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E588 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 7, 2018 RECOGNIZING THE SAN ELIZARIO ties, CBO estimates that implementing H.R. Mr. Speaker, I would like to once again con- HIGH SCHOOL MEN’S SOCCER 5099 would have no significant effect on gratulate the Galena DeSoto House Hotel on TEAM spending by DHS. their 163rd anniversary and for their commit- Enacting H.R. 5099 would not affect direct spending or revenues; therefore, pay-as-you- ment to preserving its rich history. HON. WILL HURD go procedures do not apply. OF TEXAS CBO estimates that enacting H.R. 5099 f would not increase net direct spending or on- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES budget deficits in any of the four consecutive PERSONAL EXPLANATION Monday, May 7, 2018 10-year periods beginning in 2029. Mr. HURD. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to H.R. 5099 contains no intergovernmental or private-sector mandates as defined in the HON. JEFF DENHAM offer my sincere congratulations to the San Unfunded Mandates Reform Act. OF CALIFORNIA Elizario High School Men’s Soccer Team for The CBO staff contact for this estimate is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES winning the District 4–A Championship. This Mark Grabowicz. The estimate was reviewed milestone is truly a testament to the team, by H. Samuel Papenfuss, Deputy Assistant Monday, May 7, 2018 their dedicated work ethic, perseverance, and Director for Budget Analysis. talents. f Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I missed votes I am proud to represent a group of young on April 27th to attend a funeral. Had I been TRIBUTE TO BETA SIGMA PHI men that are as determined and hard working present, I would have voted NAY on Roll Call as this team. San Elizario High School is fortu- No. 162; YEA on Roll Call No. 163; NAY on nate to have such a dedicated group of indi- HON. DAVID YOUNG Roll Call No. 164; YEA on Roll Call No. 165; viduals representing the student body. I am OF IOWA and YEA on Roll Call No. 166. confident that the skills and lessons they have IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f learned through this experience will continue Monday, May 7, 2018 to serve them well. I have no doubts that their PERSONAL EXPLANATION dedication and team work will help them in Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise their future endeavors. I encourage these today to recognize and congratulate Beta young men to continue to serve others and to Sigma Phi. This organization will be presented HON. ZOE LOFGREN with the Spirit of Christmas Award from the be active voices in their community as they OF CALIFORNIA continue their education. Salvation Army at their annual dinner on May IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congratulations again on this fine achieve- 9, 2018. ment. Beta Sigma Phi is an international women’s Monday, May 7, 2018 sorority that began working with the Salvation f Army in 1989. Every year, the Salvation Army Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, on April 27, I COST ESTIMATE ON H.R. 5099, THE provides toys for the women inmates at a missed the following votes. Had I been ENHANCING DHS’S FUSION CEN- nearby prison to select as Christmas presents present, I would have voted NAY on Roll Call TER TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE for their children. Beta Sigma Phi then wraps No. 162; NAY on Roll Call No. 163; YEA on PROGRAM ACT and packs the gift for shipping, so the children Roll Call No. 164; YEA on Roll Call No. 165; have presents at Christmas. and NAY on Roll Call No. 166. HON. MICHAEL T. McCAUL Mr. Speaker, I commend Beta Sigma Phi for receiving this outstanding award and for their f OF TEXAS continued commitment to making their com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN MEMORY OF ANTHONY munity better. I am proud to represent them, GIANNETTI, JR. Monday, May 7, 2018 and Iowans like them, in the United States Mr. MCCAUL. Mr. Speaker, the following Congress. I ask that my colleagues in the cost estimate for H.R. 5099, the Enhancing United States House of Representatives join HON. JOE WILSON DHS’s Fusion Center Technical Assistance me in congratulating this group of women and OF SOUTH CAROLINA in wishing them nothing but continued suc- Program Act, prepared by the Congressional IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Budget Office was not made available to the cess. Committee at the time of filing of the legisla- f Monday, May 7, 2018 tive report. RECOGNIZING THE GALENA Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- U.S. CONGRESS, DESOTO HOUSE HOTEL ON THEIR er, the following thoughtful obituary was pub- CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE, 163RD ANNIVERSARY lished in The Binghamton Press & Sun-Bul- Washington, DC, May 4, 2018. letin on April 27, 2018: Hon. MICHAEL MCCAUL, Chairman, Committee on Homeland Security, HON. CHERI BUSTOS Anthony Giannetti Jr. passed with amaz- ing grace on Saturday 21 April 2018, at North House of Representatives, Washington, DC. OF ILLINOIS DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: The Congressional Austin Medical Center surrounded by his lov- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Budget Office has prepared the enclosed cost ing family. He was born 10 March, 1939, in estimate for H.R. 5099, the Enhancing DHS’ Monday, May 7, 2018 Meshoppen, PA, to Anthony and Concetta Fusion Center Technical Assistance Program Giannetti. One of four children, Tony, or Act. Mrs. BUSTOS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Junior as he was called by his family, was a If you wish further details on this esti- recognize the Galena DeSoto House Hotel on determined young man who graduated from mate, we will be pleased to provide them. their 163rd anniversary. The hotel was re- Vestal High School and served in the United The CBO staff contact is Mark Grabowicz. cently recognized by the Galena Chamber of States Marine Corps. He had a long and dis- Sincerely, Commerce with a Gold Ribbon cutting for wel- tinguished career as a project manager for KEITH HALL, Director. coming guests with hospitality, charm and rich International Business Machines in Endi- Enclosure. cott, NY, and Austin, TX. He worked for IBM history since 1855. for 32 years until his retirement in 1994. H.R. 5099—ENHANCING DHS’ FUSION CENTER The DeSoto House Hotel, which was named Tony was first and foremost a family man. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ACT after the great European explorer Hernando He enjoyed watching all kinds of sporting As passed by the House of Representatives de Soto; is an Illinois landmark. The DeSoto events, especially attending those his chil- on March 19, 2018. House Hotel is the oldest operating hotel in dren and grandchildren played in. He is sur- H.R. 5099 would modify current laws relat- the state and has hosted many great Amer- vived by his wife of 54 years, Beverly, son Mi- ing to fusion centers supported by the De- ican figures such as President Abraham Lin- chael, son Anthony and daughter-in-law partment of Homeland Security (DHS); those coln, President Ulysses S. Grant, Senator Ste- Silvana, son Joseph, daughter Christine and centers facilitate information sharing among son-in-law Bryan, and his two grand- federal, state, and local authorities. The act phen A. Douglas and many others. I have had daughters Nadia and Fiona. He will be eter- would direct DHS to provide technical assist- the pleasure of visiting the DeSoto House nally loved and sorely missed by his family ance to and share effective practices with fu- Hotel myself, and I can personally speak to and friends. Tony left nothing undone here sion center participants. Because the depart- the fact that it is a treasure for not only our on earth, . and he did it his way. Rest in ment currently carries out simi1ar activi- Congressional District, but the state. peace. VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:06 May 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07MY8.002 E07MYPT1.