Extensions of Remarks E1335 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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July 26, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1335 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS RED TAPE REDUCTION AND a fellow Texan who currently serves as curator fering state of the art care to thousands. In SMALL BUSINESS JOB CREATION for the art collection featured at Cowboys Sta- this time, they have established a reputation ACT dium. for excellence in the areas of cancer care, Since growing up in Oak Cliff, Texas, Mr. neurosciences, cardiology, and high risk ob- SPEECH OF Whitfield’s loyalty to the Dallas Cowboys was stetrics. HON. RUBE´N HINOJOSA inherent, and remains steadfast to this day. In 1937, in an effort to care for his employ- OF TEXAS He grew up cheering on the Cowboys when ees, Cannon Mills owner Charles A. Cannon, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their games were at the Cotton Bowl. In 1993, and George A. Batte, Jr. opened Cabarrus Mr. Whitfield began working as a security Wednesday, July 25, 2012 County Hospital. Years later in 1951, in honor guard at Texas Stadium, which served as the of World War II veterans, Cabarrus County The House in Committee of the Whole home field of the Dallas Cowboys from 1971 House on the state of the Union had under Hospital officially changed its name to the to 2008. Mr. Whitfield remained in this position Cabarrus Memorial Hospital. During the consideration the bill (H.R. 4078) to provide until he was hired to work at the new Cow- that no agency may take any significant reg- 1990s, the hospital grew to a 60-acre medical ulatory action until the unemployment rate boys Stadium to oversee the stadium’s exten- campus with specifically designed centers for is equal to or less than 6.0 percent: sive art collection. women’s services, surgery, and cancer and Cowboys Stadium currently features 19 cardiac care. In 2006, NorthEast Medical Cen- Mr. HINOJOSA. Mr. Chair, I rise today in pieces of contemporary art, and Mr. Whitfield support of the Amendment offered by my es- ter opened the Jeff Gordon Children’s Hos- works with each artist to create beautiful in- pital, to work to ensure the absolute best care teemed colleague from Florida, Mr. POSEY stallations. His passion and appreciation for (#25). His Amendment would ensure that the for children in the area. A year later, in 2007, art comes second only to his devotion to the NorthEast Medical Center joined the Carolinas rule recently approved by the Internal Rev- Cowboys. Mr. Whitfield devotes considerable enue Service requiring that interest payments Healthcare System, and assumed its current time and effort to each individual work of art name, Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast. on foreign deposits be reported to the IRS and its respective creator. Today, Cowboys would not move forward. This is extremely im- This hospital, which was conceived to care for Stadium boasts artistic diversity which millions workers, is now our area’s top employer. portant to the region which I represent, deep of fans have long since enjoyed. South Texas. Our community banks and local Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure to recognize Among the awards and recognition that economies benefit from investments and de- Mr. Whitfield’s contributions to Texas’ beloved Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast has re- posits from non-residents, and would be Cowboys Stadium. Cowboys fans from all over ceived are J.D. Power and Associates Distin- harmed by the serious loss of capital caused appreciate how the stadium’s collection is guished Hospital Program for Excellence in by these depositors fleeing our communities. being highlighted and maintained by a loyal Maternity Services and Emergency Services. Many of these depositors have chosen to fan such as Mr. Phil Whitfield. The hospital is also a recipient of the United bank in the United States because of the sta- f States Department of Health and Human bility of our financial institution system. If this Services’ Medal of Honor for organ donation, ruling goes into effect, and these deposits PERSONAL EXPLANATION as well as a ‘‘Top Performer’’ award in patient evaporate, the capacity of these banks to in- satisfaction for overall quality from Profes- vest in the local economies diminishes. HON. BETTY SUTTON sional Research Consultants in 2012. A Mercatus Center 2004 study of a similar OF OHIO Today, I ask all Members of Congress to rule projected that $88 billion of capital would IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES join me in honoring Carolinas Medical Center- exit United States banks if the rule were to Thursday, July 26, 2012 NorthEast, as an asset to the people I am take effect. At a time of extreme economic fra- Ms. SUTTON. Mr. Speaker, due to unfore- proud to represent in North Carolina. gility, we need this capital to stay on our seen circumstances, I was not able to cast shores. Additionally, many foreign depositors votes last night. Had I been present— f have chosen to bank in the United States for I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. security reasons; their home countries may be 514. HONORING MR. VAN WHITE politically unstable, and they fear that personal I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. financial information released by the United 515. States may fall into the wrong hands, making I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. HON. KEITH ELLISON them a target. 516. OF MINNESOTA Lastly, the Internal Revenue Service has ex- I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ceeded its authority. Foreigners do not pay 517. taxes on interest earned on deposits, so there I would have voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. Thursday, July 26, 2012 is no reason for these deposits to be reported 518. to the IRS. Congress intended to attract cap- f Mr. ELLISON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ital to the United States by allowing these de- honor of Van White and to recognize his dedi- posits to go interest-free; to force these de- IN RECOGNITION OF THE 75TH AN- cated service to the great state of Minnesota. positors to report will run contrary to this origi- NIVERSARY OF CAROLINAS MED- Born on August 2, 1924, Mr. White was a nal intent. ICAL CENTER-NORTHEAST lifelong resident of north Minneapolis. Mr. I urge all my colleagues to support this White first learned how to lead at the age of Amendment that will prevent much-needed HON. LARRY KISSELL 10 when the death of his father left him to capital from fleeing the American economy. OF NORTH CAROLINA help raise his four younger siblings. Upon f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES graduating from Patrick Henry High School in RECOGNIZING MR. PHIL Thursday, July 26, 2012 1943, Mr. White entered the work force as a WHITFIELD Mr. KISSELL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in construction worker and later construction site honor of Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast, supervisor for the City of Minneapolis where HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON and the celebration of its 75th Anniversary. he remained for the next 18 years. He was Carolinas Medical Center-NorthEast is a re- then appointed to be the acting assistant man- OF TEXAS ager for the Northside Branch of the Min- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gional 457-bed, not-for-profit medical center in Concord, NC, delivering top quality care to the nesota Department of Economic Security, now Thursday, July 26, 2012 community. known as the Minnesota Department of Em- Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Over the past 75 years, Carolinas Medical ployment and Economic Development. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize the civic Center-NorthEast has grown from a small, Mr. White was passionate about uplifting his and cultural contributions of Mr. Phil Whitfield, local hospital to a regional referral center, of- community. He was active in organizations ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:27 Jul 27, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A26JY8.001 E26JYPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1336 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 26, 2012 that focused on economic development and moting a greater awareness of African-Amer- received his Doctor of Divinity degree from crime reduction, while also advocating for the ican history in her hometown made her Faith College in Birmingham, Alabama. development of community centers and parks. uniquely qualified to assume the one role for A fierce believer in equality and justice for In 1971, Mr. White founded the Willard Hous- which she is best known—the creator of the all, Dr. Mullins was not only a profound theolo- ing Organization, one of the first groups in Mobile African-American Heritage Trail. The gian but also a strong civic leader. He Minneapolis that sought government loans to Heritage Trail’s primary objective is to share marched with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. dur- repair and rehabilitate the impoverished areas Mobile’s multicultural legacy from the earliest ing the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s of Minneapolis. arrival of African-Americans to the end of seg- and was instrumental in organizing the local His passion, combined with experience he regation. Throughout Mobile County there Thomasville branch of the National Associa- gained as a community activist, led Mr. White have been 40 historic markers established by tion for the Advancement of Colored People, to enter the political arena, where he became the trail. NAACP. Additionally, Dr. Mullins served effec- the first African American elected to the city City Councilman William Carroll personally tively as Thomas County Commissioner for council of Minneapolis in 1979.