FOR delivering


Inst ITUTID 1757.


Printed in the Year MDCCLXXIL





was the Appointment of God, in confequence of the Firft ITTranfgreffion, that in * Sorrow Woman fhould bring forth Children. Accordingly, Terrors, Pains, and Dangers are the inleparable Attend- ants of Labor. A Child is not bom

* Genesis iii, 16, into the World, but at the Hazard of that very Life, to which, under God, it is indebted for its own.

Such being the Lot of Child- bearing ; not to fhew the utmoft Compaffion, not to adminifter pro- per Relief, to Women under thefe Circumftances muft argue a moft unfeeling Difpofitiom To be capa- ble of it, we muft reiift the generous Propenftty of our Nature, which feems particularly inclined to Emo- tions ol Tendernefs for Perfons in that diftrefsful and dangerous Skua- tiom And who can fay, whether God (who in the midfl of fudgment thinketh upon Mercy) did not, at the very Time that he decreed Woman to * multiply her Sorrow and her Con- ception, defign, in order to mitigate that Sorrow, to imprefs upon the hu- man Heart a ftrong Commiferation of her fad Condition. But, without attempting nicely to account for that particular Regard, which is ufually fhewn to Women in Labor, it is cer- tainly well founded, does Honor to our Species, and ought to be care- fully cherifhed and indulged.

For thefe Reafons, and with thefe Views, this Charity was firft in- ftituted, and now lolicits the Coun- tenance and Beneficence of the Public. The Objects of it are the Poor the fober and induftrious Poor- in One of the moft perilous Circum- * Genesis iii. 16. fiances of human Life -“Poor Mar- ried Women, deftitute of in Time of Labor. The Contributors to this Charity will foothe the An- guifli of many a tender Hufband, by relieving the Wife of his Bofom in her Extremity, will alleviate the ago- nizing Pains, prevent the Sicknefi and Death, of many a valuable Wo- man, preferve the Life of many an helplefs Infant. Surely, a Defign conceived for fuch amiable Purpofes as thefe, can never want Encourage- ment, while Sentiments of Tender- nefs are fuffered to animate and in- fluence the human Heart. OF THE Nature and Advantages

0 F


the fmgular Honor of this Age TOand Nation many and very cxpenfivc Deligns, calculated for the excellent Pur- pofe of relieving the Afflidted, have been generoufly fet on foot, and fupported by the prevaling Spirit of public Benevolence. Among the loud Cries of various Diftrefs, which have reached the Ears of the Com- paffionate. Attention has been given to the Voice of indigent Women laboring with Child, The Extremity of their Situation has been generally acknowledged, and fc- veral Expedients have been propofed for their Affidance. Hofpitals have been opened to receive them in common with the Sick; nay, Hofpitals have been built and main- tained intirely for their Benefit. With a View fingly to this Species of Diflrefs was inftituted, in the Year 1757, THE CHARITY FOR DELIVERING POOR MARRIED WOMEN AT THEIR OWN HABITATIONS,

A Concurrence of Caufes operated in Favor of this Defign. The humane and public-fpirited Gentlemen, who were firft concerned in it, having a juft Senfe of the diftrefsful Situation of very poor Women in the Time of Travail, were defirous of relieving them in a Way more convenient and effectual, than any hitherto adopted by the Public. They faw with Concern, that only a fmall Part of that great Mul- titude, which wanted Help in this large City, could poflibly have it by the Means; of Hofpitalsj and that, with refpeCt to thefe Hofpitals, the taking Women in La- bor from their Hufbands and Families was liable to ftrong Objections was incon- venient to the Patients themfelves difagreeable and hurtful to many poor married People -and withal very ex- penfive to the Public. They therefore agreed in a new Scheme for relieving the Diftrefs in queflion clear of the above Objections. At the fame Time they had the Pleafure of perceiving, that their new

Defign would, incidentally, be productive of general Good, by increafing the Num- ber of fkilful and honed: Midwives $ who, inftruCled in their Art at the Charge of this Charity, and placed in various Parts of the Town, would be ready to adminifter their Aid to any Perfons that might want it.

Whether this Defign is well adapted to thefe feveral Purpofes, is here fubmitted to the Confideration of the Public. I. This Charity comprehends a much greater Number of Women, than any other inftituted for the fame general Purpofe of helping indigentWomen in theirLyings-in. The Sum expended by this Society in the Courfe of the laft Year was One thoufand One hundred Seventy-three Pounds and upwards, which Sum was found fufficient to relieve Four thoufand One hundred and one Women. How impracticable were the Attempt to ere£t and endow Hofpitals for fuch a Multitude ? And yet a much larger Number would rejoice to partake of this Charity. In proportion to its having been more known, it has increafed in the Favor of the Public. Honoured with the Patro- nage of his Royal Highnefs the Prince of

WALES, it afpires to univerfal Notice and Efteem. Should the Subfcriptions ftill greatly increafe, to how large a Circle of poor People may it communicate Affijft- ance; and, with the Bleffing of Providence, how many Lives of Women and Children may it preferve ! It has been obje&ed to this Charity, that the Afiiflancc it affords at prefent is too Jiender; that the {applying the Poor with Midwives and Medicines is but a fmall and ineffectual Relief. But, let it be duly weighed, that if the Affiftance were greater, only few Perfons in comparifon could be benefited. And it will hardly be denied, but that it is better to impart even a fcanty Supply to many, in equal Want, than a larger one to few, in Exclufion of the Reff. Thofc, who have had the Welfare of this Charity moll at Heart, and labored indefatigably in its Service, have earneftly

wifhed to enlarge the Allowance ; but the Subfcriptions have hitherto been too fmall to admit of it, without breaking in upon an effential Part of the original Plan, the affording Help to a large Number. When- ever the Subfcriptions will permit, the Governors will be glad, confidently with

this Principle, to extend the Aid as far as the mod Generous and Compaflionate can defire. But after all, is the prefent Help fo very inconfiderable as is prefumed ? In all com- mon Cafes, the Patients are iupplied with honed, fkilful, and humane Midwives, and with necefiary Medicines: in all difficult or dangerous Cafes they are attended by Two able and approved Phyficians and Men- midwives; who are to deliver them if ne- ceffiary, to preferibe for them, and to vifit them regularly, both before and after De- livery, till they are perfectly recovered; and in extraordinary Cafes a confulting Phyfician and Man-midwife, whofe Abi- lities this Charity has long experienced, is engaged to give his additional Advice and AiTidance. It cannot be denied, but that the Provifion, which is hereby made for

jEmergencies, is very valuable ; and in or- dinary Cafes, the Relief is of confiderable Service. Men of very low Condition can

hardly purchafe the Neceffaries of Life ; and if they have a family of Children, or a fickly Wife, it will be found very diffi- cult for them (who, befides, are very rarely Patterns of Oeconomy) to defray the Charges of a common Lying-in : Thofe, who are moil experienced in this Matter, well know the Hardfhips Women undergo, the long, dangerous, and, frequently fatal lllnefles they contract from the Want of able Mid- wives and proper Medicines. So trifling as fome may think the Help afforded by this Charity, the Pains with which the Poor folicit it, the Joy they difeover upon re- ceiving it, and the Gratitude they demon- ftrate afterwards, are incontcflable Proofs of the Value they fet upon it; and they fhould be no incompetent Judges of its Merit.

It has been further fuggeflied to the Dif- paragement of this Charity, that Women in their Lyings-in Hand but in little Need of Medicines, and that when Medicines are abfolutely requiflte, they can be pro- cured at a very fmall Expence. But are thefe Affertions agreeable to Truth? Women in general want Medi- cines at thofe Times; and the Poor, who have only very coarfe and indifferent Food, and nothing to fupply the Place of Medi- cines, have more particular Occafion for them. The very indigent, who cannot purchafe them, muff do without them: But they too frequently feel the fad Con- fequences of it in their future Health. Neither is their Cod inconliderable; as may appear from the Expence incurred by this Charity upon account of Drugs only, though purchafed at a much cheaper Rate than they can poffible be by the Poor, and difpenfed with the ffridleft Fruga- lity.

11. The Circumftance of relieving the Women at their own Habitations has a ftriking Propriety in it.

Whatever Sentiments fome Perfons are induced to entertain of poor Married People ; many of them have as ftrong At- tachments to each other, as thole who have been educated in higher Life, and with greater Advantages: They will do as much, fuffer as much, and deny themfeives as much for each other, as People of fu- perior Condition. This is undoubtedly true with refped to many a poor Couple. And how grievous will a Separation be to fuch Perfons? Forced by extreme Want to fub- mit to it, that the Wife may have the Alliftance of an Hofpital in her Lying-in, with what Regret will they be divided ? what heart-rending Anguilh will over- whelm them when they are taking a fo- lemn, and perhaps a laid Farewell of each other ? Let any affedionate Pair, of what- foever Rank or Condition, fay, whether they would not think, if the Cafe was their own, fuch Separation moft painful and afflidive, and be induced to undergo almoft any Inconvenience, rather than con- fent to it. And fuch has adually been the Refolution of many poor Women : They have refufed the Succour of an Hofpital upon account of this cruel and infupport- able Separation j they have chofe rather to incur any Expence, endure any Hardfhips, run any Rifks of Life and Health, than, at lb alarming a Time, be torn from their Hufbands and Homes, And though the Pleas of Affedtion are in many Inftance s over-ruled by the flronger Pleas of Necef- fity, and, in confequence, a Separation is the complied with •, yet Anxiety ufually fuffered, both by the Hufband and Wife, in fuch Cafes, is fo great, as of itfelf to create an infurmountable Objection to this Method of Relief.

The Wife being a Mother, the Impro« priety of removing her to an Hofpital is Hill more apparent. Not to inlift on the Sorrow which a tender Mother will feel upon being taken from her little Ones, at a Time when her Spirits are low, her Health impaired, and her Heart more ftrongly attached to her domeftic Con- nexions, than at any other; what mult be the Confequence of it with refpeCt to the Children? While the Wife continues at Home, the Hufband may purfue his Bufi- nefs Abroad. Her Prefence, with ail the Difadvantages of her Situation, will yet be of very beneficial Influence to her Family. Though able to do little or nothing her- felf, the may give Directions to a Child or a Nurfe concerning the moil material Af- fairs : She may be up, and able to do many Things for her Children, long before the Cuftomary Time of difeharging Women from the Lying-in Hofpitals. No one need be reminded of the Importance of a Mo- ther’s Refidence in a poor Man’s Family, with regard to the Safety, Cleanlinefs, Be- haviour, and Happinefs of the Children. If ihe be removed, the Hufband muft forego the Profits of his conftant Labor to fupply her Place at Home; or, if extreme Penury makes that impracticable, he muft be at the Charge of hiring fome Perfon to look after his deferted Children ; or, his Circumftances not allowing him to do even that, the helplefs Infants mu ft be left for the moft Part intirely to themfelves.

There is one Thing more not to b« omitted in this Place. By delivering Wo- men at their own Houfes, the mutual Re- gard of Hufband and Wife is better con- fulted, than by any Method which requires a Separation. To Perfons dofely connected by the Ties of Habit, Affedion, and In- terell, Intervals of Danger to either Party are found to fupport and ftrengthen reci- procal Love. They improve the tender Paffions, give them Pvoorn to exert and difplay themfelves more freely, than they are wont to do in Seafons of Security and more general Intercourfe. The Bleftings of the matrimonial Union will be more fenfibly felt under the quick and fearful

Apprehenfion of its Diffolution ; The Efteem and Kindnefs, which before Teemed to be languid and expiring, then revives and kindles afrefh with all the Warmth and Strength of the moft paoffinate En- dearment. It is therefore another Objec- tion to the Mode of Relief by Hofpitals, that the Separation of Hufband and Wife intercepts thefe fair Occafions of testifying and confirming their mutual Affe&ion.

111. The induftrious Poor are the Sup- port ofa Community 5 confequently, every Expedient that tends to the Prefervation of their Lives and Healths is of general Utility. This Charity is particularly fub- fervientto this End. By helping to fupply the ncceffitous Women of this Metropolis with and experienced Midwives (the Want of which has been much lamented) it will prevent the Sicknefs and Death of many Women, and fave the Lives of many Infants. The Public is intreated to attend to the fpecial Advantages which will hence

• accrue to Society. The Mid wives are fettled in various Parts of London , Wejimlnjler, and Southwark, and are in the Way to attend any Lying-in Women in their refpective Neighbour- hoods. They have been carefully intruded in their Art by the Confulting Phyfician at the foie Charge of this Charity; and are not employed by the Society until the Phyfician has made report to the Committee of their being duly qualified for the Office. On ac- count of future Benefit to themfelves they ftand engaged to ferve this Charity at a low Price for Two Years. Great Care is taken to know the Characters of Women recom- mended for this Trull, and that Care has hitherto fo well fucceeded, thatfew Com- plaints have been made at all, very fewjuftly made, of their Want of Punctuality or good Behaviour. And any Failure of Duty could hardly have efcaped the Knowledge of the and Governors, who JirWy watch, take

every Precaution to be well informed of? the ConduCl of the Midwives, This Account, it is hoped, will fuffici- ently explain the Advantages of this Charity, obviate any Objections to it, give the Candid and Considerate a juft and favorable Idea of it, and engage the Benevolent and Liberal ip its Welfare and Support. S TAT E of the Charity, From January i, 1771, to January 1, 1772. Cafli received Dr. Per Contra Cr.

1. s. d. 1. s, d. To Balance in Hand 179 19 5 By Phyfidans, 1 To a Benefa6lion,q Midvvives, and > 1001 2 o being a Part of I Medicines j the charitable V 1000 o o By Secretary’s Al- " Bequeft of the \ lowance,Print- lateEof Thanet J ing, Stationa- I To Subfcriptions, j ry, Advertifing ' Collections, and C 1032 16 o and fundry Ex- Donations 3 pences To the Produce of-* By the Purchafe 1 the Sale of 6001. I of i 8001, in the >1514 5 o in E.I.An, Stock the 3 > 519 00 3 p.Ct. 5 pgr Cent, reduc. I ByßalanceinHand, 80 64 Bank Annuities J To a Half Year’s -j Total 2767 15 5 Intereft on the I 9 00 faid Stock C ToDitto on I 8001, -v fialllndiaAnnui- (. 27 o 0 ties j

Total 2767 15 $ Extraordinary Benefactions and Legacies

His Royal Highnefs George Prince ofWales, 500 o o A Benefaction, being Part of the charitable 7 Bequeft of the late Earl of Thanet S The Hon. Lady Frances Shirley 20 00 Executors to John Adkins, Efq; 100 o o Mr. James Mabbs 31 10 o John Brown, Efq; 21 00 Account of the Women delivered by this Charity from its firft Inftitution. From Lady-day 1757 to Lady-day 1758, 35 Lady-day 1758 to Lady-day 1759, 61 Lady-day 1759 to Lady-day 1760, 135 Lady-day 1760 to Lady-day 1761, 184 Lady-day 1761 to Lady-day 1762, 137 Lady-day 1762 to Lady-day 1763, 201 Lady-day 1763 to Lady-day 1764, 309 .Lady-day 1764to Lady-day 1765, 660 Lady-day 1765 to Lady-day 1766, 1073 Lady-day 1766 to Firft Jan. 1767, 1204 Firft Jan. 1767 to Firft Jan. 1768, 2198 Firft Jan. 1768 toFirft'jan. 1769, 2868 Firft Jan. 1769 to Firft Jan. 1770, 3382 Firft Jan. 1770 to Firft Jan. 1771, 3922 Firft Jan. 1771 to Firft Jan. 1772, 4101

Total of the Deliveries 20470

*The Boundaries of this Charity, beyond which the Midwives are not to go, are the under- mentioned Difances, viz. Weftminfter , Mill bank, Pimlico, Hyde Park Corner, Tyburn, Mary la Bonne, Tot- tenham Court, Gray’s Inn Lane, City Road, Kingfland, Hackney, BethnalGreen, and Mile End Turnpikes ; Limehoufe Hole, Rother- hithe Church ; Grange Road, Kent Street, Newington Butts Turnpikes, and the Road from Blackman Street to Weftminfter Bridge. R U L E S, &c.

I. this Society ffiall confift of a THATProficient, Six Vice-Prefidents, aTrea- furer, and all the Governors, together with fuch Officers and Servants as may from time to time be thought neceffiary.

11. That all Perfons who pay the Sum of One Guinea or more Yearly, to the Support of this Charity, are Governors as long as they continue their Subfcriptions and all who give a Benefadlion of Ten Guineas or up- wards at one Time, or make up their Con- tribution to that Sum within the Year, are Governors for Life. 111. That an Annual Governor is intitled to re- commend Twenty Objects within the Year for every Guinea he fubferibes within that Period; and that every Subfcriber of Ten Guineas, whereby he becomes a Governor for Life, is intitled to recommend Twenty Objedis annually during Life, and fo in Pro- portion for every Ten Guineas he fubferibes. IV. That the Accounts of the preceding Year be dated and audited by the Committee on or before the Firft of January, in order to their being forthwith printed; and that the Anniverlary Feast be held between that Day and the Twenty-fourth of June cnfuing. V. That there be a General Meeting held on the Second Friday after every Quarter Day, at the Hour of Five o’Clock in the Evening, to receive the Report of the Com- mittee, and regulate the Affairs of the Cha- (hall rity ; and that all General Meetings be advertifed in One or more of the public Papers at lead Three Days before fuch Meeting (hall be held* VI. That at the Firft Quarterly General Meeting after the Anniverfary Feafl;, the Officers and a Committee, confiding of Twenty-five Governors (including the Treafurer and the Stewards for the enfuing Year) be chofen to manage and conduct the Affairs of the Charity, VII. That all Governors for Life be Mem- bers of all Committees, whenever they pleafe to attend. VIII. That all Ladies (who are Governors) may fend their Proxy in Writing, men- tioning the Name of the Governor who is to vote for her, at the Ele&ion of any Officer. V IX That the Minutes of every General Meeting be read as foon as the Bufinefs is finished, and figned by the Chairman.

X. That there be One Confulting Phyfician and Manmidwife, and Two Phyficians and Menmidwives, and as many Affiftants as the Committee ffiall approve, j

XI. That the Prcfdent, any One of the Vice-Prefidents, or the Treasurer, have a Power to call a General Meeting. XII. That on the Death or Relignation of any of the Officers, the Treafiirer have a Power to call an extraordinary General Meeting to declare fuch Vacancy.

XIII. That on the Application (exprelfed in Writing) of Nine Governors to any One of the Vice-Prelidents, or the Treafurer, to call an extraordinary Meeting, he ffiall call the Governors together within Eight Days after fuch Notice; and that the Se- cretary ffiall fummon by Letter every Go- vernor on fuch extraordinary Meeting, ORDERS.

I. no Servant to this Charity do pre-r THATfume at any Time to take of any Tradef, man. Patient, Servant, Stranger, or other Per- fon, any Fee, Reward, or Gratification, direCtly or indirectly, for any Service done or to be done on account of this Charity, on Pain of being immediately difeharged. 11. That One of the Phyficians and Manmidwivcs do attend daily at the Houfe to which the Tickets are directed between the Hours of Nine and Ten in the Morning, SUNDAYS excepted, to give all neceflary Directions and Advice. 111. That the Secretary be prefent at all General and Committee Meetings at the Time appointed, and keep all the Books and Accounts in a regu- lar and methodical Manner, and do all fuch Bu- hners as is ufually done by Secretaries to other Charities. IV. That every Perfon relieved by this Charitv fiiall return Thanks to Almighty God at her ui'ual Place of public Worlhip, and to the Gor vernor who recommended her •, and upon Neg- leCt fhall be refufed any Benefit from this Cha- rity for the future, The Confultlng Phyficlan and Manmidwife is Dr. FORD, N° 25, in the Old Jewry, The Phylicians and Menmidwives are Dr. COOPER, Arundel Street in the Strand. Dr. CO GAN, N° i Lawrence Pountney Lane. The Midwives are. Mrs, Cecil, in Wentworth Street, Petticoat Lane, Mrs. Calmn, in Southmoulton Street, Grofvenor-fquare, Mrs. Negus, in St. Thomas’s Tents, Maze Pond, Southwark, Mrs. North, at N° 16, Union Court, Hill, Mrs. Lowe, in Pelham Street, Spitalfields, Mrs. Venmore, at N°u, Garlick Hill, Thames Street. Mrs. Hooker, in Purpool Lane, Gray’s Inn Lane. Mrs. Clare, oppolite Old Gravel Lane, Ratcliff Highway. Mrs. Brown, George’s Court, Prince’s Street,Leicefter Fields. Mrs. Loveless, N°6, Three Herring Court, Redcrofs Street, Mrs. Wallis, in Beck’s Rents, Rofemary Lane. Mrs. Saunders, atN° 2, Weft Harding Street, Fetter Lane. Mrs. Stevenson, at N° 84, London Wall. Mrs. Hewit, at N° 37, Snow Hill, Mrs. Sparks, in Holywell Square, Shoreditch. Mrs. Bell, N° ii, Bifhop’s Court, AyleftburyStr. Clerkenw. Mrs. Brookes, in Blue Anchor Alley, Bunhill Row. Mrs. Judd, at Mr. Moore’s, Short’s Gardens, Seven Dials. Mrs. Wheatly, in Old Tolhill Street, Weftminfter. Mrs. Bevir, inWagftaff’sßuildings, Great Bandylcg Walls,

Mrs. Uav ? in Snow’s Fields, Soutliwark. Mrs. Tucker, at N° 1, Swcedland Court, near Widegate Alley, Bifhopfgate Street. Any Perfon inclined by his Laft Will to bequeath a Legacy to this Charity, is defired

to do it in the following Form :

Item, Igive and bequeath unto A. B. and C.D. the Sum of the Intent upon Truji, to that theyy or one

of them, do fay the fame to the Treafurer (for the Time being) of a Society, who now call themfelves THE LYING-IN CHA- RITY FOR DELIVERING POOR MARRIED WOMEN AT THEIR OWN HABITATIONS, inflituted in

the Tear 1757, which does, or lately did meet at WillV Coffee-houfe in Cornhill; which faid Sum I defre may be applied to- wards carrying on the (Charitable Defgns of thefaid Society. N. B. Giving Land, or Money, or Stock, by Will, with Directions to be laid out in the Purchafe of any Eftate for the Benefit of this Charity, will be void by the Statute of Mortmain; but Money or Stock may be given by Will without being directed to be laid out. z ss* If any Executor fhall pay Twenty, or Executors, Fifty Pounds, towards the Support of this Charity, he or they fhall become a Governor or Governors for Life.

Subscriptions are taken in by Meffi Fuller and Son, Bankers, Lombard-ftreet. Meffi Boldero, Kendall, and Adey, ditto. Meffi Backwell, Croft and Co. Pall-mall. Meffi Drummond and Co. Charing-crofs. jMeff. Biddulph and Go. ditto. Meffi James and Tho. Coutts, in the Strand. Mr. Peter Sharp, Treafurer, Biffiopfgate-ftreet Without, N° 177. Mr. Edw d - Mulso, Secretary, at Mr. Sanderfon’s in Eaft-ftreet, Red Lion-lquare, Holborn, or in a Morning (during Office Hours) at the Excife Office in Old Broad-itreet (Sundays and Holi- days excepted). And by the Committee, who meet pre- cifely at Six o’clock in the Evening on the Laft Friday in every Month, at WILL’S CofFee-houfe in Cornhiil, to manage the Affairs of the Charity, and to examine into any Complaints that may come before them. LIST OF THE GOVERNORS.


The Right Hon. the Earl of DARTMOUTH, The Right Honourable Earl HARCOURT, Sir JOHN SHAW, Bart. Sir WILLIAM BEAUCHAMP PROCTOR, Bart, and Knight of the Bath, WILLIAM FULLER, E% HENRY BOLDERO, Efq-, Vice-Presidents.

Mr. PETER SHARP, Treasurer. N. B. Thofe marked *** are Governors for Life who have fnbfcribed Twenty Guineas or upwards; thofe

* marked * are Governors for Life; thofe marked * are annual Subfcribers of Two Guineas or upwards; and thofe marked f have ferved the Office of Steward*

A. "OIGHT Hon. Countefs of Albemarle, Spring 1 Gardens Right Hon. Countefs of Alhburnham, Dover-fireet Mr. William Abington, Beaufort Buildings , Strand ** I. A. f P. T. Adams, Efq; Hatton Garden., middle Quarter Mrs. Martha Adams, ditto Mrs. A. Adams, Cavendifh-fquare Mr. Jarvis Adams, Newgate-ftreet Mrs. Sarah Adams, Longacre Mrs. Jane Adams, ditto Mr. James Adams, Friday-ftreet Michael Adolphus, Efqj Sackville-fireet

f** Mr. Paul Agutter, Crown-court , Cheapfide, 2 Mrs. Aiflabie, Grofuenor-fquare

Mrs. Allanfon, Hill-Jireet, Berkley-fquare Mr. James Allccck, Cheapfide, 134

, Mrs. Elizabeth Alldis, Borough , Southwark 209 Mr. John Amies, Red Lion-fireet, Clerkenwell -}-** John Amyand, Efq; Laurence Pountney-hill Mrs. Jane Mary Andre, New Broad-fireet, 32 J- ** Mr. William Angel, Cornhill, 60 Mrs. Sarah AnTworth, Old-Jtreet Alexander Arbuthnot, Mr. Cheapfide, 155 Mr. George Archer, Fifh-jireet-hill, Mrs. Eliz. Ardefoife, Greville-ftreet

Mr. Latham Arnold, Newgate-Jlreet, 6 Mrs. Arnold, Mifs Rebecca Arnold, ditto Mifs Mary Arnold, Mr. John Arthur, Middle ** Mr. James Afpinall, Ratcliff Highway ** Richard Gm?/ g Atkinfon, Efq*,

B. TheRight Rev. the Lord Bifiiop ofBriftol, Dean’s

Court , St. Paul's

* Right Hon. the Earl of Briftol, St.James's-fqu&t Mrs. Elizabeth Bailey, Fokenhoufe-yard, 22 -}-** Mr. Samp. Barber, Cateaton-jireet ** Mifs Polly Barclay, Cambridge heath, Hackney

Mrs. Mabel Barnard, Old Nicholas-Jtreet , Shoreditch

Mr. Benjamin Barnett, Lombard-jireet , 62 Mr. Robert Barnevelt, Lower Thames-Jlreet, 11S

Mr. Charles Barry, Ingram-court , Fenchurch-ftreet , 2 ** Mr. Thomas Bafkerfield, Corner ofHatton Garden Mr. John Bateman, Charingcrofs Mrs. Sufan Beckman, Afcw Broad-Jlreet Buildings , 3 Mr. Philip Bell, 6L Paul's Church-yard, 23 + Clement Mr. Bellamy, Poultry , 27 Hon. Mite Bellaffyfle, Hillftreet, Berkley fquare Thomas Bennet, Efq; Sherborn-lane Mr. Timothy Bentley, Little Bowerhill Mrs. Hannah Bentley, ditto Mr. Benj. Benyon, Bucklerjbury ■f John Berrow, Efq; Lawrence Pcuntney-lane Sylvanus t** Mr. Sevan, Lomhard-jireet , 5 J-** Mr. Timothy Bevan, ditto

Mrs. Sibellas Beverley, George-Jlreet, Spitaljields Mrs. Bewicke, Lime-Jireet-fquare Francis Biddulph, Efq; Charingcrofs Mr. Wm. Biley, White's Ground, Crucifix-lane

Mr. William Bird, Bell-lane, Spitaljields

F Mr. John-Francis Blache, Great St. Helen's, 19 Mrs. Ann Blache, ditto Mr. Smith Nat. Blagrave, Puddle-dock Hill WT 8 Mr. m. Bleamire, Queen-Jireet, Cheapfide y Mr. Blois de Blois, Bartholomew Clofe Mr. Henry Blythe, bottom of the Minories

Mrs. Martha Bocket, Borough, 273 Mr. Geo. Boddeley, Lomhard-jireet f** Henry Boldero, Efq; Lomhard-jireet , 77

Mr. Edward Bond, Golden-lane, Barbican

Mr. William Bond, High-Jireet, ** Mr. John Bonus, Billingfgate y 93 Charles Boucher, Efq*, Hill-Jireet

Rev. Mr. Jac. Bourdillon, Church-jireet, Spitaljields William Bowden, Efq; St. Thomas's Hofpital ￿* Mr. Thomas Bowerbank, Cateaton Jireety 24 ** John Boyd, Efq; Lanjon, Kent

-j- Mr. Thomas Bradley, Fijh-jireet-hill, 2 ** Mr. John Bradney, Great Eajicheap, ig Mr. James Bradlhaw, Harp-lane, -flreet •f* Mr. Geo. Teleure Braithwaite, at the Cujlomhoufe Alex. Lower Mr. Brander, Thamesfireet, 8 Owen Sails Brereton, Efq; Sohofquare Rev. Samuel Brewer, B. D. Stepney Caufeway * Mrs. D. Brifcoe, IVimpolefireet , Cavendijh-fquaTi Mrs. Eliz. M. Briflow, Merchant Taylors Hall ** Mr, Benjamin Brockhurft, Woodfireet William Bromfield, Efq; Conduit-fireet Mr, Thomas Brookes, Cateatonfireet, 39 Mr. Richard Brown, Sparrow Corner *** John Browne, Efq*, Peckham ** Tho. Smollie Browning, Efq; Earnaly fir. South* Elon. Mrs. Ja. Brudenell

Mr. Robert Bulkeley, Pump-court, Temple T. Bull, Mr. J. Bartholomew Clofe, 59 * Mrs. Mary Burdon, Dalfion Mrs. Ann Burges, Old Burlingtonfireet

Mr. Thomas Burne, Royal Exchange, 93 Mr. John Burnell, Greenfireet, Leicejier-fquare ** Rev. J. Burrows, L.L. B. Newman jireet, Oxf.roaa Mrs. Amie Burrows, ditto Mr. James Burt, in the Borough, 267 The Rev. John Butler, D. D. Prebend of Winton,

and Arch-deacon of Surry, Farnham , Surry

Mr. John Button, Crooked-lane, 33 Mr. Ifaac Buxton, Paul’s IVbarf c.

* His Grace the Archbilhop of Canterbury * Right Hon. Lady Eiiz. Chaplin, Berkeley-fquare

Rt. Hon. Lady Ann Cecil, David-Jtreet, Berkeley-fq. ** Right Hon. Lady Frances Coningfbey, Upper Brook-Jireet Hon. Mrs. Cornwallis, Lady to Dr. Cornwallis, Archbilhop of Canterbury, Lambeth-palace * Hon. and Rev. Mr. Cornwallis, ditto ** Mrs. Calverley, Borough,-Southwark, 254 * James Calvert, Efq-, Old Jireet Mr. John Came, Cheapftde , 55 Mr. James Caney, Ratcliff Highway Mr. Henry Capei, St. Martin’s lane

Mr. James Capftack, Angel-court , Throgmorton-Jlreet Mr. Jofeph Carrol, Fairftreet , Horjlydown Thomas Carter, Efq; Cork-jtreet Mrs. Martha Carter, ditto Mrs. Elizabeth Carter, ditto 1 Mr. John Caftell, Whitecrofs-Jireet, 27 Mrs. Caftle, Spring Gardens

Mr. Thomas Cater, Bread-ftreet , 44 Nathaniel Cauftin, Efq-, North-fireet, RedLionfquafe Mr. John Chalie, Mincing-lane

Alex. Champion, Efq; Bijhopfgate Within, 117

Mrs. H. Chapone, Wardour-Jireet , Soho Mary-Char. Mrs. Charleion, Bijhopfgate Without, 133 Mr. Peter Chavany, Palimall Charles Child, Efq; Mr. James Chriftie Letitia Clark, Without Mrs. Bijhopfgate , 29 Mrs. Ifabella Clark, FJj'ex-fireet, Strand

IVlrs. Ann Clarke, Maid-lane , Southwark * Mils Clayton, Hill-fireet, Berkeley-Square Mr. Clayton, Stanhope-ftreet, Tkfoy Fair

Mr. John Clement, Bijhopfgate Within, 62 Mr. John Cleveland, Fleet Bitchy 4

Mr. John Cobbs, O/d George-Jlreet , Spitalfields Henry Mr. Cock, Union-Jiairs, Wapping Mr. Jonas Cockerton,. Poultry , 10 James Cocks, Efq; Charingcrofs ** John Coe, Efq; Wellclofe-fquare William Coffin, Efq-, Borough, 198 Cadwallader Coker, Efq; Old-Jireet Mr. Edward Cole, Newington Buts Mr. Thomas Collins, St. Paul's Churchyard, 6S Mr. William Collifon, Chifwick Mr. Wm. Complin, Prefcot-fireet, Goodman's Fields Mr. Thomas Compfon, alley

Mrs. Ann Coney, Leadenhall-Jlreet, 145 Mr, Thomas Connor, Vauxhall Mr. James Cook,

Mr. John Cook, Cheapfide , 22 Mr. Jofeph Cooke, Bartholomew Clofe Mr. Benjamin Cooke, Borfet-court , Channel-row Mrs. Margaret Coombs, Glocefter-Jlreet Mr. John Cooper, Wildernefs, Sdlijbury-court Mr. John Cooper, Fad cheapo 28 Mrs. Mary Cork, Butcherhall-lane, 10 ** Mr. Robert Cornthwaite, Lamb's Conduit-Jlreet Mr. John Corrie, Cornhill ** Mr. William Cotes, at Mr. Champion's, Sandwicb- Jireet, Widegate alley Mr. Thomas Cotton, Hackney Cottrell, Nevil's Court, Mrs. Mary Fetter-Jane , 9 Philip Cox, Efq; Tooley-fireet, Southwark, 31

Henry Crank, Efq; Bijhopfgate Without, 26 Mr. William Crafwell, Whitechapel Mrs. Crawley, Berkeley-fquare Mrs. Creillus, Little St. Thomas Apojile's Claude Crefpigny, L. L. D. Camberwell Mrs. Crefpigny, ditto

f Philip Crefpigny, Efq; Burwood, Surry Mr. John Crompton, Towerhill Mr. John Crozier, Widegate-alley, Bijhopfgate-fireel

Mifs Crattenden, Eaft-jireet, Holborn

Afnron Curzon, Efq; David-Jlreet , Berkley-fquare ** Wm.Curties, Efq;sV. Martin's-lane,'Cannon-^jir, 4 ** Mr. John Curties, ditto Mr. Tho. Curtis, Prefcot-Jlreet, Goodman's Fields, 5

D. •f* Right Hon. the Earl of Dartmouth, St. James'*

Jquare, V. P. Rt. Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Durham, Albemarle- ftreet Mrs. Elizabeth Dancer, Wellcloje-fquare ** D. Mrs. Darby, Sunbury , Middlefex Mr. Benjamin Davenport, in the Borough, 71 Mr. J. Davenport, in the Strand * Mr. Jofeph David fon, Ave-Mary-lane, St, Paul's Mrs. Ann Davis, Bijhopfgate Within, 104 ** ■f William Dawfon, Efq; Cornhill, 71 Mr. Thomas Dawfon, St. Martin's lane Mr. John Dekewer, Hackney Mrs. Ann Deming, Whitechapel

•f Harry Derby, Efq; Lothhury, 9 Mr. John Devaynes, Spring Gardens

Mr. Abr. De Paiba, at Ware's, Stationer, Ludgatehill Ambrofe Dickins, Efq; JVoolafion, Northamptonjhirs

Mr. William Dinwoody, Holborn , 73 Mr. James Dizington, Ratcliff Highway Mrs. Donne, Cheyney-walk, Chelfea Mr. Jofiah Dornford, Philpot-lane, 14 Mr. Alexander Douglas, Strand •f Mr. Richard Down, oppojite the Bank Mr. John*May Dring, Ipfwich Alexander Duncan, Efq; Bijhop Stortford Mrs. Mary Diinkin, St.Thomas-Jireet, Black's Fields •f** Peter Duval, Efq; Hackney Mr. John-Lewis Duval, New court. Old Broad-fir. Rev. Mr. Duval, Newman-fireet, Oxford-fireet, 16 Robert Dyncley, Efq; Bloomjhury-fquare D. and D. Church-fireet, Sfitalfields It 41 j

E. H.t. Hon. Lady' Sophia Egerton, Albemarle-fireet

Lady Carolina Egerton, at Lord Gower’s , Whitehall ** Mr. William Edmonds, Poultry , 14

Mr. John Edwards, Savage Gardens, 4 Mr. Thomas Edwards, High-fireet,St. Giles's Mils Harriet Empibn, High-Jlreet, Whitechapel Peter Efdale, Efq;, Bunhill-row Lady Efdaile, izV/0 *■* Mr. James Exeter, Whitechapel


Mr. Robert Farran, Middle Moorfields, 9 f Mr. Thomas Feild, St. Mary Axe, 52 Mr. Arthur Fendon, Watling-fireet 7 1

Mrs. E. Fenwick, DevonJhire-Jireet, Red Lion-fiqutf, Mrs. Eliz. 29

Mr. R. Finlayfon, New-fireet-Jquare, Shoe-lane9 27

Mr. Timothy Fiflier, Holborn Bridge , 9 Mr. John Fleming, Upper Shadwell Mr. Jofeph Flight, Cernhill, 84 Mr. George Flower, Cannon-fireet, 47 ** Rev. Mr. Wm. Ford, Bear-lane, Southwark Ford, M.D. Jewry t** John Old , 25 ** Mrs. Margaret Ford, -f-* Alexander Fordyce, Efq*, oppofite the Bank. ** Mr. Benjamin Forfict, Leadenhall-firest ** Mr. Thomas Forfitt, facing the Windmill-hill Mr. Simon Fofter, Borough, Southwark, 43 Aaron Franks, Efq; Bijhopfgate Within, 15 Jacob-John Franks, Efq; Mrs. Phila Franks, Mark-lane

N. Franks, Efq; Great George-Jireet, Weftminfier Mr. Wm. Freeke, Stanhope-fireet, Clare Market ** Mrs. M. Freeman, Leadenhalljireet Mrs. Sufan Freeman, Buckle-jlreet Mr. James-Bogle French, Swithiri*s lane Mr. William French, Red Lionjireet Mr. William Fricker, Holywell Mount, Shoreditch ** •f William Fuller, Efq; Lomhard-Jireet , 27 Mr. Thomas Fuller, ditto ** Mr. John Fuller, Hoxton-fquare Rob. Raikes Fulthorp, Efq-, Buke-Jireet Mrs. Fulthorp, ditto

G. Rt. Hon. Lady Vifc. Gower, Pallmall Rt. Hon. Lord Vifc. Galway, Hill-Jireet, Berkeley- Rt. Hon. Lady Vifc. Galway, ditto

eet . Hon. Lady Griffin, New Bwlingt on-flr , St. Jam Mr. Matthias Gale, ‘T'hreadneedle-ftreet ST Mr. Daniel Gallopine, ower-jireet , 90 Mrs. Garret, Lemon-Jireet, Goodman's fields 20 Mr. Alexander Garrett, Philpot-lane, Mrs. Garrick, Southampton-jireet, Covent Garden Mr. Tho. Gafcoyne, CrofsKeys, Gracechurch-Jireet Mr. Nicholas Gautier, Spital-fquare Mr. John Geare, of Hythe

Mr. William George, Shoreditch, 6 Mr. William Gibfon, Bow-lane, 55 Mr. T. Gibfons, Clement's-lane, Lombard-ftreet* 1 Sir Sampfon Gideon, Bart. St. James's fquare ** Ambrofe Lynch Gilbert, Efqj Arundell-fireet Cock-hill Mr. John Gilbert, , Ratcliff ** Mr. Philip Gill, at Mr. Holder's, Little Bartho- lomew Clofe Mr. John Gill, Camberwell Mr. Samuel Gift, America-fquare +** Mr. John Goad. Bijhopfgate Within* 47

Mr. William Goad, St. Thomas Apofiles, 33 Cha. Mr. Godfrey, Dunftan's Alley, Tower-fireet Richard Goodall, Efq; Cro/by-Jquare, 3 ** Mr. Samuel Gordon, Cannon-fireet, 54 Mr. William Gould, Gracechurch-fireet, 78 ** Mr. William Grace, Cornhill* 69 Mr. Thomas Grace, Fenchurch-fireet, 6 J- Mr. Thomas Grape, Gracechurch-fireet* 6 Mr. Abraham Gray, Newgate-fireet, 24 Mr. T. Green, New-fireet, Bijhopfgate Without* 22 Mr. Jcr. Greenland, Smithfield, 52 Mr. Thomas Gregg, Pallmall ** Mrs. Eliz. Gregory, oppofite Bloomjhury Church Mr. John Greig, Newgate-fireet Mrs. Greville Mr. Abel Grey, Royal Exchange* 93 Mr. David Griffin, Tooley-fireet , Southwark, 11 Mrs. Ann Gwyn, 5/. Margaret's Church-yard, H. Earl Harcourt, Might Hon. Leicejler-houfi , V. Fh Rt. Hon. Lady Frances Harpur, Upper Grofa. fir* Mils Haddow, Long-lane, Bermondfey

Mr. Valentine Flail, Eijhopfgate Without, 140 Mr. Stephen Hall, Fenchurch-fireet, 6 Mifs Hannah Hainworth, Widegate-fireet , 11 Mr. John Hanbury ** Capt. Nathaniel Flancock, Woodfireet, 56 Mr. John Flandfbrth, Lad-lane, 10 ** Mr. Benj. Hanfon, Botolph-lane, Eaftcheap , S

, 2? Mr. Edward Hanfon, Botolph-lane Eaficheap, ** Mr, Nath. Hardcaftle, Old. Swan Stairs, 8

Mr, Win. Hardwick, Cow-lane, 32 Mrs. Harman, Ironmonger-lane

Mr. John Harman, Cateaton-fireet, 5

Mr. James Harriot, Newgate-fireet, 79 Dr. Harris, Holborn Mr. Wm. Harris, Monmouth-fireet. Seven Dials ** Mr. John Harris, Cooper's Row , CrutchedFriars Rev. R. Harrifon, A.B. Tottenham-court Road ** Matt. Harrifon, Efq; King’s Road, Bedford-row

Mr. James Harrifon, Churchfireet , Spitalfields Mr. John Hart, Upper Thamesfireet, 149 Mr. Robert Hart, Gracechurchfireet, 4

Mr. Charles Hartland, Curtain, Holywell Mount

Samuel Hawkins, Efq; Cbarterhoufe-fquare, 28

Mr. Samuel eet Fie . Hawkins, Lemon-fir , Goodman’s John Hay, Efq; Gmz/ BV. Helen’s < Mr. James Hayward, Grocers Alley , Poultry, 7 Mr, Benj. Heath, Cafile Fleet Market Mr. James Hebert, Fenchurch-ftreet , 12 *** Mr. Swift Heckford, Kingfireet, F'owerhill Mr. Abr. Henchell jun. Cannon-fireet, 86 Mr. Wm. Herbert, Goulfione-fqiiare, Whitechapel

Mr. Bafil Herne jun. Paternofier-row , 41 John-Adam-Fred.Hefle, Efq; Fay-Office, Whitehall * Mrs. Elizabeth Hetherington, Queen-fquare ** Mr. Edward Hewitt, Wood-jireet, 6 ** Mr. William Hewlett, Strand ** Mr. David Hewfon, Cannon-fireet **

Mrs. Eliz, , Hillier, Pancras-lane , Cheapfide 5 Mr. John Hingefton, Corner ofKing-fir eel, Cheapfide ** Mr. John Hiorne, Smithfield Bars Mr. Richard Holford, New River Office Mr. John Holton, Black Friars, 1 Mr. Wolrath Holtzmeyer, Wellclofe-fqtiare j.** Mr. Moles Hooper, Botolph-alley, Botolph-lane Mr. John Hopkins, Ratcliff Highway Richard Hopkins, Efq; Charlesfireet, Berkley-f quart Mary Horne, Bankfde

Mr. Robert Horsfield, Ludgate-fireet , 22 Mrs. Elizabeth Hofkins, Somerfet-houfe Mr. John Hofkins, Crojby-fquare , Bifhopfgate-fireet Hon. Mr. Tho. Howard, Efher, Surry Giles Hudfon, Efq; Bafmghall-fireet Mr. Thomas Huet, Harpur-flreet, Holhorn Mr. Robert Hughes, St. Martin's le Grand, 5 a

Mrs. Hughes, Eltham , Kent Mrs. Hume, Hill-fir6et ** Mr. Jofeph Hunt, Newgate-ftreet, 23 Mr. Thomas Hunter jun. Black Friars , j Mifs Elizabeth Hunter, ditto Ham Mr. Wm. Huth waite, Eafi , Surry Mrs*Mary Hutton, LadytoDr. Hutton, lateArch-

biftiop of Canterbury, Duke-fireet , IVeJlm, Mifs Mary Hutton, at Mrs. Hutton*s

Mrs. Catherine Hyde, Cornhill, 75


Mr. James Jacks, Paternofier-row t 64 *f* Mr. John Jackfon, Piccadilly ** Mr. Jof. Jacobs, St. Mary Ax

•f* Mr. David Jennings, Cheapfide, 101 Mr. John JefToru Leadenhall Market Mr. Thomas Inwood, Bijhopfgate Without, 15 1 ■f Mr. James Johnfon, Crojby-fquare, 8 Mr. Lewis Jpuenne, Chapel court, Spital-fquare Thomas Jones, Efq; Leicefier-fquare

Mr. William Jones, Cheapfide , 11 The Rev. Mr. Jones, Peckham

John Ironmonger, Efq; Paternofier-row, Spitalfi. lyerfon, Mr. Charles Crooked-lane, 13 f** Samuel Juftice, Efq*, Hounfditch * Mrs. Juftice, ditto Mil? Juftice, K. Rev. Mr. Kaye, Prebendary of York, Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefiy, and Sub-Almoncr, Lord Almoner’s Office ** Anthony Keck, Efq* ** Mrs. Keck

, Mr. Geo. Keith, Tdlhot-court Gracechurch-Jireet, a Mr. -f- John Kendall, Lomhard-Jireet , yy Mrs. Kendell, Gracechurch-Jireet, 35 Mr. John Kennedy, Cornhill, 69 Mr. Benjamin Kennett, Effiex Wharf Strand ** Mr. Benjamin Kenton, Minories -f** Benjamin Kidney, Efq*, Laurence Pountney-bili ** Mrs. Kidney, ditto Mrs. E. Kidney, Cannon-ftreet Mr. Rich. King, the Corner of Bull and Meuth-Jlrost Mr. William Kinman, Snowhill, 8 Mr. Francis Kinman, Shoe-lane Mr. JohnKnight, Birchin-lane, Cornhill, Mrs. Knight, ditto


** Rt. Hon. the Countefs of Leicefter, Hanover-fy.

Rt. Hon. the Earl ofLichfield, Hill-ftreet, Berkley- fquare Right Hon. the Countefs of Lichfield, ditto Rt. Hon. Lord LeDefpencer, Hanover Square ** Hon. and Rt. Rev.Lord Bifhop of Lichfield, Right Rev, Lord Bifhop of Landaff, Amen Corn§r Robert Ladbroke, Efq; Knight Ryder-fireet, ij

Mr. William Lane, High-fireet, 12

Mrs. Mary Langdon, CowAane., Weft Smithfield, 6 Rev. Mr. J. Langford, Thomas-fir eet, St.John,South. 2 Mr. John Langley, Exchange-alley , "f** Nic. Langley, Efq; White Lion-court, Cornhill John Langlois, Efq-, iWw Bond-ftreet Mr. Stephen Langfton, Cheapfide, 57 Mrs. Langton

Mrs. Laprimaudaye, Old Broad-fireet, 57 Mr. Aaron Lara, Leadenhall-fireet Richard Lateward, Efq; Hatton Garden ** eet Mr. S. Laurence, Widegate-fir , Bijhopfgate, 4 Mr. Thomas-James Lawrence, Ludgat e-fireet, 38 Mr. Edward Layton, Borough, 143 Mr. Ifaac Lee, Bock Head John Lefevre, Efq; Bromley, Middlefex Mrs. Harriot Lemaitre, Wood-fireet, Spitalfields Mr. Jof. Levy, Cojfeehoufe, Duke’s Place Mr. Macey Life, Craven-fired, Strand Elias Lindo, Efq; Devonjkire-fquare, 12 Sarah Mrs. Liptrap, Whitechapel-road, oppofite the London Hofpital Mrs. M. Littlehales, Greek-fireet, Soho Mifs Dorothy Long -f** Benjamin Longuet, Efq; Cateaton-fireet, 24 Mrs. Lonfdale, Smithfield Mrs. Loten, iVm Burlington-fireet ** Mr. William Loved ay, Smithfield Bnrs 20 Michael Lovell, Efq; Mark-lane, J** SamuelLoyd, Efq; Winchefier-fireet

Mr. , John Lucas, Water-lane, Fleet-fireet 3© Mr, Richard Lucas, Leadenhall Market Mr. A. Lum, Steward-ftreet, Bijhopfgate Lionel Lydc, Efq; Copthall- court, Throgmorton-Jir. ** Mrs. Lytton, LiJle-Jireet, Leicejier-felds


f** # Mr. James Mabbs, IVefi Smithjield Mrs. Hannah Mabbs, ditto, 51 The Rev. Mr. Madan, Knightjbridge

Major James Madan, Green-Jlreet, Grofucnor-fquart Mr. Richard Maddock, Rofemary-lane •f Mr. Robert Manning, Hackney Mr. William Manfel, Shoreditch Rev. Dr. Markham, Whitehcapel Mr. Robert Morphet, Lombard-Jireet Mr. Thomas Marriott, Nortonfalgate Mrs. M. Marfh, Hatton Garden S. Marfh, Efq*, Bafinghall-Jireet

Mr. John MarihalJ, Shoreditch, 28 Mr. Elias Marfton, JVarwick-court, hHarwick-lane ** James Martin, Efq; Lombard-Jireet , 68

Mr. Richard Matthews, JVood-Jlreet, Cheapfide, 42 tf Wm. Mauduit, Efq; Cullum-fireet, 11 ** Ifrael Mauduit, Efq*, ditto, 12 Mr. Henry Maundy, Crown-court, Cheapfide, 5 ** Lady Mawby, Vauxhall Rev. H. Mayo, D. D. Refior of St. George in iheEaft Mrs, Mayo, Cannon-Jlreet, St. George in the Raft Mrs. Mayor, Little Moorfields, 30 G John Mayor, Efq*, Abingdon, Berks Mr* Meaiiweather, Jerufalem-co. Gracechurcb-fir. 6 Mr. George Metcalf, Corporation-row, St.Jobn-Jireet T** Mr. John Miers, Lad-lane, i Mr. W. Miles, Great Ayliffe-fireet, Goodman’s Fields Mr. Thomas Millar, Goldfmith-Jlreet, F/ood-Jir. 4 T** Mr. Benjamin Mills, Middle Moorfields

Mrs. Fran. Mitchell, Bruton-fireet, Berkley-fquart

Mr. Euflace Mollyner. Poultry, 26 Mr. Robert Moody* Leadenhall Market Allington Morley, Efq-, kFatling-fireet, 11

Mr. Francis Morlcy, Cheapjide, 155 •J- Mr. William Morrell, Portfmoutb Mr. Wm. MorTon, Clement's Court, Milk-fireet, 4

Mr. John Mort, Shoreditch, 45 Mr. Thomas Morton, College-bill, 5 ** John Mount, Efq-, Powerhill Thomas Mulfo, Efq-, Rathbone Place Rev, John Mulfo, A, M. Mttft Plants Mr. Edward Mulfo, Excife-Office, Old Broad-Jlreet Mrs. Hannah Monday, Bijhopfgate Without, iogj Mr. John Munday, Hounfditch Mrs. $.• Myers, Pallyiall N. ** Right Hon. William Nafh, Efq*, Lord Mayo? of the Rt. Hon. Lady North, Downing-Jireet , Wejlm.

■f Thomas Nalh, Efq-, Cheapftde, 89 Mr. John Nalder, Finjhury Mr. Francis Nalder, Honey-fane Market Mils Neale, Strand Mr. William Neale, Cox's fqudre, Spitalfields Mr. Henry Neale, Threadneedle-Jtreet Mrs. Sufannah Nefbit, Graftonjlreet

Mrs. Albert Nefbitt, Aldermanhury , S Mrs. E. Nefbitt, Upper Grofuenor-fquare ** R. Nettleton, Efq-, Camberwell or CarpentersHall ** Mrs. Jane Nettleton, ditto ** Mr. A. Newman, Fenchurch-Jlreet ** Thomas Newnham, Efq-, Botolph-lant ** William Newnham, Efq-, ditto

Mrs. Newton, Dean's Court, St. Paul's Mr. Jofeph Noche, Cornhill, 99 Mrs. Noel, Cavendijh-fquare Mr. Richard Norton, Whitechapel Bars

o. Old Mrs. Alice Okeover, Bury, Wanvickfbire Mr. Wm. Oliver, Bartholomew Clofe, Weji Smithfield Mr. Saunders Oliver, Cannon-fireet Oforio jun. Throgmerton-Jlreet 22 Mr. Abraham , F. Right Hon. Lord Pelham, Stration-ftreet Right Hon. Lady Pelham, ditto Right Hon. Lady Catherine Pelham, Whitehall Hon. Mite Pelham, ditto Hon. Mite Mary Pelham, ditto * Sir Gregory Page, Bart. Blackhealh, Kent Sir William Beauchamp Proftor, Bart, and Kniglte

of the Bath, Bruton-ftreet, Berkeley-fqu . V, F, ** Mr. Thomas Pack, near Whitechapel Church ** Thomas Page, Efq*, Towerhill

Mr. Richard Pain, Cov entry-ftreet, Piccadily Mr. James Palmer, Cornhill, 65 Mr. John Palmer, Coleman ftreet, 21 Mr. George Palmer, St. Martin’s lane

Mrs. Margaret Faon, Hart-Jireet, Bloomjhury •f** Mr. Richard Pardon, Fleet-ftreet, 76 ** Mr. John Paris, Southwark, 88 f Mr. William Parker, Fleet-Jlreet , 69 Mr. Jofeph Parker, Cheapfide, 114 Mr. David Parker, King’s Mews Mrs. Mary Parker, Piccadilly Mr. Simon Parry, Conduit-Jireet

•f John-Lewis Paulhan, Efq; Mark-lane, Mrs. Hefter Paulhan, ditto

-f Mr. James Pearfon, Chsapjfde, 106 Samuel Pawfon, Efq; Faviflock-Jireet Mr. Michael Pearfon, Nortonfalgate

Mr. Thomas Peirce, Bow-lane , sc* t** Mr. John Pell, Limehoufe Mr. Miles Tenfold, Newgate-Jlreet Mr. William Pengree, Snowhill Mr, George Pengree jun. ditto ** Mr. Tho. Peckford, Clement s lane, Lombard-fir', Mr. Richard Pepys, Bijbofifgatefireet Within Mr. Matthew Perchard, Abchurch-lane, 11 ** Mr. William Perkins, Little Mo orfields, 24 ** Mr. Andrew Perrotr, Crojlyfquare Mr. Martin Petrie, Cheapjtde, 89 Mr. William Petrie, Tokenhoufe-yard Mr. Samuel Petrie, ditto * Robert Petr, Efq-, Commififi.oner, atVidtualling-Ojfixt

Mr. Samuel Petty, BUUter-lane, 8 Mr: William Phelips, Richmond Buildings, Soho Mr. Samuel Phene, Broker-row, Moorfields, 17 ** John Phillebrown, Efq; Culhmfireet, 12 Mrs. Mary Phipps, Leadenhall-fireet , 69 *■* William Pickard, Elq-, Ludgatehill ** Mr. Robert Pick wood, Queen-fireet, Cheaffide Mr. Cillery Pigott, Cheapjtde, 2 Mr. Frederick Pigou, Mark-lane Mr. Philip Pipon, Swithiri*s alley Mr. Polack, Manfell-fir eet, Goodman's Fields Mrs. Pomeroy, Leadenhall-fireet, 144 Mr. Edward Pom fret, New North-fireet Mr. Samuel Pomfret Mr. William Poole, Cheapflde, 53 ** Mr. John Popple well, Cannon-fireet, f Mr. John Porker, Lombard-fir eet, 68 Mrs. S. Pott, Lincoln s-inn fields Mrs. Ann Pott, Devonjhire-fquare, 14 Robert Pott, Efq; Manfelfireet, Goodman's Fields Mrs. Marione Pott, ditto ** William Powers, Efq; Crutched Friars Mr. Jeremy Pratt, Horfieydown Mr. Thomas Price, l eadenhatl Market John Prujean, Efq; Lambs Conduitfire et R.

* The moll Noble the Marchionefs of Rockingharb, Grofuenor-fquare Right Hon. Lord Radnor Right Hon. Lord Ravenfworth, St. James's-fquare Right Hon. Lady Ravenfworth, ditto Rt. Hon* Lady Charlotte Rich, Queen Am-ftreet Mrs. Ann Randall, St. Thomas Apoflle's, 8 Mr. Robert Randall, New-fireet, Fetter-lane Mr. Timothy Ravenhill, Spital-fquare Walter Rawlinfon, Efq; Lincoln' s-inn-fields f Jolhua Read(haw, Efq; Winkworth Building Aufiin Friars Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds, Flatten Garden, 21 and Mr. George Reynolds, Rofe Crown, Thames-ftr< Mr. Major Rhode, Wellclofe-fquare Mr, Daniel Richards, Holborn, 60 Mr. William Richardfon, Fleet-fireet, yS Mr. John Richardfon, ditto Mr. Wm. Richardfon, Treafury at South-Sea-houfe Mr. Thomas Richardfon, Water-lane Mr. Martin Richmond, New Road, Ratcliff Highway Mr. Robert Richmond, Crown-fireet Warwick Roades, Efq; India-houfe Mr. Edward Roberts, Long-lane, Weft Smithfield Mrs. Sarah Roberts, Old Gravel-lane Mr. Thomas Roberts, Charterhoufe-fquare Mr. William Robins, Holborn Bridge Mr. JamesRobinfon, NewRoad, Ratcliff Highway, 7 Mr. John Robinfon, NewRoad, St.George, Middlefex X,ady William Robinfon, Sachville-Jlreet Mr. John Robinfon, Shad Thames ** Chriftian-Maurice Rodatz, Efq; Hoxton ** Mrs. Roebuck, St. Mary at Hill ■f Mr. John Rogers, Sun-court, Cornhill ■f Mr. Robert Romley, Horjhoe-alley, Moorfylds ** Mr. James Rondeau, Savage Gardens, 5 Mr. Fra. Ruddle, Manchester Buildings, Channel-row ￿* Rev. Sambroke Ruffel, A. M. Mary la Bonne Mrs. Elizabeth Ann Rutfon, Shoreditch Mr. Edward Rutfon, Bifhopfgate-fireet Without, 30 Mr. Henry Rutt, Fenchurch-fireet, 165 Lomax Ryder, Efq*, Hatton Garden

s. * Right Hon. the Countefs of Stamford,Sackvillefir, Right Hon. Lady Sondes, Grofuenor-fquare *** Right Hon. Lady Frances Shirley

Lady Simpfon, Golden Crofs-court , Cateaton-fireet t* Sir John Shaw, Bart. Eltham, Kent, V. P. Mr. John Salifbury, South-Sea-houfe Mrs. Conftantia Salifbury, Southampton-row

Mrs. N. M. Salifbury, Dean-fireet, Soho Mofes Salvador, Efq; at Mr. Prado's, Billiter-fquart *'* Mrs. Ann Sandall, the Fewer Mr. James Sanderfon, Foot' »* Mr. William Satterthwaite, Cannon-fireet, 56 ** Mrs. Eliz. Savage, Cable-fireet, St. George inEafi pr. Savage, Hpxion-Jquare ** Say, Mr. Charles-Green JNewgate-fireet, g Mr. Francis Say, Ludgatehill, 14 Mr. William Scholey, Mark-lane ** Mifs Schumaker, Lemonfireet, Goodman's fields Mr. John Seaber, Birchin-lane , Cornhill, 4 •f** Samuel Seawell, Efq; Mark-lane, 36 ** Rev. Mr. Sellon, Lion-fireet, Clerkenwell Lifter Selman, Efq; Bromley , Middlefex Mr. J. Serra, Tokenhoufe-yard f** Alex. Shairp, Efq*, Broad-ftreet Buildings Mr. Peter Sharp, Bi/hopfgate Without, 177 Mrs. Sarah Sharp, Pickle Herring Stairs Mr. Richard Shaw, Alderfgate-fir eet, 127 f* Mr. John Shenfton, St. Martin's le Grand

Mr. Geo. Sheppard, Strand, facing the New Church

Mr, Philip Sheppard, Fofier-lane , Cheapfide Mr. Thomas Sheriff, J3rook-fireet, Holborn Mr. John-Jarvis Shervill, Grey Eagle-fir. Spitalfields Mrs. Sherwood, Cheapfide, 105 Mr. Edward Shewell, Beckham

** Mr. John Shoolbred, Bury-court , St. Mary Axe, 5 Mifs Shower, Lemonfireet, Goodman's Fields •f- Mr. Jofeph Shrimpton, Mark-lane, 55 Mr. Thomas Shrimpton, JVoodfireet, 90 ■j*** John R. Siebel, Efq-, Laurence Pountney-hill ** •f Mr. AHyn Simmons, Leadcnhallfireet , 5 Mrs. Mary Simmons, ditto T** Mr. Wm. Simpfon, Ratcliff Highway Mr. Charles Sincjear, Lomhardfireet , 23 ** Mr. James Smith, Bunhill-row Mrs. Ann Smith, Horfhoe-alley, Moorfields Lolling Smith, Efq*, Harkyfireet, CavendifJj-fquarQ * Mr. Edmund Smith, Bankfide, Southwark ** Mr. Benjamin Smith, Cannon-fireet, 80 T*’* Mr. Samuel Smith, *&//

Mr. Miles Stringer, Great Eaficheap , 12

Mr. Henry Sumner, Fair-fireet , Southwark Mr. John Sweet, Cheapfide, 15 r Mr. God fry Sykes, Phree LomhardfinH T. Sir John Thorold, Bart. Cronwell, Llncolnjhin Mr. James Talwin, Bromley, Middlefex Mr. Thomas Tatlock, kVood-fireet, 116

Rev. Mr. Tatterfhall, James-ftreet, Covent Garden Richard Tayler, Efq*, Charleton near Middx

Mr. Michael Tayleure, Barking-alley , Tower-fir, 10

Mr. Edward Taylor, , Pancras-lane , Cheapfide 3 * Mr. Theed, Ludgatehill, 32 Mrs. S. Thomas, JVinchefier Houfe, Chelfea ** Mr. Dan.Thompfon, New-fireet, Bijhopfgatefir, ** Mr. Samuel Thorne, TVatling-fireet, 65 ** John Thornton, Efqj Church-alley, Lothhury ** Mrs. Lucy Thornton, dzV/o

Mrs. H. M. Thrale, Parkfireet, Southwark Mr. Richard Tibbs, Poultry , 27 Mr. Euftace Tiller, Fetter-lane, 93 ** Anthony Todd, Efq*, Secretary of the Pofi-Ojfics Mr, Maynard Torin, Great Difiaff-lane , Friday fir, *» Mr. John Towers, Minories, 8i Mr. Matthew Towgood ** Rev. J. Townley, A. M. Suffolk-lane y Cannonfir, ** Mrs. Mary Trott, Sunbury, Middlefex Mr. P. Turquand, Jewry Mr. Thomas Turville, Fifio-fireet-hilly 20 Smithie-lane Mr. James Tyers, , 3 Mr. Robert Tyler, Dockhead Tho. Tyrwhitt, Efq; Cavcndijhfq. y.

Hon. Mrs, Vane, Scotland-yard Jan Van Rixtell, Efq; Aldermary Church-yard Mr. James Van Summer, Spital-fquan Samuel Vaughan, Efq; Dunfter s Court, Mincing-la, Benjamin Vaughan, Efq; Laurence Pcuntney-lam Mrs. Vaughan, ditto Mr. Samuel Vaughan, Coventry -fireet ** James Vere, Efq; Bijhopjgate Without, 24 * Mr. James Vere jun. ditto, 164 Hon. Mrs. Vernon, Park-place

Mr. John Vetch, Aldgate Without , 85 Mr. John Underwood, BiJbopfgate-Jireet Without, 9

Mr. William Ulher, Kingjland-road , Shoreditch Mr. Juftin Vulliamy, Pallmall ** Unknown, by the Hands of John Warde, Elq; Unknown, by the Hands of Mr. Allyn Simmons Mr, Hiorne w.

*** His Royal Highnefs the Prince of WALES, Prsefes * f Right Hon. Lord Willoughby' de Broke, Hill * ftreet, Berkeley-fquare ** The Right Rev. Lord Bilhop of Winchefter * Lady Vifcountefs Wallingford, Upper Brook-ftreet

Mr. George Waddington, Whitechapel, n f** Mr. Jofeph Wakefield, Lad-lane, i Mr. Edward Wakefield, ditto Mrs. Eliz. Wakerell, Camomile-ftreet •j-x-x-Mr. Ifaac Walker, Cornbill, 71

John Arnold Wallinger, Efq; Millbank , Wefiminfi. Mrs. Dorothy Wallis, Duke-ftreet, Wcjiminjter Hon. Mr. Ward, Bridge-/! reel, Weftminfter John Warde, Efqj Brutdn-ftreet, Berkeley-fquare Mr. Peter Warren, Exchange-alley, 1 ** Mr. John Warren, Sandys-ftreet, Widegate-alley ,cj Mrs. Nanny Warren, at Mr. Thrale’s, Borough Mrs. S. Warrington, Mr. Samuel Waterman, Finch-lane Mr. Jonathan Wathen, Bartholomew-lane Mr. Henry Watkins, Holborn Bridge, 44 .Mr. Edward Watfon, Cannon fireet, 31 ** Mr. William Watts, Upper Fhames-ftreet, 83 Mr. David Fyke Watts, Minbries William Weare, Efq*, Little Moorfields, 21 Mr. Michael Weaver, Daggers Court, Moorfields, 3 Mr. Thomas Webb, Bi/hopfgate Without, 14 ** Benjamin Webb, Efq-, Martin's-lane, Cannon fir . Mr. George Webfter, Buckler(bury, 20 Mr. E. Webfter, Horfleydown, Southwark ft- Mr. Richard Welles, Cornhill, ir Mr. John Wellings, Camomile-fireet y 36 Mr. Thomas Wellings, Poultry , 7 ** Mr. Jofeph Wells, Ludgate-ftreet , 23 Mrs. Mary Wells, ft- Mr. Daniel Weft, Church-fireet, Spitalfields Mr. W. Weft, Nag’s St. Margaret’s Hill * Mrs. Ann Wheeler, Park-fireet > Grofuenor-fguare * Mrs. Sarah Whifton, Fleet-fireet, 64 Samuel Whitbread, Efq*, Portman-fquare Mr. Alexander Whitchurch, Brewers Hall

Mr. Benjamin White, Fleet-fireet , 63 Mr. Thomas White, Upper Thames-fir eet y 122 Mr. John White, St. James's Palace Mr. Thomas White, St. Paul’s Church-yard Mr. William Whiteing, Bankfide Mrs. H. Wilberforce, St. James’s Place

on the , Mrs. R. Wilkinfon, Pavement, Moorfields 11 7 Mrs. R. W ilkinfon, Cooper’s Row, Crutched Fri. n Jacob Wilkinfon, Efq-, Abchurch-lane y 35 Mr. William Willats, T)ifiaff-lane y 14 Mrs. Cordelia Willes, Prefcot-fir. Goodman’s Fields Mr. John Willett, Lower Thames-fireet y 6

ft* Mr. Stephen Williams, Poultry, 27 Mr. Samuel Williams, Argyle Buildings Mr. Francis Williams, Charles-fireety IVefiminfier Mr. John Williams, Poplar Mr. Charles Willfon, Lomhard-fireet y 23 ft- Mr. Richard Wilfon, ditto, 31 Mr. Richard Wilfon, fVefi Smithfield ft- Mr. Samuel Wilton, Newgate-fireet, 116 Rev. Mr. Winftanley, Orchard-fir eet y Wefiminfier Rev. R. Winter, B. D. Took’s Court, Curfitorftreet Mr. Winterbottom, Threadneedle-ftreet Sir Jacob Wolff, Bart. Townhill, Hants Lady Wolff, ditto f Mr. John Wollafton, Holhorn Bridge, 1 Mrs. Wollafton, ditto Mifs Wollafton, St. Ives Mr. Spencer Wood, Fleet Ditch

Mrs. Jane Wood, Blojfiom-ftreet, Norton/algate Mr. Edward Worth, Old-fireet Mr. Jacob Wrench, Lower Thames-ftreet, 126 Mr. John Wright, Duck-lane, Weft Smithfield ** Mr. William Wryghte, Garlickhithe Mr. Samuel Wylde, Upper Thames-ftreet MifsWyvil, Tender damn-ftreet, Hanover-Square M. W.

Y. Mr. Ralph Yates, Milk-ftreet, Cheap fide, 28 Mr. John Young, Harpur-ftreet, Theobald's Row Mr. Midford Young, Godliman-ftreet, ID obiors Com- mons, ii College Youths, by the Hands of Mr. Jof. Monk, Sherhorn-lane