
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 www.elsevier.com/locate/epsl

Chemical divides and assemblages on Mars

Nicholas J. Tosca *, Scott M. McLennan

Department of Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-2100, USA Received 31 August 2005; received in revised form 13 October 2005; accepted 17 October 2005 Available online 28 November 2005 Editor: K. Farley


Assemblages of evaporite record detailed physical and chemical characteristics of ancient surficial environments. Accordingly, newly discovered regions of saline minerals on Mars are high priority targets for exploration. The chemical divide concept of evaporite formation is used successfully to predict evaporite mineralogy and evolution on Earth. However, basaltic weathering largely controls fluid compositions on Mars and the robust predictive capabilities of terrestrial chemical divides cannot be used to interpret Martian . Here we present a new chemical divide system that predicts evaporite assemblages identified in SNC-type meteorites, ancient evaporites discovered on by the Opportunity rover, and Mars Express OMEGA data. We suggest that a common fluid type that has been buffered to different pH levels by basaltic weathering controls the variability among Martian evaporite assemblages and that evaporite mineralogy and brine evolution is essentially established by the initial composition of the dilute evaporating fluid. D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mars; Mars exploration rovers; evaporites; ; ;

1. Introduction which are markedly different than the assemblages in- ferred for Meridiani Planum [6]. The charac- The influx of new data from the Mars Exploration terization of evaporative environments is important Rover (MER) and Mars Express (MEx) missions has because, just as they do on Earth, assemblages of saline significantly changed the current views of surficial envir- minerals hold the most potential for constraining the onments on Mars. minerals have been iden- characteristics of ancient aqueous fluids once present at tified at many locations across the planet, manifested in the Martian surface and subsurface. In addition, geolog- soil analyses as well as in an ancient layered terrain [1– ical settings that contain saline minerals are commonly 5]. In several of these localities, most notably Meridiani the host of fossil on Earth [7] and accord- Planum, an intricate sedimentary record has been pre- ingly, are targets of high priority for future exploration by served [5]. Additional evidence for saline mineral for- both orbiting and landed missions. mation on Mars comes from alteration mineral For terrestrial evaporite systems, Hardie and Eugster assemblages identified in the SNC-type meteorites, [8] demonstrated that the single most important param- eter responsible for the variety of brine compositions and evaporite mineral assemblages is the composition * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 631 632 1936; fax: +1 631 632 of the dilute water at the onset of concentration. In 8240. countless terrestrial examples (where diagenetic modi- E-mail address: [email protected] (N.J. Tosca). fication of chemical sediments is insignificant), the end-

0012-821X/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2005.10.021 22 N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 product of evaporative concentration can be traced back Planum, and OMEGA-derived evaporite mineral assem- to the initial chemistry of the evaporating fluid. With blages could have evolved from a similar parent fluid, evaporite mineral precipitation creating turning points but simply buffered to different pH levels by basaltic (or bchemical dividesQ) in the geochemical evolution of weathering. As a result, two distinct geochemical envir- , a robust scheme has been developed to place onments for the production of saline minerals on Mars constraints on the aqueous conditions necessary for the have been delineated: (1) acid–sulfate dominated envir- formation of evaporites on Earth [8,9]. onments and (2) mixed –sulfate dominated A simple definition for the concept of chemical environments. Utilizing new data returned from MER divides states that of two ions precipitated as a salt and MEx missions in combination with thermodynamic mineral, one will increase in and one will de- modeling and other geochemical constraints, we suggest crease in solution as evaporation proceeds [8,9]. This that the results obtained by the Opportunity rover point variance in ion concentration is determined by the molar to a geochemical process which may have been common ratio of the two ions in solution compared to the ratio across the Martian surface, but is extremely rare on present in the salt. For example, upon precipi- Earth—saline mineral formation from acidic fluids de- tation, if the Ca to SO4 molar ratio in solution is greater rived from basaltic weathering. than that of gypsum, SO4 will eventually decrease to the point of exhaustion while Ca will continue to increase. 2. Controls on solution chemistry Alternatively, the inverse may take place if Ca is less than SO4, resulting in a Ca-deficient fluid. This chemical Analogous to the Earth’s surface, solute acquisition divide created by gypsum precipitation largely deter- at the Martian surface will be controlled mainly by the mines the chemical evolution and subsequent precipita- chemical weathering of crustal materials. The resulting tion pathway of the evaporating fluid. Therefore, the two fluid chemistry, however, differs markedly from the most important factors that will determine the chemical majority of dilute inflow waters on Earth that lead to evolution of evaporating brines, as well as the character brine formation. Compared to terrestrial dilute surface and sequence of saline precipitates, are: (1) the chemistry waters, Martian fluids are enriched in Mg, SiO2, Ca and of the dilute fluid being evaporated and (2) the nature of most importantly, under acidic conditions, Fe [10–12]. the precipitates creating chemical divides. These two Fluid composition is a critically important factor to factors appear to be fundamentally different for Martian assess because the final outcome of evaporative con- evaporative systems when compared to terrestrial evap- centration is often sealed at the time dilute waters have orative systems. Accordingly, chemical divides for ter- acquired their solutes [13]. restrial evaporites are not transferable to Martian In general, chemical weathering reactions will be environments. It is imperative then, that chemical driven by acid input and the consumption of this acidity divides be evaluated for these unique systems in order by mafic mineral dissolution will ultimately cause the pH to provide useful constraints on the saline mineral assem- to increase. The most significant sources of acidity at the blages expected at the Martian surface as well as the Martian surface are the influx of volcanic gases rich in chemical evolution of resulting brines. SO2, other minor volatile species such as Cl, and a Here, we present a new system of chemical divides predominantly CO2 atmosphere [14,15]. The three that is likely to be encountered during the production of major anions to be considered for Martian fluids then À 2À À saline mineral assemblages at the Martian surface. The are HCO3 ,SO4 , and Cl . Given that the cation chem- resulting scheme for brine evolution on Mars captures istry will be set by chemical weathering reactions, the the variability of saline mineral assemblages expected, most important variable to consider in assessing a wide their precipitation pathways, and the major brine types range of fluid compositions ultimately leading to evap- formed as a result of evaporative concentration. Our orite production is the relative proportion of these three results establish a broadmapQ for the interpretation of major anions. The relative proportions are closely related saline mineral assemblages identified at the Martian to pH. surface and place constraints on the aqueous conditions A simple way to account for the combined effects of necessary for their formation. The system of chemical acidity from various anion sources is to first consider À 2À divides developed here for the Martian surface indepen- both HCO3 and SO4 equilibria. Beginning with a 2À À dently predicts the saline mineral assemblages observed SO4 and Cl free solution at equilibrium with a high in SNC-type meteorites as well as assemblages inferred pCO2 atmosphere, acidity is largely controlled by car- from MER and MEx data. The new chemical divide bonate equilibria. For pure water, pH as a function of system also demonstrates that the SNC-type, Meridiani pCO2 can be calculated in a straightforward manner N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 23 using equilibrium thermodynamics. For water contain- Table 1 ing some amount of dissolved solute where the pH has Cation proportions used in thermodynamic calculations increased from cation exchange by mineral dissolution, Cation Concentration Relative percent À 2À (Amol/kg water) carbonate alkalinity ([HCO3 ]+2[CO3 ]) will increase as CO becomes more soluble. However, if the same Mg2+ 497 47 2 2+ water is simply titrated with acid (analogous to the Fe 356 34 Ca2+ 165 16 addition of H2SO4 or HCl from an external source), the Na+ 25 2 2À À + solution will eventually become SO4 (or Cl ) domi- K 10 1 nated and both the pH and carbonate alkalinity will Total 1053 100 decrease. This relationship is illustrated in Fig. 1, From Tosca et al. [10]. which simulates acid titration into a fluid derived from basaltic weathering (the cation concentrations used for tions, eventually increasing both carbonate alkalinity the simulation are listed in Table 1). It is important to and saturation. Such a scenario will note that the relative amounts of carbonate, sulfate and be the most favored in -dominated, subsurface chloride will determine two major factors: (1) the pH of environments where atmospheric volatile input is lim- weathering, and (2) the mineralogy of saline minerals ited and the water-to-rock ratio is low. At the opposite precipitated upon evaporation. end of the spectrum, acidic volatile input may be so Taken together, all of the factors above can be substantial that carbonate alkalinity remains negligible, 2À À expressed by means of a simple model that captures and are SO4 or Cl dominated and highly a broad range of possible dilute fluid compositions at acidic. Highly acidic solutions will take up to several the Martian surface. Prior to evaporation, the initial orders of magnitude longer to buffer to higher pH anion composition of aqueous solutions (i.e., from levels by chemical weathering. This is especially volatile input) will fall along the x-axis of Fig. 1. true if the weathering reactions are in competition The anion composition will be continuously modified with fluid evaporation at the surface, a process by an increasing pH that results from basaltic weath- which continuously decreases the pH of slightly acidic ering. Basaltic weathering reactions will in turn set the fluids. This scenario was suggested by Tosca et al. cation proportions in solution and serve to buffer [16] to have been responsible for sustaining an acid- 2À À acidity generated by SO4 (or Cl ) dominated solu- dominated chemical environment at Meridiani Planum.

Fig. 1. Major chemical species present during addition of sulfate to a basaltic weathering fluid in equilibrium with 1 bar of CO2. As sulfate is added to the solution, carbonate alkalinity is titrated and the pH decreases substantially, shifting from bicarbonate dominated to sulfate dominated. This calculation represents a condition where the cation proportions are set by chemical weathering reactions and the anion composition changes as a result of acidic volatile input. The buffering of acid–sulfate dominated solutions by water–rock interaction will have an opposite effect on pH and carbonate alkalinity. 24 N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31

3. Approach and methods Sensitivity of the results to variation in cation pro- portions was also assessed. Variation of cation propor- A series of evaporation calculations based on equi- tion has a direct effect on the proportion of each critical librium thermodynamics was performed in this study precipitate produced upon evaporation. The insoluble to construct a new system of chemical divides appli- alkaline earth carbonates are the most susceptible to cable to the Martian surface. Thermodynamic calcula- these variations, but the effect on brine evolution after tions of mineral upon evaporation were their precipitation remains the same. Extensive varia- performed with the Geochemist’s WorkbenchR soft- tion in cation proportion so as to prevent critical pre- ware (GWB) [17]. The Pitzer ion interaction approach cipitates from forming was not considered. Such was used for all activity coefficient calculations. All variation would demand additional chemical divide Pitzer parameters and mineral solubility data used are systems for hypothetical fractionation of fluid composi- the same as those reported in Tosca et al. [16].In tions and would not be relevant to the basaltic weath- addition, the database reported in [16] has been ex- ering processes discussed here. It is also important to panded to include the carbonate system. Parameteri- note that for practicality, all calculations discussed in zation for the carbonate system was performed using this study were performed at 25 8C—a temperature for data and methods presented by Marion and colleagues which well established thermodynamic data for our [18,19]. The equilibrium constant for siderite solubil- system exist. Temperature effects on mineral precipita- ity at 25 8C was taken from Ptacek and Blowes [20] tion, specifically in Fe-rich systems, should continue to and the solubility constants for magnesite and be investigated [19]. However, in the context of chem- at 25 8C were taken from Marion [18]. For all ical divides, the same concept holds for freezing as for calculations, no back-reactions between minerals evaporation at 25 8C. The results presented in this study were allowed and formation was suppressed are not anticipated to change significantly upon re- because this phase does not typically occur as an calculation to 0 8C and lower temperatures. In fact, evaporative precipitate owing to kinetic effects on while the hydration states of predicted critical precipi- its precipitation. Electroneutrality was maintained by tates are known to change with temperature, changes in charge balance on H+, and so pH was allowed to the chemical evolution of brines are likely to remain the vary in all calculations. same [19]. The system presented here is one characterized by The interpretation of evaporite on the initial pH values of less than or equal to about 6 with Martian surface is subject to the same complications À 2À À any relative proportion of HCO3 ,SO4 and Cl .We identified for terrestrial environments. Of particular assume that dilute waters are dominated by Mg, Fe2+ importance, for example, are kinetic effects on mineral and Ca, and contain lesser amounts of Na and K. In the precipitation (e.g., the inhibitory effects from Mg2+ on context of evaporitic phases, we ignore SiO2(aq) and calcite precipitation [22]) that cause disparities between Al3+. Accordingly, the formation of clay minerals is not thermodynamic calculations and observed mineral considered here as the process is limited mainly to assemblages. Although such kinetic factors have been particular stages of basaltic weathering where the pH identified for terrestrial environments, some remain is allowed to increase over time. Instead, for simplicity, inadequately understood. In dealing with a new geo- we have chosen to focus purely on the process of fluid chemical system such as the one investigated in this evaporation. It is important to note, however, that lo- study, it is anticipated that additional kinetic complica- calized occurrences of clay minerals have been identi- tions will indeed prove to be important. However, fied by the OMEGA instrument aboard the Mars beginning with a fundamental thermodynamic approach Express spacecraft [21]. Although the formation of and integrating as much knowledge of terrestrial envir- clay minerals generally takes place at high pH (e.g., onments as possible is the first step toward understand- circumneutral and higher), clay minerals and the saline ing these factors. minerals discussed in this study are not mutually ex- In the calculations that follow, redox equilibrium clusive—before evaporation, some clays may indeed between Fe and atmospheric is not assumed. precipitate toward the higher range of fluid pH levels Although thermodynamic equilibrium demands considered in this study. The exact cation proportions Fe2+(aq) instability in contact with atmospheric oxy- for the remaining components used in this study were gen, the kinetics of Fe(II) oxidation typically prevent taken from acidic weathering experiments performed equilibrium from being reached—this is a ubiquitous by Tosca et al. [10] on synthetic olivine-bearing basalt condition in aqueous environments on Earth [23,24]. and are listed in Table 1. Inadequate constraints on the oxygen content of an- N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 25 cient Martian evaporative environments make quanti- ical divides encountered in this system are arranged tative calculation of Fe(II) oxidation kinetics difficult. on Fig. 2 from left to right as a function of decreas- À 2À What is known, however, is that the present oxygen ing HCO3 relative to SO4 (paths A–E on Fig. 2). content of the Martian atmosphere is approximately Fig. 2 can essentially be viewed as a transect of 27,000 times less than that of Earth [25]. In addition, evaporation calculations along the x-axis of Fig. 1 several authors have calculated the oxygen content of with variable ClÀ content. If Fe2+ is held in solution, the ancient Martian atmosphere to be even lower and the first major precipitate to form when the system is À 2+ hence slightly more reducing than current conditions dominated by HCO3 is siderite (Fe CO3). Under the À resulting from increased volcanic activity buffering condition that HCO3 HFe (path A), siderite precip- photochemically produced oxygen [11,25,26]. Com- itation will exhaust Fe from the fluid. Upon further bining these suggestions with lines of evidence im- evaporative concentration, gypsum and/or alkaline plying acidic conditions at the near Martian surface earth carbonates are responsible for the next chemical À [27] demands that the kinetics of Fe-oxidation by divide, depleting the solution in either Ca, HCO3 ,or 2À À O2(g) were indeed slower, possibly by orders of SO4 . Depending on the proportion of HCO3 magnitude than acidic environments currently present remaining in the solution (conditions I, II, or III in at the Earth’s surface [12,25]. Accordingly, we sug- Fig. 2), the phases will be Mg-rich and dominated by gest that Fe-redox equilibrium during chemical weath- either carbonates or sulfates. It is important to note ering and saline mineral production should not be that solid solution behavior of carbonate minerals has assumed and the transport of Fe2+ in solution be not been included in our calculations. However, pre- considered [16]. The identification of siderite in vious studies have shown that the sequence of car- SNC-type meteorite samples (discussed in more detail bonate precipitation in the Mg–Fe–Ca system below) supports this suggestion [6]. However, it is generally leads to early siderite precipitation (with important to note that the majority of Fe identified in minor Ca), subsequent calcite (with minor Mg) pre- Meridiani Planum sediments exists in the ferric state cipitation, and the later formation of Mg–carbonate [27]. Although oxidizing conditions are certainly im- phases if enough Mg persists after the precipitation of plied by this finding, the materials are ancient and are the other carbonates [29]. Under the geochemical also consistent with attainment of redox equilibrium conditions used in these calculations, taking path A 2À possibly over much longer diagenetic timescales than and the condition that CaNSO4 , gypsum always those of the weathering/evaporation cycles resulting precipitates before calcite and magnesite except 2À in saline mineral production considered in the calcu- under very low SO4 concentrations where gypsum lations below (see Tosca et al. [16] and McLennan et precipitation occurs together with the alkaline earth al. [28] for additional discussions). In summary, Fe3+ carbonates. The overall effect on solution chemistry, is not explicitly included in this model of chemical however, does not change. divides and we note that if Fe is oxidized in solution The next major chemical divide may occur when À and subsequently depleted by precipitation, fraction- Fe is present in the same proportion as HCO3 (path B ation of Fe analogous to Fe2+-bearing saline mineral on Fig. 2), at which point siderite precipitation will À formation will result. Conspicuous evidence suggest- deplete the solution of both Fe and HCO3 . The ing such a process would be the identification of Fe- resulting brine will be rich in other cations, in this oxides co-genetic with other carbonate minerals such case, Mg and Ca. The resulting mineralogy will be as calcite and magnesite. sulfate or chloride-dominated, consisting of gypsum and , or Mg- and Ca-dominated chloride 4. Chemical divides at the Martian surface minerals, respectively. À If the evaporating fluid contains less HCO3 than Fe Fig. 2 depicts the major chemical divides, precip- (path C on Fig. 2), precipitation of siderite will instead À itation pathways, and brine compositions encountered deplete the solution of HCO3 . Gypsum precipitation is during the evaporation of fluids where the initial responsible for the next chemical divide, at which point 2À À chemistry is controlled by basaltic weathering under SO4 may or may not be depleted leading to either Cl 2À acidic conditions. Our thermodynamic calculations dominated or SO4 dominated saline mineral assem- suggest that upon evaporative concentration (moving blages, respectively. Paths B and C predict only one downward on Fig. 2), the first major precipitate carbonate phase, siderite, which depletes all remaining À À formed is dependent on the proportion of HCO3 to HCO3 . Therefore, paths B and C can be distinguished 2À SO4 in the fluid. Accordingly, the first major chem- from path A, which demands the formation of a sub- 26 ..Tsa ..MLna at n lntr cec etr 4 20)21–31 (2006) 241 Letters Science Planetary and Earth / McLennan S.M. Tosca, N.J.

À 2À Fig. 2. Flow chart for the chemical evolution of evaporating fluids derived by basaltic weathering. Evaporative concentration increases downward and the relative amount of HCO3 to SO4 decreases to the right. Precipitates causing chemical divides are indicated as are conditions leading to chemical fractionation from mineral precipitation. The resulting brines and their characteristics are described in boxes. The precipitation pathways for the Nakhla (green arrows) and Meridiani Planum (red arrows) evaporite assemblages correspond to two distinct geochemical environments for saline mineral formation on Mars. N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 27

À sequent carbonate phase (or phases) because HCO3 is 5. Discussion and implications not completely exhausted after siderite precipitation. À If HCO3 is present in negligible amounts where Chemical divides have been applied to numerous carbonate precipitation does not occur upon evapora- terrestrial evaporative environments placing powerful tion (path D on Fig. 2), then the saline mineral assem- constraints on their geochemical evolution. As a result, blage will be dominated entirely by sulfate minerals, the chemical divide concept has demonstrated a robust 2À including melanterite and epsomite if SO4 remains in predictive ability for the precipitation of major saline high proportion. mineral assemblages from a wide range of fluid com- The last major pathway depicted on Fig. 2 may positions. Of the numerous applications on Earth, À occur when HCO3 is negligible in solution and any chemical divides have been used to interpret the evo- 2À SO4 is depleted by gypsum precipitation, creating a lution of composition over geologic time Mg, Fe, Ca-chloride brine (path E). [30,31] as well as the geochemical evolution of count- An important result of the chemical divide system less lacustrine deposits [9,13]. We anticipate that ap- presented here is that only five major types of late- plying the same concepts to Martian evaporative stage brines are produced (three of which are Mg- and environments will prove to be of comparable value. Cl-dominated, varying in the less abundant compo- All available evidence for evaporite minerals at the nents), and they are composed of only a few major Martian surface shows that, analogous to Earth, signif- components. Table 2 lists the five major brine types icant variability in saline mineral assemblages has been that are formed upon successions of chemical divides observed. In the following discussion, we describe three shown in Fig. 2. Perhaps the most important conclu- examples from Mars where the system of chemical sion to be drawn from Table 2 is that the brines are divides presented above can be used to interpret the unique—all are extremely acidic and only very few geochemical evolution of specific Martian evaporite chemical analogs exist on Earth. Highly soluble min- assemblages. In addition, using these chemical divides, eral phases will precipitate from these brines upon we show that the variability observed in evaporite even further evaporative concentration and the major mineral assemblages on Mars (from SNC meteorite precipitates predicted to form from such brines based studies, MER and MEx results) can be explained by a on our thermodynamic calculations are also listed in single dilute fluid type with variable anion concentra- Table 2. tion. As discussed above, the variation in anion con- centration is simply controlled by pH buffering during basaltic weathering. Table 2 Alteration mineral assemblages identified in several Major late-stage brine types formed from basaltic weathering fluid SNC-type meteorites are consistent with low-tempera- a evaporation ture formation by evaporating fluids [6]. It has been demonstrated by numerous lines of supporting evidence that these assemblages are of pre-terrestrial origin [6]. In general, the assemblages are carbonate-dominated with some containing sulfate and chloride minerals as well as clays [6]. The Nakhlites, for example exhibit siderite with gypsum (and ), sulfates and [32]. Specifically, Nakhla provides the most detailed information on evaporite mineral assemblages on Mars, because the evaporite mineral assemblage contains sev- eral phases indicative of late-stage evaporation and precipitation. The entire evaporite mineral assemblage a All brines were produced with the same cation proportions in identified in Nakhla is consistent with one specific solution, but varying anion composition and all evolve to extremely precipitation pathway presented above. In addition, acid pH upon near complete evaporation. Also listed are mineral phases significant quantities of siderite have been identified predicted to form upon further evaporative concentration of these in Nakhla (and in two other Nakhlites). These observa- brines, based on our thermodynamic calculations. = tions, together with more recent identification of minor NaHCO , Kalicinite = KHCO , Halite = NaCl, Sylvite = KCl, Bischo- 3 3 siderite in Y000593 and NWA998 [33], provide evi- fite = MgCl2d 6H2O, Antarcticite = CaCl2d 6H2O, Bloedite = Na2Mg (SO4)2d 4H2O, = K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4d 2H2O, = dence that siderite was indeed an important critical Na2Ca(SO4)2, = Na2SO4. precipitate in chemical divides on Mars. This results 28 N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 mainly from the fact that Fe-oxidation and precipitation attributed to other Fe3+-bearing sulfates or oxides (the had not been so extensive as to deplete the fluid of Fe. so-called Fe3D3 component) [27]. No carbonate miner- According to Fig. 2, the precipitation sequence of als have been identified by Mini-TES or inferred from the Nakhla evaporite assemblage began with siderite any data collected to date [5,35]. It is clear that the (path A), which depleted the solution of any remaining outcrop is composed of re-worked evaporite Fe2+. The carbonates identified in Nakhla are Fe-rich and so the exact mineral proportions cannot be taken to (with minor Ca) and also contain significant Mg, sug- be representative of a primary evaporite sequence. It is gesting that Fe was essentially depleted with siderite also possible in such depositional settings that evaporite and more Mg-rich carbonate compositions subsequent- minerals may be absent; although the striking similarity ly precipitated [29]. This suggests that there was more of the S- and Cl-free outcrop composition to typical À available HCO3 in the fluid than Fe, pointing to path A Martian basalts [28] suggests that most major compo- on Fig. 2, rather than path B or C. Subsequent gypsum nents are likely represented. If this is indeed the case, 2À precipitation led to a Mg- and SO4 rich solution, Fig. 2 can be used as a guide with which to interpret the which then precipitated epsomite. According to our chemical evolution of evaporating waters at Meridiani system of chemical divides, epsomite precipitation like- Planum. 2À ly depleted the remaining SO4 and led to a brine rich In the context of chemical divides, there are two in Na and Cl. Halite has also been identified in Nakhla possibilities for the geochemical evolution of evaporat- and textural relationships among mineral phases show ing fluids at Meridiani Planum. The first possibility is that this phase is a late-stage precipitate [32]. Halite that the initial fluid first precipitated siderite (and pos- precipitation likely resulted from a late-stage brine sibly other carbonates) and subsequent Ca- and Mg- similar to Type IV (Table 2), which subsequently pre- sulfates (paths A–C). If this was the case, the carbo- cipitates halite under further concentration, whereas nates would need to be replaced by sulfate to facilitate Type V does not. The precipitation pathway inferred the production of Fe-sulfates such as jarosite and re- from Fig. 2 is consistent with textural relationships move carbonate minerals from the point of detection. among saline minerals. In addition to Nakhla, Lafayette The second possibility is that the initial evaporitic fluid À and Governador Valadares each contain siderite (Gov- was acidic to the point that HCO3 was negligible ernador Valadares also contains gypsum), indicating which, upon evaporation, precipitated a sulfate-domi- that the precipitation pathways of these evaporite nated mineral assemblage beginning with gypsum, and minerals occurred along the left hand portion of Fig. Fe- and Mg-sulfates (path D). Ferrous Fe-bearing sul- 2 (paths A or B). Carbonate minerals (plus gypsum) fates have not been detected at Meridiani Planum. identified in some shergottites and Chassigny, as well However, the identification of ferrous Fe bearing sid- as carbonates found in ALH84001, also provide evi- erite in several SNC-type meteorites suggests that at the dence for carbonate-dominated and mixed carbonate– time of Meridiani Planum formation, oxida- sulfate precipitation pathways [6]. The composition of tion may have been sluggish enough where Fe2+ the carbonate minerals differs somewhat among the remained in solution upon evaporation. Analogous to meteorites and is controlled by cation proportions in siderite precipitation under carbonate-dominated aque- the parent fluid. This is not unexpected however, be- ous conditions, we suggest that melanterite is expected cause the meteorite host lithologies vary and as a result, to be an Fe2+-bearing evaporite phase that will cause a weathering fluids will show some variation in their late-stage chemical divide during surficial brine evolu- cation proportions. The carbonate compositions in tion. Interestingly, such phases are highly unstable to- ALH84001 and the Nakhlites are consistent with the ward oxidation and dehydration, leaving open the relationships described above for Mg–Fe–Ca–CO2– possibility that they have been oxidized and altered H2O systems [6,34]. during one of the diagenetic events that has taken The results obtained by the Opportunity rover from place at Meridiani Planum [16,28]. This alteration path- Meridiani Planum have revealed a markedly different way, in turn, would have produced additional Fe-bear- evaporitic mineral assemblage than typified by the ing sulfate or oxide phases, possibly contributing to SNC-type meteorites. Bulk compositional measure- hematite concretion formation and/or the Fe3D3 Moss- ments on outcrop suggest that Mg- and bauer spectral component [16,28]. Such a hypothesis is Ca-sulfates are important components, which is also consistent with much available data collected on out- consistent with Mini-TES spectral deconvolution [5]. crop material to date. This latter precipitation pathway Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy has identified the Fe3+-sulfate for Meridiani Planum is illustrated in Fig. 2. Although a jarosite, hematite and an ambiguous spectral feature siderite pathway is possible, there is no evidence to N.J. Tosca, S.M. McLennan / Earth and Planetary Science Letters 241 (2006) 21–31 29 suggest that carbonates have initially formed and were ments where acidity is buffered by basaltic weathering altered to sulfates. The simplest explanation, and one reactions, leading to an increase in carbonate alkalinity. consistent with the majority of chemical and mineral- The precipitation pathways for these two environments ogical data collected on the outcrop, is that the second correspond to the right-hand (paths D and E) and left- path (highlighted on Fig. 2) was the mineral precipita- hand portions (paths A–C) of Fig. 2, respectively. tion pathway leading to the formation of evaporite Catling [11] presented a model for evaporite mineral minerals which were deposited as sandstones and sub- formation on Mars which is consistent with the geo- sequently altered by groundwater-mediated diagenetic chemical environment depicted by the left-hand side of reactions. Fig. 2 and martian meteorite . The recent identifi- Detailed mineralogical data of the Martian surface cation of evaporite sediments at Meridiani Planum has obtained by the OMEGA instrument show that similar indeed revealed another evolutionary pathway, to Meridiani Planum, specific occurrences of sulfate- corresponding to the acid–sulfate dominated surficial dominated lithologies with no detectable carbonate environments discussed above and illustrated on the minerals have been observed [2,3]. (MgSO4d right hand portion of Fig. 2. The results obtained by H2O), gypsum, and a feature presently attributed to poly- the OMEGA instrument provide additional evidence for hydrated sulfates have been mapped in specific locations the importance of this setting. It is important to recall across the Martian surface, including regions of Valles that the sediments analyzed by the Opportunity rover Marineris, Margaritifer Terra and Terra Meridiani [2]. are inferred to be of Late Noachian to Early Hesperian Additional saline minerals may be present however, that in age [5,36]. However, age relationships of sulfate-rich do not exhibit spectral features in the OMEGA range deposits identified by OMEGA are less clear. The (e.g., halite) [2]. It is not yet known whether discrete similar sulfate-dominated, carbonate-poor assemblages deposits of kieserite and gypsum are part of the same apparent from both datasets suggest that the aqueous precipitation sequence and have not been significantly conditions inferred for Meridiani Planum may have fractionated by sedimentary processes. However, these been common on the surface of Mars, but the duration mineral occurrences are consistent with a precipitation is not well constrained. These discoveries do show pathway beginning on Fig. 2 where gypsum is the first however, that the full range of sulfate- and carbonate- critical precipitate and not siderite, similar to the path- dominated evaporite mineral assemblages now needs to way discussed for Meridiani Planum (paths D or E). be considered in the interpretation of evaporative envir- According to Fig. 2, the presence of late-stage Mg- onments on Mars. It is important to highlight that À sulfates suggests that HCO3 was depleted along the although carbonates have not been found at the surface evaporation sequence, or that carbonate minerals never and shallow subsurface as a result of prevailing acidic formed. Also, kieserite detection suggests that Fe was chemical conditions, our interpretation of the SNC quantitatively precipitated, either as Fe-sulfates of fer- meteorite results suggests they may be present at the rous, ferric, or mixed-valence forms, or as insoluble subsurface, resulting simply from atmospheric cutoff ochreous precipitates such as oxides or hydroxysulfates. and pH buffering to higher levels in low water-to- This interpretation stems from thermodynamic modeling rock ratio, bedrock-dominated environments. studies suggesting that during evaporation of Fe-rich The characterization of environments containing sa- basaltic weathering fluids, such phases are typically of line minerals will hold the key to constraining aqueous equal or lower solubility than Mg-sulfates [16]. Such an and environmental conditions at the surface of Mars. Fe-bearing component, if the kieserite and gypsum-dom- Future landed and orbiting missions, with ever increas- inated lithologies have evolved from the same fluid, is ing spatial resolution and analytical capabilities, will consistent with the interpretation of associated polyhy- provide the data with which these relationships can be drated sulfate spectral signatures in such regions [2]. tested and improved. Accordingly, the chemical and Although complete mineralogical characterization is mineralogical relationships presented above provide a still needed for these environments, the coupling of broadmapQ for which the results of future exploration of these observations with other remotely sensed datasets aqueous environments on Mars can be compared and as well as detailed geologic relationships holds the most interpreted. 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