Third Notice. Third Notice. Second Notice
Prisoners in N E W G A T E, for the County Ca.T.omili-slreir, in tht* City of London*, Corn-buy:;' ?.aj Agent. of Middlesex. James Newton, formerly ofthe Parish os St. Ann Blacksryarj, Second Notice. late of Warwick-court, in the Parisli of Christ-church, both in the City of London, Taylor. John Lea, formerly of Stoiirbridge, iri the County of Wor cester, late of Brick-lane, in the Parisli of St. Luke, in the County of Middlesex, Ironmonger and Nailer. Prisoners in the M A R S H A L S E A Prison» James Dyerj otherwise IVfuster, formerly of the New Square in the County of Surry. in the Minories, in the Parisli of St. Luke Aidgate, London, late of Twickenham and Chelsea in thc County of M.ddlesex, Second Notice. Mariner. Martha Cooper, arrested by the Name of Martha Mundav, Third Notice. formerly of the Town of Derby, late of the Parilh of St. John Cooke, late of Yarmouth, in the County of Norfolk, Paul Covent Garden, Spinster. Mariner. Mary Craven, formerly of Mary le Bon, late of Bloomsbury James Munford, late of Gray's Inn-lane, in the Parilh of St. Square, both in the County of Middlesex, Widow. Andrew Holborn, in the County of Middlesex, Bricklayer. Sarah Turner, formerly os the Pariih of St. Mary Lambeth, Adam Henley, formerly of Little Russel-street, in the Parilh of in the County of Surry, late of the Parisli of St. Andrew St. George Bloomsbury, late of Dean-street, in the Parisli Holbourn, in the County of Middlesex, Victualler.
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