm. (A) Microconidia on conidiogenous cells or monophialides (Fusarium acutatum [Fusarium fujikuroi species complex]). (B) Microconidia and Host-Pathogen Interaction macroconidia (Fusarium metavorans [Fusarium solani species complex]). (C) Young (bottom) and mature (top) chlamydospores (Fusarium keratoplasticum [F solani Study Group, and Laboratory species complex]). (D) Microconidia in chain (Fusarium musae [F fujikuroi species complex]). (E) Monophialides with microconidia (Fusarium pseudensiforme of Parasitology and Mycology, [F solani species complex]). (F) Monophialides with microconidia (Fusarium petroliphilum [F solani species complex]). Angers University Hospital, Angers University, Angers, France (J-P Bouchara PhD); 5,30 1985 and 2011 in 44 centres from 11 countries references), and amphotericin B deoxycholate (five Department of Microbiology, worldwide.15 Among 206 patients who received patients, 20% response rate).30 Single case reports have University of Colombo, treatment for invasive fusariosis, 185 received reported successful treatment with either isavuconazole, Colombo, Sri Lanka monotherapy: 110 received amphotericin B deoxycholate, terbinafine, or posaconazole, and no response to (T R Chinniah MD); Department of Medical 27,31,32 38 were treated with voriconazole, 34 were treated with treatment with echinocandin therapy. Mycology, Vallabhbhai Patel a lipid formulation of amphotericin B (20 patients with Combination therapy with voriconazole plus lipo­ Chest Institute, University of liposomal formulation, six with colloidal dispersion, somal amphotericin B or another agent was reported in Delhi, Delhi, India (A Chowdhary MD); Department and eight with lipid complex, which in a previous study most studies, and is the preferred initial approach in of Medical Microbiology was less well tolerated and caused more acute infusion- many specialised centres because of the frequently and Infectious Diseases toxicity than the liposomal formulation24), and three observed high minimum inhibitory concentration (Prof J F Meis MD) and Center of received other therapies. The 90 day probability of of voriconazole, whereas other centres prefer mono­ Expertise in Mycology 5,13,15,25,27,28,32,33 (G S de Hoog PhD, Prof J F Meis), survival was 27% for patients treated with amphotericin therapy. Response rates with combi­nation Radboud University Medical B deoxycholate, 53% for patients receiving voriconazole, therapy overall were similiar to monotherapy,­ and there Center-Canisius Wilhelmina and 48% for patients receiving a lipid formulation of are no randomised controlled trials comparing mono­ Hospital, Nijmegen, amphotericin B. therapy with combi­nation therapy. In one retrospective Netherlands; Critical Care Department, Attikon University Other studies reported lower numbers of patients study, combi­nation therapy was used in 21 (9%) of Hospital, National and 15 receiving primary treatment with a single agent for 236 patients. Response rates in patients treated with Kapodistrian University invasive fusariosis: either voriconazole (55 patients, combination therapy were not significantly different of Athens, Greece including with localised disease, had response rates than those of patients treated with mono­therapy.15 (G Dimopoulos MD); 5,13,25–28 University Hospital Puerta de ranging from 44% to 100%), amphotericin B lipid However, as combination therapy might have been used Hierro Majadahonda, Madrid, 29 complex (28 patients, 43% response rate), lipo­somal in the most critically ill patients, no conclusions about Spain (R F Duarte MD); amphotericin B (ten patients, response rates of the efficacy of combination therapy over monotherapy Department of Microbiology, either 0% or 100%; appendix p 23 for additional can be drawn from this study. Faculty of Medicine and Published online February 16, 2021 3 Personal View

Dentistry, University Hospital Recommendations direct microscopy in infected tissue sections; the organism Olomouc, Palacky University We strongly recommend voriconazole or a lipid formu­ is therefore classified as a cause of phaeohyphomycosis Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech lation of amphotericin B for the primary treatment of (figure 4, appendix pp 36–43).8,39 Republic (P Hamal MD); National Institute for Medical invasive fusariosis. Amphotericin B deoxycholate should Research, Tanzania not be used if other active antifungal agents are available. First-line treatment of lomentosporiosis in adults (S Mfinanga MD); Muhimbili For other agents, a marginal recommendation is given. Evidence University of Health and Allied Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Combination therapy is frequently used in the primary L prolificans appears to be intrinsically resistant to most 46,47 Tanzania (S Mfinanga); Nelson treatment of invasive fusariosis because of the severity antifungals, with voriconazole showing the highest in- Mandela African Institution of of the disease, difficulties in achieving voriconazole vitro activity against this .47 In the largest case Science and Technology, trough concentrations within the targeted range, and series of lomentosporiosis infections published to date, Arusha, Tanzania (S Mfinanga); Department of International because minimum inhibitory concentrations for azoles combination antifungal therapy was associated with Public Health, Liverpool School and polyenes are often high. Primary combination therapy, higher 28 day survival than monotherapy (15 [63%] of Tropical Medicine, Liverpool, with a potential early step down to monotherapy later of 24 survived vs four [25%] of 16).5 Combinations of UK (S Mfinanga); Department (once minimum inhibitory concentrations of the azole and voriconazole and terbinafine have shown in-vitro of Public Health, Clinics 46,48 Hospital, Federal University polyenes become available) is an approach we strongly synergism. In several case reports and case series, of Parana, Curitiba, Brazil recommend (figure 3). combination antifungal therapy successfully treated (F Queiroz-Telles MD); UT lomentosporiosis with various organ involvement Health San Antonio and South Lomentosporiosis patterns and mixed underlying disease, particularly with Texas Veterans Health Care System, San Antonio, TX, USA Epidemiology of lomentosporiosis vori­conazole (6 mg intravenously twice daily loading (Prof T F Patterson MD); Sheba Lomentospora prolificans (formerly Scedosporium prolificans) dose, followed by 4 mg intravenously twice daily) plus Medical Center, and Sackler is morphologically and clinically distinct from Scedosporium terbinafine (500 mg daily orally), plus or minus School of Medicine, Tel Aviv spp, although before phylogenetic profiling both genera other antifungals.49 In one case report, voriconazole plus University, Tel Aviv, Israel 34 (G Rahav MD); Department of were classed together. L prolificans is ubiquitously found terbinafine and surgical debridement resulted in Clinical Microbiology, Trinity as a soil saprophyte, predominantly in the arid climates of suppression of L prolificans osteomyelitis in an immuno­ College Dublin, St James’s Australia, southwestern USA, and Spain, which is reflected competent woman,50 and in a small case series, all three Hospital Campus, Dublin, by the proportionally high number of reported cases patients treated with voriconazole plus terbinafine Ireland (T R Rogers MD); 35–37 5 Division of Infectious Diseases, in these regions. Prevalence and incidence data for combination therapy survived. In two larger case series, University of Toronto, Toronto, lomentosporiosis are largely unknown. In a US study, eight (45%) of 18 individuals treated with voriconazole ON, Canada (C Rotstein MD); L prolificans accounted for one (2%) of 53 mould infections plus terbinafine combination therapy were alive at Department of Parasitology, and one (6%) of 16 non-Aspergillus infections identified in day 42,51 and ten (63%) of 16 patients treated with Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, recipients of liver and heart transplants; in another US voriconazole plus terbinafine combination therapy plus Jakarta, Indonesia mixed-cohort study, eight (35%) of 23 non-Aspergillus or minus other antifungals were alive at day 28.52 In the (R Wahyuningsih MD); mould infections were reported to be L prolificans.5,38 A second case series,52 survival at 84 days and 360 days was Department of map outlining the worldwide distribution of lomento­ significantly higher in patients who received voriconazole Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen sporiosis is included in the appendix p 36. plus terbinafine combination therapy plus or minus Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia other antifungals than in patients who received other (R Wahyuningsih); European Diagnosis of lomentosporiosis antifungal therapies.52 Combination therapy with Confederation of Medical The definitive diagnosis of L prolificans infection relies on voriconazole plus either amphotericin B or micafungin Mycology Council, Basel, Switzerland (M Hoenigl, the isolation of the fungus from biopsies, sterile has resulted in treatment response and survival in V Arsic-Arsenijevic, P Hamal, body fluids, and blood cultures.8,39 For respiratory patients with mixed underlying disease in several case Prof J F Meis, Prof O A Cornely) tract samples of patients with cystic fibrosis, a special series,5,51,52 although outcomes did not differ compared Correspondence to: selective medium, SceSel+, has shown improved rates of with patients treated with voriconazole plus terbinafine Dr Martin Hoenigl, Division of isolation when compared with other mediums, as it combination therapy plus or minus other antifungals. Infectious Diseases and Global 40,41 Public Health, Department of inhibits the overgrowth of aspergilli. Other selective In patients with haematological malignancy in one case Medicine, University of fungal culture media that have been successfully used are series, two (50%) of four who were treated with California, San Diego, the inhibitory mould agar and the brain heart infusion voriconazole plus terbinafine combination therapy CA 92103, USA agar.42 If none of the three are available, specimens can be survived, whereas none of the three who received [email protected] cultured on sabouraud dextrose agar or horse blood agar at itraconazole plus terbinafine or amphotericin B See Online for appendix 30°C or 37°C.43,44 By contrast with Scedosporium, L prolificans survived.44 In a case series of three patients with cystic is unable to grow in the presence of cycloheximide.45 fibrosis, combination therapy with voriconazole plus Species identification is achieved through macroscopic micafungin, terbinafine, or inhaled amphotericin B and microscopic examination­ of the colonies. L prolificans resulted in clinical improvement but not in eradication is usually characterised by the black colour of its colonies of the fungus.53 Surgery as an adjuvant treatment has and its characteristic flask-shaped and annellated coni­ been shown to be significantly associated with survival.52 diogenous cells, but identification should be confirmed by Resection of surgically amenable lesions is an important subsequent internal transcribed spacer gene sequencing.45 adjunct to the management of infections caused L prolificans can form pigmented­ hyphae, observable under by L prolificans.54 Correction of underlying immune

4 Published online February 16, 2021 Personal View

A Suspected and confirmed invasive infections due to Fusarium spp are emergencies and require rapid action Strongly recommended Immediate treatment initiation Moderately recommended Marginally recommended Recommended against Surgical debridement of infected tissue in localised infections

Avoid slow escalation of doses Voriconazole iv Endophthalmitis 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; Amphotericin B lipid complex 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from day 2; 1 × 3–5 mg/kg per day use TDM Voriconazole iv or 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; Liposomal amphotericin B 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from day 2; 1 × 3–10 mg/kg per day use TDM

with or without combination with

Voriconazole iv Avoid slow escalation of doses 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; Amphotericin B lipid complex Avoid 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from day 2; 1 × 3–5 mg/kg per day Amphotericin B use TDM or deoxycholate Liposomal amphotericin B if alternatives for 1 × 3–10 mg/kg per day treatment are available

with or without Caspofungin 1 × 70 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 50 mg per day (if body weight ≤80 kg) plus or 1 × 70 mg per day (if body weight >80 kg) from day 2 Voriconazole or intravitreal Micafungin 1 × 100 mg per day, or Posaconazole iv or tab or 2 × 300 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 300 mg per day from day 2, Amphotericin B or intravitreal Terbinafine 500–1000 mg per day

Response assessment (eg, weekly imaging)

Progressive disease*

Voriconazole iv Posaconazole iv Terbinafine Avoid slow Isavuconazole 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from or tab 500–1000 mg escalation of doses 3 × 200 mg per day, day 2; use TDM, 2 × 300 mg per day Amphotericin B on days 1–2; 1 × 200 mg with or without per day plus lipid complex per day from day 3 Amphotericin B lipid complex on day 1; Liposomal 1 × 3–5 mg/kg 1 × 3–5 mg/kg per day, 1 × 300 mg per amphotericin B per day, or day from day 2 1 × 3–10 mg/kg or Liposomal amphotericin B per day, Liposomal 1 × 3–10 mg/kg per day, or amphotericin B or Terbinafine 1 × 3–10 mg/kg Caspofungin 500–1000 mg per day per day 1 × 70 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 50 mg per day (if bodyw eight plus ≤80 kg) or 1 × 70 mg per day (if body weight >80 kg) from day 2, Voriconaloze iv or 2 × 6 mg/kg per day Posaconazole iv or tab on day 1; 2 × 4 mg/kg 2 × 300 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 300 mg per day from day 2, per day from day 2; or use TDM Terbinafine 500–1000 mg per day (Figure 3 continues on next page) Published online February 16, 2021 5 Personal View

B Suspected and confirmed invasive infections due to Fusarium spp are emergencies and require rapid action

Immediate treatment initiation

Surgical debridement of infected tissue in localised infections

Any population Endophthalmitis

Voriconazole iv 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from day 2; use TDM

with or without Caspofungin 1 × 70 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 50 mg plus (if body weight ≤80 kg) Avoid Voriconazole Amphotericin B or 1 × 70 mg per day intravitreal (if body weight >80 kg) deoxycholate from day 2 any dose or Micafungin 1 × 100 mg per day, or Posaconazole iv or tab 2 × 300 mg per day or on day 1; 1 × 300 mg Amphotericin B per day from day 2, intravitreal or Terbinafine 500–1000 mg per day

Response assessment (eg, weekly imaging)

Progressive disease*

Voriconazole iv Posaconazole iv or tab Terbinafine Isavuconazole 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; 2 × 300 mg per day on day 1; 500–1000 mg per day 3 × 200 mg per day on days 1–2; 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from 1 × 300 mg per day from day 2 plus 1 × 200 mg per day from day 3 day 2; use TDM, Voriconazole iv plus 2 × 6 mg/kg per day on day 1; Caspofungin 2 × 4 mg/kg per day from day 2; 1 × 70 mg per day on day 1; use TDM 1 × 50 mg (if body weight 80 kg) or 1 × 70 mg per day (if body weight >80 kg) from day 2 or Posaconazole iv or tab 2 × 300 mg per day on day 1; 1 × 300 mg per day from day 2, or Terbinafine 500–1000 mg per day

Figure 3: Treatment recommendations for fusariosis (A) Optimal treatment pathway for fusariosis in adults when all treatment modalities and antifungal drugs are available. (B) If lipid formulation of amphotericin B is not available. iv=intravenously. tab=tablets. TDM=therapeutic drug monitoring. *Choice of salvage treatment always depends by the treatment that the patient did not respond to.

6 Published online February 16, 2021 Personal View

deficiencies is also an important adjunct to antifungal A B C therapy.

Recommendations The guideline group strongly supports first-line vori­ conazole-based combination antifungal therapy for the treatment of infections caused by L prolificans, particularly voriconazole plus terbinafine plus or minus other antifungal­ agents. Monotherapy with voriconazole is moderately supported (appendix pp 44–50).

Scedosporiosis Epidemiology of scedosporiosis Scedosporium spp are ubiquitous saprophytes mostly found in temperate areas, with regional differences in species distribution.55 In the clinical setting, the most commonly isolated species worldwide are Scedosporium boydii and Scedosporium apiospermum. Scedosporium spp initiate two distinct diseases: mycetoma and scedosporiosis. In immunocompetent patients, Scedos­ porium spp are an important cause of eumycotic mycetoma and the most common cause of this infection in the USA.56 D E F Solid organ transplantation and treatment for haematological disease are major risk factors for scedosporiosis. Patients predominantly present with pulmonary, cutaneous, or cerebral infections.45,51 Secondary CNS infections can appear without an evident dissemination. Infection can also affect the paranasal sinuses or bones.45,51 Scedosporium spp have been recovered from respi­ ratory secretions of patients with chronic pulmonary conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, ranking as the second most frequently isolated fungal pathogen after Figure 4: Microscopic morphology of Lomentospora spp23 Aspergillus spp.35,53 The relevance of Scedosporium spp in Scale bars=10 µm. (A–F) Conidiogenous cells of Lomentospora prolificans, locally aggregated in small flask-shaped the context of chronic pulmonary conditions is brushes. Darker and more inflated conidia may arise alongside hyphae. Smooth-walled conidia aggregate together slimy heads. unknown, but it might be the first step towards invasive disease.40,57 Colonisation by Scedosporium spp has also examination of clinical specimens is important been described in patients with cancer.58 Near drowning, for the diagnosis of hyalohyphomycosis, and further tsunami, and earthquake victims are at high risk for discrimination based on microscopy is rarely possible.8,39 developing scedosporiosis.59 Near drowning has been Branching patterns of Scedosporium spp often resemble associated with S apiospermum cerebral infection Aspergillus spp, with dichotomously branching septate resulting from haematogenous spread from the lungs as hyphae sometimes seen in tissue, although branching the primary site of infection, or penetration through the off to the side at a 60–70° angle, which is different from cribriform plate with direct invasion of the CNS.60–62 Eye the 45° angle seen with Aspergillus spp. In addition, infections after traumatic injuries are also common.63 distinctive coremia or an ascocarp, as well the presence In one study in the USA, S apiospermum accounted for of pyriform adventitious conidia, might identify the six (11%) of 53 mould infections and three (19%) of mould as Scedosporium spp. After a few days, the mould 16 non-Aspergillus spp infections identified in recipients colony takes on a tan colour and has sporulating of liver and heart transplants.38 The incidence of structures that differ from Aspergillus spp (figure 5, scedosporiosis was 0·93 per 100 000 patient-inpatient appendix pp 52–59).23 days, with a marked increase from 1993 to 2005 in a US cancer centre.58 First-line treatment of scedosporiosis in adults Evidence Diagnosis of scedosporiosis Outcomes of voriconazole-based therapy were superior The definitive diagnosis of scedosporiosis is based on to therapy with any formulation of amphotericin B in culture of the pathogen from infected tissue samples several studies.51,64 In vitro resistance to amphotericin B and body fluids from sterile body regions, or from formulations, as well as breakthrough infections, have blood. Direct microscopical and histopathological been reported repeatedly.51 The use of amphotericin B Published online February 16, 2021 7 Personal View




Figure 5: Microscopic morphology of Scedosporium spp23 Scale bars=10 µm. (A and B) Conidiogenous cells percurrent, lateral or terminal, subhyaline, smooth-walled, usually cylindrical, producing subhyaline, obovoidal, or ellipsoidal conidia (Scedosporium apiospermum). (C and D) Conidiogenous cells percurrent, lateral, or terminal (Scedosporium aurantiacum). Erect synnemata producing conidi (if synanamorph present). (E and F) Ascomata and ascospores (Scedosporium boydii). (G) Conidiophores and conidia (Scedosporium dehoogii). (H and I) Cleistothecia and graphium-like synanamorph (Scedosporium minutisporum).

formulations should be restricted to settings in which evaluating combination therapy versus vori­conazole there is no other antifungal therapy available. There is monotherapy. scarce evidence to support the use of isavuconazole, itraconazole, or posaconazole.31,35,44,58 Antifungal combi­ Recommendations nation therapy showed higher efficacy and improved First-line treatment with voriconazole is strongly survival compared with amphotericin B monotherapy supported across all patterns of organ involvement. Use in multiple studies.43,51,53,58 There is a paucity of data of amphotericin B formulations is discouraged whenever

8 Published online February 16, 2021 Personal View

Strongly recommended Moderately recommended Marginally recommended Recommended against

First-line First-line alternative Second-line Treatments to avoidSalvage treatments Fusariosis Voriconazole, or L-AmB, or ABLC Isavuconazole, or D-AmB Posaconazole voriconazole plus L-AmB, or posaconazole voriconazole plus ABLC Lomentosporosis Voriconazole plus terbinafine Voriconazole Isavuconazole, or L-AmB Voriconazole posaconazole

Scedosporiosis Voriconazole Voriconazole in combination Isavuconazole, or L-AmB Voriconazole with L-AmB, ABLC, posaconazole, or echinocandins, or echinocandins, or terbinafine itraconazole posaconazole Phaeohyphomycosis: Voriconazole L-AmB with or without Isavuconazole D-AmB Isavuconazole, or localised infection echinocandins, or posaconazole, or triazole voriconazole Phaeohyphomycosis: Itraconazole or L-AmB with or without Isavuconazole D-AmB Isavuconazole, or cutaneous or subcutaneous infection voriconazole echinocandins, or posaconazole, or triazole voriconazole Phaeohyphomycosis: Posaconazole, or voriconazole L-AmB with or without Isavuconazole D-AmB Isavuconazole, or disseminated infection plus echinocandins, or echinocandins, or posaconazole, or voriconazole plus terbinafine triazole voriconazole Phaeohyphomycosis: Voriconazole with or without ·· L-AmB plus triazoles other D-AmB ·· Exserohilium rostratum L-AmB than voriconazole

Rasamsonia sppCaspofungin, or Caspofungin plus L-AmB or ·· Azole monotherapy ·· micafungin posaconazole, or micafungin plus L-AmB or posaconazole Schizophyllum commune L-AmB; stepdown to ·· Voriconazole ·· ·· posaconazole

Schizophyllum spp other than L-AmB with or without inhaled ·· Voriconazole Echinocandins L-AmB, or S commune and other basidiomycetes L-AmB, or L-AmB with or voriconazole (eg, Coprinopsi cinereal, without voriconazole Hormographiella aspergillata)

Scopulariopsis spp Isavuconazole, or L-AmB with or ·· ·· Posaconazole with or voriconazole without voriconazole without micafungin with or without terbinafine Penicillium spp: L-AmB with or without other ·· ·· ·· Voriconazole disseminated infection antifungals

Penicillium spp: Posaconazole ·· ·· ·· Voriconazole lung infection

Non-marneffei Talaromyces spp L-AmB ·· ·· ·· Voriconazole, or echinacondine plus terbinafine Paecilomyces spp L-AmB ·· ·· ·· Itraconazole, or posaconazole

Purpureocillium spp Voriconazole ·· Itraconazole or L-AmB ·· Itraconazole, or L-AmB, or or posaconazole posaconazole

Purpureocillium spp: Voriconazole plus terbinafine ·· Itraconazole or L-AmB ·· Itraconazole, or L-AmB, or cutaneous or or posaconazole posaconazole subcutaneous infection

Figure 6: Recommended systemic antifungal treatment for adults with rare mould infections The choice of salvage treatment always depends on the treatment that the patient did not to respond to. Detailed recommendations regarding doses can be found in the appendix p 19. L-AmB=liposomal amphotericin B. ABLC=amphotericin B lipid complex. D-AmB=amphotericin B deoxycholate. voriconazole is available. The guideline group marginally Other rare mould infections supports the use of isavuconazole, itraconazole, or This guideline also covers dematiaceous moulds causing posaconazole for first line-treatment, and moderately phaeohyphomycosis, Rasamsonia spp, Schizophyllum spp supports voriconazole-based antifungal combination and other basidiomycetes, Scopulariopsis, Paecilomyces, therapy (appendix pp 59–67). Penicillium, Talaromyces, and Purpureocillium spp.6 A Published online February 16, 2021 9 Personal View

summary of antifungal treatment recommendations for Contributors these agents is displayed in figure 6. MH and OAC coordinated the work of the authors and guided the Details on epidemiology, as well as evidence and recom­ development of the guideline. MH, JS, TJW, MN, CFN, JDJ, ML, RS, AA-H, MB, FC, TF, PK, TL, AK, JP, MR, SR, MAS, JS, BS, SJT-A, AW, mendations for the diagnosis (including photoplates and PCYW, J-AHY, DS, and OAC wrote the initial manuscript draft. All authors pathways) and treatment are outlined in the appendix contributed to the literature review, compilation of data, and interpretation pp 67–161. and assessment of recommendations. All authors participated in review and revisions, approved the final manuscript and are accountable for all aspects of the work and for ensuring that questions related to the accuracy Constraints in optimising management or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and The identification of rare moulds is complicated by resolved. All authors had access to and verified the data here presented. the constant change in the nomenclature, which in The contribution of the American Society for Microbiology to this turn compromises targeted treatment.65 Advocates for document was a review conducted by Stuart M Levitz MD (University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, USA), Audrey N Schuetz MD no­menclatural stability of medically important fungi (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA), and Sean X Zhang MD have maintained that new names for fungal species (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA). should not be adapted for clinical use until confirmed by Declaration of interests independent laboratories.66 Most microbiologists are not MH reports research funding from Gilead, Astellas, Scynexis, and Pfizer; familiar with some of the rarest fungal species because and is supported by the National Institutes of Health. TJW reports grants and personal fees from Allegran, Amplyx, Astellas, Lediant, Medicines they are either rarely encountered or are mistaken for Company, Merck, and Scynexis; grant funding from Tetraphase and contaminants. This unawareness can be decisive, Viosera, and personal fees from ContraFect, Gilead, Methylgene, and especially in the case of dematiaceous fungi, in which Pfizer. MN reports personal fees from AbbVie, Astellas, Basilea, Bioscana, pathogenicity and resistance to existing antifungal agents Gilead, Janssen, Merck Sharp and Dohme, and Pfizer. JDJ reports 67,68 research grants from Pfizer and support from the National Institutes of varies substantially. Members of the dematiaceous Health. MB reports grants and personal fees from Angelini, Astellas, fungi group are emerging opportunists, affecting debi­ Bayer, Basilea, Cidara, Gilead, Menarini, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Pfizer, litated and immunosuppressed patients,45,69 although Roche, and Shionogi. FC reports personal fees from Astellas, Pfizer, Teva, they are also known to cause trauma-associated infections and United Medical. TF reports personal fees from the Czech Republic Ministry of Health. PK reports non-financial scientific grants from and might complicate severe viral infections in otherwise Miltenyi Biotec and the Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress healthy individuals.70–72 Optimised treatment of infections Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases; and lecture honoraria from, or due to these rare moulds will remain a challenge while being an advisor to, Akademie fur Infektionsmedizin, Ambu GmbH, no reliable biomarkers are available.73 Obtaining a tissue Astellas, European Confederation of Medical Mycology, Gilead Sciences, Gesundheits- und Pflegezentrum Ruesselsheim Academy Ruesselsheim, diagnosis in deep-seated infections is technically Merck Sharp and Dohme, Noxxon, and University Hospital of Munich. challenging, expensive, and poses a substantial risk to TL reports grant and personal fees from Gilead; and personal fees from the patients. Diagnosis through conventional microscopy Astellas, Basilea, and Merck Sharp and Dohme. JP reports personal fees and culture is also difficult, as it is subject to personal from Gilead and Pfizer; and is a stock holder of Gilead. SR reports grants and personal fees from Merck Sharp and Dohme and Pfizer, and support interpretation. Molecular testing is expensive, as for pharmaceutical company-initiated clinical study paid to institution sequencing will be required for definitive identification. from Astellas. MAS reports grants from Merck Sharp and Dohme, Gilead, Intrinsic resistance to antifungal agents varies greatly and F2G; and personal fees from Gilead, Merck Sharp and Dohme, and among moulds, with the genera Fusarium, Lomentospora, Pfizer. AW reports grant and personal fees from Gilead. J-AHY reports support for pharmaceutical company-initiated clinical studies paid to and Scedosporium being multi-resistant to most currently insitution from Cidara and Scynexis. PH reports support by the Grant of available antifungals.45,68,74 Antifungal susceptibility the Czech Ministry of Health (no. NV 17-31269A). RFD reports personal testing for rare moulds is not standardised and break­ fees from Astellas, Gilead, Merck Sharp and Dohme, and Pfizer. points are not available.74 A substantial proportion of TFP reports grants from Cidara; and personal fees from Basilea, Gilead, Mayne, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Pfizer, Scynexis, Sfunga, and Toyama. infections due to rare moulds involve the cornea, TRR reports grants from Menarini and Gilead; and personal fees from especially in low-income to middle-income countries. Gilead, Menarini, and Pfizer. FQT reports grants from Merck Sharp and Treatment of mycotic keratitis is a daunting task because Dohme and Pfizer; and personal fees from Teva. OAC is supported by the it can include intravitreal injections that can be German Federal Ministry of Research and Education, is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under Germany’s Excellence Strategy administered only in tertiary care centres, and topical (CECAD, EXC 2030, 390661388) and has received research grants from preparations of amphotericin B and voriconazole are not Actelion, Amplyx, Astellas, Basilea, Cidara, Da Volterra, F2G, Gilead, readily available in these settings.75 Both liposomal Janssen, Medicines Company, Melinta, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Octapharma, Pfizer, and Scynexis; is a consultant to Actelion, Allecra, amphotericin B and vori­conazole are costly and beyond Amplyx, Astellas, Basilea, Biosys, Cidara, Da Volterra, Entasis, F2G, the reach of most patients in low-income to middle- Gilead, Matinas, MedPace, Menarini, Merck Sharp and Dohme, Mylan, income countries, where health-care costs are met by the Nabriva, Noxxon, Octapharma, Paratek, Pfizer, PSI, Roche Diagnostics, patients themselves. The availability of cheap and Scynexis, and Shionogi; and received lecture honoraria from Al-Jazeera Pharmaceuticals, Astellas, Basilea, Gilead, Grupo Biotoscana, Merck substandard generic antifungals in some of these Sharp and Dohme, and Pfizer. All other authors declare no competing countries also poses an important and unique challenge interests. in the form of treatment failure and induction of Acknowledgments antifungal resistance. Furthermore, given the rareness of MH, TJW, MN, CFN, ML, AMSA-H, PK, AK, JP, MR, SR, AW, PCYW, these infections, there are no health economic analyses VA-A, AC, GD, GSdH, PH, JFM, TRR, CR, and OAC are fellows of the for the corresponding diseases. ECMM. MH, JS-G, ML, RS, PK, JP, MR, JS, KA, DA, JFM, DS, and OAC

10 Published online February 16, 2021 Personal View

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12 Published online February 16, 2021