AR 2009 / 37 BENGALI Phone : + 91- 33-2414-6666 Fax : 91- 33- 2414-6008 Int. : 2232/2124 H.O.D : Dr. Ananya Barua E-mail:
[email protected] .A1 . Course Offered : (Name of the course, Duration of course, No. of Students enrolled) B.A 3yrs no. of students – 150. M.A. 2Yrs no of students (Day & Evening) — 240 approx. M.Phil semester no. of student — 15. PhD scholar — 09 (With fellowship). B. Number of Faculty Member : Total : 16 (with lien 02) C. Area of Research Activity : Thurst area for DRS (under SAP) : Eastern Indian Society, Culture, Literature & Language : A Comprehensive and Comparative Study (With special reference to the indigenous ethnic groups of the region) D. Major Research Project : (Departmental/ Individual, Name of the project/ Funding Agency) 1. “Orally Performed Literature of the Painters of Southern Bengal : Video Recording, Digitalizing and to find out its Linguistic Features of Orality” — Prof. Udaykumar Chakraborty, UGC. 2. “Bengali Drama, Theatre of Bengal : Tradition and Modernity “ — Prof. Sekharkumar Samaddar, MRP, UGC. 3. “Partition : In the view of Class Response” — Dr. Ananya Baruya. 2.A. Invited Lectures Delivered/ Session Chaired Prof. Pinakeshchandra Sarkar 1. Delivered a lecture on ‘Western Impact on Tagore’s Poetry’ at Tagore Research Institute on Nov 16, 2008. 2. Delivered a lecture on “Kallol theke Krittibas : Bangla Little Magazine O Adhunik Bangla Kobita” as a resorse person in the Bengali Refresher Course organized by Jadavpur University on Nov 18, 2008. 3. Delivered a lecture on “Tagore’s Poetry : Pre-Manasi Phase” at Tagore Research Institute on Nov 23, 2008. 4.