On the Pilgrimage the World Council of Churches in 2014 World Council of Churches
On the Pilgrimage The World Council of Churches in 2014 World Council of Churches The World Council of Churches (WCC) is a global fellowship of churches whose relationship with one another and activities together are an expression of their common faith in Jesus Christ and their common calling to the glory of the one God: Father, Son and Through faith we move Holy Spirit. forward in hope The WCC is the broadest and most inclusive How very good and pleasant it is when kindred among many organized expressions of the modern live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 ecumenical movement, which seeks visible Christian unity. The fellowship includes most of the world’s ince the Busan Assembly of the World Orthodox churches, the Old Catholic and Mar Thoma Council of Churches in late 2013, we have churches, churches of historic denominational been developing our work together within traditions such as the Anglican, Baptist, Lutheran, the context of the “pilgrimage of justice Methodist and Reformed, many united and uniting and peace.” We did not begin this journey churches as well as such churches as the Mennonite, Sbut joined it in progress, nor is it ours alone. Still, Friends, Congregationalists and Disciples. it provides the WCC a focus and a framework for The Roman Catholic Church has a formal working our vocation as a global fellowship, dedicated to the relationship with the WCC but is not a member. common life of the One Church in service to the whole There are emerging relationships with evangelical of humanity. and Pentecostal churches not already in membership.
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