Autumn Ordinary Meeting 2017

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Autumn Ordinary Meeting 2017 Convocation Autumn Ordinary Meeting 2017 Welcomes all graduates and other members of Convocation to the Autumn Ordinary Meeting Friday, 17th March 2017 at 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start Guest Speaker: The Hon. Robert French AC CitWA at the Banquet Hall, will give a talk on ‘Convocation and the University University Club of Western Australia as a Community of Scholars.’ Agenda The Autumn Ordinary Meeting of the Convocation of The University of Western Australia 6.30pm, Friday 17 March 2017 in The University Club of Western Australia 1. Minutes of the Spring Ordinary Meeting held on Friday 16th September 2016 2. Amendments and motion of acceptance of minutes 3. Business arising from the minutes 4. Correspondence 5. Results of Convocation Elections for Warden, Deputy Warden, Members of the Council of Convocation. 6. Vice-Chancellor’s Report 7. Guild President’s Report 8. Warden’s Report 9. Convocation Officer’s Report 10. Keynote Speaker - The Hon. Robert French AC CitWA will give a talk on 'Convocation and the University as a Community of Scholars' 11. Other Business 12. Q & A session 3 Michael Collins, Paul Collins, Gary Collinson, Cran Collis, Gary Jegasothy, Phil Jennings, Francis Johnson, Rob Johnson, Minutes Convocation Of UWA Graduates Congdon, Ryan Constantine, Danica Cook, Diane Cook, Philip Hamish Johnston, Stephanie Johnston, Tim Johnston, Lois Cooke, Ron Coombs, John Cooper, Roderick Cooper, Tony Joll, Patricia Jones, Joanne Jones, Kath Jordan, Ashley Joyce, Cooper, Ian Copeland, Callum Corkill, Phyllis Costello, Geoffrey Patrick Joyce, Sandra Joyce, Wally Kaczmarczyk, Jansje Cover, Margot Cox, Lisa Craft, Terry Craig, Jane Crawford, John Karajas, Grant Keady, Bill Kean, Anne Keith-Fraser, Christopher Spring Ordinary Meeting Juanita Perez, Maree Pickens, Andrew Pickford, Roderic Pitty, Cripps, Cristian Crisan, William Crisp, Keith Croker, Malcolm Kelley, Eric Kelly, Roger Kelly, Richard Kempton, Ashley Kendall, Attachment A 16 September 2016 Joan Pope, Cameron Power, Dennis Power, Leslie Pyke, Tony Crosbie, Joanne Cruickshank, Hayley Cull, Brendan Cullen, Mitchell Keys, Isabelle Khoo, Kay Khoo, Susan King, George Quinlan, Alex Reid, Desmond Reid, Nate Reinertsen, Peter Rohan Cutten, Shirley Daffen, Tegan Dare, Matthew Davey, Kingsley, Jan Knight, Kee Fatt Kok, Julia Kovesi, Joshua Kraan, The Spring Ordinary Meeting of Convocation was held on Robinson, Heather Rogers, Nigel Rogers, Kerry Ross, Jim Richard Davies, Ronnie Davies, Amy Davis, Gary Davis, Judith Vijay Kumar, Graham Ladyman, Rona Landquist, Bruce Friday 16th September 2016 commencing at 6:30 p.m. in Rowlands, Vanessa Russ, Mona Salim, Johan Salim, Taiwo Davis, Neal Davis, Christine Davy, Anne Dawson, Ian Dawson, Langford, Ross Lantzke, Jenny Larner, Paul Latham, Brian University Club of WA. Sanusi, Richard Schiefler, Jackie Scurlock, Jennifer Searcy, Jacinta Dawson, Alan Day, Debra de Groot, Julie de Jong, Lauri, Brian Law, Graham Leake, Simon Leake, Justine Leavy, Enid Sedgwick, Elizabeth Shaw, Mark Shelton, Philip Shields, Sonja de Munck, Anita de Villiers, Celeste de Villiers, John Edna Lee, Ian Lee, June Lee, Steven Lee, Wei Liang Lee, Edwina The meeting was attended by the following Hilary Silbert, Cornelia Staats, Priscilla Stack, Sutomo Suhana, Deacon, John Dean, Reney Dender, Bernice Dent, Mick Devine, Lefroy, Jennifer Lefroy, David Leigh, John Leishman, Sabina graduates and guests. Paulus Sui, Denise Sullivan, Penny Sutherland, Gae Synnott, Natasha Dewani, Mollie Dinham, Amelia Dixon-Pugh, Vina Leitmann, Christian Lemnell, Helen Leonard, Liliana Leonello, Ian Abbott, Michael Acquarola, Yanti Adiyanti, Jo Agnew, Ian Teresa Szunejko, Yola Szymakowski, Cathy Tang, Ray Tauss, Djoko, Christine Donis, Carolyn Jane Dowley, Michael Down, Bob Leschen, Jin Liew, Leighton Lilford, Joanna Lim, Pei Yoong Anderson, Kent Anderson, Mikaela Andrews, Mark Andrich, Christopher Theunissen, Alan Tough, Brenda Tournier, Pauline Sandra Downes, Conrad Drake, Paul Duncan, Lachlan Dunjey, Lim, Rachel Lim, Rukmal Lim, Simin Lin, Ian Lindsay, Kendrick Paul Appleton, Helen Appleton, Ruth Arnel, Brian Atwell, Tremlett, Fiona Tremlett, Charles Tucak, Gillian Tucak, Paula Anne Dunne, Crystal Durell, Sabrina Durham, Peter Eastlake, Ling, Courtney Logue, Jillien Loh, Theng-Wei Loke, Silvana Ahmad Bagbag, Rachima Bannerman, Bruce Barblett, Tunley, David Tunley, Jonathan Utting, Sheila Walker, Ian Hartley Edwards, Petra Elias, Helen Ellery, Sue Ellery, David Lombardini, Bruce Long, Virginia Longley, Adriaan Loosjes, Lynette Barker, Marilyn Bennet-Chambers, Wendy Birman, Warner, Jim Williams, Anne Willox, Roslyn Wilson, Christina Elliott, Jane Emberson, David Emby, Laura Emery, Terri Emslie, Neville Loudon, Linda Low, Whye Low, Dorothy Lucks, Jong Xin Astrid Boggs, Robert Boggs, Bernard Bowen, Jane Boxall, Wilson, Anna Wilson, Mary Maude Winter, Mary Winter Ivanoff, Ben Evans, Jim Everett, Jocelyn Everett, Tony Ewing, David Ly, Merilyn Ma, Catherine MacDonald, Amos Machlin, Elizabeth Don Boyer, Gerry Brennan, Jean Brodie-Hall, Ross Bryant, Shirley Withers, Ellen Wong, Edit Wood, Terry Woodings, Falconer, Adele Farina, Richard Farrar, Joanne Farrell, Leonie MacKinnon, Jocelyn Maddock, Maureen Maher, Kelvin Mahuka, Brenda Buchanan, Stuart Bunt, Lesley Cala, Maria Calabro, Jean Woodings, Lorna Woods, Allen Yeow and Joanna Feddema, Janie Feng, John Ferreirinho, John Ffarrington, Bruce Makin, Irek Malecki, Jasmina Malkoc, John Malone, Bala John Carruthers, Maria Carvalho, Renate Chandler, Michael Zaliki Knowles Gavin Fielding, Shane Fillipos, Michael Firth, Franz Fischer, Manicassamy, Chloe Manzinger, Clive Mariano, Joshua Chaney, Margrete Chaney, Kok-Foo Chang, Tshung Hui Chang, Brian Fitzgerald, Sarah Flannery, Monica Flattery, Joe Fleming, Marinoni, Bill Marmion, Trevor Marshall, Margaret Martin, Patty Terence Chia, Tat Meng Chow, Alex Cohen, Julian Coleman, The following members of Convocation asked Margaret Floyd, Regina Flugge, Andrew Forrest, Robin Foulds, Martinez, Glenda Martinick, Gene Matthews, Lydia Maurice, Helena Coleman, Dorothy Collin, Mary Conroy, Rochelle that their apologies be recorded. Brian Fowlie, Lindsay France, Nathan Francis, Valerie Frank, Roger May, Brenda Mazzucchelli, Richard Mazzucchelli, Trevor Cornell, Dale Cornell, Judith Cresp, Judith Cullity, Ray da Con Abbott, Hugo Acosta Martinez, Tunde Adekoya, Diana Irene Froyland, Elmer Frugtneit, Shih Ching Fu, Kathy Fuller, Mazzucchelli, Tobias McAllister, Terence McAuliffe, Ian McCall, Silva Rosa, Dan D'Annunzio, David Davidson, Brett Davies, Adler, Kenneth Ahmat, Mohamed Ahmed, Jeanne Ainley, Fiona Mary Fung, Duncan Furphy, Margaret Furphy, Jose Furtado, Jack McCallum, Ross McCallum, Ian McCulloch, Britt Timothy Dawe, Simon Dawkins, Ema Denby de Braganza, Allan, Samantha Allsopp, Lyneve Amoore, Daniel Anderson, Joe Galvans, Michael Ganon, Brent Gardner, Carrie Gardner, McGowan, Peter McGowan, Hayden McGrath, Michael McGuire, Raymond Dingle, Neil Donaldson, Johanne Eldridge, Wendy John Anderson, Maxwell Anderson, Rodney Anderson, Ramon Jane Gardner, John Gardner, Lynn Gattorna, John Geary, Kathy Carmelina McQueen, Brendan McQuillan, Shirley McWhirter, Erber, Kerry Evans, Steve Fargo, Peter Farr, Kathleen Faulkner, Andinach, Jim Andrusiak, Shirley Andrusiak, Christie-Rochelle Gecan, Rohan Gengatharen, Khanh Giang, David Gibson, Rebecca Meakin, Edward Medina, Toby Metcalfe, Phil Kingsley Faulkner, Arthur Ferres, Elizabeth Feutrill, Dawn Annice, Amrith Anthony, Tania Anthony, Jennifer Antulov, Anne Jacqueline Gillespie, Robert Ginbey, John Gladstones, Meyerkort, Shannon Meyerkort, Con Michael, Ken Michael, Freshwater, Elizabeth Frith, Dick Frith, Michaele Gardiner, Appleton, Susan Appleyard, Ashley Arbuckle, Maria Arevalo- Vivienne Glance, Donald Glassford, Jennifer Gmeiner, Katherine Mills, Mark Minissale, Adam Miotti, Alina Miranda, Chantelle Gaskell, Agi Gedeon, John Gillett, Tony Goodman, Vigne, Pooya Arjomandnia, Catherine Arrese, Jennifer Jean-Marie Gobet, Brian Goddard, John Godfrey, Mayford Alice Moala, Ali Mohammadi, Holly Moir, Benedict Moleta, Alison Gregg, James Gregg, Douglas Hall, Collene Hansen, Atherton, Sophie Attwater, Koya Ayonrinde, Azrie Azman Godfrey, Martin Gole, Christian Grainger, Ruth Greble, Helen Nicola Monzu, Felicity Morel-EdnieBrown, Lorraine Morlin, Chris Harkness, Richard Harper, Roz Hart, Patricia Hatch, Garry -Arshad, Matthew Azzalin, Liz Bailey, Jennifer Bamber-Mayes, Green, David Greenhill, Pamela Gregor, Martin Griffith, Wayne John Mortimer, Magdaline Mortimer, Esme Moulds, Ashleigh Hawkes, Frank Hedges, Kim Heitman, Lynley Hewett, Ricki Neil Bardsley, Shelley Barker, Michael Bartosiak, Mary Basley, Griffiths, Claire Grose, Margaret Grover, Bob Groves, Julius Murch, Natalie Murdock, Jose Narvaez, Antonio Natale, Hewitt, Bethany Hiatt, Jo Hiller, Wendy Hillier, Neville Hills, Terry Bayliss, Jason Beard, Gabor Bedo, Robin Beech, Janice Gsodam, Tony Gummer, Larissa Guzzomi, Michael Hallam, Hemalakshmi Nathoo, Mark Newman, Ian Newnham, Andre Rick Hoad, Steve Hoath, Susan Hoddinott, Gary Hoffman, Bell, Val Bennett, Enzo Biagioni-Froudist, Suzanne Biddles, Barbara Hamilton, Jean Hamory, Helen Hankey, Khadija Ng, Andrew Ng, Joshua Ngai Mun Ng, My-Hanh Nguyen, Maureen Humpage, Du Huynh, John Janes, Julia Johnson, Rowena Birrell, Emily Birt, Matthew Birt, Roger Blackett, Tracie Hansia, Mireille Hardie, Joan Harlow, Fiona Harris, Keely Thuyen Nguyen, Emma Nicoletti, Lloyd Nixon, Margaret Nixon, Paul Johnson, June Jones, Ron Jones, Jacqui Joseph-Bowen, Blair, Peter
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