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Zehut.Org.Il Platform Summary to Hear More, Send the Word “Zehut” Via Text Message to 03-9139103 www.zehut.org.il Platform Summary To hear more, send the word “Zehut” via text message to 03-9139103 www.zehut.org.il The document in your hands is much more than a party platform. It is a Jewish vision and a message of national liberty of historic proportions. Introduction Zehut’s Objectives To perfect the world in the Kingdom of the The Structure of the Government and its Almighty, Introduction Reduction The State of Israel is the fulfillment of the dream of generations of the The Social Program Moshe Feiglin Jewish people, and the instrument for realizing its all-inclusive message. It was established in order to be a Jewish state, so that the Jews could build Judaism, Culture and be built there and realize themselves and their destiny as individuals and State and as a nation. It has no other purpose. The Economic Plan 03 19 After two thousand years of exile, and against all historical logic, our people Introduction Judaism, Culture and State survived, returned to its land and made it blossom anew. From a destroyed, Liberty and almost empty land, the Land of Israel became a land flowing with milk and Internal and External Security honey and the center of science and world progress. The people of Israel 05 25 received a third opportunity to fulfill its destiny. Whether we like it or Israel’s Security Zehut’s Objectives The Economic Plan and Diplomatic not, we are not a nation like any other nation or state. In addition to mere Plan existence, we also have a destiny that humanity expects us to realize – a destiny that is our vision. It is this vision that will give us and the world 07 33 abundance, security, good life and peace. The Structure of the Government Liberty and Internal and and its Reduction External Security Our State, the Third State of Israel, preceded by the Kingdoms of David and Solomon and their heirs and the Hasmonean state, has been the national 11 39 dream for tens of generations – since the loss of national independence The Social Program Israel’s Security and the destruction of the Temple. The mission of the State of Israel is not 2 and Diplomatic Plan 3 only to preserve our physical existence in a democratic state, but also to renew our lives and unique culture here in our country. The state was established so that we could maintain a flourishing exemplary society – one that would benefit not only us, but would serve as an example to humanity as a whole, to learn from it and be blessed by it. Introduction Zehut’s Objectives In the ancient Hebrew of the Bible, it says, “I will make you light to the nations,” “to perfect the world in the kingdom of Heaven” and “and you shall eat your The Structure of the bread to satisfaction” “and you shall dwell in your land safely.” In modern Zehut’s Objectives Government and its Reduction Hebrew, this means a sovereign, Jewish, moral, rectified, prosperous, advanced Zehut is an Israeli-Jewish party that A State of Abundance – A state that and safe state. A state that exports not only science and technology, but is ● advocates liberty and aspires to reform maintains an open economy within The Social Program also an example of a good and prosperous individual and national life, a life of society and the world out of loyalty to the restraining framework of the freedom and morality, a life with meaning, a life in which no one is enslaved to the God of Israel. The party will act to Jewish culture of kindness and mutu- anyone else – a life in which we are all free under the Creator alone. Judaism, Culture lead the State of Israel as a Jewish state al responsibility. and State and strive to achieve the following goals: There is no Jewish identity without liberty, and liberty does not go together ● A Sovereign State – A state that actu- with coercion. The all-inclusive Jewish message is found neither on the Right A Jewish State – A state that matures The Economic Plan ● alizes and fortifies its sovereignty in nor on the Left; neither with the religious nor with the secular – it is found in from a Zionism of existence to a Zion- all parts of the Land of Israel under every facet of the people who returned to their Homeland, and thus to history. ism of destiny; from a survival men- Liberty and its control: first and foremost, Jeru- Internal and Therefore, we strive to enhance freedom and allow it to develop in a way that tality to the mentality and challenge salem and the Temple Mount. A state External Security is natural to us. Any attempt at identity-coercion will delay the process of of perfecting the world. that develops Jerusalem as a dip- returning to ourselves. Israel’s Security lomatic and spiritual center for the and Diplomatic A State of Liberty – A state that Plan ● Nation of Israel and for all humanity. We cling to our Land, and strive for as little government involvement as possible restores responsibility to the citizen in the life of the individual. We strive for a state of freedom, which is conducted and reduces its involvement in pri- ● A State of Peace – A state that strives in accordance with Jewish culture and morality, and aspires to fulfill the vision vate lives to a minimum. to end warfare and bloodshed by embodied in them. We believe that we have a clear path to that goal, which we defeating its enemies. A state that lay out before you in this platform in a succinct manner. We believe that there A State of Family and Community – A ● works for the good of humanity and is a broad spectrum of people from all parts of the nation and citizens of the state that fortifies family values and the world. country who share these principles and who can be natural partners on their encourages community. 4 basis. If you are one of them, join us! Together we will make them a reality. 5 Introduction Zehut’s Objectives The Structure of the The Structure of the Government and its Reduction Government and its Reduction The Social Program A variety of modifications and reforms must be made in the structure of government in order to expand civil liberties on the one hand and to Judaism, Culture strengthen governance on the other. and State The Reduction of Government Ministries The Economic Plan The structure of the current administration is characterized by a Liberty and cumbersome and wasteful mechanism that makes it difficult to implement Internal and External Security policy. Zehut proposes a limited and efficient government structure in which only 11 ministers will serve, instead of the 29 serving today. In Israel’s Security and Diplomatic addition, this limited structure will significantly reduce the government’s Plan financial expenses. The structure of government that Zehut proposes includes the following ministries: The Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry Foreign Affairs and Diaspora Jewry, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Resources and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption 6 and Housing. 7 Opposition to Excessive Legislation Zehut will act to eliminate unnecessary laws. As part of the concept of civil liberty, Zehut views over-legislation as a negative phenomenon. Zehut intends to oppose laws that have no real need and to act to eliminate unnecessary laws. } The Judicial Appointment Committee, along with the Minister of Introduction Justice, shall be composed only of members of Knesset who have been Zehut’s Objectives The Community Model elected by the Knesset in a secret ballot. The Structure of the 1 Government and its Decisions on the nature of the public space must be in the hands of the } The “right of standing” principle will be reinstated, and the use of the Reduction communities, not the government. Zehut will promote a community model tools of “reasonableness” and active interpretation of the law will be in which local authorities will be divided into small and homogeneous restricted. The Social Program communities and will receive some of the powers currently reserved for the In addition, Zehut will make a series of amendments regarding the role of state or local authority. the Attorney General: Judaism, Culture and State Among the many powers that will be passed on to the community are ` The role of the Attorney General and the position of Chief Prosecutor laws relating to the nature of Shabbat, noise laws, laws relating to art, (In the State Attorney’s Office) will be split and will no longer be held by The Economic Plan landscape, stalls, fairs and street performances. one person. The Legal System ` The government may appoint an attorney to represent it in court, and Liberty and may appoint and dismiss its legal advisor. Internal and Since the constitutional revolution led by Aharon Barak, the principle External Security ` The tenure of the Attorney General will end upon the end of the of separation of powers has been violated, with the Supreme Court Israel’s Security government’s term of office. appropriating too many powers for itself. Zehut will act to generate the and Diplomatic Plan following changes in order to reduce the court’s powers and restore the ` Elected officials will not be obliged to comply with the advice of their balance between the systems: legal advisor. } The court will not be able to interfere in substantive questions and in matters of a political nature.
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