COUNTY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA February 16, 2016 (to follow MPC Meeting)




2.1 Additional Agenda Items


3 - 7 3.1 MINUTES of the regular County Council Meeting held Tuesday, February 2, 2016.

3.2 Questions/ matters arising from the minutes.




8 - 9 6.1 Chinook’s Edge – Proposed Benalto School Closure – consideration of the letter drafted to Chinook’s Edge in relation to the School Division’s review of the potential closure of the Benalto School.

10 - 14 6.2 Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading to this bylaw for the closure and lease of the road allowance between Sections 23 and 24, 37-28-4 (Rge Rd 281 north of Springbrook and south of Twp Rd 374, Division 3).

15 - 20 6.3 Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading to this bylaw for the closure and lease of a portion of the undeveloped road allowance between NE 26 and NW 25, 37-28-4 (Rge Rd 281 north Twp Rd 374, Division 3).

21 - 26 6.4 Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation to approve the closure and sale of three portions of undeveloped Road Plan 918CL with the closed portions to be consolidated into the quarter section where they are located (Division 1, Sections 23 and 24, 35-24-4).

27 - 28 6.5 Municipal Affairs Community Partnership (ACP) Program – recommendation to adopt a resolution to endorse ’s application for funding of the Waskasoo / Piper Creek Flood Risk Study.

29 - 30 6.6 Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Program – recommendation to adopt a resolution to endorse the City of Red Deer’s application for funding of a collaborative digital ortho imagery project that Red Deer County is

Page 1 of 56 County Council Meeting Meeting Agenda, February 16, 2016 Page

participating in.

31 - 32 6.7 Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Program – recommendation to adopt a resolution to endorse Red Deer County’s application for funding assistance toward the Agriplex-Arena expansion project.

33 - 34 6.8 Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Program – recommendation to adopt a resolution to endorse the Town of Penhold’s application for funding of the Penhold Regional Wellness project.

35 - 53 6.9 Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – consideration of a request received for financial support of $300,000 toward the costs of constructing a new community hall to be located within the Town of Bowden.


8.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS - 1:30 p.m.

54 - 56 8.1 Bylaw No. 2016/3 – a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2006/6 by changing the definition for Clustered Farm Dwellings, to change Clustered Farm Dwellings to a Discretionary Use within the Agricultural District “Ag” and to provide regulations for Clustered Farm Dwellings.



10.1 Reports from individual Councillors for meetings attended since February 3, 2016.



Page 2 of 56 Minutes of a Regular Meeting of County Council


February 2, 2016

1.0 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of Red Deer County Council was held in the Council Chambers of the Red Deer County Centre located at 38106 Rge Rd 275, Red Deer County, Alberta, and was called to order by Mayor J.J. Wood at 10:36 a.m.

PRESENT: Mayor J.J. Wood, Deputy Mayor J.M. Bota (attended via phone), Councillors D.B. Church (attended during the morning session only), C.R. Huelsman, R.R. Lorenz, P.J.R. Massier and C. Moore.

STAFF PRESENT: County Manager C. Herzberg, Assistant County Manager R. Henderson, Corporate Services Director H. Gray-Surkan, Planning and Development Services Director D. Dittrick, Operations Services Director M. Campbell, and Legislative Services Administration N. Lougheed and L. Thompson.

Planning/Development administration in attendance for development applications: T. Miller, R. Barr, D. Bedford, J. Hardes and F. Joynt.


CC-16-007 Moved by Councillor P.J.R. Massier to approve the agenda as submitted. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


CC-16-008 Moved by Councillor C.R. Huelsman to amend the minutes of the January 12, 2016, regular meeting of County Council to note Deputy Mayor J.M. Bota as calling the meeting to order and to approve the minutes as amended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


6.1 Pine Lake Area Roads, Speed Zone Change – Construction Manager C. Black reported on the recommendation to adopt a bylaw amendment to decrease the speed limit on Rge Rd 251 and the South Pine Lake Road from 80 km/h to 60 km/h.

Bylaw No. 2016/4 – a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2011/38, Road Protection and Traffic Control Bylaw, by amending Schedule ‘B’, Section (g) to include the following roads: (a) Rge Rd 251 from approximately 60 metres south of the junction of Rge Rd 251 and South Pine Lake Road north to the entrance of the Rosewood Subdivision, and (b) South Pine Lake Road from the junction of Rge Rd 251 to Rge Rd 245.

CC-16-009 Moved by Councillor P.J.R. Massier that Bylaw No. 2016/4 be given first reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CC-16-010 Moved by Councillor C. Moore that Bylaw No. 2016/4 be given second reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

MINUTES of the regular County Council Meeting held Tuesday, ... Page 3 of 56 County Council Minutes of February 2, 2016 2

CC-16-011 Moved by Councillor P.J.R. Massier that Bylaw No. 2016/4 be given third reading at this time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CC-16-012 Moved by Councillor R.R. Lorenz that Bylaw No. 2016/4 be given third and final reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6.2 Support of Parkland County’s Funding Application – Conservation Coordinator K. Lewis reported on the recommendation to support Parkland County’s application to the Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) program to assist with the development and growth of the ALUS program in Alberta.

CC-16-013 Moved by Councillor C. Moore that Red Deer County support Parkland County’s application to the Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership Program for funding of the “ALUS Alberta Municipal Alliance (AAMA) Framework Development Project.” CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6.3 Contract Award – Rge Rd 10 and Subdivision Overlays – Engineering Manager R. Mayhew reported on the recommendation to award the contract for the reconstruction and base and pave of Rge Rd 10 from Hwy 54 to Hwy 592 and the Subdivision Overlays.

CC-16-014 Moved by Councillor D.B. Church to award the contract for the Reconstruction and Base and Pave of Rge Rd 10 from Hwy 54 to Hwy 592 and the Subdivision Overlays to Richardson Bros. (Olds) Ltd. for the sum of $5,432,423.33 including GST and an additional 10 percent for contingency. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6.4 C&E Trail Road Improvement Offsite Levy Bylaw – consideration of a bylaw to impose an offsite levy in connection with road construction improvements on the C&E Trail from Innisfail to Red Deer.

Bylaw No. 2016/5 – a bylaw to impose an offsite levy in connection with road construction improvements on the C&E Trail from Hwy 592 (north of Innisfail) to Rge Rd 275 (west of Red Deer.

CC-16-015 Moved by Councillor D.B. Church that Bylaw No. 2016/5 be given first reading with a public hearing to be scheduled for March 22, 2016. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6.5 Red Deer Airport Agreement – recommendation to approve an amended agreement that reflects the March 2015 approved funding increase to the Airport.

CC-16-016 Moved by Councillor C.R. Huelsman to approve the new funding agreement with the Red Deer Regional Airport as presented and to terminate the previous agreement. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

6.6 Amendment to Road Closing Bylaw No. 2015/26 – consideration of an amendment to this bylaw to revise the legal land description to meet the requirements of Alberta Land Titles.

Bylaw No. 2016/6 – a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2015/26, closure and sale of a portion of Petrolia Drive, by amending the legal land description to meet the requirements of Alberta Land Titles.

CC-16-017 Moved by Councillor J.M. Bota that Bylaw No. 2016/6 be given first reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

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CC-16-018 Moved by Councillor C.R. Huelsman that Bylaw No. 2016/6 be given second reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CC-16-019 Moved by Councillor C. Moore that Bylaw No. 2016/6 be given third reading at this time. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

CC-16-020 Moved by Councillor D.B. Church that Bylaw No. 2016/6 be given third and final reading. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


7.1 SE 13-38-28-4: Lot 1, Plan 912-2117, and Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 002-4627 (Division 2) – application for a one-year extension for a conditionally approved subdivision and consolidation in relation to these two properties.

CC-16-021 Moved by Councillor J.M. Bota to approve the application for a one-year time extension for the conditionally approved application to subdivide 10.1 hectares (25 acres) from Lot 1, Plan 912-2117, SE 13-38-28-4, with the remaining 22.3 hectares (54.9 acres) of this Lot 1 to be consolidated with Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 002-4627, SE 13-38-28-4 with the new expiry date to be February 2, 2017. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

7.2 NE 18-37-27-4 (Division 2) – consideration of a referral from NRCB in relation to the construction of an addition (7600 sq. ft.) to an existing dairy barn in order to increase the bedding pack for the existing livestock and to construct a new solid manure storage pad (8000 sq. ft.).

CC-16-022 Moved by Councillor J.M. Bota to advise Natural Resources Conservation Board (NRCB) that Red Deer County has no objections to the application to construct an addition to the existing dairy barn (7600 sq. ft.) to increase the bedding pack for the existing livestock and to construct a new solid manure storage pad (8000 sq. ft.) on NE 18-37-27-4 with no increase in animals being proposed. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY

7.3 Block D, Plan 882-0936, SE 24-38-28-4 (Division 6) – application for an amendment to the Belich – West Industrial Outline Plan by adding Phase 2 to facilitate the subdivision of 3.64 hectares (9 acres) of Business Service Industrial land.

CC-16-023 Moved by Councillor C. Moore to approve the amendment to the Belich – West Industrial Park Outline Plan (NE 24-38-28-4) for Phase 2 in order to facilitate the subdivision of 3.64 hectares (9 acres) from an 8.16-hectare (20.16-acre) Business Service Industrial District (BSI) property on Block D, Plan 882-0936, SE 24-38-28-4. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


11.1 Councillor Lorenz – further consideration of the Notice of Motion that Red Deer County consider a recommendation to send Chinook’s Edge School Division a Letter of Support to keep Benalto School open for the economic viability of the Community.

Councillor Church excused himself from the meeting during discussion on this matter at 12:02 p.m.

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CC-16-024 Moved by Councillor R.R. Lorenz to direct administration to draft a letter for Council consideration at the February 16, 2016, meeting CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Councillor Church did not vote on this motion

Recess: 12:30 p.m. Reconvene: 1:30 p.m. with Mayor Wood, Deputy Mayor Bota (via phone), and Councillors Huelsman, Lorenz, Massier and Moore in being attendance and Councillor Church being absent.


A listing of the persons who attended and spoke at the public hearing is attached and is considered to be a part of these minutes. The public hearing closed at 3:29 p.m.

8.1 Bylaw No. 2015/35 - a bylaw to adopt the Poplar Pointe Estates Area Structure Plan for NE 29-38-28-4 (Division 6) to facilitate the creation of a 39-lot residential subdivision.

CC-16-025 Moved by Councillor C. Moore that second reading to Bylaw No. 2015/35 be denied CARRIED Mayor Wood, Councillors Bota, Huelsman and Moore in favor Councillors Lorenz and Massier opposed

10.0 COMMITTEE REPORTS Councillors reported on meetings they have attended on behalf of Red Deer County since January 13, 2016.


CC-16-026 Moved by Councillor J.M. Bota that the County Council meeting adjourn. TIME: 4:19 p.m. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


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Bylaw No. 2015/35 - a bylaw to adopt the Poplar Pointe Estates Area Structure Plan for NE 29-38-28-4 (Division 6) to facilitate the creation of a 39-lot residential subdivision.

Persons who spoke in favor of the bylaw: Reg Whyte, Greg Armstrong and David Harvey.

Persons who spoke in opposition to the bylaw: Hudson Hunt, Wendy Hunt, Shelley Bailie, Tina Bickner, Jennifer Fahrenschon, Andrew Shepherd, Fran Lavoie, Sue Charles, Margaret Lavoie, Sheldon Griffith, Krystal McPeek, Don Sheridan, Barbara Brown, Esther Hopland, Darcy Kamieniecki, Paul Gyori, Rhonda Davidson, Tracy Davidson, Leanna Hamilton, Cindy Oliver, Quin Fahrenschon, John Charles, Philip Ignacio, Lyndon Schlitter, Lois Ahrens, Dwayne Knight, Dean Preete, Reg Elander, Graham Hunter, Nathan McCallum, Janet Sydorko, Carol Cunningham and Bob Cunningham.

Additional Correspondence Received at Public Hearing: Reg Elander, Nathan McCallum, Graham and Elizabeth Hunter, Cory Leniuk, Esther and Doug Hopland.

MINUTES of the regular County Council Meeting held Tuesday, ... Page 7 of 56 RedDeerCounty


1% February 16, 2016 - Report No. 6.1 ADMINISTRATIONREPORT

Date: February 9, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Legislative Services

Subject: Chinook’s Edge — Proposed Benalto School Closure

1.0 PURPOSE — consideration of the letter drafted to Chinook's Edge in relation to the School Division‘sreview of the potential closure of the Benalto School.

2.0 BACKGROUND I DISCUSSION — Councillor Lorenz submitted a Notice of Motion on November 3, 2015, that Red Deer County consider a recommendation to send Chinook’s Edge School Divisiona Letter of Support to keep Benalto School open for the economic viability of the Community.

At the November 24, 2015, meeting, when Council considered the Notice of Motion, action on the Notice of Motion was referred until such time as a meeting with Chinook's Edge representatives occurred.

On January 12, 2016, Red Deer County representatives met with Chinook’s Edge representatives Colleen Butler, Board Chair; Kurt Sacher, Superintendent; and Shawn

Russell, Associate Superintendent — Corporate Services.

Subsequent to the meeting, Red Deer County received the attached letter from Chinook’s Edge requesting comment from the County in relation to the proposed closure of the Benalto School.

Currently, Red Deer County has not received any applications and is not aware of any proposed developments in the Benalto community that may have an impact on the demographics in that area. However, the Ben View Villas Outline Plan that provides for the creation of approximately 90 residential lots in the Hamlet of Benalto was adopted in 2009 and remains in effect. Adoption of the Outline Plan would facilitate an application for rezoning and subdivision of the lands to create these residential properties if such an application was made by the landowner.

The County's Municipal Development Plan lists the Hamlet of Benalto as one of its Priority Growth Hamlets, and Red Deer County has spent approximately $4 million for infrastructure improvements in Benalto since 2010.

At the February 2, 2016, meeting, Council adopted a resolution directing administration to draft a letter for Council consideration at the February 16, 2016, meeting.

Prepared by: Nancy Lougheed, Legislative Services Manager

Review by: Curtis Herzberg, County Manager NI

Chinook’s Edge – Proposed Benalto School Closure – considera... Page 8 of 56 CHINOOKS EDGE SCHOOL

-rs1,- “mm StudentsDNISIONFCunlr

January 12,2016

VmHum! Delivery

Mr. Jim Wood,Mayor Red Deer County 38106 RangeRoad 275 Red Deer County AB T4S 2L9

Dear Mayor Wood:

would appreciate any statements relative to the impactthat this closurecould have on the community. As well, ifthe County is aware of any subdivisiondevelopmentsor proposed projects that could have an impact on the demographicsof the Benaltocommunity, those comments would also be greatly appreciated.

Pleasesend any pertinent informationto my attention as follows: Kurt Sacher, Superintendent of Schools Chinook’s Edge School DivisionNo. 73 4904 — 50 Street lnnisfail AB T4G IW4

Thank you for your considerationof our request. Sincerely,

Superintendent of Schools

cc: Curtis Herzberg» County Manager, County of Red Deer giagt:ff;Y;:;g=;;iagaf";jg§’L‘;‘j_;‘g‘; www.ohinon)

Chinook’s Edge – Proposed Benalto School Closure – considera... Page 9 of 56 jr, ,; ~_IjI H H) (,L)l)l~i‘u|L RedDeerCounty U/\l E


Date: February 9, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Land Management

Subject: Road Closure Bylaw 15/13 to close and lease to the Red Deer County the following roads:

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24, Allof the original government road allowance adjoining the West boundary of the Northwest Quarter, excepting thereout all mines and minerals; and

Meridian4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24, Allof the original government road allowance adjoining the West boundary of the Southwest Quarter, excepting thereout all mines and minerals. (Division 3)

1.0 PURPOSE To bring back to Council tor third reading Bylaw 2015/13, an application to close to public travel and lease to the Red Deer County all that portion of the original government road allowance adjoining the west boundary of the North West quarter of Section 24-37- 28—4and all that portion of the original government road allowance adjoining the west boundary of the South West quarter of Section 24-37-28-4 (see attached map).

BACKGROUND Red Deer County's Land Management Department is proposing to have the above roads closed to public travel due to multiple complaints of trespassing and illegal activity on these undeveloped roads. This poses a safety risk to civilians and it is a disturbance to neighboring properties. The outlined portions of road have never been closed and they are undeveloped roads. The closure would not impede adjacent farmers. The intention behind closing these roads would be to place locked gates to prevent any further illegal activity and trespassing in the future. County Council passed first reading of Bylaw 2015/13 on March 3, 2015. The proposed road closures have been advertised in the Red Deer Express on April22"“ and April29"‘and on our Red Deer County Website. A Public Hearing was held on May 5. 2015 with no objections. On August 11"‘,2015 AB Transportation sent a letter indicating that these road closures would not be supported. On October 19. 2015 Alberta Transportation sent a letter stating that the road closures would be re—evaluated ifthe Red Deer County would maintain these roads and ifthe Red Deer County revised the bylaw to retlect a closure and lease to the Red Deer County. On October 22, 2015, the application was re—submitted with the revised bylaw to AB Transportation.

Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 10 of 56 . On November 26, 2015 the Red Deer County received the approved Bylaw 2015/13 from AB Transportation. - On December 8, 2015 approved second reading of Bylaw 2015/13.

3.0 ALTERNATIVES 1. Approve closure of the above outlined roads and allow gates to be located at the points of closure 2. Refuse the request due to unforeseen future development with these roads.

4.0 DISCUSSION - Memos have been sent to the Operations, Planning and Development, and Protective Services departments, outlining the proposed road closure with no concerns, as this is supported by all departments. - Administration has been in contact with Red Deer County's Operation Department over the complaints received on these roads and the solution decided on has been to close and gate these roads. o Referrals have been sent to the adjacent landowners and to date one complaint has been received. This complaint has been satisfied with the proposed Road Closure Bylaw 15/19. - Referrals have been sent to the appropriate utilitycompanies and the responses have been forwarded to the Minister.

5.0 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS 0 Red Deer County willbe responsible for all expenses related to this road closure, including advertising for the public hearing and any Alberta Land Title costs and the placing of the gates.

6.0 PUBLIC IMPLICATIONS o The closures would not impede adjacent farmers.


It is recommended that Council approve third reading of Bylaw 2015/13 to close and lease to the Red Deer County the following roads as described below:

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24, All 01 the original government road allowance adioining the West boundary of the Northwest Quarter, excepting thereout all mines and minerals; and Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24, All of the original government road allowance adioining the West boundary of the Southwest Quarter, excepting thereout all mines and minerals.

Brigitte Boo Heather Gray—Surkan Land Manager Director of Corporate Services /~//( V Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 11 of 56 BYLAW NO. 2015/13

A BYLAWof Red Deer County, in the Province of Alberta, for the purpose of closing a portion of a public highway in accordance with Sections 22 and 27 of the MunicipalGovernment Act.

WHEREAS,the lands hereafter described are not required for public travel; and

WHEREAS, application has been made to the Council of Red Deer County to have the highway closed and leased to Red Deer County;

WHEREAS, notice of intention of the Council of Red Deer County to pass a Bylaw has been published inthe Red Deer Express on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, and Wednesday, April29, 2015, the last of such publications being at least two weeks before the day fixed for the passing of the Bylaw; and

WHEREAS, there being no opposition by persons prejudicially affected by the Bylaw to proceed with the closure and lease thereof;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of Red Deer County does hereby close and lease the following described highway to Red Deer County, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation and regulations:

Meridian4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24 Allof the original government road allowance adjoining the West boundary of the Northwest quarter; excepting thereout all mines and minerals; and

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37 Section 24 Allof the original government road allowance adjoining the West boundaiy of the Southwest quarter; excepting thereout all mines and minerals


APPROVED THIS 2.0 DAY OF I\\ove_vv»\og_.r A.D. Z015



Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 12 of 56 Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading ...

NW & SW 24-37-28-4

39 - 27 39 - Z6 Page 13 of 56 Bylaw No. 2015/13 – recommendation to give third reading ...

Proposed Road Closure Adjacent to the West Half of Section 24-37-28-4

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Date: February 9, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Land Management

Subject: Road Closure Bylaw 15/19 to close and lease to the Red Deer County the following road:

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37: Allthat portion of the Original Government Road Allowance adjoining the West boundawof the North West Quarter of Section 25 lying between two lines drawn at right angles to the said West boundary, 70 feet and 710 feet North of the South West corner of the said Quarter. (Division 2)

1.0 PURPOSE To bring back to Council for third reading Bylaw 2015/ application to close and lease to Red Deer County all that portion of the undeveloped road allowance.Range Road 281, located perpendicular to the NW—25—37~28-4and the NE-26-37-28-4 beginning approximately 70 feet from the South East corner of NE-26-37-28-4 and the South West corner of the NW-25-37-28-4, continuing north for approximately 720 feet in length and 66 feet wide, approximately 1.08 Acres (see Area on Map).

2.0 BACKGROUND - Red Deer County's Land Management Department is proposing to have the above road closed and leased to the Red Deer County due to multiple complaints of trespassing and illegal activity on this undeveloped road. This poses a safety risk to civilians and it is a disturbance to neighboring properties. 0 The outlined portion ot road has never been closed and is an undeveloped road. - The closure would not impede adjacent farmers. - The intention behind closing this road would be to place locked gates to prevent any further illegal activity and trespassing in the future. County Council passed first reading of Bylaw 2015/19 on May 19, 2015. The proposed road closure has been advertised in the Red Deer Express on June 17 and June 24 and on our Red Deer County Website. o A Public Hearing was held on July 7, 2015 for the portion of Road Allowance described above with a concern raised by neighboring landowners that was satisfied by clarifying where the gate willbe located. - On July 10, 2015 Red Deer County submitted this bylaw for approval to Alberta Transportation. o On August 11"‘,2015 AB Transportation sent a letter indicating that this road closure would not be supported.

Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 15 of 56 On October 19, 2015 Alberta Transportation sent a letter stating that the road closure would be re-evaluated ifthe Red Deer County would maintain this road and ifthe Red Deer County revised the bylaw to reflect a closure and lease to the Red Deer County. On October 22, 2015, the application was re—submittedwith the revised bylaw to AB Transportation. On November 26, 2015 the Red Deer County received the approved Bylaw 2015/19 from AB Transportation. On December 8, 2015 County Council approved second reading of Bylaw 2015/19.

ALTERNATIVES Approve closure of the above outlined road and allow gates to be located at the points of closure Refuse the request due to unforeseen future development with this road.

DISCUSSION Memos have been sent to the Operations, Planning and Development, and Protective Services departments, outlining the proposed road with no concerns, as this is supported by all departments. Administration has been in contact with Red Deer County's Operation Department over the complaints received on these roads and the solution decided on has been to close and gate these roads. Referrals have been sent to the adjacent landowners and to date no complaints have been received. Referrals have been sent to the appropriate utility companies and the responses were forwarded to the Minister.

FINANCIALIMPLICATIONS Red Deer County will be responsible for all expenses related to this road closure, including advertising for the public hearing, any Alberta Land Title costs and the placing of the gates‘

PUBLIC IMPLICATIONS The closure would not impede adjacent farmers.

Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 16 of 56 7.0 RECOMMENDATIONS

It is recommended that Council approve third reading of Bylaw 2015/19 to close and lease to the Red Deer County the following road as described as below:

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37: Allthat portion of the Original Government Ftoad Allowance adjoining the West boundary of the North West Quarter of Section 25 lying between two lines drawn at right angles to the said West boundary. 70 feet and 710 feet North of the South West corner of the said Quarter. excepting thereout all mines and minerals.

Heather Gray—Surkan Director of Corporate Services

Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 17 of 56 BYLAW NO. 2015/19

A BYLAWof Red Deer County, in the Province of Alberta, for the purpose of closing a portion of a public highway in accordance with Sections 22 and 27 of the MunicipalGovernment Act.

WHEREAS, the lands hereafter described are not required for public travel; and

WHEREAS, application has been made to the Council of Red Deer County to have the highway closed and leased to Red Deer County;

WHEREAS, notice of intention of the Council of Red Deer County to pass a Bylaw has been published in the Red Deer Express on Wednesday, June 17, 2015, and Wednesday, June 24, 2015, the last of such publications being at least two weeks before the day fixed for the passing of the Bylaw; and

WHEREAS, there being no opposition by persons prejudicially affected by the Bylaw to proceed with the closure and lease thereof;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of Red Deer County does hereby close and lease the following described highway to Red Deer County, subject to rights of access granted by other legislation and regulations:

Meridian 4 Range 28 Township 37 Allthat portion of the Original Government Road Allowance adjoining the West boundary of the North West Quarter of Section 25 lying between two lines drawn at right angles to the said West boundary, 70 feet and 710 feet North of the South West corner of the said Quarter; excepting thereout all mines and minerals.

FIRST READING: MAY19, 2015 K3,@£./«/r%7/ /%*7F COUNTYMANAGER

APPROVED THIS 2,0 DAY OF Novembev A.D. 2/0 | S



Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading to ... Page 18 of 56 Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading ...

ROAD ADJOINING THE NW 25 & NE-26-37-28-4 Page 19 of 56 Bylaw No. 2015/19 – recommendation to give third reading ...

Proposed Government Road Allowance Closure Adiacent to NE-26- 28-4 & NW-25-37 28-4

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Date: February 5, 2015

Memo To: County Council

From: Land Management

Subject: Road Closures and Sale by resolution of:

All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the NE-23-35-24-4 containing 0.88 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals and All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the SE-23-35-24-4 containing 0.58 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals and All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the SW-24435-24-4 containing 1.4 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals. Division 1


- To consider the road closures and sale on portions of undeveloped Road Plan 918CL in the East Half of Section 28 and the Southwest of Section 24-35-24-4, for the purpose of returning them to the adjacent quarter sections. (see attached maps & survey)


- The applicant and Red Deer County's Administration Department are proposing to close these portions of undeveloped road plan and transfer the land to the applicant who is the current land owner. - Red Deer County's Operations department does not for see any future use for this road plan because the road allowance (Range Road 241) adjacent to the road plan is currently developed and being used. - The transfer of this portion of road would be subject to the consolidation of this road with the adjacent quarter sections. - Red Deer County Administration is proposing to transfer the portion of road plan in exchange for not paying the land owner for backsloping and damages for road work that was done recently along the adjacent road allowance and ditches by Red Deer County's Operation Department.


1. Approve closure and transfer of the above outlined roads. 2. Refuse the request due to unforeseen future development with these roads.


- Memos have been sent to the Operations, Planning and Development, and Protective Services departments. outlining the proposed road closure with no concerns, as all departments support this closure.

Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation ... Page 21 of 56 - Referrals have been sent to the appropriate utilitycompanies and the responses will be forwarded to the Minister. - A letter has been signed by the current land owner of the quarter sections that contain the road plan giving consent to close the portions of road and consolidate it with the adjacent quarter sections (see attached letter).


Red Deer County willbe responsible lor all expenses related to this road closure The sale of this road is in exchange for an agreement between the land owner and Red Deer County for previous road work along the adjacent road allowance and ditches in place of payment for backstoping and damages.


It is recommended that Council approve by resolution to close and sell the portions of road as described below for the purpose of consolidating the described roads with the adjacent quarter sections and forward to Alberta Minister of Transportation for approval:

1. All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the NE-23-35-24-4 containing 0.88 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with NE-23-35-24-4 and

2. All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the SE-23-35-24-4 containing 0.58 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with SE-23-35-24-4 and

3. All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the SW-24~35-24-4 containing 1.4 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with SW-24-35-24-4.

C Brigitteéoegr eatlvrerGray~Surkan Land Manager Director of Corporate Services ,/*/>" Curtis Herzberg County Manager

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Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation ... Page 23 of 56 RedDeerCounty ASSESSMENTI LAND MANAGEMENT Phone: 403-350-2166 ate’ Fax: 403-346-9840

January 6, 2016 " WilliamBrian & Lynda Grace.Swanson RECEIVED 1 Elnora, AB

Dear Landowner, Re: Pro used Road Cancellation and Closure b resolution of Road Plan 918CL as described below: All of Road Plan 918CL lying within the NE-23~35-24-4 containing 0.88 A0 more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with NE-23- 35-24-4 and

All of Road Plan 91 BCL lying within the SE-23-35-24-4 containing 0.58 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with SE-23- 35~24-4 and

All of Road Plan 91 BCL lying within the SW—24-35-24-4 containing 1.4 AC more or less excepting all mines and minerals to be consolidated with SW- 24-35-24-4.

Enclosed is a copy of the above mentioned Road Plan that is located on lands registered in your name. Please be advised the municipality proposes to cancel this Fload Plan and that all lands from the cancelled road will revert to the Til|e(s) from which it was excepted.

In order to proceed with the Road Plan cancellation, it is necessary for you to indicate your agreement of the cancellation by signing and returning this letter.

Y u s truly,

Heather Giroux Assessment Technician Enclosure (1)

We, William Brian Swanson and Lynda Grace Swanson hereby certify that we have no objections to the cancellation of Road Plan 918CL located inthe NE-23~35~24-4and withinthe SE-23-35<24-4and within SW-24-85-24-4.

640 William Brian Swanson /‘ 19 gr /1 30 M4 Date

38106 Rge Rd 275. Red Deercounty, Alberta T48 2L9

Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation ... Page 24 of 56 Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation ...

NE & SE-23 & SW-24-35-24-4

3D~21 39-is Page 25 of 56 Road Plan Closure and Sale / Consolidation – recommendation ...

ROAD PLAN 918CL LOCATED IN NE & SE-23, & SW-24-35-24-4



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UEIDU ED February 16, 2016 – Report No. 6.5 ADMINISTRATION REPORT

Date: February 16, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Planning & Development Services

Subject: Resolution to Support Red Deer County’s Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application – Waskasoo / Piper Creek Flood Risk Study


To endorse a Red Deer County grant application to the Alberta Municipal Affairs – Alberta Community Partnership Program for funding the Waskasoo / Piper Creek Flood Risk Study.


The objective of the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) grant program is to improve the viability and long-term sustainability of municipalities by providing support for regional collaboration and capacity building initiatives. The Waskasoo / Piper Creek Flood Risk Study is eligible for funding under the inter-municipal collaboration component of the grant application. County administration is working in conjunction with City administration to submit this application. For the purposes of the grant, Red Deer County will be the managing partner and the City of Red Deer is the partner municipality. A council resolution from both municipalities is required as part of the grant application process.


The purpose of the project is to map the flood risk of the developed and undeveloped areas along two water courses. The first is Waskasoo Creek, running north through Red Deer County, into the City of Red Deer and up to the . Second, Piper Creek and its flood plain will be mapped from the headwaters southeast of the City of Red Deer, north into the City up to the creek's confluence at Waskasoo Creek.

The partnership will undertake a number of activities, which include project management and coordination of key stakeholders. The partnership will contract out field inspection and survey, base mapping, hydrologic analysis, report production, map production, various meetings, the study compilation, and, finally, obtaining City and County approval.

The project will result in an Alberta Environment approved study with mapping of the Waskasoo/Piper Creek flood ways and flood fringes. As well, a dynamic creek model will

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 27 of 56 be completed that can be used for analysis of potential flood reduction/impact measures and proper future land development.

The deadline for applications was February 5, 2016, and a resolution supporting the application from both municipalities is required by February 29. County administration submitted an application prior to the deadline in the amount of $310,000 to undertake this initiative.


It is proposed that Red Deer County and the City of Red Deer contribute $25,000 each towards this project, for a total municipal contribution of 16%.

Funds for the County’s contribution will come from the 2016 operating budget, as planned expenditures respecting the preparation of the Gasoline Alley West and East Area Structure Plans.


a) Approve the resolution to support Red Deer County’s funding application. b) Deny, stating reasons.


That Council endorses the application to the Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership grant program, for funding the “Waskasoo / Piper Creek Flood Risk Study”.

Prepared by: Dave Dittrick Director Planning and Development Services

Reviewed by: Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 28 of 56 I r‘I

Date: February 9, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: GIS Group

Subject: Resolution to Support The City of Red Deer’s Municipal Affairs Grant Application


To discuss the City of Red Deer's funding application to the MunicipalAffairs “Alberta Community Partnership" (ACP) program, and a resolution to support that application.


The City of Red Deer, Town of , , Town of Sylvan Lake and Red Deer County have been working on a collaborative project to update each municipality's digital ortho imagery this spring.

The five municipalities have agreed to collaborate to minimize cost and maximize the quality of the final product deliverables.

The City of Red Deer, the Town of Sylvan Lake and Red Deer County all have approved 2016 budgets for ortho imagery. This grant would help us to offset the costs of our projects, or enable us to expand the scope project.

The City of Red Deer has agreed to be the Lead Applicant/Managing Partner on behalf of the group. They have already submitted the application for the ACP program to MunicipalAffairs. The deadline for partner municipalities to include their council resolutions supporting the application is February 29, 2016.


Other than some marginal staff time, there are no negative financial implications to this project.


1. Approve the Resolution to Support the City of Red Deer‘s application. 2. Not approve the Resolution to Support the City of Red Deer‘s application.

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 29 of 56 RECOMENDATIONS

That Red Deer County Council approve a resolution to support the City of Red Deer's Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership Program application, for funding a collaborative digital ortho imagery project this spring.


a (___ 9 Autho/ Director / *//K Curtis Herzberg. County Manager

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 30 of 56 RedDeerCounty :1 it; t,-_ t.rt.lL


Date: February 4, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Community Services

Subject: Resolution to Support Red Deer County's Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application

1.0 Purpose

To endorse a Red Deer County grant application to the Alberta Municipal Affairs — Alberta Community Partnership Program Grant for funding assistance towards the Delburne Agriplex-Arena expansion project.

2.0 Background The objective of the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) grant program is to improve the viabilityand long-term sustainability of municipalities by providing support for regional collaboration and capacity building initiatives. The Delburne Agriplex - Arena expansion project is eligible for funding under the inter-municipal collaboration component of the grant application. County administration is working in conjunction with the Village of Delburne and the Delburne Agricultural Society to submit this application. For purposes of the grant, Red Deer County as the owner of the property willbe the managing partner and the Village of Delburne is the partner municipality. A council resolution from both municipalities is required as part of the grant application process.

3.0 Discussion The Delburne and District Agricultural society operates the agriplex-arena that is situated on County owned land in the Village of Delburne.The Agricultural Society has advised both municipalities they willbe seeking funding support to expand the agriplex - arena to include four new dressing rooms, a new Zamboni room, a meeting room and outside stalls for feeding and watering of livestock. Estimated cost of the expansion is

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 31 of 56 $1,275,000. The Society is requesting the County and Village each participate in a partnership to fund the expansion project.

The deadline for applications was February 5, 2016 and a resolution supporting the application from both municipalities is required by February 29. County administration submitted an application prior to the deadline in the amount of $350,000 to assist with costs of the Delburne Agrip|ex- Arena Expansion project.

The support of this grant application does not bind the municipality to future funding of this project. Funding for this project has not been identified within the 2016-2018 budget. Further discussions with Council in regards to the project willbe forthcoming, and at that time Council willdetermine the level of financial support it deems appropriate for this project.

4.0 Financial Implications A financial commitment from either municipality is not required at this time towards the project.

5.0 Options

a) Approve the resolution to support Red Deer County's funding application b) Deny, stating reasons.

6.0 Recommendation That Council endorses the application to the MunicipalAffairs Alberta Community Partnership grant program, for funding the "De|burne Arena Expansion" project.

\.~«<;mmg_%&m\5v\J‘ Jd7‘AnnSymington Ric Henderson Community Services Manager Assistant County Manager //A/( Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 32 of 56 RedDeerCounty r r.rr.r. l\)\.UUl‘r.- DATE /5 and I II F _§;8‘


Date: February 4, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Community Services

Subject: Resolution to Support the Town of Penhold’s Alberta Community Partnership Grant Application

1.0 Purpose

To endorse a Town of Penhold grant application to the Alberta MunicipalAffairs — Alberta Community Partnership Program Grant for funding assistance towards the regional wellness center.

2.0 Background The objective of the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) grant program is to improve the viability and long-term sustainability of municipalities by providing support for regional collaboration and capacity building initiatives. Penhold’s regional wellness project is eligible for funding under the inter~municipal collaboration component of the grant application. For purposes of the grant, Penhold as the owner of the property will be the managing partner and Red Deer County and Chinook's Edge Division are the project partners. A council resolution from all partners is required as part of the grant application PTOCGSS.

3.0 Discussion The Town of Penhold is submitting an application to support the development of a regional outdoor recreational/wellness center. The development includes soccer pitches, ball diamonds, a track and field area, and a recreational vehicle park area. Estimated cost of the project is $617,500.

The deadline for applications was February 5, 2016 and a resolution supporting the application from both municipalities is required by February 29. The Town of Penhold

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 33 of 56 submitted an application prior to the deadline in the amount of $367,500 to assist with the costs of the project.

The support of this grant application does not bind the municipality to future funding of this project. Funding for this project has not been identified within the 2016-2018 budget. Further discussions with Council in regards to the project willbe forthcoming, and at that time Council willdetermine the level of financial support it deems appropriate for this project.

4.0 Financial Implications A financial commitment from either municipality is not required at this time towards the project.

5.0 Options

a) Approve the resolution to support the Town of Penho|d's funding application b) Deny. stating reasons.

6.0 Recommendation That Council endorses the application to the l\/lunicipal Affairs Albena Community Partnership grant program, for funding the “Penhold Regional Wellness" project.

\ <>€\.wv\ 50, Jo~Ann Symington Rio Henderson ommunity Services Manager Assistant County Manager

0 /T . Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Municipal Affairs Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Progra... Page 34 of 56 .. ..ii.i»l1-‘,l.lJl.t,ll RedDeerCounty ‘.01’./,"._', '‘‘*‘°’‘ ADMINISTRATION REPORT

Date: January 12, 2016

Memo To: County Council

From: Community Services

Subject: Funding Request— Bowden Expanding Horizons-Cultural Enhancement Society

1.0 Purpose To consider a request made by the Bowden Expanding Horizons- Cultural Enhancement Society for financial support of $300,000 towards the costs of constructing a new community hall located within the Town of Bowden.

2.0 Background In 2011, the Town of Bowden conducted a Community Needs Assessment and Facility Development Strategy. The report identified the current Bowden Lions Hallis past its effective life cycle, and is not recommended for continued maintenance and/or investment. A Community Center Feasibility Study was completed in 2014 which was a further exploration in the overall feasibility of building and operating a new community facility with indoor and outdoor space. After carefully considering the report, the Town concluded it was not feasible for the residents or businesses to absorb the tax implications of building and operating a new facility. This resulted in the Bowden Expanding Horizons Society coming forward to fundraise to construct and operate a new facility for the community. The Society has charitable status and is made up of members from several different groups as well as town and rural residents and local business owners.

It is proposed the new community hall will be approximately 6,500 square feet, and will include the following components: Banquet hall area for 350 people; Seating capacity for 500 people with capacity to divide into multiple meeting areas; Commercial kitchen; Meeting room; Stage; and Storage area.

The Bowden Cultural Enhancement Society willown and operate the facility, which willbe located at the north end of the town, with access from the Queen Elizabeth Highway 2 and Highway 587.

3.0 Discussion The budget for the project is estimated at $1,200,000 and the Town of Bowden has contributed $167,137 towards the cost of the purchase of the land. A caveat has been placed on title for five years. Ifthe facility is not constructed within that time frame the title reverts back to the town.


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 35 of 56 Funding for the project includes a combination of corporate sponsorship, donations, government grants and in—kind—volunteer assistance. The society has prepared a business plan and it estimates annual operating revenue at $69,000 and expenses of $59,000.

The County's Recreation Operating Agreement with the Town of Bowden estimates that 1,466 County residents are within the Bowden catchment area or 7.98% of Red Deer County residents. There are twelve rural community halls in the Bowden region and nine are within Red Deer County with three located in Mountain View County. Banquet capacity for the halls in Red Deer County ranges from 40-160. This newly constructed facility willhave one of the largest banquet capacities in the area. The other facilitywithin the region that has large banquet space available for public rentals is the lnnisfail Royal Canadian Legion. The Society has projected the facility bookings willbe 40% rural residents, 20% town residents, and 40% from Mountain View County and Red Deer or further. The society has not approached Mountain View County for funding at this time; however, they willbe pursuing all funding sources that maybe available.

Funding requests to Red Deer County for capital investment to construct new facilities are usually submitted from a municipal partner, not a registered society. if this request was to come from a municipal partner, this project would meet the ‘‘guidelines'’ as stated in the Support to Urban Municipalities Policy. Due to the nature of the request, administration suggests it funding is approved, it is contingent on two conditions: 1) funding be granted at the time of construction to the Town of Bowden who willthen administer the funds on behalf of the society; and 2) that an agreement be executed to transfer back the property to the municipality in the event the society ceases operations.

Attached to this report is a spreadsheet which outlines County contributions made to various organizations throughout the County and in Bowden.

4.0 Financial implications As of December 31, 2014 Red Deer County has community services reserves totaling $4,595,621. Any funds granted for this request will not signi?cantly impact these reserves.

5.0 Options a) Approve the request for $300,000 with funds to come from the community services reserve account and to amend the 2016 budget accordingly subject to the following conditions: - that funding be granted to the Town of Bowden at the time of construction who will then administer funds on behalf of the society, and - that an agreement be executed between the parties requiring the transfer back of the property to the municipality in the event the society ceases operations. b) Approve a different level of funding support than what was requested with Council determining the level of support, and to amend the 2016 budget accordingly subject to the following conditions: - that funding be granted to the Town of Bowden at the time of construction who will then administer funds on behalf of the society, and o that an agreement be executed between the parties requiring the transfer back of the property to the municipality in the event the society ceases operations. c) Refer the decision on the request for a financial contribution for additional information (administration willrequire direction on what additional information is required).

Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 36 of 56 5.0 Recommendations That Council approve a financial investment for the Bowden Community Centre in the amount it considers appropriate for this funding request, with funding to come from the community services reserve account. and the 2016 budget is amended accordingly. Further, to this funding will be granted to the Town of Bowden at the time of construction who will then administer funds on behalf of the society; and that an agreement be executed to transfer back the property to the municipality in the event the society ceases operations.

\O’CU\ll/‘flnfvr/./iivuWLl!Y\,FWD” J -Ann Symingto? " Ric Henderson C mmunity Services Manager Assistant County Manager ,/?a/( Curtis Herzberg County Manager

Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 37 of 56 Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society c...

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Community Services Grants to Projects in Urban Municipalities

on: ma: Gums » min OKGANIZAYIDN PROIECI suuxcsor runnms Awioum 2015 Town alsyivan |ake Mexsaune cenue apennngBudget $1,013,015.00 2015 RedDEE!rhnng uun His1m1T

ANNUALcums - cumm YEAR ANNUALmum onmmuvnou mum rm saunczar nmnma AMOUNT Recurring Wllageol ueipmne Anmni apeiaiimgani Dpevalmx Budig $29,300.00 Rewiring Wllageor[lrinn Anmui Opiel?l ciani opeminp 00091 511,740.00 Rzumlng Town pi Eowden Anmiaiopeiaxin; 610111 Dper?irig Eudxel 554.32000 Re(umllg Town 0| lluuslan Annualopeiaiing Gram Dpel?irig amen $131,100 00 Reclining rpwn avvennpip Annuil Operalm? Grim Onzlillng Eudx? $54,120.00 Recurring Yawn oi symn lake Ammpi operaiing mm apemmgauogei $97,450.00 Recm ng my pi Red Deer Anmni 0pe:aunL0nn1 opemcmg000351 $133,100.00 Renulmg neihume Soduy ~ Arena A5 Supparl 10 Rulal CommuniwFauln es Policy opeming H1Ad‘$ 550,000.00 Reamung ilnnla Ag So1:i2Iy—CommumIvmu Sunporl 10 Rural Comnwmly Fatih?n Policy Dneri|in§ nudge: 57,500 00 Rewnmg NeridzyAsx‘nla! merpnn?ining. Bawden sue; (ummuniiy fngaxzmml Palixy Dper?ing Budgal 55,000 00 Recurring nennayAsx‘n(or \eaming- innmmi ureiom Cnmmmllly rnmememsuesPaliky npemmgBudxzl $5,000 00 mm g NzndayAmi (oi |eam1ng - symn Lllclanx lake Cummmllly Engagement sim Policy opemnngamp: $5,000.00 Recurring Elnula - cemeiery \nIIaLeui snpppnin Rural cammnmwFa Operatingmmgu $2,900.00 Haunting \II||ageolDe\bun1e~Cemel21v snpppnm nmalcommnnny Fa DpeIa|mgB1mg:l $2,500.00 Rewnnng Town praowuen —CMIelery 511111101110 RuvalCommun |v Faulu K23 Palicy Onev?ing nudge: 52,500.00 Re(unIn' Town rarsymn me Cannery mp: Sunpoll 10 Community FaulullaxPo|icy0neIi|m‘ B??gll 52,500 00 Recurring Town niunnimii - Cemelery sppppn 10 Kuril Community Fanlmu Policy npeiaiing Eudgal 52,500 00 ArmuA1 mums $111,020.00

n.\:mnmpnny Senrkex Depl\|ZommuniIy SelvI

ExpandingHorizons Society:BuildingBowden’s Future

Bo. _

Buwdcu, AB TOM 0K0 j _

Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 40 of 56 Table of Contents

1. Executive Summary ...... I-Lighlights Objectives Mission Statement

Keys to Success 11. Description of Business ...... 6 Ownership/LegalEntity Location ..... Interior Exterior Operation Services Management MarketingPlan Funding Sources Projected Annual Revenues and Expenses ExpandingHorizons Executive

Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 41 of 56 Executive Summary

Expanding Horizons Societyhas identi?ed a need for an accessible,safe, spaciousrnulti-use hall community in Bowdenwhich \vill be a focal point for gatheringsand celebrationsfor both town and rural residents.

Several factors have contributed to the creation of a new communityhall.The Town of Bowden commissionedPaul Conrad and Associates to completea CommunityNeeds Assessmentand FacilityDevelopmentstrategy which identi?ed as a prioritya facilitywith indoor and outdoor recreation space that could be used by multiplegroups in Bowden. Unfortunately,the residents of town cannot hear the ?nancial burden of a new hall throughindividual and business taxes.

The Town of Bowden CommunityNeeds Assessmentand FacilityDevelopmentstrategy identi?ed an initial eightpotential sites for a community hall,and ExpandingHorizons Buildingsubcommittee evaluated all of the sites.The ideal location is 3.2 acres with access EromQueenElizabeth Highway2 and Provincial Highway587. Expanding Horizons has purchasedthe land and is ready to move forward with fundraising,planning,buildingand using the new Bowden CommunityHall.

The Business Plan objectiveis to identify human and ?nancial resources requiredto implementa project of this scope in Bowden.

The major capitalrequiredto construct a new community hall is assumed to be raised through fundraisingefforts and government grants. Since both town and rural residents will utilize the hall, both Red Deer County and Town of Bowden representativeswill be asked to provideguidance and input on the project.

ExpandingHonzons respectfullyrequests a contribution of $300,000.00 from Red Deer County towards the communityhall project. The Town of Bowden has committed $150,000.00 to assist Expanding Hocizons purchasethe land.

ExpandingHorizons is the lead community organizationidenti?ed for community fundtaising creatingpartnershipsand government grants. Several sources of operational revenue have been evaluated. There is a wide range of potentialsources of revenue for the sustainabilityof the hall.

Highlights /\ communityhall is the heart of any small community.

The Bowden Lions Hall has been a gathering placefor townspeopleand rural residents sinceit was moved from the Bo\vden AirportBase in 1948. It was the placewhere meetings were held,where


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 42 of 56 concerts took place,where organizationscame into being, where the sports banquetswere held, where the weddingdance took place,and was the only placein town largeenough for many funerals.

Like many small communitycenters, the Bowden Lions Hall has gone into a decline, but it is still the heart of our community.An enthusiastic and dedicated group of town and rural residents have come together with the resolve of buildinga new hall.

Expanding Horizons — Bowden Cultural Enhancement Societyis made up of members from several

differentgroups as well as town and rural residents and local business o\vners. It is the umbrella societyfor the buildingand fundraisingcommittees for the new CommunityHall.

Expanding Horizons membershipis comptiseclof several generations of rural and town residents. ExpandingHonzons has 36 members, with 19 rural residents and 17 town residents,which shows

there is strong support from the community as a whole. There are members from the ages of 27 — 80, and all are committed to the longevityand sustainabilityof the project. This is critical to the viabilityof the hallin the long—term.The engagement and enthusiasm of all of the members, from the youngest to the oldest will ensure that this is a project that will bene?t the community for generations.

ExpandingHorizons Community Hall project was born out of a desire from rural and town residents to work together to build a new communityhall for Bowden. The time and ?nancial planningis shared by both rural and town members, and the hall will be enjoyedby all.


The objective of Expanding Horizons Bowden Community Hall project is to build a new communityhall which will providethe rural and town residents of Bowden and Disttict a gathering placefor community functions. It will also providemuch needed infrastructure for Bowden.

Mission Statement

To increase and make accessible opportunitiesfor citizens of all ages to participatein a largervariety of cultural and recreational activities.

Keys to Success Who: The need for a new communityhall in Boxvdenhas been recognized for several years. The key to this project is the joint effort between rural and town residents to see that the hall is built with i.nputfrom all stakeholders so that the new hall is easilyaccessible and can he used by all age groups.

Expanding Horizons Societywas incorporatedin 2005 for the followingobjects: 1. To provide for the recreation of the members and promote and afford opportunity for Etiendlyand social activities.


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 43 of 56 2. To acquirelands,by purchaseor otherwise,erect or otherwiseprovide a building(s)for social and communitypurposes. 3. To encourageand promote amateur games and exercises. 4. To providea meetingplacefor the consideration and discussionof questionsaffectingthe interests of the community. 5. To carry on a literaryor debatingclub for the topicsof generalinterest,and to encourage the practiceof publicspeakingamong its members. 6. To procure the deliveryof lectures on social,educational,polidcal,economic and other subjects, and to giveand arrange musical and dramatic entertainments. 7. To establish and maintain a libraryand readingroom. 8. To provideall necessaryequipmentand furniture for carryingon its va.riousobjects. 9. To provide a center and suitable meetingplacefor the various activities of the members.

Why: Brie?ystated, the current hall has now passedits effective service life. We believe it would be cost prohibitiveto attempt to bringthis buildingto approved code. The foundation and wall structures are challenged,the envelopeis inadequatefor energy ef?ciencies and the healing system is antiquated,the inteiior ?nishes and service areas are not ?re rated.

It is not recommended that publicmonies be invested to upgrade this buildingfor long term use. Rather than catty out temporary maintenance programs,it makes sense to apply those monies to the developmentof a new communityhall.

Currently Bowden does not have an adequatefacilitythat would accommodate weddings, conventions, etc. Promotingthis facilitywill have .1 positiveresult for the town, and the rural residents of the county. The longand short term fundraisingwould also helpengage the community.

There is a need and demand for a facilityin Bowden to provide an adequate,safe and suitable space for the community to thrive. A new community hall is absolutelynecessaryfor both town and rural residents to gather. A boardroom would provide a more suitable location for community group meetings. Other possibilities,for example,would include a permanent, full time playschooland a permanent relationshipwith FCSS.

There is a need and a demand for a facilityof this size in Red Deer County, Mountain View County and Red Deer. Many halls in the area do not have either sufficient seating capacityfor large weddings/funerals/conferences or do not have adequateparking.The Bowden CommunityHall will fill the void.

The Bowden Community Hall will ful?ll the outstanding need in the community for a space to hold: 0 Graduations Weddings Anniversaties FamilyReunions Class Reunions Funerals


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 44 of 56 FamilyDances Musicaland Theanical productions Active Living/Participactionopportunities Dance Recitals Banquets Youth Clubs Seniors Clubs Commercial Kitchen Rentals/ Catering Rental Spacefor small businessesand community organizations Trade shows Farmers Market

I Seasonal events I Disaster] Emergency Services

How: Expanding Horizons Executive and Board and subcommittees will direct and lead the project from initial construction plansthrough to maintenance and marketingin the funire.

Where: The locationis 3.2 acres at the north end of Bowdcn, with access from QueenElizabeth Highway2 and Provincial Highway587.


Phase One: September — November 2015 I Acquisitionof property I Capitalizationstrategy developedfor project budget I Choose best approach to site and facilitydevelopmentconcepts I Initiate preliminarydesignprocess I Proposalsubmissions preparedfor fund developmentinitiatives with identi?ed partners

Phase Two: January - March 2016 I Implementationof capitalrecommendations for existinginfrastructure I Initiate detailed design I Fund developmentthrough public/privateinitiatives I Commitments targeted by stakeholder groups

Phase Three: April2016 — Fall 2017 I Tendering and award I Construction phasecommences for infrastructure

Phase Four: Fall 2017 — ongoing I Fonnalize capitalizationprogram for community hall I Construction phase commences I Continued capitalplan for existingin?astructure projects I Continued expansionof program servicesby organizations deliveeingcommunityservices


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 45 of 56 Who: Bowden ExpandingHorizons will dedicate resources to engageexpertisein community developmentto coordinateand provide leadershipand organization developmentopportunities. This would includesuch initiatives as the implementationof capitalrecommendations, organizationaldevelopment,governance, ?nance and marketing.Communitydevelopmentcreates synergiesbetween organizationswith complementarymissions to achieve common objectives. The fundraisingand constructionis supportedby individuals,familiesand local businesses.

Bowdcn ExpandingHorizons has members from both town and rural communities as well as such diverse groups as the Bowden AgriculturalSociety,FCSS,St. Andrews United Church, Summit Women's Group, Bowden CommunityAction Park, St. Andrews PlayersTheatre Group, Seniors FriendshipSociety,Bo\vden Lions Club, Friends of Grandview School,Bowden Grandview School, County of Red Deer and the Town of Bowden.

Description of Business

ExpandingHorizons is a Societywith chantable status. Expanding Horizons Executive and Board will providethe leadershipand direction,and members and interested partiesfrom the community will form committees to providethe necessaryexpertiseand knowledgeto see the CommunityHall project through to completion.

Ownership / Legal Entity ExpandingHorizons will own the community ball during construction and on an ongoingbasis.


The new Bowden CommunityHall will be ideallysituated at the north end of town, with access from QueenElizabeth Highway2 and Provincial Highway 587.

0 High ground site with a gentle slope to the west 0 Gravel soil at surface I Buildingpositionand ampleparking options available 0 Servicesalreadyavailable


To meet the needs of the communitystakeholders and provide a truly functionaland community based facilityfor all age groups, the hall needs to be 6,500 sq ft. The facilitywill be handicap accessible and will provide for a banquethall area for 350 people,seating for 500 people with optionsto divide space for multiplemeeting areas, commercial kitchen, meeting room, stage for theaue and musical productions,storage area and storage lockers for community groups and adequateto-code washroom facilities.


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 46 of 56 Estimated projections of the cost of the building are S200/sq ft for a total ofS1,300,000.

Exterior/Grounds The exterior willhe parklike,with attention paidto the landscapingdetails. Grass, trees, ?ower beds, and other features will providea picturesquearea for photos, picnics,and a play area and will enhanceand beautifythe entire lot. This will also provide a very welcomingentrance to the Town of Bowden.


Bowden CommunityHall will be available for rental 365 days of the year.


Bowden CommunityHall services to the communitywill include renml space for meetingroom and banquetarea, commercial kitchen, landscapedarea for formal photos, picnicarea, parkingspaces and plug-insfor RV storage and temporary parking, etc.


Expanding Horizons has a ManagementCommittee in placeto oversee the construction of the facility,and will continue to manage the building until the facilityis viable.

Once operational,Expanding Horizons will hire a Managerwill oversee the leasingarrangements, program development,custodial duties and general facilitypromotion and marketing.The annual salaryof this individual will be negotiated when the buildingis completed.

Marketing Plan Ongoing sustainabilityis a priority.A SWOT analysishas revealed that our strengths and opportunitiesare the hall capacityand location and every effort will be made to capitalizeon those positives.

The capacity of the hall is a critical factor for sustainabilityand appealfor residents of Bowden as well as potentialusers from other communities. Capacityto seat 350 peopleis ideal, and will make

Bowden a destination for numerous gatherings that cannot be accommodated in the rural areas not booked in lrtnisfail,Olds or Red Deer. The current projection is that 40% of bookingswill come from the rural residents,20% from town residents and 40% will come from people from Red Deer County, Mountain View County, Red Deer or further.

Marketingand advertisingwill allow us to build a solid base of community members, and attract non communitymembers to inquire/book the hall space.Multiplemarketing channels will be used includingattractive signage,website (www.bowden—,social media, and print media with high qualitygraphic design and positiveword of mouth reviews.


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 47 of 56 Funding Sources CapitalFundingSources I Grants: Grants are anticipatedto form a major source of the requiredfor the

construction of the halLBased on the 2012 ~ 2015 CapitalPlan for Alberta Infrastructure a total of $450 million was budgeted for infrastructure project related to community facilities. A search of current potentialfederal,provincialand municipalgrants will be considered. For examplethe P3 Fund, Community Infrastructure ImprovementFund, Municipal SustainabilityInitiative - CapitalFunding,Community FacilityEnhancement Program, Green MunicipalFund.

Fundraising I Corporatelocal business, communityorganizations and individuals can he a signi?cant source of for completingthe hall. Fundraising can be undertaken througha number of avenues includingauctions,dances,festivals,theatre productions, and bicycling races, garagesales Another potential source of fundraisingis tights where the titles for rooms can be sold. The name of the facilityitself can also be sold. 0 Bequests In-kind contributions and volunteer hours from community members

OperationalFundingSources I Partnershipsand joint Ventures

Projected Annual Revenues and Expenses

7 eekendRentals 15 @ $600/day 39,000 Single Day Rentals 25 @3400/day 310,000 Meeting Rentals 100 hours @ $40/hour 34,000 Commercial Kitchen Rentals 400 hours @ $20/hour $8,000 Camper Power Plug ln 10 spaces @ $20 night /50 $10,000 Casino $30,000 / 3 year cycle $10,000 Fundraising Events $10,0D0/ year 310,000 Leased Space 10 storage / 3300/year 33,000 Equipment Rental Tables, chairs, a/v $5,000 IOYAL $97,000


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 48 of 56 E>_{PEr~4sE_s

V V V > I 7 Uli?lies $15,000 Advertising/Mclrkeling $10,000 Insurance 56,000 Repairs 35,000 Cuslodicl $8,000 Accounting $3,000 Supplies $2,000 Garbage $2,000 Fundroislng Evenls 36,000 Miscellaneous (WorkersCompensolion, Kilchen supplies, etc) $2,000

TOIAL $59,000


Expanding Horizons Executive


Mabel Hamilton, Prexldenl 403-224-2353 Box 6134, Innlslull.AB.MG 158 Don Pelerson, Vice Presidenl 4D3~2Z4~3064 34462 Rge Rd 285, Bowden, AB, YOMDKO Sena Urichuk, Treasurer 403224-3470 Box 375. Bowden, AB, IOM0K0 Julie Brewster, Secretary 403224-ZIBO RR], Eowden, AB, TDM0K0

BrodDallas, Member 4D3v224—2l62 28548 Twp Rd 350. Bowden, AB, TOMOK0 Gram Johnson, Member 4D3—505—7129 Box 195, Bowden. AB, TOM0K0 ‘

> Ian MulShC|||. Member 40Z’r224—2077 PO BOX420. Bowden, AB.TOMOK0

Tara Rankin, Member 40}22¢2459 PO Box 591. Bowden, AB.TOMOKO Norm Weslmon. Member 403-22455070 PO BOX298, Bowden. ABTOM(JKO Slon MTHS.Hull Projecl 403-224-3993 PO Box 70. Bowden, ABTOMOK0


Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society – c... Page 49 of 56 Bowden Expanding Horizons – Cultural Enhancement Society c...


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n February 16, 2016 – Report No. 8.1 ADMINISTRATION REPORT

Date: February 16, 2016

Memo To: Red Deer County Council

From: Planning & Development Services

Subject: Amendment to Red Deer County Land Use Bylaw 2006/6, Clustered Farm Dwellings – Bylaw No. 2016/3


To hold a public hearing for Bylaw 2016/3 to amend the Red Deer County Land Use Bylaw 2006/6, as follows:

• Amend the Use Definition in Section 8 for Clustered Farm Dwellings to read as follows:

 A third or additional dwelling added to a property to be occupied by a person who is solely or mainly employed in an agricultural operation or confined feeding operation on the site. The proposed dwelling must be located in the same yard site as one of the existing dwellings.

• Amend Sections 101.2 by removing Clustered Farm Dwelling as a Permitted Use and adding Clustered Farm Dwellings to Section 101.3 as a Discretionary Use within the Agricultural District (AG).

• Provide Land Use Bylaw regulations in conjunction with Clustered Farm Dwellings as follows:

a) The new Clustered Farm Dwelling shall be compatible in appearance, color, style and size to the principal residence. b) Wherever possible, the new Clustered Farm Dwelling must comply with the maximum lot coverage applicable to the Agricultural District. c) Wherever possible, the new Clustered Farm Dwelling must tie into the existing water, sewer and storm drainage systems, as well as franchise utilities, access roads, driveways and approaches existing upon the lot.


• To consider granting second and third reading to the proposed Bylaw.

P:Council Reports/Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments/2016/Clustered Farm Dwellings (2nd & 3rd Reading)

Bylaw No. 2016/3 – a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2006/... Page 54 of 56 2.0 SUMMARY

• First reading to Bylaw 2016/3 was granted on January 12, 2016. • The amendment is to provide clarity in regard to Clustered Farm Dwellings. Administration is proposing to amend the Land Use Bylaw 2006/6, by amending the Use Definition as well as provide specific regulations for the use and to move the use from Section 101.2, Permitted Use, to Section 101.3 a Discretionary Use within the Agricultural District (AG).


a) To grant second and third reading for a Bylaw 2016/3 to amend the Red Deer County Land Use Bylaw 2006/6, as noted in Section 1.0 of this report.


b) Postpone the 2nd and 3rd reading pending further information; or

c) Deny.


Administration recommends that Council grant second and third reading of the proposed bylaw amendment as per Alternatives 3 (a).

Prepared by: Francoise Joynt Development Officer

Reviewed by: Dave Dittrick Director of Planning & Development Services

Reviewed by: Curtis Herzberg County Manager

P:Council Reports/Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments/2016/Clustered Farm Dwellings (2nd & 3rd Reading)

Bylaw No. 2016/3 – a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2006/... Page 55 of 56 BYLAW NO. 2016/3


Pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by the Municipal Government Act, the Council of Red Deer County hereby enacts that Bylaw No. 2006/6, Land Use Bylaw, as amended, be amended as follows:

1. Section 8, Use Definitions – amend the definition of Clustered Farm Dwellings to read as follows: “A third or additional dwelling added to a property to be occupied by a person who is solely or mainly employed in an agricultural operation or confined feeding operation on the site. The proposed dwelling must be located in the same yard site as one of the existing dwellings.”

2. Part 11, Agricultural District (Ag) – amend this Part as follows:

Section 101.2, Permitted Uses OUTSIDE an Urban Fringe Area or an Intermunicipal Development Plan Boundary, Remove Clustered Farm Dwellings; and

Section 101.3, Discretionary Uses OUTSIDE an Urban Fringe Area or an Intermunicipal Development Plan Boundary, Add Clustered Farm Dwellings.

3. Part 7, General Regulations – amend this Part by adding the following section:

Section 41a, Clustered Farm Dwellings

41a.1 The new Clustered Farm Dwelling shall be compatible in appearance, color, style and size to the principal residence.

41a.2 Wherever possible, the new Clustered Farm Dwelling must comply with the maximum lot coverage applicable to the Agricultural District.

41a.3 Wherever possible, the new Clustered Farm Dwelling must tie into the existing water, sewer and storm drainage systems, as well as franchise utilities, access roads, driveways and approaches existing upon the lot.


______MAYOR Date Signed

______COUNTY MANAGER Date Signed

P:Council Reports/Land Use Bylaw Text Amendments/2016/Clustered Farm Dwellings (2nd & 3rd Reading)

Bylaw No. 2016/3 – a bylaw to amend Land Use Bylaw No. 2006/... Page 56 of 56