European Telecoms The Digital Telco - a Big Data ‘re-rater’? Industry Overview Equity | 04 September 2017 New opportunities for Telco in a Digital World Europe Telecommunications So far Telco has been the facilitator of the digital revolution. But telco too must adapt as customer demands change, digital applications proliferate and new disruptive technologies and companies threaten traditional profits. However telco is well positioned to do so, in our view, thanks to its Big Data commodity. New processes, tools and techniques could see telco exploit Big Data to defend and upsell existing revenue streams, driving cost and capex efficiencies. Analysis suggests up to 30% value upside to Euro telco as a potential mid-term re-rating catalyst. Big Data questionnaire indicates Euro Telco progress We asked questions of 13 Euro Telcos on the subject of Big Data. Responses indicate to David Wright >> Research Analyst us that progress could already be significant; the majority of telcos who answered our MLI (UK) +44 20 7995 6355 questions shifted over the past 12m from inconclusive projects to NPV +ve results. Most
[email protected] focus at this stage is on Customer Care and Sales & Marketing. However there is still a Haim Israel >> long way to go with most projects still regional and not yet coordinated at Group level. Research Analyst Merrill Lynch (Israel)
[email protected] Boosting revenues through data growth and new avenues Frederic Boulan, CFA >> Digitalisation fuelled by Big Data analytics provides telco with a means to better offset Research Analyst MLI (UK) legacy revenue decline and upsell existing customer relationships, while exploring new
[email protected] growth opportunities.