St Edmund of Abingdon (1175–1240)
ST EDMUND’S COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE St Edmund, detail from a 14th-century window in Canterbury Cathedral SUNG VESPERS FOR THE FEAST OF ST EDMUND OF ABINGDON (1175–1240) ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY PATRON OF THE COLLEGE Monday 16 November 2020 1 The music this evening is led by the Director of Chapel Music & Organist, Miss Louisa Denby MA MMus PGDip LRSM CRCO; and members of the Chapel Schola. 2 INTROIT (sung by the Chapel Schola) Michael Praetorius (1571-1621), A Safe Stronghold our God is Still Words: Martin Luther (1483-1546), based on Psalm 46, tr. Thomas Carlyle (1759-1881) OPENING VERSICLES The Dean: O God, come to our aid. All: O Lord, make haste to help us. The Dean: Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. All: Amen. PSALMODY Psalm 122 Antiphon (said by all) Hear us, Saint Edmund, and pray for us, that through your intercession, we may be freed from all harm and granted every grace. (sung by the Chapel Schola) To you have I lifted up my eyes : you who dwell in the heavens; My eyes, like the eyes of slaves : on the hand of their lords. Like the eyes of a servant : on the hand of her mistress, So our eyes are on the Lord, our God : till he show us his mercy. Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy : we are filled with contempt, Indeed, all too full is our soul : with the proud man’s disdain.
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