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J!r~ ;,-~~--.,.- "' . lr@~riqQll~W® l&.@'¥'Bl¥1~~a~!r Vol . XIX. No. 40. OCTOBER 7th, 1938. Registered at the G.P.O. as a newspaper. SPECIAL CRUSADER NUMBER , TQ&rC~e,a- lJt:fPSQa . ~ /j "'~~_,,,,,, .,,,, .., -~ :S' . :.,,r\Ou\l , ~vs~ . ' .~ tiS ,'(t1 t~ALER --"'-\ , ~ .. n.PT ISER ~"' ""'" / ~r~ ~ ,_: .: ' 129'/~\ 'At,Jvc Iv. 'Ne; ~i~u~~-ii.. · ¼ ---: .· _FORGO[)ouR·B;trfv - ., 1:'7J., I • ~"j ,.... ~ ~' I ,< - 7,( ~ ~ 1\ -·//4_ ~_ i--,=ttr•:ln•-;-~~ ;; -~1 ~~~ - - ~JJt~ .,,·.-: .. ~ . ,., . '• . / .,,,./-. '. ,., ~ ~--,-.:_:·rr - ~~ Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST October 7th, 1938. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton) Official Organ of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: Principal George Jeffreys (President) Pastors E. J. Phillips (Secretary-General), E. C. W. Boulton, ABERD:\RE •. O~tob;-r 9----:-20. Elim Foursquare Gospel Church, Cannon P. N. Corry, S. Gorman, W. G. Hathaway, C. J. E. Kingston, Street. Evangehst1c_ Campaign by Pastor H. \V. Fielding. R. lnercer, and J. Smith BELFAST (Ballys1llan). October 10 to 16, Elim Tabernacle, Crumlin Road. Evangelistic campaign conducted by Pastor David Vanstone. General Headquarters, Sunday, 7 p.m. \Veek-nights, 8 p.m. 20, Clarence Avenue, Clapham Park, London, S.W.4, CROYDON._ Octobcr 9. Elim Tabernacle, Stanley Road. London Crusader Choir, 6.30 p.m. _V_o_l._X_I_X_. ___O_ct_o_b_er 7th, 1938. No. 40, EALING. October 2, Elim Tabernacle, Northfield Avenue. London Crusader Choir, 6.30 p,m. (Choir at \Vormwood Scrubs Prison, 2.30 p.m. ). CONTENTS ELIM WOODLANDS will be open to visitors on the last Saturday of each month throughout the coming months.
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