Furuya et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2018) 11:42 https://doi.org/10.1186/s12920-018-0359-5

CASE REPORT Open Access Splice-site causing partial retention of intron in the FLCN gene in Birt- Hogg-Dubé syndrome: a case report Mitsuko Furuya1* , Hironori Kobayashi2, Masaya Baba3, Takaaki Ito4, Reiko Tanaka5 and Yukio Nakatani6

Abstract Background: Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHD) is an autosomal dominant disorder caused by germline in the gene (FLCN). Nearly 150 pathogenic mutations have been identified in FLCN. The most frequent pattern is a frameshift mutation within a coding exon. In addition, splice-site mutations have been reported, and previous studies have confirmed exon skipping in several cases. However, it is poorly understood whether there are any splice-site mutations that cause translation of intron regions in FLCN. Case presentation: A 59-year-old Japanese patient with multiple pulmonary cysts and pneumothorax was hospitalized due to dyspnea. BHD was suspected and genetic testing was performed. The patient exhibited the splice-site mutation of FLCN in the 5′ end of intron 9 (c.1062 + 1G > A). Total mRNA was extracted from pulmonary cysts, and RT-PCR assessment andsequenceanalysesweredone.Twodistinctbandsweregenerated;onewaswild-typeandtheotherwasalarger- sized mutant. Sequence analysis of the latter transcript revealed the insertion of 130 base pairs of intron 9 from the beginning of the splice-site between exons 9 and 10. Conclusion: To our knowledge, this is the first report of distinct intron insertion using a BHD patient’s diseased tissue- derived mRNA. The present case suggests that a splice-site mutation can lead to exon skipping as well as intron reading mRNA. The splicing process may be dependent in part on whether the donor or acceptor site is affected. Keywords: Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHD), Splice-site mutation, Folliculin (FLCN)

Background mutant Flcn and heterozygous knockout mice devel- Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome (BHD), also called Hornstein- oped renal tumors [9–12]. Further studies using organ- Knickenberg syndrome, is an inherited disorder character- specific Flcn knockout mice demonstrated characteris- ized by skin fibrofolliculomas, multiple pulmonary cysts tic disorders such as polycystic kidney disease, cardiac and kidney cancers [1, 2]. The gene responsible for hypertrophy and alveolar enlargement, indicating that BHD, folliculin (FLCN), is located at 17p11.2. [3], and FLCN function is involved in a wide variety of human its protein product, FLCN, cooperatively interacts with disorders [13–16]. its partners folliculin-interacting proteins 1 (FNIP1) There are nearly 150 known mutation patterns of and FNIP2, playing important roles in organogenesis FLCN [17, 18]. The most frequent type is a frameshift and tissue homeostasis [4–8]. The FLCN complex binds within an exon region. Less frequent types include with AMPK and regulates mammalian target of rapa- nonsense, in-frame deletion, missense, and splice-site mycin (mTOR) [4–8]. The principal role of FLCN in mutations. There are also intragenic deletions and human diseases is tumor suppression. Around 20–30% duplications [19, 20]. According to the literature, of affected family members are reported to develop splice-site mutations have been reported between renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) [2]. Rats carrying a introns 4–13, and there are at least 19 different splice-site mutation patterns [17, 20]. Some of these * Correspondence: [email protected] 1 splice-site mutations are predicted to cause exon skip- Department of Molecular Pathology, Yokohama City University Graduate FLCN School of Medicine, 3-9 Fukuura, Kanazawa-ku, Yokohama 236-0004, Japan ping [21, 22]. Several cases possess truncated Full list of author information is available at the end of the article mRNAs with exon skipping as determined by RT-PCR

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[23–25]. Recently, a study of splice-site mutation pneumothorax. Now an ex-smoker, he had previously cases involving the 5′-end of intron 9 (c.1062 + 2 T > smoked 10–12 cigarettes per day for 25 years. He had not G) demonstrated 2 mutants; composed of a short previously experienced a pneumothorax. He did not have band lacking exon 9 and a large band reading an add- fibrous papules on his face or neck. His medical history itional 130 base pairs (bp) of intron 9 [26]. The large was unremarkable except for a benign colon polyp at the band was much fainter than the short one, and inter- age of 58. His two daughters and an uncle on the maternal preted as a cryptic splice-site [26]. It is not com- side had episodes of pneumothoraces (Fig. 1a). His mother pletely understood whether some splice-site mutations had died of cervical cancer, and had had no episode of aberrantly translate intron regions, forming unconven- pneumothorax. Computed tomography showed multiple tional transcriptional products in the affected organs pulmonary cysts (Fig. 1b). Renal tumors were not detect- of BHD patients. In the current study, we described a able. He underwent pulmonary wedge resection via video case of BHD in which FLCN mRNAs had splicing ab- assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS). Intrathoracic ob- errations due to translating a part of an intron. servation revealed transparent cysts 3–30 mm in diameter distributed in the pleura (Fig. 2a, left). After VATS, the pa- Case presentation tient has recovered without complication, and has been Clinical course receiving periodic medical check-ups. From the family his- A 59-year-old Japanese man was admitted to Kumamoto tory and radiological and clinical findings, the patient was Saishunso National Hospital for treatment of spontaneous suspected of BHD.



Fig. 1 Family tree and radiological findings.(a)The patient is indicated by an arrow. Four members including the patient had episodes of pneumothorax, indicated by black. (b) Computed tomography shows multiple pulmonary cysts (indicated by arrows) Furuya et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2018) 11:42 Page 3 of 6


b c d


Fig. 2 Lung histology and FLCN analysis. (a) Left: The thoracoscopy revealed multiple subpleural cysts (arrows). Right: Histology of the resected lung. Pulmonary cysts preferentially develop along an interlobular septum, and they are partially incorporated within alveoli. Neither fibrosis nor active inflammation was observed. Stars indicate cyst lumens. (b) Direct sequencing of the FLCN gene. The 5′-end of intron 9 was heterozygously mutated to adenine (arrow; c.1062 + 1G > A). A homozygous SNP was also detected (arrowhead; c.1062 + 6C > T). (c) RT-PCR of FLCN mRNA between exons 8–11. Two products were detected; a wild type (WT) and a mutant (Mut). (d) Western blotting of FLCN in the patient’s lung. Normal lung was used for comparison. The FLCN bands of 64 kDa were detected in both lanes. No additional band was observed in the BHD patient’s lung. (e) Sequence analysis of mutant RT-PCR product. Intron 9 (130 bp) retention was detected between exons 9–10

Pathological finding inflammation, which was distinctively different from the The resected lung tissue contained several cystic lesions. histology of emphysematous bullae. Other cystic lung dis- Microscopically, these cysts were incorporated into orders such as lymphangioleiomyomatosis and chronic peripheral alveolar tissue in one region and interstitial obstructive pulmonary disease were also ruled out. The tissue or visceral pleura in another area (Fig. 2a, right). characteristic histological features were consistent with Most of the cysts developed in contact with bronchovas- BHD-associated pulmonary cysts [27, 28]. cular bundles and/or interlobular septa. Flattened pneu- mocytes lined the inner surface of the cysts, and the Mutation and expression analysis lining cells were frequently exfoliated from the wall. The Genetic counseling was performed, and informed con- cyst walls showed neither fibrous reaction nor active sent was obtained from the patient for FLCN genetic Furuya et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2018) 11:42 Page 4 of 6

testing and related molecular studies after approval of the mutation of the present case was located in the other the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Yokohama City nucleotide (c.1062 + 1G > A), both mutations identically University. Genetic analysis of FLCN identified a single read the first 130 bp of intron 9 and connected with exon nucleotide mutation at the 5′-end of intron 9 (c.1062 + 10. At the break point of intron 9, retention stopped be- 1G > A) (Fig. 2b). The mutation had been reported as fore a guanine-thymine (GT) sequence (data not shown). pathogenic in a previous study [21]. In addition, a single It is plausible that the GT sequence just after the break nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was detected in the point could have been misunderstood as a donor site. We vicinity of the splice-site mutation (c.1062 + 6C > T). The could not detect exon skipping in the present study, which patient was finally diagnosed with BHD. might owe in part to experimental design. We investigated Previous studies have identified several sites of exon mRNA expression using the patient’slungthatcontained skipping in FLCN mRNAs in patients with BHD [23–25]. cystic lesions, whereas Rossing et al. used mRNA from The mutation in intron 9 (c.1062 + 1G > A) was predicted transfected COS-7 cells. to cause aberrant FLCN mRNA, but had not been investi- A partial intron retention (130 bp) and the following gated. We therefore analyzed the patient’s FLCN at mRNA 104 bp of exon 10, which ended at a stop codon, pre- and protein levels. Using primers covering exons 8–11 dicted the translation of an additional 77 amino acids with RT-PCR, two products were clearly detected, i.e., a between intron 9 (43 amino acids) and exon 10 (34 wild-type band (413 bp) and a larger-sized band between amino acids). In the latter amino acids involving exon 500 and 600 bp (Fig. 2c). No candidate band for exon 10, a frameshift occurred due to a guanine left behind skipping was observed. In Western blotting, predicted size the 43 amino acids. We could not detect candidate FLCN bands were detected in the BHD lung as well as in bands for the mutant protein in Western blotting ana- a normal lung. No other specific band was detected in the lysis. Similar results were obtained in our previous study patient’slung(Fig.2d). We further performed sequence of another patient’s lung with a splice-site mutation in analysis of the RT-PCR products. A wild-type band was the acceptor site [24]. Although the possible presence of confirmed to be composed of exons 9–10. On the other FLCN variants that are undetectable by currently avail- hand, the larger-sized band of the mutant was found able antibodies cannot be excluded, these pathogenic between exons 9–10, extending from the beginning of in- mRNAs might be degraded through the nonsense- tron 9 for 130 bp (Fig. 2e). The size of the mutant mRNA mediated mRNA decay system. Significant expression of was determined to be 543 bp. The complete size of intron normal-sized FLCN in patients’ lungs indicates that the 9 is 1836 bp; however, no larger band was detectable. majority of normal-looking pneumocytes preserve FLCN Moreover, we did not observe other candidates predicting at the protein level in human BHD lungs. On the other exon skipping. Reanalysis with RT-PCR using different hand, FLCN protein is reduced or severely suppressed in primers designed between exons 8–13 showed again an BHD-associated RCCs [29]. Since the mice with Flcn-de- identical 130 bp intron inserting between exons 9–10 pleted type II pneumocytes resulted in alveolar enlarge- (data not shown). The amino acid sequence predicted by ment [15], undetectable levels of FLCN suppression in a the mutant mRNA caused a frameshift of exon 10, result- limited number of pneumocytes might also contribute to ing in premature termination after reading 77 amino acids cyst growth. The characteristic localization of cysts in from the 5′-end of intron 9 (Additional file 1 Figure S1). the vicinity of interlobular septa/bronchovascular bun- dles and visceral pleura, as well as development of elon- Discussion and conclusions gated vascular network in subpleural cysts [28], suggest Splice-site mutations are expected to affect mRNA trans- that the cysts may originate from specific areas that lation by either skipping the adjacent exon or misreading would slowly lead to cystic growth of the alveolar epithe- the affected intron. Splice-sites are composed of acceptor lium with partial incorporation into stroma. A recent sites (the 3′-end of the intron) and donor sites (the 5′-end in vitro study of pulmonary fibroblasts from BHD pa- of the intron). In BHD families, there are more acceptor tients demonstrated impaired migration and matrix pro- site than donor site mutations [17]. All of the cases in duction abilities, suggesting the roles of stroma at shear which exon skipping was confirmed were acceptor site stress-prone regions of the lung [30]. In this respect, we mutations, such as c.397-1G > C, c.1063-2A > G and c. observed a histopathological analogy between BHD- 1177-2A > G [23–25]. With regard to donor site muta- associated pulmonary cysts and fibrofolliculomas of the tions, only one study has been reported thus far [26]. Ros- skin, the latter also showing cord-like growth of follicu- sing et al. used a mini-gene splicing assay to demonstrate lar epithelium in association with the surrounding spe- the presence of 2 simultaneous bands in the case of c. cialized mesenchyme. 1062 + 2 T > G; i.e., an additional 130 bp and an exon The results of the present case and previous studies that skipping [26]. The former sequence was interpreted as a demonstrate intron retention and exon skipping are sum- misreading of intron 9 using a cryptic splice-site. Although marized in Fig. 3. We hypothesize that mutations in donor/ Furuya et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2018) 11:42 Page 5 of 6



Fig. 3 mRNA processing of FLCN with splice-site mutations Green boxes are exons and white boxes are introns. Each intron has guanine and thymidine (GT) at the 5′-end and adenine and guanine (AG) at the 3′-end. A yellow notch indicates a mutated region of intron X. (a) Two patterns of 5′-end mutation, i.e., the present case and ref. [26], demonstrated intron retention. The latter noted the mutant cryptic. (b) Eight patterns of 3′- end mutation (refs. [23–25]) demonstrated exon skipping

acceptor sites may play critical roles for determining Acknowledgments mRNA processing. The possibilities of aberrant splicing The authors thank Dr. Takashi Ohba for the help of genetic counseling, and Ms. Hiromi Soeda and members of the pathology laboratories in Saishunso should be considered including condition-dependent pro- National Hospital for excellent assistance. cessing and cryptic splicing. Further study is needed to de- termine whether splice-site mutations in other donor sites Availability of data and materials also cause partial/complete intron retention or produce All data, without identifiers, will be available per reasonable request. The contact person is M. Furuya, email: [email protected]. exon-skipped mRNA in a condition-dependent manner. Better understanding of mRNA processing from mutant Authors’ contributions FLCN will contribute to medical care of BHD patients. MF, KH, MB, TI and RT analyzed and interpreted the data. KH and MB contributed to clinical management. MF, MB, and YN contributed to writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Additional file Ethics approval and consent to participate The studies of germline and somatic mutations of FLCN and related Additional file 1: Figure S1. Amino acid sequence predicted by intron molecular analyses were approved by the Institutional Review Boards of retention. Colored nucleotides are exons 9 and 10, and gray nucleotides Yokohama City University (A161100001), and written informed consent for starting from the mutated adenine (A, indicated by an arrow) are intron the studies was obtained from the patient. We confirmed that all processes insertions. The predicted amino acid sequence is noted below codons in were performed in accordance with the relevant guidelines including the bold. A 130 bp intron retention leads to a frameshift from the beginning of CARE case report guidelines. exon 10, which results in premature termination (indicated by a rectangle). (PPTX 43 kb) Consent for publication Written informed consent for publication of the patient’s clinical details and/ or clinical images was obtained from the patient. A copy of the consent form is available for review by the editor of this journal. Abbreviations BHD: Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome; FLCN: Folliculin; VATS: Video assisted Competing interests thoracoscopic surgery The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Furuya et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2018) 11:42 Page 6 of 6

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