Annexure-Approved Mining Plan File

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Annexure-Approved Mining Plan File '1 "1 SruTPLIFTED MTTITG PLAT 'l -l -r surDtuo sNru a!r'B ) ([email protected]' / ffENtm / od cEr / 'r non rcMr/rNAcl '1 _l .l -1 t' L. l) C E RT IF IGAT ES 'Ihis is to cnify thar me sinplified Miniry Plm of Ordiie snuated in sy. Nos. 302/l/1se. 3o2 / t 1 331, 3o2 / 1 / 334 1 1, 3a2/r13521402, 3o2/1s2 of Vilalody village oI Parhdapu.m 'rsluk in I(ollm Districi, I(erala sate, PEpar€n unde. Rule s3 & sE olKMMCR 2015 by Mr. v.I( Roy, Ceoleist & RQP 'rhis is to rcquesr $e Depdtment oI Mining dd Geolos/, Kollan i. mal{e my lunher coftspondence regardins my corection or ihe Minns P1d with the said Reosnised Qulified PeEon ai his 'r.c 27la37(2), saEr. swuaj Lme, R.c.rnnction, Kumukuzhy, vo.hiltorP o, 'Ihiruvdthapurm. PIN -695 035 e nan vkroYsdal@€rail.con Mobile: 9337a05664/ 9961 125000 I hereby undertake thai a1l modilicarions / xpdating ae nane in ihe said Scheme ol Minins by tne eid Recognised Qualrying Person be deemed to have been made with oxr l<nowled8e {d consnt and shsll be ac.eptable on us md binding in all.especis CERTIFTCA'TE 'Ihe pruvisions ol Mines Aci, Rules dd Resxlations mad€ mere under haE been obserued in the Mining Plm or Bundins Stone Qu ry o[ Rajkaml s R, Ral{an3l Bhavm, I<3r']/ a P o, Pumlx. KoId Disi.ict extends over m rea or 0. 37aa Ha sitxaied in Sv Nos. 3o2/ 1/ 1se, 3a2 / t | 331. 3a2 | t | 334 | t, 3o2 | 1 / 342 | 442 302/152 or vilalkudy villase oI Path apurd'raluk in Kouam Kcmla sbte, whcre specilic pemissions e requned, the applicdt will apprcach DiECtor cenerd or Mines saJeq tr.,rYrgr) CERTTF'ICATE 'Ihis is to certiry that, the provisions ofrMMcR 2ols, hav€ been obsefled in the pr.pdalion oI rhe Mini4 Pld of crmile Building stone Quanr/ of have been obsen€d in the Midry Plm or Building Stone Qudry oI Rajkdal S R, Rajkmal Bhava, in sy. Nos 3o2/l/lse, 302/l/33a, 342/r/331/1, 3O2/r/352/4O2, 302/152 oI vilalkudy village of Pathuapurm Taluk i, Kollm Disbict, Kemla sbte, wheEEr ffi .eqxired, md the applic t will approach the @nc.rned authorilies ol Depanment of Mini4 dd DMG/KERALA/RQP/4/2016 GOhITENTS ) \reru,n rh€ Appr(d' r ndN'dual/ Fim/.ompu)r Physiar^DdGdoc]cd.hud{t.3ofThe4Ga -l Mmtu6LP-e r. \id {ni.p ed Ln ofrh<o!3rry ffi-*{s oH*g sufl.v Plm shoring ea oI Oua sudeeceo]oqicalsedion ion or the Ouarry r.trer or rnieni No 36s6/ Doa/s2/ 2017 dabd 24lo4 /2o 13 issxed by tne Dnecto. ol Minins md ceolos/. copy of Possessrn certilicstes la Nos.) issued by village copy ofAnbient air bst dalysis Report Copy oI Noisc Analysis Report copy ofwen water Analysis Repofr copy of soil malysis Report PLAX FOR AUAXRYINC PERIO'T R EQUAL TO I HECIARE lReI co rRn No723/20r7lro d.23/0s/207 oF rND R Nos3e7/M3/2o16 Nme dd address oI rhe Status ol the applicm! lindividual / lim/ conpmr) ill rc 27l.137 (21 , SARAL ssTaj Lae, (unnukzhy Th'ruEnonlhapurm 69so3s Phone No, e3373os663 / E Majl rD: vkroysmr@gnair om il Des.ription of th€ LI (coFy of the sdction ord€r enclosed as I,otNo: 36lDoQ/s2/20r7 dr.2a loa l20ta 3O2/ t I ts9, 342/ 1/ 334, 3O2/rt352/4O2,3tffi- 0.37$Ha Zd$gry^ P"tb r*d /^:zl!:A l: pn r-ana [:( i]C&E/,rY \;-\"ii'',rgr' Neaet Nationar H'eh My NH ?aa - I("rh----fi--kdh Nedest Pdchayath Road Pumlur Drinking wat€r Mode .l tsnspofrabon or minersl, l PSYBICA' ATD GF'I,oCICAL CHARACTERIIITICA OF THE Physio8raphy and Drainage The ea has soi s undularins elevation d r€rence ol la m. The drain* is io dirccnon dd th€ hinwatd will g.t sta3nacd in th. old mined dt pit8 on vest side of th€ qudry. Pan of th€ propo*d lad was ali.ady und.r mininA dd thc r.maininA ea is cd€red with rulbtr pla,tati@ with son€ native t es in betv€er. The dea loms pdt of the Precdbnd metmorlhic conpld ol Kollam Distnct, comp.isins rocks of the ch nockite md khondzrite suiie.'rhe Regional Geolog/of the ueais wen siudied by the Ceological Suruey ol India dd the authentic data is available in Geological swey ol India Miscelldeous publi.ation No.3O, Ceolosr md MineEl resources of the Sht€s oI lndia Pd lx rerzra May 2005 The distict minerar sxr€y rcpot of Kollam Diskict by the Depdnn.nt ol Mining md ceolog/ in Novemher 2016, prepued as per the Envircnment lmpa.t Assessment IEIA) also disuss aboul th. gcoloay ard oc.urence ofs ite buildins slone. L ,t,) d€a was eeli.r partly vorked out the southem side ol the pemit abadoned qury on the northem side ol the I hdd o h.e ol '/a r dbo\F v- lh-,- p' ^ '.h so " 'p " also reveal the presence ol Sranite. The new qurry wilL hare tu ultimate pi1 1eve1 ol 130 M above MsL Hene m the ne{ prcF.t, minins w r be rcsincied almos! 5M above the pit level ol the abddoned quarry pit on the nofrhern side oI ihe leasehold ea Refe. su.face Geological Pl8n [- i) section method usiry geolqi. GeolqiGr crcss sections are prepared at across the stike of the ore body. Tte eea of individual lnho units is cal.ulared sepdately. The volume helren rhe c.oss seciion is Mived on ihe 6asis ol the ave.age area of parallel cross *clion using CAD soft(are and multiplrng by-sectional interal, ad tonnaee is dived ar by mxliiplyins by bxlk densiq, wht.h is 2.s MT/cum. lor glmite buildinB sron. dd 2 0 irrtreathpr.d o.k and roil (Z .,( i,, <v MjNABT-E RxsERvEs (A) B!OCKED RDSERIES( DI l. tcEolocrcr uevB ( + B) ^ 3751 Sq. M X 2M avnage depth = 7502 Cu. TonMse 7S2 X 2lBut Density) = 15004 MT Ou.trtltv ro.t to be reboe.d. l5oo4 sq. M x I M averase depth . l5oo4 cu. M Tonnase 15004 X2.5 (Bulk Densityl = 37510 MT ; Mlaeble rc*m .!d utictp.ted ttf. of th. quaEy The mineable reserues 317926 MT fhe dticipated life oI rhe qudrr is estimated to be File yeds ar Nrmbci of dt.ttng ptk, tf any, thctr dtmcEton. and one €xisiing pii wiih a dimension of ]s m x lo m on ihe L Southern side ofthe pemit bou.dary D.t.lI. or mtntne Dichtn.ry to be d€ploy€.r ard tL.n Machines *iU be deployed as per rcquircmenr to mcel Prcdu.non t set Brief details oI machinery e as lollows 1, DrlUtlg il.chh.. l < r )l \@ /-* l {ii) l,o.dt!U F4ulDd€nt Mech ical baains equipment such as shovel dd excavaro.s win be used lo. removal md loadins of the at lace md llii) Il.uLge rld Trd.!o.t Eiltne l6a.clold: f,oading BROAD BIASIIT'O P^ T.UBTRS Follosina tue the pdmerers which Depth ofHole l.o mto r.5m Dimeer of hole 32 mm. Th€ blasttne paftem enii(ely depends on lhc siluation of the ::.r,,q1,.) loints pre*nt in the rccks The drillins is requiremeni of the rock frasm€nbiion with r*...:2"",49 TYPE OF EXPLOBTVE TO BE USED only.lass 2 and class 6 explosive is propo*d lor u$ as given E"ploslv€ (colunn chdse) The NIO mi(ure .d be readily produced at a site by nixine nirate { v'th Electic d€tonarore dd Fuse ConsidennA bw consumption, a 550 kg maguine is for sto.ina the explosive.'rhe maezines e io be consiruciing within the complex. The .ontroled blastins is proposed by aaopdng all lhe $Jet, measuEs as per MMR' 196l sd with the permission oI DGMS. Blastins witl be pedorned as per requirement on the face. The explosive by aulhoriu d blasling wiu be cd.ied out by reg1stered W a. Proper dd saJe storage oI exptosives in approved ad b Fopfl. rsJ- B d .r" , t.d dt. q rd ,,- o -xpo,.-, bJ compet€nt Blasters having Blasters Certilicate or Competency .. Proper struriry sysiem to p.event thefi/pnrerase, unauthorized .ntry into Masdir€ d.a od chcckins authonz.d pe.sons b prevenr carrlina ol mat.h bo\ lth1s, mobile phones, d. lle €xplosives of crass 2 wil be used in iheir ortiml cdtndge packins dd such ctutndse shall nol be cut to remov€ explosive lor making c tndge ofdifierent sir. e. Detonato.s vill be conveyed in specbl containers. These will not be cdied with other explosives. t 'Ihe holes whi.h have been .haryed vith explosives will not he left unattended til blasting is compleled g Eerore sfrins charging, .le audible {€ming sisnals by Sirens will be giv.n so rhar people nearby can iake shdbr. h. Blasting op€ranons will ;r!!!!0.) Hower, in rhis proj€ct rhe Ef,t.ttnE/ Prooo.€d method of mlrtng lc o.opo.rd n{ d , n n3 q I b" -"n. vr ts, ,.o oprn cast mining The basic miDing techniques wil be uses ol ma.hines. For th€ systematic working of open cast mines, rhe main development vo.k v be the lormins ol sysiemaric ben.hing.
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